Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ayatollahs for Kamala!

Daniel Greenfield, "Iran is Helping the Kamala Campaign"
The Mullahs create pro-Kamala site, hack Trump accounts, leak materials to media.

With headlines like “Harris Surges Ahead: A New Era of Democratic Enthusiasm and Opportunity” and “Former Friend Exposes JD Vance’s Radical Transformation: A Study in Political Opportunism”, you might mistake NioThinker for another mainstream media outlet.

Only the occasional odd word choice and convoluted bit of grammar hints that the digital media site flowing with enthusiasm for Kamala and contempt for Trump isn’t really American.

Classified as part of Iran’s ‘Storm-2035’ network: NioThinker is an enemy operation.

Why is an Islamic terrorist state spending its time putting up articles like “Trump Silent After Fox News Poll Favors Harris in Swing States” and “Pelosi Can’t Stop Laughing At Trump’s Choice’ Of J.D. Vance For VP”. Like everything else Iran does, it’s a strategic choice.

Iran has been boosting Biden-Harris while doing everything possible to undermine Trump.

Last month, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, held a briefing for the media during which “officials alluded to but stopped short of directly stating Tehran’s opposition to Trump” while falsely claiming that the “U.S. government has not detected any foreign hacking, interference or tampering with election machines and websites”. The month before, an Iranian team had compromised a user account of a “county-level government in a swing state.”

And, much more seriously, the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) revealed that “a group run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) intelligence unit—sent a spear-phishing email to a high-ranking official of a presidential campaign from a compromised email account of a former senior advisor.”

The campaign was the Trump campaign.

The IRGC, the hub of Iran’s Islamic terrorist operations, stole the vetting file for J.D. Vance and began contacting media outlets. The Iranians offered Politico a “variety of documents from [Trump’s] legal and court documents to internal campaign discussions.” An agent told the Washington Post to, “consider me as an anonymous resource who has access to djtfp24 campaign.”

Around the same time that Iran’s intelligence operatives were trying to help the Biden-Kamala campaign, Iran was also plotting an even more direct intervention in the presidential election.

In late June, federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies learned of a plot by Iran to allegedly assassinate former President Trump. Earlier this month, Asif Merchant, a Pakistani Muslim, was charged with a plot to “recruit individuals to carry out his plot to assassinate U.S. government officials.” Acting on behalf of Iran, Merchant met in New York and discussed plans to kill those who are hurting the “Muslim world.”

The Muslim agent claimed that “there would be ‘security all around’ the person” and suggested using a political protest as a cover for the killing. The Iranian plan would have moved forward in September putting it on track for a pre-election assassination.

But if Iran is still struggling to carry out a successful assassination, its character assassinations are improving. From launching a digital media site as the “go-to destination for insightful, progressive news” to hacking the Trump campaign and feeding the results to the media, Iran has come to understand that its best odds of stopping Trump is by allying with the Left.

From Hamas to Qatar, Iran’s allies have effectively made our media their own.

Politico and other media outlets did not report on their contacts with the Iranian regime agents who warned the media outlet, “Don’t be curious about where I got them from. Any answer to this question, will compromise me and also legally restricts you from publishing them.”

Did the media make use of any material from the vetting file in the hit pieces on Vance?

Politico did not clearly rule that out. Neither did any other major media outlet. It’s not clear if any of the Iranian haul of stolen documents has been appearing in media stories already.

CNN told employees not to “download or otherwise try to access any hacked material until you’ve been in touch with your manager, S&P, legal and our security teams”. Rather than rule out using the material, CNN wanted it to go through security and legal clearance.

Former BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith, who had made the decision to publish the Clinton campaign’s faked Steele dossier (and last year wrote ‘I Would Publish the Steele Dossier Again’), argued that ” journalists can/should report seriously on real documents, but should also to foreground the hackers’ motives.” Smith, at least, is willing to use the Iranian documents.

And what are Iran’s motives?

According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Iran is targeting Trump to “avoid an outcome they perceive would increase tensions with the United States.” This is as positive a way as possible of saying that an enemy nation is intervening in the presidential election to harm the candidate it opposes and to aid the campaign of the candidate it supports.

And it’s not the first time that Iran has interfered in presidential elections to stop Trump.

During the 2020 election, Iranian hackers had tried to pass themselves off as members of the Proud Boys in a false flag operation designed to increase Democrat turnout and generate an election backlash to President Trump. One example of the Iranian campaign involved sending emails to “tens of thousands of registered voters” that threatened them “with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump.” In a clear statement of preference, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), often described as the Iran Lobby, had endorsed Biden, run phone banks for him and donated money to his campaign.

The two track Iranian plan to either kill or defeat Trump is everything that the media falsely claimed about Russia and the 2016 election. Except this time it’s real and they are on board.

Media outlets spent months keeping quiet about the Iranian hack. If they contacted the FBI or the Trump campaign, it has not been mentioned in their stories. And if they refused to use the materials handed to them by enemy agents, that too is something they failed to make clear.

The same media that blamed foreign interference for the 2016 election has become an agent of foreign interference in the 2024 election. Iran has chosen its allies and its enemies.

On NioThinker, the Iranian fake news site, a headline reads, “Kamala Harris: Our Unexpected, Awkward Savior.”

US IC Goes Radio Silent.  Why?  (Acta non Verba)

Press leaks compliments of Mosad.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ayetullah'a selam olsun! T 'ump'a ölüm! T 'ump'a ölüm! T 'ump'a ölüm!

Joe Conservative said...

^^jihadi's for Kamala code for kill Trump, kill Trump, kill Trump^^

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere (whose comment you are pointing to) is a member of an imaginary "jihadi's for Kamala"?

tяump (when he was predisent) did order the assassination of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

Some experts, including the United Nations special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, considered the assassination as a likely violation of international law as well as U.S. domestic laws. Iran called the strike an act of "state terrorism". link

Iran is NOT "for" Kamala Harris. They only remember that (as predisent) d0n-OLD had their government official assassinated.

btw, I heard it was яoger st0ne that fell for a phishing email and dumbly clicked a link that gave hackers (whoever they are) access.

Though that it was Iran behind the hack could be a lie from the tяump campaign. Instead of a hacking, I heard the files might have been stolen by a disgruntled staffer.

You totally believed it wasn't яussia but Seth Rich when stolen HRC campaign info was published. Now you're completely convinced Iran hacked the d0n-OLD campaign? Because the d0n-OLD campaign said so?

Joe Conservative said...

^^Derka allah mohammed jihad!^^

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

LOL! That's a good one, Joe. You are so smart and incredibly handsome. I've never met you, but I think you MUST be incredibly handsome. Probably really buff too. Any chance you could post a sexy pic of yourself wearing a speedo? Or send one to me privately?

Derpwood is crying because Goоgle reinstated my White Gravy blog. LOL!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Looks like Mystere is crushing on Minus FJ. Blogger definitely shouldn't have given you back that blog, Mystere. Your friend who works at G00lge must have come through for you again.

A link to a clip from "Team America World Police" refutes anything I wrote? Who knew?

BBC: Donald Trump's campaign has said some of its internal communications have been hacked and suggested it was targeted by Iranian operatives. ... The Trump campaign did not give any further details or any evidence linking the document leak to Iranian hackers or the Iranian government. link

The tRump campaign SAID. No evidence was given? So it definitely didn't happen. Why hasn't anything been released? Supposedly some jd vetting documents were stolen?

So, let's see them. Otherwise I'm not buying it. Even if the contents of what was hacked is disclosed, that isn't proof Iran was involved. Iran denies they did it.

d0n-OLD is trying to get sympathy again, like with the fake "assassination". A registered republican shot near tRump. The secret service saw the shooter on the roof but didn't do anything? Not believable.

Rattrapper said...

Your queer fixations on Mystere and Joe Conservative are showing up bigly, Dervish.

Rattrapper said...

Bragging about your queer blog is a BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD THING, Dervish. If you really want to get to Fire Lake in a Bigly hurry, you're certainly speeding up your demise. Franco is shaking his head while spying in on you from Heaven, Fartbreath Dervish.

Stay off your horse juice, Dervish. Tampon Timi Walz wants it badly.

Joe Conservative said...

Derka derka dumb demn!

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Perhaps Dervish is possessed by Satan.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Franco is in Hell. I don't have a "queer blog". I did look at the "White Gravy" blog of yours that you're bragging about, and it does look kind of queer to me. As does your "bungholes" blog (the one you write using your fake "Dervish Sanders" account). Though it looks like G00gle removed it.

Blog has been removed.
Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If he is in hell, he's only there making preps for your arrival, Derv.