Tuesday, October 31, 2023

American/ IDF PsyOps Gone Wild...

Today's news, brought to you by the OFFICIAL arbiters of "truth".  h/t -  Ilya Ponomarev

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Azerbaijani Ethnic Cleansing Armenians...

Not a peep from Western Media... they're too worried about Pseudostinians being forced from Gaza. Evidently the Jews are scarier than the Azeri's.
Why Palestine is the only Country in the history of the world to ever have "Generational refugees".

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

MAGA Ascendant Day 0

The "behind the scenes"... look out Democrats.  A new GOP is coming for you!
St. Crispin's Day 2023!

Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be rememberèd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

-Shakespeare, "Henry V" (Act IV , Sc. iii) - h/t Mustang

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Once AGAIN, Arab Hypocrisy and 75 Years of Western Procrastination are on Full Display

It's time to return to 1948-49 when the state of Israel was first formed (from Wiki):  

1948 Arab–Israeli War:

The Arabs LOST this war.  Millions of Jews EMIGRATED or were expelled by neighboring Arab countries and welcomed by Israel.  Millions of Palestinians attempted to Emigrate from Israel, and were REFUSED ASYLUM by neighboring Arab states still hostile to Israel.  THIS denied refugee population were then isolated in "camps" and became the "Palestinian Problem".  UNWRA was the world's response... welfare for future terrorism.  Permanent welfare.

The solution to this problem is simple.  Allow the Palestinian "refugees" to take refuge in LEBANON, EGYPT, SYRIA, and JORDAN WHERE THEY BELONG!  end the 48-49 Arab-Israeli War once and for all!

The very first thing King Abdullah of Jordan said after Hamas' recent attack on Israel was that allowing the Palestinians the right to asylum in Arab countries was OFF THE TABLE.  BULLSH*T!.  It IS THE TABLE, the WHOLE TABLE, and NOTHING BUT THE TABLE!  Abdullah speaks of Western Indifference and International Law... yet all this today is the result of his own indifference and the FOUNDING ARAB law violation/ war crime, denying the Palestinian Arabs the right to emigrate in 1948/9.

On UNWRA (from Wiki):

UNRWA was established in 1949 by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to provide relief to all refugees resulting from the 1948 conflict. It also provided relief to Jewish and Arab Palestine refugees inside the State of Israel following the 1948 conflict until the Israeli government took over responsibility for them in 1952.[7][8][9] As a subsidiary body of the UNGA, UNRWA's mandate is subject to periodic renewal every three years; it has consistently been extended since its founding, most recently until 30 June 2023

It's time to stop pretending that Israel needs to return to it's pre-'67 borders and give all the land gained in THAT Arab-Israeli war to Palestinians.  No, the Arabs lost THAT land, too!  Time for Arabs to take back their 1948 refugees.  Time for the refugees to GO HOME TO ARABIA and live peacefully under Sharia Law/ Islam again under the "religion of peace"!  If, as King Abdullah say's, "Palestinian Lives Matter"... PROVE IT.  Do what you should have done back in 1948/9!  Grant them ASYLUM!  The West is DONE subsidizing YOUR OWN indifference!

Israel and the West need to send a bill to the Arabs for taking care of their problem for over 75 years.

What's the Alternative, WWIII...???

Spooky Action from a Distance: Joe Biden's Family Fake Business Siphons Money from Partnered Hedge Funds and Bankrupts Legit Hospitals

The "Big Guy" Wets His Beak & Takes His "Cut"
Video mentions above: Americore Health, Grant White, James Biden, Michael Lewitt, The Third Friday Total Return Fund

Biden Family Pumps Money Out of Desperate Business' with Promises of Investment by Nonexistent Network of Biden Connected Investors and then Leaves them Hanging.  Joe's the "Influencer" w/o Actual Influence.

President Joe Biden’s brother was tied to a potential fraud scheme this week after it was revealed that he allegedly spent a business loan (aka -"bribe") on personal expenses, RadarOnline.com can report.

In the latest development to come as House Republicans investigate the Biden family’s domestic and international business dealings, it was revealed that Jim Biden, 74, allegedly spent a $125,000 business loan (aka- "bribe") on NFL season tickets, landscaping, and electrical work.

Treasury documents obtained by Daily Mail on Monday revealed that President Biden’s younger brother was named in three Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed by banks to the Treasury Department.

The documents were reportedly uncovered during a separate investigation into Jim’s former business partner, Michael Lewitt.

Lewitt was recently charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with misappropriating $4.7 million from his hedge fund.

According to Daily Mail, the SARs showed that Jim received thousands of dollars in business “loans” (aka- "bribes") as part of Lewitt's suspected scheme.

A May 2020 SAR filed by investigators at Wells Fargo stated that Jim and his wife Sara's company, Lion Hall, received $125,000 from Lewitt's hedge fund.

Jim Biden allegedly spent part of that $125,000 business loan (aka- bribe) on season tickets to see the Philadelphia Eagles.

Another SAR filed by investigators at First Republic Bank revealed that Jim received three wires totaling $23,150 from Lewitt’s fund, Third Friday, to his personal JPMorgan Chase account between November 2018 and February 2019.

Meanwhile, a lawsuit recently filed by Diverse Medical Management alleged that President Biden’s brother partnered with Lewitt in 2017 and promised loans, foreign investment from Qatar, and political support to help DMM provide mental health services at rural hospitals.

On September 29, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Michael E. Lewitt of Boca Raton, Florida and his investment advisory firm Third Friday Management, LLC (“Third Friday”) with misrepresentations and omissions concerning a material change in the investment strategy of the Third Friday Total Return Fund, L.P. (the “Fund”), the value of the Fund’s assets, and charged Lewitt with misappropriating at least $4.7 million from the Fund for his personal benefit. Lewitt is Third Friday’s sole managing member and majority owner.

According to the SEC's complaint, from at least 2012, Third Friday and Lewitt marketed and represented to investors in the Fund’s Private Placement Memorandum that the Fund used a “strategy of selling straddles on the S&P 500 Index over a portfolio of income generating securities.” The complaint alleges that in January 2018 Third Friday suddenly changed course without disclosing to investors, many of whom were elderly, that it had begun making loans to a distressed (now bankrupt) company that acquired and operated struggling rural hospitals. As alleged, between January 2018 and November 2019, the Fund made 45 separate loan advances totaling more than $19 million to that company. The complaint further alleges that from January 2018 through March 2020, Third Friday and Lewitt made material misrepresentations and omissions, and failed to disclose the change in investment strategy and value of investments, Lewitt’s conflict of interest, and related risks to investors and prospective investors. As alleged in the complaint, Lewitt, with sole authority over the Fund, also misappropriated at least $4.7 million from the Fund for his personal use.

The SEC’s complaint, filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, charges Third Friday and Lewitt with violating the antifraud provisions of Sections 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, and Sections 206(1) and 206(2) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”). The complaint further charges Third Friday with violating, and Lewitt with aiding and abetting Third Friday’s violation of, Sections 206(4) of the Advisers Act and Rules 206(4)-2 and 206(4)-8 thereunder. The complaint seeks permanent injunctions, disgorgement plus prejudgment interest, and civil money penalties against Third Friday and Lewitt and a conduct-based injunction and officer and director bar against Lewitt.

The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Steven J. Meiner and Mark Dee of the Miami Regional Office and was supervised by Jessica M. Weissman and Glenn Gordon. The SEC’s litigation will be led by Pascale Guerrier and supervised by Teresa Verges.

Where's the Evidence?  How about the check and it's source & timing?  James and Hunter "Sell the "Biden Brand".  Joe, "The Big Guy" takes his cut.  The code-switch word "loan" = "bribe".

Friday, October 20, 2023

More Fake News from the Warmongers?

Sundance, "Something Sketchy: Pentagon Claims US Destroyer in Red Sea Intercepted and Shot Down 3 Missiles and 8 ndrones Launched from Yemen to Target Israel"
Something about this story just doesn’t pass the proverbial sniff test.

It is 1,300 straight line miles from Yemen to Israel; add in the Red Sea path claimed, and you add another approximately 200 miles. So, the claim is around 1,500 +/- miles.
The Raytheon built Tomahawk cruise missile, with GPS enabling, some of the most advanced cruise missile tech in the world, has a max targeting distance of 1,000 miles . How the hell did Yemen get missiles and drones capable of flying 1,500 targeted miles?

Additionally, if Yemen had this level of missile technology available, the Houthi rebels would have flown them at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, over the past decade during their war.

The 60's Are Finally Over...

They were never psychedelic.  They were merely psychotic.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dedicated to the MSM Simps Who Bring Us Fake News

Simp is an internet slang term describing someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention toward another person, typically someone who does not reciprocate the same feelings, in pursuit of affection or a sexual relationship.[1][2] This behavior, known as simping,[3] is carried out toward a variety of targets, including celebrities,[1] politicians,[4][5] e-girls, and e-boys.[6] The term had sporadic usage until gaining traction on social media in 2019

Mark Penn, "Turning the Gaza Hospital Blast into Propaganda Instead of News"
Blood is on the hands of some in American journalism for their complete failure to sort out fact from terrorist propaganda in the Gaza hospital explosion. It was a shocking collapse of journalistic process, and its impacts were devastating. A correction is not enough. It demands an apology.

Anyone reading or listening to virtually any media on Tuesday afternoon would have been immediately told that at least 500 Palestinians at a hospital in Gaza had been killed by an Israeli airstrike. It was featured with huge online headlines on CNN, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, among others.

The impact of this story, endorsed by much of the mainstream media as credible, was swift: A critical meeting between President Joe Biden and neighboring Arab leaders in Jordan was immediately canceled in protest; riots exploded in cities and capitals around the world. The potential for peace took a backseat to protest over an alleged Israeli atrocity.

But there it finally was — the moral equivalency which too many journalists had been seeking yet were unable to find ever since Hamas carried out the murder of more than 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, slaughtering families, beheading infants, and mowing down more than 200 people attending a “peace” concert.

See here, this story implied, Israel is no better: It murders people in hospital beds by the hundreds. And, once it was in print, people like Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and the entire global Hamas propaganda machine will cling to the original storyline and continue to spread it, no matter what the facts.

The true story, as we know it now, is “Errant Islamic Jihad Rocket Explodes in Gaza Hospital Parking Lot.” Search the internet and you will not find a single story with that headline. Instead, you see a slow hour-by-hour walking back of responsibility for the attack, from fingering Israel to making it about what each side says, culminating finally in the Wall Street Journal’s “U.S., Experts Say Evidence Suggests Palestinian Militants’ Rocket Hit Gaza Hospital.”

I love the use of the word “suggest” to soften the blow. I’m not sure U.S. intelligence has a finding with that grading. Remember, they sent out the president of the United States himself to say what they have found, which indicates a lot of confidence since you get fired for “suggestions” like that if they are wrong.
Fake News is an EXISTENTIAL Threat to America!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Think these Insurrectionists will get Prison Sentences as Harsh as the J6 CosPlayers?

They'll probably get off Scott-free for bringing a drum circle and singing some songs.  That's the mistake that the J6ers won't make again, next time.

Jillian Smith, "USCP arrest dozens after Pro-Palestinian demonstrators flood Cannon Rotunda, Capitol complex"
WASHINGTON - A pro-Palestinian protest is underway on Capitol Hill as demonstrators are occupying the Cannon Rotunda and large crowds are growing around the Capitol complex.

The Cannon House Office Building holds several House Committee and congressional offices.

U.S. Capitol Police say that demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional buildings and worked for hours to clear the crowd as they continued to sing and chant "ceasefire now" and "free Palestine." Police say they arrested about 100 people so far.

The detained protesters were lined up outside the building and are being shuttled to a temporary holding area in the Capitol complex. Capitol Police say demonstrators inside the Cannon Rotunda will be charged with illegally protesting inside a House Office Building.

They say already among these arrests, three people have been charged with assault on a police officer during processing.

USCP says it is monitoring the situation as more protesters are gathering around the House side of the Capitol Complex and because of that, they are temporarily rolling road closures for safety.

The protest began on the National Mall and eventually made its way to the building, which is situated at Independence Ave. and New Jersey Ave. adjacent to the Capitol Building.

Fencing went up overnight around parts of the U.S. Capitol ahead of the protest organized group Jewish Voice for Peace but the demonstrators were able to stream into the Cannon building mid-afternoon.

JVP claimed on social media that at least 10,000 people were outside the Capitol while 500 made their way inside the rotunda, all there to call for a ceasefire and "challenge the Israeli government's ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians."

President Joe Biden flew to Israel Tuesday for a series of meetings with Israeli, Jordanian, Egyptian and Palestinian leaders.

On Wednesday, he announced $100 million for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank to help displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians as Israel has agreed to allow aid into the area — but with the explicit understanding that shipments and that aid should only go to civilians and not Hamas militants.

"Let me be clear. If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people," Biden said.

Israel quickly cut off the flow of food, fuel and water to the Gaza Strip after the deadly surprise attack by Hamas that killed more than 1,400 people. It's estimated that more than 2,800 Palestinians have been killed in retaliatory attacks and another 1,200 are missing — buried under rubble dead or alive.

Since the war began, the Biden administration has condemned Hamas and stood firmly with Israel, pledging continued support for the allied nation.

"Israel must again be a safe place for the Jewish people. And I promise you: We’re going to do everything in our power to make sure that it will be," Biden said while speaking from Tel Aviv Wednesday. "My administration has been in close touch with your leadership from the first moments of this attack, and we are going to make sure we have — you have what you need to protect your people, to defend your nation."

But the president has also expressed support for Palestinians who do not back Hamas and signaled that the U.S. is seeking to help them as well.

"The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas," Biden wrote on X. "And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people."

There have been several protests around the D.C. area in recent days as the war between Israel and the Iranian-backed Hamas continues.

More than 30 protesters were arrested in front of the White House on Monday and over the weekend, thousands of pro-Palestinian activists took to the streets of the nation's capital to advocate for a cease-fire between the warring groups.

Tensions have only increased following a deadly rocket blast at a Gaza hospital Tuesday. The Gaza Health Ministry said at least 500 people were killed.

Hamas blamed the "horrific massacre" on the Israeli government while the Israeli government has blamed Islamic Jihad — a smaller, more radical Palestinian militant group that often works with Hamas.

As they met Wednesday, Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that intelligence from the Department of Defense showed it was not likely a strike by the Israeli military and that it "appears as though it was done by the other team, not you."

As the president continues on his diplomatic mission through the Middle East, he has continued to advocate for a two-state solution.

"We must keep working for Israel’s greater integration with its neighbors. These attacks have only strengthened my commitment and determination and my will to get that done," he said.

Back on Capitol Hill, some Democratic lawmakers said they're standing in solidarity with those calling for a ceasefire.

Several representatives — including Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Cori Bush, D-Mo., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D_N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Nydia Velázquez, D-N.Y. — signed onto a resolution urging the Biden administration to call for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire.

Without a speaker, many members of the House have been frustrated by the chamber’s inability to pass legislation, particularly in response to the war.

The Largest State Sponsor of both Theatre and Terrorism in the World....

 ...is Sleepy Joe Biden.

How do YOU spell "M-O-R-A-L_H-A-Z-A-R-D"?  Common Sense people spell it "D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T"!

BDA + Palestinian "White Helmet" Theatrics in Gaza Hospital Explosion

BDA - Battle Damage Assessment

A Round of Applause for the White Helmet Mobile All IMPROV cast members of Hamas Screen Actor's Guild - But it appears that they musta forgot the stage blood props... perhaps this is one of their more infamous 'Dogville Style' Set & Stage Prop Minimalist renditions?

Dogville Set

Sundance, "Jordan and Egypt Cancel Summit With Joe Biden"
Joe Biden was literally in the air, flying toward the region when Jordan’s King Abdullah just cancelled the summit between Egyptian President al-Sisi, Abdullah and Biden. This is more than a little sunlight on who Abdullah was talking about earlier when he said, “the usual suspects were trying to create Defacto issues on the ground.” [Note: Where the King draws a "Red Line" at creating any actual SOLUTION to the Palestinian conflict]
(Reuters) Jordan has cancelled a summit it was to host in Amman on Wednesday with U.S. President Joe Biden and the Egyptian and Palestinian leaders to discuss Gaza, Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said. (link)
Now tell me again, why Joe Biden is going to Israel? What strategic value is within this visit?

Yesterday I provided some of my own thoughts on the motives. “The people behind Joe Biden are sending him to Israel for (1) part of a rebranding effort; and (2) to impede Netanyahu and buy time for Hamas.

Today, Caroline Glick affirms my perspective and also gives some troubling information about: (a) the White House demanding an invitation; and (b) Anthony Blinken threatening Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu to hold back the ground invasion or the U.S. will not allow munitions and bombs Israel needs for resupply. WATCH:

Monday, October 16, 2023

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Divide and Sanitize! Final Resolution of the 80 year War between Israel and Palestine.

The IDF has begun the effort to Divide and then Sanitize the Gaza Strip.  Forcing all noncombatants in Gaza into the southern half of the strip, armed IDF forces will now reconquer the northern half  and secure a southern border to it.  Hamas will need to make the decision as to either divide it's forces, or evacuate them south and keep them unified. IDF will then inspect the re-pacified northern areas for weapons and weapons making equipment and destroy all vestiges of tunnels and hidden networks.  Once that has been accomplished, IDF will declare an intent to reconquer the southern half of Gaza, and carefully inspect an vet all noncombatant Palestinian refugees re-entering the northern half from the pending southern war zone.  A strong IDF military police presence will then be strategically positioned within interior 'citadels' and govern the northern sector from that point, on.  The process of reconquering the southern half of Gaza and sanitizing it like was done in the north will then resume.  Once completed, the IDF will allow Palestinians to return to the southern half.  It will likely then further divide Gaza into occupied districts/zones, and perpetually police it with numerous IDF military-police checkpoints established throughout Gaza.  Gaza will likely never become independent againGaza will be managed as a 'voluntary' but also 'permanent' apartheid state (voluntary because emigration will still be an option)The only escape for Palestinians trapped in Gaza and likely the West Bank also pondering their self-imposed liminality, will be emigration to neighboring empathetic Arab states (which is what should have happened in '47-8, but was blocked by the neighboring Arab States wishing a continuation of the Palestinian's lost war.  There will never be a "right of return".  Such are the "fortunes of war".