Saturday, October 21, 2023

Is RFJ Jr for Real?


  1. Talk about a lying nutcase on steriods! Conspiracy all day every day. A jackass making an idiot out of himself.

    As for RFK. A drug addict conspiracy dimwit every bit as stupid as Jones and the MAGA bots.

  2. Alex Jones is a modern day prophet... and only half as nutty as MSNBC.

  3. Isn't Alex Jones balding because the sweat buildup underneath his tinfoil hat?

    Alex Jones is scum. He owes the Sandy Hook parents he defamed over a billion dollars.

    1. "Isn't Alex Jones balding because the sweat buildup underneath his tinfoil hat?"

      My little derp, derping as ever.

      What a merry sight to behold.

      No end of derping. :-)))

  4. Sandy Hook parents need to stop whining and selling their children's former pain for fake "social victim virtue" points. They're all such professional victimhood-milkers now that they no longer deserve any sympthy.... just contempt.

  5. Alex Jones only deserves contempt. According to him, no kids died. It was a show put on by "crisis actors". At least (I guess) Minus doesn't believe it was faked? Though apparently he believes kids getting blown away is a bfd? The parents should have moved on already? They can make more. Maybe even laugh at the absurdness of Alex Jones claims? As opposed to suing him...

    1. My little derp, derping as ever.

      What a merry sight to behold.

      No end of derping.🀑πŸ₯ΈπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  6. That's the problem with today's liberals. They all want the government to protect them from having their feelings hurt.

  7. People's children getting murdered in preventable school shootings does tend to hurt parents feelings. But, yes, I think the government should do something about it.

  8. Oh, their feelings were hurt..... boo-hoo! Make EVERYONE who offends them from that moment on all PAY for a suicidal mentally ill 20 year old killer who lived without proper parental supervision and killed his own mom... and sponsored by those who "praises" and "rewards" that kind of family arrangement.

  9. How was it "preventable"? Oh yeah, ban guns so that only criminals have them. Hate to tell you this Dervy, but the horse already escaped the gun invention barn. That's "progress" for you!

    1. As I said earlier, Alex Jones only deserves contempt. Alex Jones is scum. I think the government should do something about it.

    2. My little derp, derping as ever.

      What a merry sight to behold.

      No end of derping. :-)))

      "I think the government should do something about it."

      That's only going to happen in Dervish's delusions.

    3. Mystere writes a fake comment, then replies to his fake comment. Stealing words the idiot Qtard uses.

    4. Dervish Sanders on October 23, 2023 at 4:49 PM claims "Mystere writes a fake comment, then replies to his fake comment. Stealing words the idiot Qtard uses."

      But wait, there's more:

      Dervish Sanders on October 23, 2023 at 3:10 PM says "As I said earlier, Alex Jones only deserves contempt. Alex Jones is scum. I think the government should do something about it."

      πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Dervish's obsession and fixation on Mystere has gotten quite delusional.🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑 Poor "little idiot derp!" Pass the popcorn 🍿 please!

  10. \\Stealing words the idiot Qtard uses.

    Repeating after SUCH a WISEMAN as you, De-Ru-Pi.;-P

    You ALSO like to steal my words.

    Or what??? "I NEVER said it"? AGAIN???? :-)))))

  11. So NOT preventable... okay. That's what I thought.

  12. You think wrong. This is gun violence that IS prevented in other countries.

    It is not preventable because of people like you who LIKE gun violence. Smile when kids get blown away. No wonder you don't give a crap about innocent Palestinians dying. You don't give a crap about innocent American children dying.

  13. This is gun violence that IS prevented in other countries.

    It doesn't happen in North Korea? Amazing! We should adopt their gun laws, huh?

  14. I hear that their re-education camps only have a 20% recidivism rate!

  15. I was talking about North Korea? I said that, when it comes to gun control, the US should be more/exactly like North Korea? You can quote where I said this?

  16. Age-adjusted firearm homicide rates in the US are 13 times greater than they are in France, and 22 times greater than in the European Union as a whole. The US has 23 times the rate of firearm homicide seen in Australia. link.

    Though Qtard would likely say that is "Demn propaganda". Who knows what the real stats are. There is no way to know, given that "experts" are all liars. Probably made up the stats.

  17. wtf? Venezuela is 2nd on the list of most gun deaths, not least. There was another comment from me that appears to have disappeared.

    I linked to this page.

    The country with the least number of gun deaths per 100k population is Japan.

    "When we look exclusively at high-income countries and territories with populations of 10 million or more, the US ranks first".

  18. \\The country with the least number of gun deaths per 100k population is Japan.

    Because less then 100 years ago they was samurais... who ONLY have had weapon, and could behead just anyone on the whim of a moment. ;-P

    Go allow consiled handling and non-restrict shooting... in a couple hunadreds years you'd became same "peaceful". ;-P

  19. The country with the least number of gun deaths per 100k population is Japan.

    I guess Diversity really IS a non-solution to social conflict.

  20. According to census statistics in 2018, 97.8% of Japan's population are Japanese, with the remainder being foreign nationals residing in Japan.[1] The number of foreign workers has increased dramatically in recent years, due to the aging population and a shrinking labor force. A news article in 2018 suggests that approximately 1 out of 10 people among the younger population residing in Tokyo are foreign nationals.[2] According to the CIA World Factbook, Japanese make up 98.1% of the population, Chinese 0.5%, and Korean 0.4%, with the remaining 1% representing all other ethnic groups.

    Japan lacks any law which prohibits racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination. The country also has no national human rights institutions.[3] Non-Japanese individuals in Japan often face human rights violations that Japanese citizens may not.[4] In recent years, non-Japanese media has reported that Japanese firms frequently confiscate the passports of guest workers in Japan, particularly unskilled laborers.[5][6]

  21. "Sandy Hook parents need to stop whining and selling their children's former pain for fake "social victim virtue" points. They're all such professional victimhood-milkers now that they no longer deserve any sympthy.... just contempt."

    Spoken with the humane compassion of a neo-nazi.

    -FJ has the empathy of Heinrich Himmler. Should "such professional victimhood-milkers" Jews stop whining about the Holocaust and antisemitism too?

    He has plenty of fellow tiki-torch MAGAts who would say that. But BIDEN and the Left "hate America"! Amirite?

    Such is the radical Right authoritarian personality.

  22. So, Venezuela is diverse? That's why there is so much gun violence there? Because diversity causes gun violence? Who knew?

    Is that your argument for why the US should become a White ethno state?

  23. Diversity isn't the reason for violence.

    Canada isn't exactly lily white and has a far lower rate of gun violence.

    White (69.8%)
    South Asian (7.1%)
    Indigenous (5%)
    Chinese (4.7%)
    Black (4.3%)
    Arab (1.9%)
    Latin American (1.6%)
    Southeast Asian (1.1%)
    West Asian (1%)
    Korean (0.6%)
    Japanese (0.3%)
    Multiracial/Other (3.2%)

    So what's the deal?

    Of course Canada didn't have slavery, a Confederacy fighting to preserve slavery, Jim Crow laws, massacres of Black communities, decades of segregation, nor a major political movement of neo-Confederate racist white nationalists.

    Just don't say white American conservatives are racists. Nosiree.

    They'll tell you white people are the "real victims" of racism. They worship a Malevolent Mendacious Messiah who absurdly plays the victim card, “I don’t mind being Nelson Mandela, because I’m doing it for a reason.”

    But Mandela was never treated as unfairly as Trump, amirite?

  24. Venezuela? About 25% of the population is mestizo (mixed white and indigenous); Arabs make up 5% of the population, Africans 5%, White people is 20%, mulatto/pardo people 40%, Amerindian people 3.5%, and other races, mostly Asians, make up 1.5%.[1][2] Three Amerindian tribes located in the country are the Wayuu, located in the west, in Zulia State, and the Timoto-cuicas, also in the west, in MΓ©rida State, in the Andes.

    And Canada has liberal gun laws? Who knew?

    On May 1, 2020, in the wake of a mass killing in Nova Scotia, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the Government of Canada would immediately ban around 1,500 models of "military-grade assault-style weapons", mostly rifles, via an order in council under the authority of the Criminal Code.[6][7] In May 2022, Trudeau announced new legislation that would ban the ownership of "military-style assault weapons" in a mandatory gun buyback program, and impose restrictions banning the sale, purchase, importation or transfer of handguns.[8] The legislation would also limit magazine capacity and ban toys – such as airsoft guns – that look like guns.[9] On October 21, 2022, the Government of Canada implemented a freeze on handgun sales and proposed a gun buyback program.[10]

    How much are you offering to buy back my home-made slingshot?

  25. ps When I lived in Venezuela from '66-70, a good portion of the "servant" classes had immigrated illegally from Columbia.

  26. btw - The Venezuelans sure taught the racist white Spaniards a lesson. "Creollos - Guerra al Muerte!!!!!"

  27. \\-FJ has the empathy of Heinrich Himmler. Should "such professional victimhood-milkers" Jews stop whining about the Holocaust and antisemitism too?

    Dunno... is it going in accord or against current Demn Propaganda -- which like Palestinians Beheaders of Jews today MOAR. ;-P

    \\Of course Canada didn't have slavery, a Confederacy fighting to preserve slavery, Jim Crow laws, massacres of Black communities, decades of segregation, nor a major political movement of neo-Confederate racist white nationalists.

    Yap. Only neat and quiet working out to death of indigenous childrens.

    Old imperialists -- knew how to do the job.

    Well, new imperialist know a couple of treaks too... like teaching em Diversity. ;-P

    Instead of allowing em to constituent their own bodies of politics.

  28. The indigenous children hoax? How many bones they find in all those graves/

  29. Well... I will not fight for that claim.

    That's juat what I heard.

    And it's not of big interest for me... as, you know, foreigner from far-far-away.

    Just something that creates public image of your hemisphere.

    You know. Slavery. KKK. And indigenous children "teaching".

  30. Qtard: ... is it going in accord or against current Demn Propaganda -- which like Palestinians Beheaders of Jews today MOAR.

    There is no such "Demn propaganda". Or Democratic propaganda. Democrats condemn Hamas terrorism. Though (unlike bigots like you) have sympathy for innocent Palestinians.

  31. Democrats prefer Fatah terrorism. It's why they want Hamas wiped out... then Fatah will rule the West Bank AND Gaza. And who knows, maybe they'll kick back more UNWRA funds to Democratic Party Representatives and Senators.

  32. Minus: Democrats prefer Fatah terrorism. It's why they want Hamas wiped out...

    I thought the Muslim Brotherhood zer0-bama puppet Biden was on the side of Hamas? Why Biden is giving them billions?

    Minus: ...then Fatah will rule the West Bank AND Gaza.

    That's what Israel wants too?

    Minus: And who knows, maybe they'll kick back more UNWRA funds to Democratic Party Representatives and Senators.

    Zero before. Will remain zero.

    btw, republicans prefer maga terrorism.

  33. //Dervish Sanders said...

    // Qtard: ... is it going in accord or against current Demn Propaganda -- which like Palestinians Beheaders of Jews today MOAR.

    \\There is no such "Demn propaganda". Or Democratic propaganda. Democrats condemn Hamas terrorism. Though (unlike bigots like you) have sympathy for innocent Palestinians.


    Anti-Semites have sympathy toward other Anti-Semites. ;-P
