Wednesday, October 25, 2023

MAGA Ascendant Day 0

The "behind the scenes"... look out Democrats.  A new GOP is coming for you!
St. Crispin's Day 2023!

Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be rememberèd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.

-Shakespeare, "Henry V" (Act IV , Sc. iii) - h/t Mustang


  1. I'm looking forward to maga descent day. Aka the day the fat orange turd is finally flushed away (to prison).

  2. That's what I love, people who think defeating Trump will mean the end of MAGA! MAGA is anti-fragile. The more you attack, the stronger we get. :)

  3. Yeah. White Supremacy isn't going to end when tRump is sent to prison.

  4. republicans always blame Democrats for what they do.

    Like Qtard blaming Democrats for republicans parroting Putin's propaganda.

    Somehow White Supremacists are Black people.

  5. Sometimes black people are criminals. I know, UNTHINKABLE, huh?

  6. What's the crime? Cultural appropriation?

  7. Maybe you should ask the Chicago police. They're on track for 700+ homicides this year Apparently they don't appropriate the white culture of nonviolence very well...

  8. It's probably because their AQs exceed their IQs instead of visa-versa.

  9. The White mass shooter in Maine didn't get the memo? He must be mad about the Black people killing each other. Also he might be upset about diversity and is taking out his frustrations by shooting White people.

  10. I think he's just trying to catch up...

  11. Minus: It's probably because their AQs exceed their IQs instead of visa-versa.

    That is according to the Democrat racist Charles Murray?

  12. You're disavowing what you just wrote?

  13. That's Murray's a Democrat? Why would I disavow the truth.

  14. Disavowing the truth is what trumpers do.

    Wikipedia: [Murray] is the W.H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C.

    btw... The Bell Curve claims that average intelligence quotient (IQ) differences between racial and ethnic groups are at least partly genetic in origin, a view that is now considered discredited by mainstream science.

  15. \\Like Qtard blaming Democrats for republicans parroting Putin's propaganda.

    Yap. "Republicans" who call Bi-den "our honorable POTUS". :-)))))

    Or what... they NOT Real Demns... just the moment they start chanting "Ukrainian Nazis"?

    I would like to see their reaction after Derpy saying em that.

    But I fear its opinion will be nothing to am... as to any other (self)proud DEmn. :-))))

    \\Somehow White Supremacists are Black people.

    Yap. All is possible, in Derpy's mind.

    But it's first time I remember when even De-Ru-Pun became fascinated of it. :-))))

  16. , a view that is now considered discredited by mainstream science.

    ...and who would that be, the NY Times? LOL!

  17. Dervy doesn't believe that Black people are racists (as only white supremacists can be racists). What a maroon!

  18. Qtard: ...they NOT Real Demns... just the moment they start chanting "Ukrainian Nazis"?

    republiturds are chanting that.

    Minus: ...only white supremacists can be racists...

    "Black Supremacists" are in charge now? When did that happen?

  19. \\republiturds are chanting that.

    Yap. Because they was brainwashed by DEMN Propaganda which is ubiquotous. ;-P

  20. The DNC doesn't represent Black Supremacy? Somebody should tell black voters....

    Along the same lines, I can easily imagine Hegel having a repeated intellectual orgasm in bringing out the (for him) obvious necessity of the reversal of inclusivity and diversity into a procedure of systematic exclusion: “How long can parts of the liberal Left keep maintaining that ‘cancel culture’ is but a phantom of the right, as they literally go round cancelling gigs, comedy shows, film showings, lectures and conversations?” What permeates “cancel culture” is a “no-debate-stance.” A person or a position is not only excluded; what is excluded is the very debate, a confrontation of arguments, for or against this exclusion. Hegel would have mobilized here what Lacan called the gap between enunciated content and the underlying stance of enunciation: you argue for diversity and inclusion, but you do it by excluding all those who do not fully subscribe to your own definition of diversity and inclusion, and so, all you do is permanently exclude people and stances. In this way the struggle for inclusion and diversity gives birth to an atmosphere of Stasi-like suspicion and denunciation where you never know when a private remark of yours will lead to your elimination from the public space… Don’t we get here an extreme version of the joke about eating the last cannibal? “There are no opponents of diversity and inclusion in our group – we’ve just excluded the last one…” So, again, in Wittgensteinian terms, while cancel culture speaks about diversity and inclusion, it shows/displays a stance of extreme exclusion. - Zizek

  21. Not inviting in OPPONENTS of diversity and inclusion in your organization means you're FOR Black Supremacy? Not for equality? Who knew?

    "while cancel culture speaks about diversity and inclusion, it shows/displays a stance of extreme exclusion"...

    Says a moron. I suspected as much. But this is the biggliest confirmation yet.

  22. "In this way the struggle for inclusion and diversity gives birth to an atmosphere of Stasi-like suspicion and denunciation where you never know when a private remark of yours will lead to your elimination from the public space…"

    Clearly you are not worried. Perhaps because you know there is nothing to be worried about?

    Russell Brand was only "cancelled" when it was revealed that he is a sexual assaulter. Yet he hasn't been arrested by the Stasi yet. And is still spreading disinformation on Rumble... I presume.

    Qtard: Yap. Because they was brainwashed by DEMN Propaganda which is ubiquotous.

    Says an idiot.

  23. Russell Brand was cancelled for not wearing a condom during consensual sex. It became a crime the morning after she had consented... and had "regrets".

  24. ...just like Julian Assange and that crazy SCotUS accuser.

  25. Exactly as in the case of cancel culture, the threat to inclusion and diversity are inclusion and diversity themselves, when they are practiced in a way that shows/displays extreme exclusion.

    Calling people who refuse to kowtow to the Left's anti-racist oppression ponzi scheme and who treat people in a colorblind manner are white supremacists requiring ostracism and cancelation? Who knew?

  26. I dunno what "the Left's anti-racist oppression ponzi scheme" is. Can you explain what you think that is? Is it Democratic politicians stealing from Whites to give to Blacks? In your delusions there are no poor Whites?

    And who are these people who "treat people in a colorblind manner"? Are they people who say Blacks have higher AQs than IQs? Where "A" stands for Athleticism, yes? (I had to think about that for awhile before I figured it out).

    To me that doesn't sound like how someone who "treats people in a colorblind manner" talks. Sounds like racist talk to me.

  27. anti-racist oppression ponzi scheme - Intersectionality. The one that believes that a Gay back man is worth more than to cisgen hispanics..., but a black lesbian trumps the gay black man. Poor whites are at the bottom of the pyramid.

    Yes. IQ/AQ are measurable attributes that can be correlated to race (but don't have to be). They measure and then attribute performance to intelligence and athleticism, not race, although people like you pretend that they can't be correlated to race, and then deny their correlation when provided. If I'm a football coach, I can hire players without knowing their race, simply by knowing their AQ. Same for Physicists, knowing their IQs.

  28. In other words... impose a colour blind measure.

  29. \\Qtard: Yap. Because they was brainwashed by DEMN Propaganda which is ubiquotous.

    \\Says an idiot.

    Of course. ONLY retort possible for an idiot. "No, you are fool".

    Though obviously known truth -- who have a say about such things of history and science if not Academia? And it all DEMN-aligned, in USA.

    So... when any such facts start to circulate in media -- it either through people who gone through mind condinition in Universities. Or... through "experts" which are from University again.

    And then... some CNN reporter starts seeking for "Ukrainian Nazis"... and it FOUND it, because he only was seeking to confirm his long as established bias. ;-P

    But... that needs some smarts to build such chain of conclusion. Idiots CANNOT do that. That's why it falls for most obvious. "No, you are fool" response.

    As only possible to its miserly brain. Need no knowledge, neither smarts to say. ;-P

    \\Is it Democratic politicians stealing from Whites to give to Blacks? In your delusions there are no poor Whites?

    No. Only Asians, Caucasians and other aliens. ;-P

  30. Qtard: Though obviously known truth -- who have a say about such things of history and science if not Academia? And it all DEMN-aligned, in USA.

    So USA teachers are all propagandazing kids? See spreading "Demn propaganda" as their job? Is that Qtard's "obviously known truth"?

    That kids are all being successfully propagandized -- that's being reflected in USA elections? Only Democrats are being elected?

    Qtard: So... when any such facts start to circulate in media -- it either through people who gone through mind condinition in Universities. Or... through "experts" which are from University again.

    So republicans don't go to or graduate from Universities? Only Democrats do? And rightwing media doesn't exist? Are Fox News, NewsMax, etc all imaginary?

    Qtard: And then... some CNN reporter starts seeking for "Ukrainian Nazis"... and it FOUND it, because he only was seeking to confirm his long as established bias.

    Why would a CNN reporter whose "mind was conditioned by a Demn aligned University" have rightturd biases??? That makes no sense at all.

    Qtard: But... that needs some smarts to build such chain of conclusion.

    But your illogical conclusions indicate a lack of smarts. Aren't (according to rightturds like you) Democrats Nazis? Why would a CNN reporter (who, you claim with no facts, is Demn-aligned) be biased against Nazis? Wouldn't he view Nazis as the good guys? Maybe cover up finding Nazis in the Azov battalion, if that might be a reason for the USA government to cut off aid to Ukraine?

    Qtard: Idiots CANNOT do that.

    Idiots come up with tin foil hat nuttery. Like schools brainwashing kids to believe Nazis are the bad guys when (according to you) Demns and Nazis are both socialists. Both racist and antisemitic (you have called me both).

    Qtard: That's why it falls for most obvious. "No, you are fool" response.

    Because you are. You just explained how you are a fool. Thanky.

  31. \\So USA teachers are all propagandazing kids? See spreading "Demn propaganda" as their job? Is that Qtard's "obviously known truth"?

    No. They teaching em Logic and Independent Thinking... oh, shit.
    But that is clear not teacher that teached you. ;-P
    And most of DEMNs.

    \\That kids are all being successfully propagandized -- that's being reflected in USA elections? Only Democrats are being elected?

    And who said that propaganda are 100% successfull? Or there just one source of it?

    But well... that is what DEMNs franticly struggling to achive -- for "there can be only one". ;-P

    And 100%.

    That is that their "hope"... Pelosi was talking about. ;-P

    \\So republicans don't go to or graduate from Universities? Only Democrats do? And rightwing media doesn't exist? Are Fox News, NewsMax, etc all imaginary?

    In marketing terms.

    They are competitors.

    And DEMNs are monopolists.

    For today.

    \\Why would a CNN reporter whose "mind was conditioned by a Demn aligned University" have rightturd biases??? That makes no sense at all.

    Of course.

    That's why your try to shrug off "Ukrainians are Nazis" pounding from DEMN on righturd propaganda -- is so silly. ;-P

    It makes no sense.

    But... you still trying.

    Because you are silly propaganda piglet. ;-P

    \\But your illogical conclusions indicate a lack of smarts.


    "all what is logical are illogical" :-))))

    \\Aren't (according to rightturds like you) Democrats Nazis? Why would a CNN reporter (who, you claim with no facts, is Demn-aligned)

    What more facts I need... to topple simple and visible one -- that he spreading DEMN anti-Ukrainian propaganda?

    Do I need MORE facts... while standing close to fence with swines... hear their oinking, feel their odor... to conclude that that is pig there???

    \\be biased against Nazis? Wouldn't he view Nazis as the good guys? Maybe cover up finding Nazis in the Azov battalion, if that might be a reason for the USA government to cut off aid to Ukraine?


    liliPut propaganda spreading. Is on the list of DEMN agenda.

    Thank you for confirming that. AGAIN. :-))))

    \\Because you are. You just explained how you are a fool. Thanky.

    And you can EXPLAIN??? HOW you came to such conclusion? ;-P


    Cause you are I-D-I-O-T. :-)))))

  32. Minus: Calling people who refuse to kowtow to the Left's anti-racist oppression ponzi scheme and who treat people in a colorblind manner are white supremacists requiring ostracism and cancelation? Who knew?

    Nobody. That isn't happening. That's your spin. "Colorblind" is NewSpeak for White Supremacy. And, no, MLK was not a White Supremacist. He wasn't a NewSpeaker.

    Qtard: \\So USA teachers are all propagandazing kids? See spreading "Demn propaganda" as their job? Is that Qtard's "obviously known truth"?

    No. They teaching em Logic and Independent Thinking... oh, shit. But that is clear not teacher that teached you. And most of DEMNs.

    How is that possible? I attended public school, not "Demn school".

    Qtard: \\That kids are all being successfully propagandized -- that's being reflected in USA elections? Only Democrats are being elected?\\ And who said that propaganda are 100% successfull? Or there just one source of it?

    So, if not for all the Demn propagandizing that is taking place in the US, we'd be much more republican?

    Qtard: But well... that is what DEMNs franticly struggling to achive -- for "there can be only one". And 100%.

    It's bad to want to win elections? republicans don't want to win elections?

    Qtard: That is that their "hope"... Pelosi was talking about.


    Qtard: In marketing terms. They are competitors. And DEMNs are monopolists. For today.


    Qtardd: \\Why would a CNN reporter whose "mind was conditioned by a Demn aligned University" have rightturd biases??? That makes no sense at all\\ Of course. That's why your try to shrug off "Ukrainians are Nazis" pounding from DEMN on righturd propaganda -- is so silly.

    Impossible. I can't shrug off something "Demn" never said. republiturds said.

    Qtard: It makes no sense. But... you still trying. Because you are silly propaganda piglet.

    I reject the republiturd propaganda you reference (though you falsely call it "Demn propaganda").

    Qtard: \\But your illogical conclusions indicate a lack of smarts\\ NewSpeak. "all what is logical are illogical".

    Your credo.

    Qtard: \\Aren't (according to rightturds like you) Democrats Nazis? Why would a CNN reporter (who, you claim with no facts, is Demn-aligned)\\What more facts I need... to topple simple and visible one -- that he spreading DEMN anti-Ukrainian propaganda?


    Qtard: Do I need MORE facts... while standing close to fence with swines... hear their oinking, feel their odor... to conclude that that is pig there???

    republiturd pig.

    Qtard: \\Wouldn't he view Nazis as the good guys? Maybe cover up finding Nazis in the Azov battalion, if that might be a reason for the USA government to cut off aid to Ukraine?\\Yap. liliPut propaganda spreading. Is on the list of DEMN agenda.

    republiturd agenda.

    Qtard: Thank you for confirming that. AGAIN.


    Qtard: \\Because you are. You just explained how you are a fool. Thanky\\ And you can EXPLAIN??? HOW you came to such conclusion? Naaah.

    By reading the words you wrote.

  33. \\How is that possible? I attended public school, not "Demn school".

    Dunno. You say.

    \\So, if not for all the Demn propagandizing that is taking place in the US, we'd be much more republican?

    Dunno. You say.

    \\It's bad to want to win elections? republicans don't want to win elections?

    Dunno. You say.


    Yet one "believe me, I'm an expert"? ;-P

    \\Impossible. I can't shrug off something "Demn" never said. republiturds said.

    And that CNN reporter was republiturd? And CNN are republiturd? And YOU are republiturd -- who refer to republiturd lying media? ;-P

    \\I reject the republiturd propaganda you reference (though you falsely call it "Demn propaganda").

    Aha... I get it.

    Yet one of Derpy's alter-egos.

    This time Secret Republiturd. :-))))

    \\Qtard: \\But your illogical conclusions indicate a lack of smarts\\ NewSpeak. "all what is logical are illogical".

    \\Your credo.

    And to which of your alter-egos that was said? ;-P

    \\republiturd pig.

    You wanna be called that way? Not a big problem for me to give you such pleasure.

    Republiturd Pig Derpy. ;-P

    \\By reading the words you wrote.

    Means... you have such FEELINGS from my words? ;-P

    But that is... non-explanation.

    That is just you admitting your bias. :-))))

  34. Dervy would cancel Dr. Martin Luther King. He wasn't "anti-racist" enough.

  35. Dervy gives MLK the "skin colour privilege" pass....

  36. MLK was a Black guy. He had no "skin color privilege". Or are you talking about some other MLK? Another guy with the same initials who was/is White?

  37. You are against affirmative action now? It never happened? Who knew?

  38. Now Minus FJ is imagining comments from me I never made?

  39. Affirmative action didn't grant any privileges? Who knew? Somebody should tell black voters.

  40. MLK: The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic.

    A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro.

    A section of the white population, perceiving Negro pressure for change, misconstrues it as a demand for privileges rather than as a desperate quest for existence.

  41. And what about White slaves of all times???

    Oh. I know. they do not deserve it. Because of their inherent White Suprimacy. Yes???


  42. MLK can't answer your moronic question. He died.

  43. And why Derpy said it anonimously?

    Or that one of its alter-egos did???

    Please, tell your name brave one. So I could praise you. ;-P

  44. Tell me your name and what country you live in.

  45. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    And it telling that it do not have alter-egos??? While demanding from them to say something here. ;-)))))))

  46. No.

    You wrote...

    Please, tell your name brave one. So I could praise you.

    And I replied...

    Tell me your name and what country you live in.

    That is me replying to your comment. Yet you think I'm asking myself? Why? Because you are a moron.
