Friday, October 20, 2023

More Fake News from the Warmongers?

Sundance, "Something Sketchy: Pentagon Claims US Destroyer in Red Sea Intercepted and Shot Down 3 Missiles and 8 ndrones Launched from Yemen to Target Israel"
Something about this story just doesn’t pass the proverbial sniff test.

It is 1,300 straight line miles from Yemen to Israel; add in the Red Sea path claimed, and you add another approximately 200 miles. So, the claim is around 1,500 +/- miles.
The Raytheon built Tomahawk cruise missile, with GPS enabling, some of the most advanced cruise missile tech in the world, has a max targeting distance of 1,000 miles . How the hell did Yemen get missiles and drones capable of flying 1,500 targeted miles?

Additionally, if Yemen had this level of missile technology available, the Houthi rebels would have flown them at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, over the past decade during their war.


  1. The "claim" is that they shot down drones, not missiles. I just Googled it. Google replaced "missiles" with "drones". I also heard about it while watching MSNBC yesterday.

    Conservative treehouse author "Sundance" is a bigly liar.

  2. I've added the Pentagon General's "Tweet". Missiles and drones.

  3. PS- They've been at war with Saudi how long now? Wouldn't they have used them against the Saudi's? They're MUCH closer. This attack is a non sequitur.

  4. Were the drones "refueling drones" Derv?

  5. Air Force Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder? He's a liar? Why is he lying?

  6. To cover the real reason destroyers are in the Red Sea. Amphibs?

  7. Iranian drones with comparable distance dombing Ukraine for more then a year.

    And GPS... it's in nearly every gadget today.

    That "Sundance"... is it an idiot?

  8. Well... that famous using drones to bomb Saudi oil stockpiles and Patriots was not able to protect was how many time ago??? 5 years, 10?

  9. Former Hawaii congresswoman and recent departee
    of the Democratic Party Tulsi Gabbard compared
    President Joe Biden to Adolf Hitler while
    campaigning for a Republican Senate candidate on

    Gabbard had been speaking at an event for New
    Hampshire GOP Senate candidate Don Bolduc when
    she said she was “pretty sure” both Biden and Hitler
    had good intentions to justify their authoritarian
    behavior. The former Democrat also stated she was
    sure that authoritarians and dictators throughout
    history "all believe they’re doing what’s best,”
    according to audio obtained by The Daily Beast.

    “Even Hitler thought he was doing what was best
    for Germany, right? For the German race," Gabbard
    said. "In his own mind, he found a way to justify the
    means to meet his end. So when we have people
    with that mindset, well, you know we’ve got to do
    whatever it takes because, as President Biden said
    in that speech in Philadelphia, that those who
    supported Trump, those who didn't vote for him are
    extremists and a threat to our democracy.
    So once again Biden sounded like Hitler!

  10. Which is?

    My security clearances don't go that high. I suspect a Ready Reserve Fleet (RRF) Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) or two from Diego Garcia might "be on the way". I know that other Amphibious Assault ships are LSAs and LSDs.

    Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon have some great exploitable coastlines for Inchon-style "behind the lines" type landing. I love nothing better than a good "Manoeuvre De Derrière".

  11. Minus: My security clearances don't go that high...

    Is there a plan to attack Israel in support of Hamas?

    Hold on Hamas, help is coming!

  12. So they're getting lots of help. Soon Israel will be defeated? zer0-bama will be very happy?

  13. I'm sure all the anti-semites in the DNC will be overjoyed!

  14. So, nobody? Or you can name them and cite their antisemitic comments?

  15. Biden, Harris, and Schumer. And quotes don't mean sh*t. Actions are what count. And Joe just requested $9b for Hamas.

  16. Lie. If the money is for Hamas (and not humanitarian aid for innocent Palestinians) it's going to get zero republican votes? Israel won't permit it to be delivered?

  17. Chuck Schumer is a self-hating Jewish man?

  18. Every $1 dollar of Hamas aid is $1 Hamas can now spend on weapons as the US will be supporting the resident's of Gaza, and not Hamas itself. It's a zero sum game.

    1. FJ, you know that "little derp" says that the truth is a lie, and that he believes HamAss is a humanitarian peace loving group that will not do harm to Jews, not the vile Jew hating pigs they really are.

    2. "... he believes HamAss is a humanitarian peace loving group that will not do harm to Jews..."

      Who believes that? You? About "HamAss"? I've never heard of "HamAss". I have heard of Hamas. They're terrorists who want to kill as many Jews as possible.

  19. There are plenty of anti-Zionist, Israel hating Jews. Schumer ain't the 1st.

  20. You lie. Chuck Schumer is pro-Israel.

    Chuck Schumer ~ We say this to the Israeli people: we have your back. We feel your pain. We ache with you. And we and our country will stand by you in these difficult times. Israel is a strong nation and at this moment we say to Israel: you are not alone. The United States stands alongside you as an unrelenting partner. As the first Jewish Majority Leader, and the highest-ranking Jewish elected official ever in America, I felt I had to be here. I wanted to be here, but I also felt an obligation to be here. link

    1. Dervish Sanders October 23, 2023 at 5:02 PM
      "You lie. Chuck Schumer is pro-Israel."

      Oh, Chuckie's pro Israel alright. Pro Israel for Palestinians aka Phillistines, not Jews. Schumer is a race traitor.

  21. He now wants to give Hamas another $9B on top of Joey's $100m. What a maroon!

  22. ...and Dervy wants to buy them food so they can spend all their own money on bullets and more lethal weapons.

  23. I don't want to buy food for Hamas terrorists.

  24. No, you also want to resupply the Hamas hospitals in Gaza so they don't have to spend any money on bandages or medicine for terrorists.

    KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip (AP) — A massive blast rocked a Gaza City hospital packed with wounded and other Palestinians seeking shelter Tuesday, killing hundreds of people, the Hamas-run Health Ministry said. Hamas blamed an Israeli airstrike, while the Israeli military blamed a rocket misfired by other Palestinian militants.

    Aid Hamas or people will die.... boo-hoo!

  25. Zakat Sadaqah Jariyah... Hamas runs all of it.

  26. Hamas IS Gaza.

    Current budget
    Most of the Gaza Strip administration funding comes from outside as an aid, with large portion delivered by UN organizations directly to education and food supply. Most of the Gaza GDP of $700 million comes as foreign humanitarian and direct economic support. Of those funds, the major part is supported by the U.S. and the European Union. Portions of the direct economic support have been provided by the Arab League, though it largely has not provided funds according to schedule. Among other alleged sources of Gaza administration budget is Iran.

    A diplomatic source told Reuters that Iran had funded Hamas in the past with up to $300 million per year, but the flow of money had not been regular in 2011. "Payment has been in suspension since August", said the source.[58] The government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria had been a stalwart ally and a conduit for Iranian money. But due to sectarian considerations following the revolt in Syria, Hamas decided to shut its political bureau in Damascus. Hamas' break with Syria has meant a sharp cut in the financing it received from Iran. In response, Hamas has raised taxes and fees considerably. Setting up its own lavish civil administration in Gaza that issues papers, licenses, insurance and numerous other permissions — and always for a tax or a fee.[30]

    In January 2012, some diplomatic sources have said that Turkey promised to provide Haniyeh's Gaza Strip administration with $300 million to support its annual budget.[58]

    In April 2012, the Hamas government in Gaza approved its budget for 2012, which was up 25% year-on-year over 2011 budget, indicating that donors, including Iran, benefactors in the Islamic world and Palestinian expatriates, are still heavily funding the movement.[59] Chief of Gaza's parliament's budget committee Jamal Nassar said the 2012 budget is $769 million, compared to $630 million in 2011.[59]

  27. ...imagine what Hamas will do with $9 billion more... @@

  28. Minus: Hamas IS Gaza.

    Same as maga IS the United States? They both have around 30 percent support.

    Minus: you also want to resupply the Hamas hospitals in Gaza so they don't have to spend any money on bandages or medicine for terrorists.

    I'm for resupplying the hospitals for Gaza civilians. I'm opposed to resupplying the hospitals for Hamas terrorists.

  29. So you're actually for both, civilians AND terrorists, and so a portion, 30% if your numbers are accurate, of your aid is going to supportism terrorism.

    Remember the "not 1 single penny for tribute"? I do.

  30. Democrats = 30% more ammo for terrorists killing Jews!

  31. I find it curious as to how much you distrust the Biden Admin, Derv.

  32. Yeah, I guess so. Given that I totally trust the Gaza health ministry. I stand with my "brothers in faith". According to you and Qtard.

  33. I meant "feith". Autocorrect "fixed" the Qtard spelling. I assume "feith" is different than "faith". I dunno. Maybe Qtard will explain.

  34. I wouldn't hold my breath. I hear that the US cyber/psyops teams are starting to focus on Israel now. Ukraine's old news.

  35. \\I'm for resupplying the hospitals for Gaza civilians. I'm opposed to resupplying the hospitals for Hamas terrorists.

    And how'd you control it?

    As they have their rats nests under that hospitals... in hope that that'll protect em from bombing. ;-P

    \\Yeah, I guess so. Given that I totally trust the Gaza health ministry. I stand with my "brothers in faith". According to you and Qtard.

    But you'll be screaming "I NEVER said it". The next time I will refer to it. Yes? ;-P

    Well. That Health Ministry/HAMAS BUSTED themself... when they reported over 6000 death... and HALF of em children -- which is rediculous. Statisicly.

    Means -- either they lie about numbers. Or... they covering their rats nests with civilians, children mostly.

  36. Qtard: But you'll be screaming "I NEVER said it". The next time I will refer to it. Yes?

    Just did, moron. Why I wrote "according to Qtard". That's what you've been saying I said. When I never did.

  37. So? It was NOT YOU... who tryed to say that Gaza dwellers are "innocent"?? ;-P

    You stepping back from such moronic claim? ;-P

    But... you will ONLY double-down on it.

    I have a big faith... in Your Morinity. :-)))))

  38. Qtard: So? It was NOT YOU... who tryed to say that Gaza dwellers are "innocent"??

    I was talking about the claim (from both you and Minus) that I believe the Gaza health ministry.

    And I didn't "try to say" there are innocent non-accomplice Gazans. The majority of them are. Even Israel knows this. Hamas killed innocent Israelis and are getting innocent Palestinians killed.

    Qtard: You stepping back from such moronic claim?

    You made the moronic claim that they are all accomplices. How can *I* step back from *your* moronic claim?

    Qtard: But... you will ONLY double-down on it.

    Double down on the truth? I will.

    Qtard: I have a big faith... in Your Morinity.

    NewSpeak. Qtard calls truth telling "moronity". No surprise. Or is "Morinity" different than "moronity"?

    And don't you mean "feith"? That's how you were spelling "faith" previously.

  39. \\And I didn't "try to say" there are innocent non-accomplice Gazans. The majority of them are. Even Israel knows this. Hamas killed innocent Israelis and are getting innocent Palestinians killed.

    Inhabitants of Nazi Germany was innocent? Inhabitants of Hirohito's Japan was innocent?

    Are you admitting that YOU USA guilty in genociding INNOCENT Germans and Japanese?

    \\You made the moronic claim that they are all accomplices. How can *I* step back from *your* moronic claim?


    You did.

    When you admitted that at least some of them are.

    \\Double down on the truth? I will.


    "Lie it's Truth"

    "Truth it's Lie"

    It's a motto of yours and other DEMNs. It seems.

  40. Qtard: Inhabitants of Nazi Germany was innocent? Inhabitants of Hirohito's Japan was innocent?

    Yes. Many were. Opposed to the war. Didn't want their country to fight in it.

    Qtard: Are you admitting that YOU USA guilty in genociding INNOCENT Germans and Japanese?

    Qtard dunno what "genocide" means. But innocent people were killed. Germans and Japanese by the United States military. A lot of Japanese people when the US dropped atomic bombs on them.

    Qtard: \\You made the moronic claim that they are all accomplices. How can *I* step back from *your* moronic claim?\\Well. You did.


    Qtard: When you admitted that at least some of them are.

    Some. Far from All.

    Qtard: Yap. "Lie it's Truth". "Truth it's Lie".

    Obviously what you believe.

    Qtard: It's a motto of yours and other DEMNs. It seems.

    Isn't. Don't "seem" that way either. I say it's your motto. Proven by your behavior.

  41. \\Yes. Many were. Opposed to the war. Didn't want their country to fight in it.


    And what they did to stop Hitler?

    Was "having their opinion about him"??? :-)))))

    Well. Bombs of allies was not equiped to distinguish such a angels from fiend anyway. ;-P

    \\Qtard dunno what "genocide" means.

    Mass killing of people? To eradicate their nation from Earth?

    100.000 killed in Hiroshima -- is "not enough" killing? To be blamed geocidal? Of that city and surroundings for at least.

    Or Hamburg and Dresden. Wiped out almost completely.

    \\But innocent people were killed. Germans and Japanese by the United States military. A lot of Japanese people when the US dropped atomic bombs on them.

    And all of em was innocent, yes?

    Innocent workers of war machines factories.

    Innocent producers of rice and grocery to feed Brave Japanese military.

    Innocent mothers and fathers of that military... blessing their sons to war.


    \\Qtard: When you admitted that at least some of them are.

    \\Some. Far from All.

    So what?

    \\Obviously what you believe.


    I believe now... that that is your and all DEMNs motto. ;-P

    On the base of numerous facts.

    \\Isn't. Don't "seem" that way either. I say it's your motto. Proven by your behavior.

    And you can POINT to that "your behavior"? Give QUOTES?


    Because you are idiotic hipocrite. And heinous liar.

    Who like to state OPPOSITE to a Truth bullshit. EVEN if ti DEMN too obvious. :-))))

    And you only will continue doing that.

  42. Qtard: \\Yes. Many were. Opposed to the war. Didn't want their country to fight in it.\\Many? And what they did to stop Hitler?

    German Resistance to Hitler: Opposition ranged from non-compliance with Nazi regulations to attempts to assassinate Hitler. Among the earliest resistance to the regime was the political opposition organized by leftist parties such as the Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party of Germany. ... In Munich in 1942, university students formed the White Rose resistance group. Its leaders, Hans Scholl, his sister Sophie Scholl, and professor Kurt Huber were arrested and executed in 1943 for the distribution of anti-Nazi leaflets. ...

    Military officers attempted to assassinate Hitler on 7/20/1944, in his East Prussian headquarters at Rastenburg. Colonel Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg left a bomb in a briefcase near Hitler during a military briefing about the eastern front. In this plot, Karl Goerdeler ... was to replace Hitler as chancellor. The group even included on its fringes some disillusioned Nazis such as Berlin police president Wolf Heinrich Count von Helldorf and Criminal Police (Kripo) chief Arthur Nebe. Hitler survived the blast, the coup attempt failed... [Source: Holocaust Encyclopedia, except]

    Qtard: Was "having their opinion about him"???

    Qtard claims that the J6 insurrectionists were trying to right a wrong they decided they had suffered. And replace the just elected government. By keeping in power the defeated one. But (using Qtard logic) the J6 insurrectionists would be "accomplices" in any Biden wrongdoing. Because they didn't rise up and arrest Democrats.

    Qtard: Well. Bombs of allies was not equiped to distinguish such a angels from fiend anyway.

    But (as per you) there are no angels. They are all fiends (aka accomplices).

    Qtard: \\Qtard dunno what "genocide" means\\ Mass killing of people? To eradicate their nation from Earth?

    So Germany and Japan were eradicated from the Earth? Neither country exists any longer?

    Qtard: 100.000 killed in Hiroshima -- is "not enough" killing? To be blamed geocidal? Of that city and surroundings for at least. Or Hamburg and Dresden. Wiped out almost completely.

    So, you are arguing that genocide of "accomplices" is justified? Because they are all "fiends"?

    Qtard: \\But innocent people were killed\\And all of em was innocent, yes?

    So, a population needs to be 100 percent innocent? If not it's OK to kill all of them? Qtard is saying that (if it was in the same position) would leap willingly into an open grave? Better to choose death than be an "accomplice"?

  43. Qtard: Innocent workers of war machines factories. Innocent producers of rice and grocery to feed Brave Japanese military. Innocent mothers and fathers of that military... blessing their sons to war.

    Exactly. All those innocent people. People who had no choice but to comply. Or leap willingly into an open grave. Anyway, there were many more who didn't do any of those things.


    You say? I thought you have been saying they are ALL guilty. Even babies. Even if you rise up in resistance -- unless you're successful, you are an "accomplice".

    Qtard: When you admitted that at least some of them are.\\Some. Far from All\\ So what?

    So they all weren't/aren't "accomplices".

    Qtard: I believe now... that that is your and all DEMNs motto. On the base of numerous facts.

    No. Qtard dunno what "motto" means.

    Qtard: \\Isn't. Don't "seem" that way either. I say it's your motto. Proven by your behavior\\ And you can POINT to that "your behavior"? Give QUOTES?

    When you say its "Demns" spreading Putin propaganda. When everyone knows it's republiturds doing that. Yet ONE example.

    Qtard: Because you are idiotic hipocrite. And heinous liar.

    Which one of your alter egos are you saying this to?

    Qtard: Who like to state OPPOSITE to a Truth bullshit. EVEN if ti DEMN too obvious.

    It's obvious to one of your alter egos that another of your alter egos states the opposite of the truth? Yeah, it's obvious to me too.

    Qtard: And you only will continue doing that.

    Your alter ego is going to continue doing that? I don't doubt it. At all.

  44. \\Qtard: \\Yes. Many were. Opposed to the war. Didn't want their country to fight in it.\\Many? And what they did to stop Hitler?

    \\German Resistance to Hitler:


    Many more millions died on the frontlines for the der fuhrer...

    \\Qtard claims that the J6 insurrectionists were trying to right a wrong they decided they had suffered.

    Dunno. Ask them yourself.

    I just looking at it from History standpoint -- such an event do not happen without reason.

    \\And replace the just elected government.

    Well... that's you saying it. Repeating after DEMN Propaganda.

    \\By keeping in power the defeated one. But (using Qtard logic) the J6 insurrectionists would be "accomplices" in any Biden wrongdoing.

    Dunno how you came to such "logical conclusion".

    But... that's exactly the reason why I still talking with you -- rational non-idiotic person would not come to such perfectly insane idea. :-)))))

    They are boringly predictable... in that regard.

    \\Because they didn't rise up and arrest Democrats.

    Well... YOU said that. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Well. Bombs of allies was not equiped to distinguish such a angels from fiend anyway.

    \\But (as per you) there are no angels. They are all fiends (aka accomplices).

    And you can confirm that claim with QUOTE? ;-P

    \\So Germany and Japan were eradicated from the Earth? Neither country exists any longer?

    Like we would be talking about "genocide" if that'd happaned...

    \\So, you are arguing that genocide of "accomplices" is justified? Because they are all "fiends"?

    And you can confirm on what base you came to such "conclusion"?

    Withy QUOTE?


    \\So, a population needs to be 100 percent innocent? If not it's OK to kill all of them? Qtard is saying that (if it was in the same position) would leap willingly into an open grave? Better to choose death than be an "accomplice"?

    Dunno what you talking about.

    \\Exactly. All those innocent people. People who had no choice but to comply. Or leap willingly into an open grave. Anyway, there were many more who didn't do any of those things.

    Then... they need to be freed from under opression of terrorists.

    At all cost.

    Or what Derpy proposing to live em be enslaved??? ;-P

    \\You say? I thought you have been saying they are ALL guilty. Even babies. Even if you rise up in resistance -- unless you're successful, you are an "accomplice".

    Babies are responsibility of adults.

    That is obvious thing.

    Or what???? Can say it not true?

    Well... placating mafia/terrorists... is such people can be called "innocent"?

    And what if that mafia/terrorists would kill some of your dear relatives?

    You'd be the same benevolent?

    I think no.

    Even for a moron like you it'll be hard fit.


  45. \\So they all weren't/aren't "accomplices".

    Yeah. And bombs will fall only on those who are. SARCASM!

    \\No. Qtard dunno what "motto" means.

    \\Qtard: \\Isn't. Don't "seem" that way either. I say it's your motto. Proven by your behavior\\ And you can POINT to that "your behavior"? Give QUOTES?

    Same as you here?

    Because I use it absolutely in the same sense. ;-P

    \\When you say its "Demns" spreading Putin propaganda. When everyone knows it's republiturds doing that. Yet ONE example.

    Give me AT LEAST ONE example of "republiturds spreading liliPut's propaganda".

    How DEMNS spread liliPut's propaganda... you know, about "Ukrainiain Nazis"... YOU GAVE IT.

    Are you republiturd? Are CNN republiturds? Maybe that CNN reporter are secret republiturd? ;-P

    \\Qtard: Because you are idiotic hipocrite. And heinous liar.

    \\Which one of your alter egos are you saying this to?

    And you can give a logical chain of inference -- WHY it should be the case?

    Or you just an idiot, who trying use smart words of much smarter opponent against one, without a dollop of understanding what and how? :-))))))

    Obviously -- you are later case. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Who like to state OPPOSITE to a Truth bullshit. EVEN if ti DEMN too obvious.

    \\It's obvious to one of your alter egos that another of your alter egos states the opposite of the truth? Yeah, it's obvious to me too.

    I'm glad that you able to discern what which of your alter-egos talking non-truth... only one little problem -- which one of them answered with this words. Isn't that is one who are idiotic hipocrite. And heinous liar. ;-P

    \\Qtard: And you only will continue doing that.

    \\Your alter ego is going to continue doing that? I don't doubt it. At all.

    And how many yards are you nose, Pinocchio? :-))))))))

    By this time. :-))))))

  46. Qtard: \\Qtard claims that the J6 insurrectionists were trying to right a wrong they decided they had suffered.\\Dunno. Ask them yourself.

    But before you said they decided for themselves they had suffered a long train of abuses. And so they were justified in attempting to nullify the just conducted election. Now you say you dunno what they decided? So, maybe they just were believing lies about the election being stolen? (Hint: the answer is yes).

    Wikipedia: In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty of a people to "alter or abolish" a government that acts against their common interests or threatens the safety of the people without justifiable cause.

    So, the candidate who lost said the election was stolen (though it has been proven it was not) and Qtard concludes they have an immutable right to overthrow the government? Based on what? The meaning of "immutable"? Sounds like circular logic to me.

    Qtard: I just looking at it from History standpoint -- such an event do not happen without reason.

    donald tRump lied.

    Qtard: \\And replace the just elected government.\\Well... that's you saying it. Repeating after DEMN Propaganda.

    Words from donald tRump's mouth aren't "Demn propaganda". "Stop the Steal" is not "Demn propaganda". Except to idiots like you.

    Qtard: \\By keeping in power the defeated one. But (using Qtard logic) the J6 insurrectionists would be "accomplices" in any Biden wrongdoing.\\Dunno how you came to such "logical conclusion".

    Because you said Gaza citizens who did not vote for Hamas were still accomplices. You even dismissed German resistance to Hitler (by writing "Bleh"). So they (even though they resisted) were accomplices anyway. Qtard obviously does not understand logic.

    Qtard: But... that's exactly the reason why I still talking with you -- rational non-idiotic person would not come to such perfectly insane idea.

    Perfect logic based idea.

    Qtard: \\Because they didn't rise up and arrest Democrats \\Well... YOU said that.

    No. You said it. About Gaza citizens. You said they should rise up and arrest Hamas.

    Qtard: Well. Bombs of allies was not equiped to distinguish such a angels from fiend anyway.\\But (as per you) there are no angels. They are all fiends (aka accomplices).\\And you can confirm that claim with QUOTE?

    Why should I bother? Idiot can't even remember it called citizens of Gaza accomplices. "Never said it"?

    Qtard: \\So Germany and Japan were eradicated from the Earth? Neither country exists any longer?\\Like we would be talking about "genocide" if that'd happaned...

    Qtard dunno what "genocide" means. Just confirmed it doesn't know.

    Qtard: \\So, you are arguing that genocide of "accomplices" is justified? Because they are all "fiends"?\\And you can confirm on what base you came to such "conclusion"?

    Your words.

    Qtard: Withy QUOTE?

    Because you forgot your own words?

  47. Qtard: \\So, a population needs to be 100 percent innocent? If not it's OK to kill all of them? Qtard is saying that (if it was in the same position) would leap willingly into an open grave? Better to choose death than be an "accomplice"?\\Dunno what you talking about.

    Qtard dunno what "in the same position" means? Because it is an idiot?

    Qtard: Then... they need to be freed from under opression of terrorists.

    Freed by killing them?

    Qtard: At all cost.

    Cost of their lives? Because they can only be free if dead?

    Qtard: Or what Derpy proposing to live em be enslaved???

    What Qtard proposing is to "free" them by killing them?

    Qtard: Babies are responsibility of adults.

    So they can be killed? And their parents blamed? Parents killed their own babies. By being accomplices?

    Qtard: That is obvious thing.

    That Qtard doesn't care about innocent babies. Yeah, that is obvious. Hates them. Because it's delusions tell it parents are accomplices.

    Qtard: Well... placating mafia/terrorists... is such people can be called "innocent"?

    What "placating"? Living in a place where terrorists operate? Not being able to leave? Not being able to rise up and arrest the terrorists because you'd be killed?

    Qtard: And what if that mafia/terrorists would kill some of your dear relatives?\\You'd be the same benevolent? I think no.

    I might do what they want. People threatened by the mafia usually do. Because they don't want their family members killed.

    Qtard: Even for a moron like you it'll be hard fit.

    I'm supposed to image myself in their place? But, when I asked you to do that, you refused. Said "Dunno what you talking about". That is a quote.

    Qtard: \\So they all weren't/aren't "accomplices"\\ Yeah. And bombs will fall only on those who are. SARCASM!

    Bombs drop and cover fake bodies with sheets. That is according to you.

    Qtard: And you can POINT to that "your behavior"? Give QUOTES?

    You claimed it is my and "Demn" motto "Lie it's Truth" and "Truth it's Lie". You gave no quote. You lied. Proof that is your motto.

    Qtard: \\When you say its "Demns" spreading Putin propaganda. When everyone knows it's republiturds doing that. Yet ONE example.\\Give me AT LEAST ONE example of "republiturds spreading liliPut's propaganda".

    I gave several. You ignore them.

    Here is another...

    In his newsletter, published just a day before the Holocaust Remembrance Day, Rep. Paul Gosar [a republican] claimed that the Biden administration is aiding a supposed Nazi regime in Ukraine "$100 billion of your tax money is going to help Nazis". link.

    Here is another...

    Marjorie Taylor Greene has sparked controversy by accusing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, of having a "Nazi army". link

    No doubt (in the future) you will forget these examples and continue to claim I have never given any.

    You will probably do this with your very next comment. Will quote "I gave several. You ignore them". Then cut off the examples. Say "then give them!!"

    Qtard: How DEMNS spread liliPut's propaganda... you know, about "Ukrainiain Nazis"... YOU GAVE IT.

    Didn't. I gave an example of a reporter giving facts. That a small number of soldiers in the Azov battalion self identify as Nazi. That the Ukraine government needs to be denazified (one reason Putin gave for invading) is a lie.

    Spread by republiturds like Gosar and Greene. Refuted by Democrats.

    Qtard: Are you republiturd? Are CNN republiturds? Maybe that CNN reporter are secret republiturd?

    No. Not NewSpeak yes. Not "just what a liar would say".

  48. Qtard: Because you are idiotic hipocrite. And heinous liar.\\Which one of your alter egos are you saying this to? And you can give a logical chain of inference -- WHY it should be the case?

    Because you keep spewing idiotic lies. Like it's Democrats saying Ukrainians are Nazis. When Democrats are saying they are not.

    Qtard: Or you just an idiot, who trying use smart words of much smarter opponent against one...


    Idiot thinks it writes "smart words"!!

    Qtard: I'm glad that you able to discern what which of your alter-egos talking non-truth...

    Yeah. None.

    Qtard: only one little problem -- which one of them answered with this words. Isn't that is one who are idiotic hipocrite. And heinous liar.

    You answered in that manner. But you are not an "alter ego" of me.

    Qtard: And how many yards are you nose, Pinocchio?

    You call one of your alter egos "Pinocchio"?

    Qtard: \\Qtard claims that the J6 insurrectionists were trying to right a wrong they decided they had suffered.\\Dunno. Ask them yourself.

    But before you said they decided for themselves they had suffered a long train of abuses. And so they were justified in attempting to nullify the just conducted election. Now you say you dunno what they decided? So, maybe they just were believing lies about the election being stolen? (Hint: the answer is yes).

    Wikipedia: In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty of a people to "alter or abolish" a government that acts against their common interests or threatens the safety of the people without justifiable cause.

    So, the candidate who lost said the election was stolen (though it has been proven it was not) and Qtard concludes they have an immutable right to overthrow that government? Based on what? The meaning of "immutable"? Sounds like circular logic to me.

    Qtard: I just looking at it from History standpoint -- such an event do not happen without reason.

    The reason is that donald tRump lied.

    Qtard: \\And replace the just elected government.\\Well... that's you saying it. Repeating after DEMN Propaganda.

    Words from donald tRump's mouth aren't "Demn propaganda". "Stop the Steal" is not "Demn propaganda". Except to idiots like you.

    Qtard: \\By keeping in power the defeated one. But (using Qtard logic) the J6 insurrectionists would be "accomplices" in any Biden wrongdoing.\\Dunno how you came to such "logical conclusion".

    Because you said Gaza citizens who did not vote for Hamas are still accomplices. You even dismissed German resistance to Hitler (by writing "Bleh"). So they (even though they resisted) were accomplices anyway. Qtard obviously does not understand logic.

    Qtard: But... that's exactly the reason why I still talking with you -- rational non-idiotic person would not come to such perfectly insane idea.

    NewSpeak. Perfect logic based idea is a "perfectly insane idea" to you.

    Qtard: \\Because they didn't rise up and arrest Democrats \\Well... YOU said that.

    No. You said it. About Gaza citizens. You said they should rise up and arrest Hamas.

    Qtard: Well. Bombs of allies was not equiped to distinguish such a angels from fiend anyway.\\But (as per you) there are no angels. They are all fiends (aka accomplices).\\And you can confirm that claim with QUOTE?

    Why should I bother? Idiot can't even remember it called citizens of Gaza accomplices. "Never said it"? Even though you keep saying it over and over?

    Qtard: \\So Germany and Japan were eradicated from the Earth? Neither country exists any longer?\\Like we would be talking about "genocide" if that'd happaned...

    Qtard dunno what "genocide" means. Just confirmed it dunno.

    Qtard: \\So, you are arguing that genocide of "accomplices" is justified? Because they are all "fiends"?\\And you can confirm on what base you came to such "conclusion"?

    Your words.

    Qtard: Withy QUOTE?

    Because you forgot your own words? NMP.

  49. \\Qtard: Withy QUOTE?

    \\Because you forgot your own words?


    Because you cannot confirm your. ;-P

    \\But before you said they decided for themselves they had suffered a long train of abuses. And so they were justified in attempting to nullify the just conducted election. Now you say you dunno what they decided? So, maybe they just were believing lies about the election being stolen? (Hint: the answer is yes).


    Or just Thought Crime? ;-P

    \\donald tRump lied.

    And how often people follow liars?

    \\Because you said Gaza citizens who did not vote for Hamas were still accomplices. You even dismissed German resistance to Hitler (by writing "Bleh"). So they (even though they resisted) were accomplices anyway. Qtard obviously does not understand logic.


    That you cought itself into own nets of lies. ;-P

    \\Perfect logic based idea.


    Calling moonshine delusion "perfect logic". Nothing one can hear from a rational person. ;-P

    And you are Moonshine Derpy. :-)))))

    \\No. You said it. About Gaza citizens. You said they should rise up and arrest Hamas.

    Well... that is what free citizens of the country obliged to do... to protect Democracy. To ensure public safety. To defend weak and poor.

    \\Why should I bother? Idiot can't even remember it called citizens of Gaza accomplices. "Never said it"?

    Well. You did it to. Admitted em being accompleices. Well, "Some" of them. ;-P

    Or what??? Derpy the Idiot will scream: "I NEVER said it"??? AGAIN?????!!!

    \\Qtard dunno what "genocide" means. Just confirmed it doesn't know.

    Because nobody knows, don't remember about tribes which been completely genocided.

    Who knows culture and language of homo florencis?

    Who saw towns of proud neandertals?

    That's it... nobody, because they was wiped out.

    And Anti-Semite Derpy dreaming about complete wiping out of Jews... because "if it not complete, it is not genocide".

    \\Your words.



    QUOTE em.

    But you can't.

    Cause that is YOUR WORDS... you trying to strawman me with... only. ;-P

    What a silly-silly trick.

    Never working. But Derpy still trying.

    Because of its stubborness... fitting of such an idiot...

  50. \\Freed by killing them?

    Well. If you CAN do it better -- you can go to Gaza... and demonstrate it.

    How'd you fight against terrotists that made whole city battle zone.

    Or what???

    DEMN-rat Derpy are O.K. with people staying hostages of terrorists???

    Could be. Could be. As it denyes people's Human Rights. It might be very easy to it -- to that DEMN rat Derpy -- to come to conclusion that people do not need freedom, and could stay as slaves, indefinitely.

    And here.

    \\Cost of their lives? Because they can only be free if dead?

    IT only confirm that conclusion. With this moronic idea that "people can be free only when dead".

    Surely Totalitarian Nazi Anti-Semite Derpy.

    Could have such preposterous ideas in its mind. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Babies are responsibility of adults.

    \\So they can be killed? And their parents blamed? Parents killed their own babies. By being accomplices?

    Yet One... preposterous idea from mind of Heinous Totalitarian Nazi Anti-Semite Derpy.

    \\What "placating"? Living in a place where terrorists operate? Not being able to leave? Not being able to rise up and arrest the terrorists because you'd be killed?

    And generation after generation to boot.

    While providing new recruts to them.

    Whjat a nasty Jews -- forced people to live in such nasty condition.

    Oh, oups... they did it themself. Voted for HAMAS. Drowning in a anti-jew deluded propaganda.

    Those... "innocents". And "not accompleces".

    \\I might do what they want. People threatened by the mafia usually do. Because they don't want their family members killed.


    And they even give their sons to serve that mafia... because they "don't want to be killed".


    \\You claimed it is my and "Demn" motto "Lie it's Truth" and "Truth it's Lie". You gave no quote. You lied. Proof that is your motto.

    Like that numerous examples when you saying something... just to start screaming "I NEVER said it".

    Then CONFIRM it with Doubl-Downing on it.

    Then AGAIN screaming "I NEVER said it".

    EVEN when IN VERY NEXT sentence.

    Is not enough???

    "And when I lied to you? (wispering) Last time."

    "Oh, like, yesterday?"

    "I mean TODAY!!!"


    \\In his newsletter, published just a day before the Holocaust Remembrance Day, Rep. Paul Gosar [a republican] claimed that the Biden administration is aiding a supposed Nazi regime in Ukraine "$100 billion of your tax money is going to help Nazis". link.


    Because DEMN propaganda spreaded it wide and from long time ago.

    So even Reps became prone of it.

    Thank you for providing example of How Ubiqutous DEMN propaganda are.

    \\Marjorie Taylor Greene has sparked controversy by accusing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, of having a "Nazi army". link


    liliPut's propaganda piggybacking on the wide back of DEMN one...


    \\No doubt (in the future) you will forget these examples and continue to claim I have never given any.


    You'll continue claiming that you was giving counter-examples... while you provided only confirmations.



  51. \\You will probably do this with your very next comment. Will quote "I gave several. You ignore them". Then cut off the examples. Say "then give them!!"

    Why should I use your moronic tricks? ;-P

    They are... moronic.

    And unsuccessful.

    And... moronic.

    And renders you UTTER FOOL.

    And morinic.


    Well, you got it.

    It's you are moron who trying to re-use tricks and phrases of much smarter opponent. ;-P

    Totally without clue, of how to do that right.

    Cause... you are moron.

    \\Didn't. I gave an example of a reporter giving facts.


    "Giving facts"... without giving ANY.

    Just unresponsible mere babbling. That suits DEMN propaganda needs.


    \\That a small number of soldiers in the Azov battalion self identify as Nazi.

    From WORDS of some DEMN CNN reporter... who not provided neither video nor soundtrack of it.

    And we SHOULD believe... that that "Azov battalion Nazi" was talking in flawless English? Or that that CNN reporter was asking it in flawless Ukrainian???

    And knowladgable in History and Languages of that part of the World ENOUGH.

    To know that words like "nationalists", "nation", "nazis" was sparcely used and/or have differ meaning.

    \\That the Ukraine government needs to be denazified (one reason Putin gave for invading) is a lie.

    That is THE SAME lie.

    DAMN lie.

    That liliPut just USED.

    In DEMN-style.

    Like demn woke use "ah, you have white skin? then take it -- you are White Supremacist!"

    \\Spread by republiturds like Gosar and Greene. Refuted by Democrats.


    In a "we ALWAYS was fighting with EastAsia" DEMN NewSpeak way.

    \\Qtard: Are you republiturd? Are CNN republiturds? Maybe that CNN reporter are secret republiturd?

    \\No. Not NewSpeak yes. Not "just what a liar would say".

    Of course.


    that is FACTUAL truth.

    You are DEMN.

    And CNN are DEMN.

    And that was DEMN propaganda all around.

    DEMN propaganda you tryed to lie being "republiturd".

    In utterly moronic. Counter-factual way. As always.

    Cause you are Utter Moron -- Derpy.

    \\Because you keep spewing idiotic lies. Like it's Democrats saying Ukrainians are Nazis. When Democrats are saying they are not.

    Today -- yes. Well, some Demns, whose brains was not upgraded STILL doing it. Same as non-upgradable brains of Reps. ;-P

    What about all previous years???

    \\Idiot thinks it writes "smart words"!!


    You are. ;-P

    Congrats admitting that. :-)))))

  52. The vote was totally legit, and the law was strictly followed.... e-r-r-r-r-r-p!

  53. Qtard: Yeah. Because DEMN propaganda spreaded it wide and from long time ago. So even Reps became prone of it.

    Did not. That is not what happened.

    The propaganda is republiturd, not "Demn". You asked for examples of republiturds spreading it. Though previously you lied and said I never gave it. Now your lie is that republiturds are spreading "Demn propaganda".

    HOW is this propaganda from Democrats coming from Republicans, asshole? You never gave any quote of a Democrat saying anything like this.

    I gave evidence of republiturds spreading this propaganda. You gave no evidence of Democrats spreading it. Not a CNN reporter -- I am talking about elected Democratic politicians.

    You just have a "feeling" that it was Democrats who did it first?

    Qtard: And CNN are DEMN.

    They are a registered Democrat supporting news organization? That is bullshit. There is no such thing. And CNN only reported on the fact that there are a small number of self identified Nazis in the Azov battalion. CNN refutes the lie that the Ukraine government needs to be denazified.

    Qtard: And that was DEMN propaganda all around.

    Was not. Just proved it was not with the quotes I gave.

    Qtard: DEMN propaganda you tryed to lie being "republiturd".

    republiturd propaganda you are lying about being "Demn propaganda".

    Qtard: In utterly moronic. Counter-factual way. As always. Cause you are Utter Moron -- Derpy.

    You are lying. Where is your evidence? Where are your facts? CNN is not the Democratic party, liar.

  54. Qtard: \\Idiot thinks it writes "smart words"!!\\ Yap. You are. Congrats admitting that.

    This "admitting" you refer to only occurred in your delusions. YOU are the idiot.

    Minus: The vote was totally legit, and the law was strictly followed.... e-r-r-r-r-r-p!

    That there were more votes in PA than voters is False

  55. Qtard: \\Idiot thinks it writes "smart words"!!\\ Yap. You are. Congrats admitting that.

    This "admitting" you refer to only occurred in your delusions. YOU are the idiot.

    Minus: The vote was totally legit, and the law was strictly followed.... e-r-r-r-r-r-p!

    That there were more votes in PA than voters is False

  56. Greene was invoking an incorrect figure from a Republican state legislator who had relied on incomplete data.

    The data is COMPLETE now, which was the point of the link.

  57. Cheating confirmed. So tRump actually won? When is he going to be sworn in?

  58. \\Did not. That is not what happened.

    Well. You yourself giving links where Reps repeating after DEMN propaganda.

    But. Somehow. That is "not what happened."??? :-)))))

    Well. It could be big news... if we'd not know already -- that you are EXACTLY that moronic kind of liars -- one who lie COUTER-FACTUALLY.

    EVEN if it damn too OBVIOUS. :-)))))

    So, you just CONFIRMED being such liar, with it. ;-P

    \\The propaganda is republiturd, not "Demn".

    And you can provide FACTS proving that???

    Well, if that "republiturd propaganda" -- WHY DEMNs repeat it? ;-P

    From their most reputable sources.

    Like CNN.

    \\You asked for examples of republiturds spreading it.


    That is not how propaganda spreaded. By some individuals repeating it.

    It spreaded as advertising -- through many-many sources. Repeated ad infinitum.

    And that is DEMN sources. Like CNN. Like DEMN social networks. Like DEMN-alaigned eduction.

    THAT is how propaganda created and circulating -- for NO people would AVOID listening to it.

    Babbling of this or that person -- that is just an after-effect of it.

    \\HOW is this propaganda from Democrats coming from Republicans, asshole? You never gave any quote of a Democrat saying anything like this.

    Cause... just one link would not prove it.

    Propaganda -- that is something that spreaded through many-many media. And continuosly. Until everyone will adopt it as Own Views -- and that is what happened with that idea "Ukrainians are Nazis".

    That is obviously are Propaganda.

    Cause -- WHY would americans CARE about some people in unknown to them country far-far-away, be Nazis???

    HOW, so many people would not only have SAME knowladge, SAME views???

    But even SAME attitude? That's not possible, if that information was recieved through ordianry means.

    That is obviously traits of Propaganda -- that, what it created for -- to deseminate minds of people with false, benefitial to desemenator views.

    Mind viruses.


  59. \\I gave evidence of republiturds spreading this propaganda. You gave no evidence of Democrats spreading it. Not a CNN reporter -- I am talking about elected Democratic politicians.

    Politicians do not spread it -- they use ALREADY implanted by propaganda views.

    You are idiot -- that's why you don't know it.

    That's why you claims that you discussing politics here -- is so preposterous.

    Because you have NO clue what you are talking about.

    As any other idiot -- which mind cretinized by propaganda successfully.

    \\You just have a "feeling" that it was Democrats who did it first?

    "Feeling" from your constant buzz? From your links? From your fervent and hot passion with which you chanting DEMN propaganda?

    Yeah. Pretty much true.

    But also, from many-many OTHER sources.

    As it should be... if that is propaganda. And it is.

    \\They are a registered Democrat supporting news organization? That is bullshit. There is no such thing.


    Then WHY you talking about it???

    If there is no such thing? ;-P

    Why you constantly talking about unexisting, imaginary things?

    Cause you are delusional idiot? Maybe. ;-P

    \\And CNN only reported on the fact that there are a small number of self identified Nazis in the Azov battalion. CNN refutes the lie that the Ukraine government needs to be denazified.

    In one and the same article? ;-)

    \\Was not. Just proved it was not with the quotes I gave.


    Proved that EVEN Reps are prone to it. ;-P

    \\republiturd propaganda you are lying about being "Demn propaganda".

    False claim you UNABLE to confirm with any facts. ;-P

    And even hilariously idiotic -- ALL FACTS you giving, confirm TOTALLY OPPOSITE of what you claiming. :-)))))

    \\Qtard: In utterly moronic. Counter-factual way. As always. Cause you are Utter Moron -- Derpy.

    \\You are lying. Where is your evidence? Where are your facts? CNN is not the Democratic party, liar.

    It do not provide "news" that are favorable for Dem party of USA????

    Like coverages of court trials of dRump.

    And same time PLACATING same kind of info about Bi-den.

    That is NOT what happen?

    And that is NOT why you call FoxNews pro-dRumpian???

    What an idiotic lie.


    Countrary to obviously known BY EVERYONE. :-)))))))

    Same as that Sun rising in the morning.

  60. They need to fire everyone who certified the 2020 election results in Pennsylvania.

  61. ... and use the Electoral College to judge which electors should have been recognize. The Biden slate, or the (so-called "insurrectionist") Trump slate.

  62. ...oh, wait the so-called J6 "insurrection" and Capitol Hill "invasion" allowed Nancy Pelosi to bypass consideration of them with the parliamentary sleight of hand of declaring an emergency and premature adjournment . How convenient....

  63. How many feds were directing Trump rally participants to the Capitol extolling them with words like, "We need to go IN to the Capitol!"?

  64. I wonder how many shell companies made direct payments to Ray Eps.

  65. Zero and zero.

  66. Derpy stopping answering to unconvinient questions.

    As Ever.


    DEMN idiot. Where's your eloquency? Where your hot passion?

    When it comes to ANSWERING... it all somehow disappears.

    Some could say -- self-revealingly. But I can say only -- hilarious. :-))))))

    Because DEMN idiot do not know -- that avoiding answering to certain questions -- reveals The Truth. ;-P

  67. Qtard: You yourself giving links where Reps repeating after DEMN propaganda.

    Lie. My links concern republiturds repeating republiturd propaganda.

    Qtard: But. Somehow. That is "not what happened."???

    republiturds repeating republiturd propaganda. Yet somehow it is "Demn Propaganda"???

    Qtard: if we'd not know already -- that you are EXACTLY that moronic kind of liars -- one who lie COUTER-FACTUALLY.

    That is what we know about you. You keep proving it over and over.

    Qtard: EVEN if it damn too OBVIOUS.

    I agree. Your moronity is incredibly obvious.

    Qtard: So, you just CONFIRMED being such liar, with it.

    Yep. That you are a liar has been bigly confirmed with your stupidity about republiturd propaganda somehow being "Demn Propaganda".

    Qtard: \\The propaganda is republiturd, not "Demn"\\ And you can provide FACTS proving that???


    Qtard: Well, if that "republiturd propaganda" -- WHY DEMNs repeat it?

    They don't. They refute it.

    Qtard: From their most reputable sources. Like CNN.


    Qtard: \\You asked for examples of republiturds spreading it\\Naaah.


    Qtard: That is not how propaganda spreaded. By some individuals repeating it. It spreaded as advertising -- through many-many sources. Repeated ad infinitum.

    By republiturds.

    Qtard: And that is DEMN sources. Like CNN. Like DEMN social networks. Like DEMN-alaigned eduction.


    Qtard: THAT is how propaganda created and circulating -- for NO people would AVOID listening to it.

    If they watch/listen to republiturd media.

    Qtard: Babbling of this or that person -- that is just an after-effect of it.

    They feed each other. republiturd media and republiturd politicians. Both spreading Putin's propaganda.

    Qtard: \\HOW is this propaganda from Democrats coming from Republicans, asshole? You never gave any quote of a Democrat saying anything like this\\ Cause... just one link would not prove it.

    Admission that Dems aren't saying it. Admission you lie. Can't even give ONE example.

    Qtard: Propaganda -- that is something that spreaded through many-many media. And continuosly.

    republiturd media.

    Qtard: Until everyone will adopt it as Own Views -- and that is what happened with that idea "Ukrainians are Nazis".

    republiturds accepting it. Democrats rejecting it.

    Qtard: Cause -- WHY would americans CARE about some people in unknown to them country far-far-away, be Nazis???

    The US fought Nazis in a world war? You didn't know? Never heard of it?

    Qtard: HOW, so many people would not only have SAME knowladge, SAME views??? But even SAME attitude? That's not possible, if that information was recieved through ordianry means.

    Spread by republiturds. republiturd media and republiturd politicians.

    Qtard: That is obviously traits of Propaganda -- that, what it created for -- to deseminate minds of people with false, benefitial to desemenator views. Mind viruses.

    Qtard describing it's efforts to pin the spread of Putin's propaganda on Democrats? When it's republiturds spreading it? It isn't working, dumbshit. Everyone else around the world knows it's republiturds who are aligned with Putin.

  68. Qtard: Politicians do not spread it -- they use ALREADY implanted by propaganda views.

    So give an example of a Democrat repeating "implanted by propaganda views" re Ukrainians being Nazis. My prediction is that you will not.

    Qtard: You are idiot -- that's why you don't know it.

    You are an idiot -- that's why you don't know republiturds are spreading it.

    Qtard: That's why you claims that you discussing politics here -- is so preposterous.

    Qtard's lies about "Demn Propaganda" is so preposterous. Because you have NO clue what you are talking about.

    Qtard: As any other idiot -- which mind cretinized by propaganda successfully.

    Talking to your alter ego.

    Qtard: \\You just have a "feeling" that it was Democrats who did it first?\\ "Feeling" from your constant buzz? From your links? From your fervent and hot passion with which you chanting DEMN propaganda? Yeah. Pretty much true.

    Lie. I have never chanted any "Demn Propaganda".

    Qtard: But also, from many-many OTHER sources.

    Cite one.

    Qtard: \\They are a registered Democrat supporting news organization? That is bullshit. There is no such thing\\ Then WHY you talking about it???

    Because you keep saying CNN is "Demn Propaganda".

    Qtard: If there is no such thing? Why you constantly talking about unexisting, imaginary things?

    Because YOU constantly are talking about unexisting, imaginary things. Insisting they are real.

    Qtard: Cause you are delusional idiot? Maybe.

    Your alter ego? Yeah, and you too.

    Qtard: \\And CNN only reported on the fact that there are a small number of self identified Nazis in the Azov battalion. CNN refutes the lie that the Ukraine government needs to be denazified\\ In one and the same article?


    Qtard: Proved that EVEN Reps are prone to it.

    Because they are aligned with Putin.

    Qtard: \\republiturd propaganda you are lying about being "Demn propaganda"\\False claim you UNABLE to confirm with any facts.

    TRUE claim I have confirmed multiple times with facts. Qtard is UNABLE to confirm it's claim that "Ukrainians are Nazis" is Democratic propaganda.

    Qtard: And even hilariously idiotic -- ALL FACTS you giving, confirm TOTALLY OPPOSITE of what you claiming.

    Bullshit. Also a moronic lie.

    Qtard: It do not provide "news" that are favorable for Dem party of USA????

    I dunno. I don't watch it. I do know CNN held a favorable to donald tRump Town Hall.

    Qtard: Like coverages of court trials of dRump. And same time PLACATING same kind of info about Bi-den. That is NOT what happen?

    No. There are no Joe Biden trials.

    Qtard: And that is NOT why you call FoxNews pro-dRumpian???

    No. I've never said Fox is "pro-dRumpian". They talk about politics on Fox, not anal intercourse.

  69. Qtard: Derpy stopping answering to unconvinient questions.

    No. Not "unconvinient questions" -- idiotic lies.

    Qtard: As Ever.

    NewSpeak. "As ever" meaning never.

    Qtard: DEMN idiot. Where's your eloquency? Where your hot passion? When it comes to ANSWERING... it all somehow disappears. Some could say -- self-revealingly. But I can say only -- hilarious.

    No. Also No.

    Qtard: Because DEMN idiot do not know -- that avoiding answering to certain questions -- reveals The Truth.

    Qtard's moronic questions reveal it's lies.

  70. \\Qtard: You yourself giving links where Reps repeating after DEMN propaganda.

    \\Lie. My links concern republiturds repeating republiturd propaganda.


    From "republiturd" sources like CNN.


    Well... who knows, maybe they became smart and decided to stack on fine horse in a race this time. ;-P

    Like they started showing that dRump have bigger chances to became POTUS than Bi-den. :-))))))

    \\republiturds repeating republiturd propaganda. Yet somehow it is "Demn Propaganda"???

    And CNN is republiturd?

    Or... show me that "republiturd sources" that spread "republiturd propaganda"... which STARTED TO CALL "Uklrainians Nazis" BEFORE CNN and other DEMN sources.

    Well... it would leave a place for a question -- WHY DEMN sources started repeating after "republiturd"

    But... for at least you'd be able to give some base to you mere counter-factual babbling, which could made it viable as argument. ;-P

    But, naaah.

    You will not do that.

    Cause you are crazu junk. :-)))

    \\Qtard: \\The propaganda is republiturd, not "Demn"\\ And you can provide FACTS proving that???

    \\JUST DID.


    Your empty babbling is not FACTS.

    Or what??? I should believe you... because you are "an expert"???? :-))))

    \\That is what we know about you. You keep proving it over and over.

    And you can provide QUOTES proving it? ;-P

    Naaah. :-))))))

    Means -- that is obvious lies -- self-revealing lies.

    You claiming it happens "over and over"... but UNABLE to refer to EVEN ONE of that "overs". :-)))))))

    \\I agree. Your moronity is incredibly obvious.

    Yet. You UNABLE to demonstrate it with QUOTES. :-)))))


    Cause that is obviously silly pretence of yours -- trying to turn the table and scream "no, you are fool"... which demonstrates trully idiotic stubborness -- that's why it proves you being utter idiot... over and over again. :-))))))

    \\Qtard: Well, if that "republiturd propaganda" -- WHY DEMNs repeat it?

    \\They don't. They refute it.


    Because NOW propaganda narratives have changed.

    And you chanting "we ALWAYS have fought with EastAsia".

    As faithful and loyal to Big Brother prols. ;-P

    But History remembers it all. Like your OWN WORDS HERE... with link to CNN bullshittalker... I mean "truth teller".

    \\Qtard: From their most reputable sources. Like CNN.



    They are spreaders of DEMN lies.

    You are right here. ;-P

    \\By republiturds.

    Yeah. Ones waving DEMN party flag. Chanting DEMN propaganda slogans.

    What a sneaky "republiturds". ;-P

    \\Qtard: And that is DEMN sources. Like CNN. Like DEMN social networks. Like DEMN-alaigned eduction.



    They all spread DEMN lies.

    You are right here. Are you republiturd? Revealing lies of DEMNS so fervently.


  71. \\They feed each other. republiturd media and republiturd politicians. Both spreading Putin's propaganda.

    Like Zero-bama, saying "let's be friends again" to liliPut?

    Like Bi-den saying "Rush'A will conquer Ukraine in few days"?

    \\Admission that Dems aren't saying it. Admission you lie. Can't even give ONE example.




    Gave that example -- link to article of CNN reporter.

    And you tryed to protect him from criticism.

    So what, now you stepping back from it? And ready to admit that that was a lie?


    You will only double-down on it. ;-P

    \\Qtard: Until everyone will adopt it as Own Views -- and that is what happened with that idea "Ukrainians are Nazis".

    \\republiturds accepting it. Democrats rejecting it.


    After dog's wistle, that propaganda narreative changed.

    It's not good, to try to give more help to Ukraine... while same time calling em "nazis".

    That's why it was changed.

    And you following it. Unquestioningly. ;-P

    Because -- that is NOT your own POV based on FACTS -- just propaganda you repeating. :-)))))

    YOUR OWN BEHAVIOR reveals it.

    \\The US fought Nazis in a world war? You didn't know? Never heard of it?

    Before or after they was pumping up their military might? ;-P


    And spreading propaganda that Nazi views is good? And not allowing Jews to flee from Holocaust?

    Well, USA was supporting many Nazi rejimes after that too...

    \\Qtard: That is obviously traits of Propaganda -- that, what it created for -- to deseminate minds of people with false, benefitial to desemenator views. Mind viruses.

    \\Qtard describing it's efforts to pin the spread of Putin's propaganda on Democrats? When it's republiturds spreading it? It isn't working, dumbshit. Everyone else around the world knows it's republiturds who are aligned with Putin.

    "Republiturds" that pushed Reset Button with liliPut? Withdrawed their militries from Syria, to allow liliPut to bomb it out?

    Or not provided suffucinet military help to Ukraine... leaved it with some small amount of ammo and infantry weapon -- against tanks and bombs.

    That "republiturds"???? So sneakily hiden under brand DEMN? ;-P


  72. \\So give an example of a Democrat repeating "implanted by propaganda views" re Ukrainians being Nazis. My prediction is that you will not.

    I was forced to use Bing. And link from non-USA media.

    As Goggle succesfully COIVERED for it, and was giving links only to Reps... even thought I DIRECTLY asked to give DEMNS words.

    The Times of Israel

    Congress members call out Ukraine government for glorifying Nazis

    >>> 26 April 2018, 5:03 am <<<<

    Yevhen Kutsik, 86, former soldier of SS Galician Division, right, and a young Ukrainian nationalist lay a wreath on a monument to SS Galician Division, Sunday, July 21, 2013. (photo credit:AP/Efrem Lukatsky)
    Yevhen Kutsik, 86, former soldier of SS Galician Division, right, and a young Ukrainian nationalist lay a wreath on a monument to SS Galician Division, Sunday, July 21, 2013. (photo credit:AP/Efrem Lukatsky)

    More than 50 US Congress members condemned Ukrainian legislation that they said “glorifies Nazi collaborators” and therefore goes further than Poland’s laws on rhetoric about the Holocaust.

    The condemnation came to Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan that was initiated by >>>>>Democratic<<<<<<< Reps. Ro Khanna of California and David Cicilline of Rhode Island.

    While noting that Poland passing a law in February that criminalizes blaming the Polish nation for Nazi crimes was “cause for concern,” the letter uses much harsher and likely precedent-setting language about developments in Ukraine that thus far have received relatively little attention in the West, observers of these processes said.

    “Ukraine’s luck of flying beneath the radar has finally run out,” Dovid Katz, the founder of the Defending History website about Holocaust distortion in Eastern Europe, wrote on Twitter about the letter. “Never imagined we’d see this day.”

    The language on Ukraine “is brutal — and richly deserved,” he added.

    The letter states that >>>>>“It’s particularly troubling that much of the Nazi glorification in Ukraine is government-supported.”<<<<<< It noted ceremonies, gestures and legislation venerating leaders of the UPA and OUN militias, who fought alongside Nazi Germany during World War II and whose troops participated in atrocities against Jews and other victims.

  73. Or... here.

    MARCH 20, 2018 12:27 AM UPDATED 6 YEARS AGO <------
    Commentary: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem
    By Josh Cohen, Commentary
    11 MIN READ

    As Ukraine’s struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: far-right vigilantes who are willing to use intimidation and even violence to advance their agendas, and who often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies.

    Reuters must be republiturd? And writer too?

    This one?

    Joshua J. Cohen - Wikipedia › wiki › Joshua_J._Cohen
    Joshua Jackson "Josh" Cohen (born May 31, 1973) is an American Democratic politician and former mayor of Annapolis, Maryland. Cohen, a Democrat,

    PS And you "predicted" that *I* WILL NOT give examples.

    And you will PROVE IT... by claiming that "It NEVER happened", yes? ;-P

    SUCH an I-D-I-O-T!

    SO spectacular!


  74. \\You are an idiot -- that's why you don't know republiturds are spreading it.

    Yep. Sneaky republiturds. Who sucking propaganda from CNN. And chanting DEMN propaganda slogans. Like "dRump is Guilty" and etc.

    One need to be idiot... to believe something like that possible. :-)))))

    And you are TRULLY are such an idiot WHO prooudly claiming "believing in facts" like that, and calling me idiot for not believing into such idiotic shit -- DEMN propaganda. :-))))

    \\Qtard's lies about "Demn Propaganda" is so preposterous. Because you have NO clue what you are talking about.

    Because I do not "believe in facts" your DEMN propaganda deseminated yopu feverish delusional mind of a crackpot? ;-P DEMN Junky Crackpot -- Derpy, for short.

    \\Lie. I have never chanted any "Demn Propaganda".

    One of your famous "I NEVER"s???? :-)))))

    \\Because YOU constantly are talking about unexisting, imaginary things. Insisting they are real.


    Not Real.

    Even though can be REFERED to. And given as QUOTES.

    That much "Not Real". :-)))))

    Well, as it should be... for religious bonker.

    Only what it believes into it deems as real... and everything else, as not.

    \\TRUE claim I have confirmed multiple times with facts. Qtard is UNABLE to confirm it's claim that "Ukrainians are Nazis" is Democratic propaganda.


    Because DEMN junky trying to pretend that DEMN-aligned people repeating it -- do not counts. :-))))))

    They... magicly turn "republiturd". Even though their sites, their blogs is all in DEMN slogans and Pro-Biden and ANti-dRump propaganda.


    They -- republiturds. And NOT DEMNS... just because DEMN Junky Derpy DECIDED so, on its whim. :-)))))

    Oh, my... what a hilarity. :-))))

    \\I dunno. I don't watch it. I do know CNN held a favorable to donald tRump Town Hall.


    Maybe they decided to bet on another horse.

    While simultaneously STOPPED calling Ukrainians Nazis. ;-P

    \\No. There are no Joe Biden trials.

    They was pumpin anti-dRump histeria EVEN BEFORE any trials have started.

    So??? Why they NOT criticizing Biden too?

    While that'll be so big news -- yet one prsident gonna be on trial, or not?

    But they refuse. To use such rich topic. Why so? Your version?

    \\No. Not "unconvinient questions" -- idiotic lies.


    I used to your calling facts a lie.


    \\NewSpeak. "As ever" meaning never.

    Oh, thank you.

    For teaching me more NewSpeak.

    And you tryed to say that you are not proficinet. Do not know. Do not use it.

    But... obviously. That was NewSpeak "truth". ;-P

  75. Qtard: "predicted" that *I* WILL NOT give examples. And you will PROVE IT... by claiming that "It NEVER happened", yes?

    WHAT never happened? Democrats were never concerned about Nazis in Ukraine? Yeah, that happened.

    That you gave examples of Democrats spreading Putin's propaganda about the Ukrainian government being filled with Nazis? No, that hasn't happened. Will never happen. As per my (now proven accurate) prediction.


    Linked to article says...

    Many of the National Militia's members come from the Azov movement, one of the 30-odd privately-funded "volunteer battalions" that, in the early days of the war, helped the regular army to defend Ukrainian territory against Russia's separatist proxies. Although Azov uses Nazi-era symbolism and recruits neo-Nazis into its ranks... [End Except]

    So... This article concerns the self identified Nazis in the Azov battalion. A valid concern. Confirmed by many reporters (not just one CNN reporter).

    Bigly different than Putin's propaganda about Russia needing to invade to denazify the Ukrainian government. A lie refuted by Democrats. Spread by republiturds.


    Ro Khanna of California voted YEA re the Ukraine Security Assistance and Oversight Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024.

    The vote totals the this bill were...

    210 Democrats and 101 Republicans in favor.

    0 Democrats and 117 Republicans opposed it. link

    Rep David Cicilline of Rhode Island -- Voted to Expedite Military Aid to Ukraine.

    "The Ukrainian people are determined to defend their country and their democracy, and we must continue to do all we can to support them against Putin and his illegal war", said Congressman Cicilline.

  76. Qtard: \\Because YOU constantly are talking about unexisting, imaginary things. Insisting they are real\\ Yeah. Not Real. Even though can be REFERED to. And given as QUOTES.

    Bullshit. Your lies about "What Derpy really mean".

    Qtard: That much "Not Real".


    Qtard: Well, as it should be... for religious bonker.

    Right there -- that's an example of something imaginary you insist is real. I have never discussed religion with you.

    Qtard: Only what it believes into it deems as real... and everything else, as not.

    This is another of your delusions.

    Qtard: \\TRUE claim I have confirmed multiple times with facts. Qtard is UNABLE to confirm it's claim that "Ukrainians are Nazis" is Democratic propaganda\\ Yap. Because DEMN junky trying to pretend that DEMN-aligned people repeating it -- do not counts.

    They would count -- if there were any.

    Qtard: They... magicly turn "republiturd".

    No. They always were republiturd. Never were Democrats. There is no turning.

    Qtard: Even though their sites, their blogs is all in DEMN slogans and Pro-Biden and ANti-dRump propaganda.

    In your delusions. Not in reality.

    Qtard: They -- republiturds. And NOT DEMNS... just because DEMN Junky Derpy DECIDED so, on its whim.

    NOT on a whim. Based on facts.

    Qtard: \\I dunno. I don't watch it. I do know CNN held a favorable to donald tRump Town Hall\\ Well. Maybe they decided to bet on another horse. While simultaneously STOPPED calling Ukrainians Nazis.

    Impossible. They could not STOP doing something they never did to begin with.

    Qtard: \\There are no Joe Biden trials\\ They was pumpin anti-dRump histeria EVEN BEFORE any trials have started.

    No "histeria". Just reporting facts. What news organizations do

    Qtard: So??? Why they NOT criticizing Biden too?

    I dunno they aren't. Like I said, I don't watch it. If they aren't, the reason is likely due to a lack of facts to support the criticism.

    Qtard: While that'll be so big news -- yet one prsident gonna be on trial, or not?

    donald tRump already is on trial.

    Qtard: But they refuse. To use such rich topic. Why so? Your version?

    I dunno that CNN is refusing to criticize Joe Biden. I suspect they likely have. I dunno what your alleged "refusal" is based on. Can you cite it?

    Qtard: \\No. Not "unconvinient questions" -- idiotic lies\\ Whatever. I used to your calling facts a lie.

    Impossible. You can't get used to something that has never happened.

  77. \\Qtard: "predicted" that *I* WILL NOT give examples. And you will PROVE IT... by claiming that "It NEVER happened", yes?

    \\WHAT never happened? Democrats were never concerned about Nazis in Ukraine? Yeah, that happened.


    Now repeating liliPut's lies called "being concerned about Nazis in Ukraine"?

    DEMN Honesty!

    Just invent ad hok explanation/rename it euphemisticly.

    And deal DONE. :-))))))

    \\That you gave examples of Democrats spreading Putin's propaganda about the Ukrainian government being filled with Nazis? No, that hasn't happened. Will never happen. As per my (now proven accurate) prediction.


    DEMN congressmen. Compiled document. Where in strong words condemned "covering Nazis in Ukrainian Army by government"... but, it "not repeating liliPut's propaganda"... though it WORD-TO-WORD repeating.

    THAT TIME. In 2018. liliPut DID NOT allowed to itself, to call whole government of Ukraine "nazis". Only tryed to spread such words about "Azov brigade". To cover OWN crimes against humanity.

    That missive of propaganda started in year 2022. After shamefull fleeing from around Kiev -- as explanation that some hardcore Nazis are here.


    \\Qtard: "predicted" that *I* WILL NOT give examples. And you will PROVE IT... by claiming that "It NEVER happened", yes?



    \\No, that hasn't happened. Will never happen. As per my (now proven accurate) prediction.


    you will still be repeating like that broken gramophone... it never happened... it never happened... it never happened... it never happened...


    \\So... This article concerns the self identified Nazis in the Azov battalion. A valid concern. Confirmed by many reporters (not just one CNN reporter).


    Genuine Americans concern.

    And not some deseminated by liliPut's propaganda.

    Because many Americans are VERY INTERESTED in Ukraine. Have relatives there. Do business there. And in general -- are VERY concerned... NOT.


    They became knowing about it... just from news. And because of liliPut started war aganst that cuntry.

    And started spreading fakes about it.

    Go said that not true.

    Go say that you knew/cared about Ukraine.

    Like 10 years AGO and BEFORE... that war started.

    \\Bigly different than Putin's propaganda about Russia needing to invade to denazify the Ukrainian government. A lie refuted by Democrats. Spread by republiturds.


    Biggly different from lies liliPut was spreading BEFORE full scale assault in 2022... assault, to which Americans showed FULLY SUCCUMBED by liliPut's propaganda... that "Ukraine will fall in three days".

    And based on that propaganda. DEMN Bi-den provided only MIZERLY help. And still pushing on brakes to stop it complitely. Like by claiming "they do not need planes".

    Or not giving ATACMS.

    DOING virtually EVERYTHING, to help his ally? master? liliPut, to win.

    THAT IS NOT Demns "refuted" it.

    But brave Ukrainian soldiers.

    That still fight.

    With one hand and one leg strangled.

    Bind with demand to not attack Rush'A's territory directly. And without vipers.

    \\0 Democrats and 117 Republicans opposed it. link

    So what?

    They are opposition. So they oppose.


  78. \\Bullshit. Your lies about "What Derpy really mean".

    "Lies" you never able to reveal being lies. With FACTS. And LOGIC.


    As ever. :-))))

    \\Right there -- that's an example of something imaginary you insist is real. I have never discussed religion with you.

    Being religious bonker -- it's not about religion.

    But about religious attitude toward things.

    People behind religion -- they are perfectly rational themself -- they just proficient crooks which use such a delusional religious bonkers... well, those they was able to capture minds of.

    \\Qtard: They... magicly turn "republiturd".

    \\No. They always were republiturd. Never were Democrats. There is no turning.

    Voting for Bi-den. Fervent Anti-dRump... "Never Democrats". :-)))))

    And go say, anyone, that that is not completely crackpot talks. :-)))))

    DEMN crackpot, DEMN junky.

    \\NOT on a whim. Based on facts.


    "facts"... DEMN junky envisioned in own delusion to exist.

    Because it "believes in" it. :-))))))

    \\donald tRump already is on trial.

    By criminal charges?

    \\Qtard: \\No. Not "unconvinient questions" -- idiotic lies\\ Whatever. I used to your calling facts a lie.

    \\Impossible. You can't get used to something that has never happened.

    "Never happened"???

    Though you oftenly crying about it? ;-P

    Why you crying then???

    For no reason?

    Unstable psyche??? :-)))))
