Saturday, October 28, 2023

Welcome to Baltimore, Hon!


  1. Timcast media presents... rightturd pro-gun propaganda.

    Sponsored by the NRA?

  2. Boogeymen to your left... boogeymen to the right... can I have "scapegoats" for $2000, Alex?

  3. Who is being scapegoated? The NRA? Minus cries because the gun industry isn't making enough money? We need more guns? We already have 120 guns for every 100 people.

    Maybe the police in Baltimore should be distributing free guns and ammo? As long as you don't have a criminal record, you get a free gun. Ammo too. Maybe 100 rounds a month?

  4. Guns are definitely being scapegoated. And yes, maybe they should hand them out. Because the funny thing is that in Baltimore, they don't prosecute gun possession crimes. That would be raccis-s-s-s. Baltimore is a town wholly inhabited soley by magical negroes that can conceal carry and not be prosecuted. Actually, if you're a store owner and use a weapon, they will prosecute you for endangering the life of a magical negro. That's prbably why they don't hand them out. It's a funny town that way. It must have something to do with their federal law enforcement consent decree and their annual 300+ homicide tradition.

  5. That guns are being blamed for gun violence makes a person think WHY??

    Oh no wait, it doesn't make anyone think that. Just gun nuts.

  6. That guns are being blamed for gun violence makes a person think WHY??

    Oh no wait, it doesn't make anyone think that. Just gun nuts.

  7. Except 90% of the mass shootings are unreported by the media. Why? It's only blacks shooting blacks, and black lives matter! LOL!

  8. It's the guns.... NOT the people shooting them.

  9. People without guns can't shoot guns.

  10. Guns without people pulling triggers can't kill anything.

  11. You think 68 percent of Americans are in prison?

    FYI, people with trigger fingers but no gun can't kill anyone.

  12. Re, BLM: "Its primary concerns are incidents of police brutality and racially motivated violence against black people". [Wikipedia].

    "blacks shooting blacks" isn't a primary concern of BLM. rightturds don't like BLM's primary concern. They think police killing Black people is always justified. Police killing anyone is almost always justified according to you. Unless (maybe) it is Black police officers killing a Black suspect.

    Crime is supposed to be the primary concern of the police.

  13. That shows how stupid BLM is. Most of the cops killing black people are most likely black.

    In the long sequence of high-profile deaths of Black men at the hands of police, the death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis shared many of the same hallmarks: a traffic stop that turns violent, an outraged community and a crucial release of video footage.

    But the case was unique in another way. All five police officers charged with murdering Nichols are Black.

    How the officers' race will influence protesters in the streets – and any future jury in the courtroom – remains to be seen. But experts, activists and attorneys told USA TODAY that the race of the officers involved is far less important than the race of the victim. They say a "historically biased culture of policing" puts Black people at risk regardless of an officer's race.

    Black police officers have been accused of brutalizing and killing Black people before. Three of the six Baltimore police officers charged in the 2015 arrest and death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray were Black.

    Gray’s death touched off days of rioting and looting and led to investigations by the U.S. Justice Department. All six officers in that case were acquitted or had their charges dropped.

  14. Source

    To test whether officer characteristics predict the race of a person fatally shot, we regressed victim race against all officer and civilian predictors. Predictors and coefficients for this model are reported in Table 1. For all effects, we report odds ratios (OR) comparing Black or Hispanic individuals to Whites and 95% CIs (in brackets). In terms of officer race, as the percentage of Black officers who shot in a FOIS increased, a person fatally shot was more likely to be Black (OR = 1.23 [1.03, 1.48]) than White. As the percentage of Hispanic officers who shot in a FOIS increased, a person fatally shot was more likely to be Hispanic (OR = 1.84 [1.54, 2.20]) or Black (OR = 1.29 [1.07, 1.56]) than White. The number of officers, percentage of female officers, and average experience of officers did not predict civilian race. Older civilians were 1.85 times less likely (OR = 0.54 [0.45, 0.66]) to be Black than White and 1.75 times less likely (OR = 0.57 [0.47, 0.70]) to be Hispanic than White. Suicidal civilians were 3.57 times less likely (OR = 0.28 [0.12, 0.64]) to be Black than White. In sum, as the percentage of Black or Hispanic officers increased, the likelihood that a civilian fatally shot was Black or Hispanic (respectively) also increased.

    Overall, officer demographics such as sex and experience were not related to racial disparities in fatal shootings. Although officer race was related to racial disparities, the fact that Black and Hispanic civilians were more likely to be shot by same-race officers was largely explained by similarities between officer and county demographics. Because racial disparities in FOIS do not vary based on officer race, hiring more diverse officers may not reduce racial disparities in FOIS. This is not to say that increasing officer diversity is without merit, as increasing officer diversity may broaden understanding of diverse communities and increase trust in law enforcement. However, these data suggest that increasing racial diversity would not meaningfully reduce racial disparity in fatal shootings (32).

    1. When I wrote "Crime is supposed to be the primary concern of the police"... I meant dealing with it, not committing it.

  15. Daniel Pantaleo, Darren Wilson, Timothy Loehmann, Michael Slager, Blane Salamoni, Jeronimo Yanez, Jared Robinet, Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, Myles Cosgrove, Derek Chauvin, Rusten Sheskey and Kim Potter were/are Black police officers? Who knew?

  16. Derek Chauvin got away with it? Who knew?

  17. He didn't because he's Black? Who knew?

  18. He didn't because he was innocent.

    And you saw the stats. Black cops kill more Blacks proportionally than white cops.

  19. Black and brown officers can be conditioned to view Black and brown people as suspect, advocates say.

    “With any organization or institution, there is a period of orientation where you are being introduced to core values and philosophies", said the Rev. Earle J. Fisher, senior pastor at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Memphis.

    “I think this happens with police regardless of the color of the police officer. You have spent time in the indoctrination process, and part of that indoctrination is certain people on their face — from what some would call cultural bias, or others would call internalized white supremacy — you’re indoctrinated to believe that certain groups are more prone to criminal behavior than others"... link

  20. Minus: He didn't because he was innocent.

    George Floyd was innocent of any crime for which his murderer had the right to administer an on-the-spot death penalty.

  21. Black and brown officers can be conditioned to view Black and brown people as suspect, advocates say.

    Isn't that because the reality is that blacks and browns actually do commit violent crimes at 8-10x the rate of whites? Conditioning by street realities is soooo difficult to overcome. We should send them all to college for the virtue signallable alternative and to unlearn all that peer-pressure enforced white supremacist "street indoctrination". :)

  22. btw - the hereditable components of criminality (and every other socially constructed category) are skin melatonin content, AQ and IQ. The rest, like criminality itself, is "socially constructed" (ie - socio-economic income, education, home life, etc.)

  23. Comments 1+2: is that as by the racist Charles Murray?

    Comment 3: No evidence drug overdose was main cause of death for George Floyd. Social media users are reviving a claim that George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man killed in May 2020 actually died due to a drug overdose. These claims are misleading, as official medical and court records ruled that police restraint, not drug use, was the main cause of death and evidence does not support the claim that Floyd had lethal levels of drugs in his system.

  24. LOL! A FATAL LEVEL of fentanyl is "no evidence". DemSpeaking, anyways.

  25. "evidence does NOT support the claim that Floyd had lethal levels of drugs in his system".

    Don't you mean "DemnSpeaking"? You used Qtard's spelling of Biden ("Bi-den"). Why not it's idiotic abbreviation of "Democrat" as "Demn"? Even though there is no "N" in "Democrat".

  26. Which autopsy you quoting. The official autopsy or the Floyd family paid for one?

    ...and Spelling Nazi's give their petty bureaucratic ways away...

  27. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner ruled Floyd’s death a homicide with the cause of death as “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression” ...

    If either autopsy said Floyd OD'd, why didn't that evidence (presented at trial) result in an innocent verdict?

  28. The case was tried in the Court of Public opinion

    VI. Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing
    performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at
    9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine)
    A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens:
    1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL
    2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
    3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
    4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
    5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL;
    Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL
    6. Cotinine positive
    7. Caffeine positive

    Dr. Daniel Isenschmid, a toxicologist at NMS Labs in Pennsylvania, presented data at trial from more than 2,300 blood samples in fentanyl DUI cases from the last year. He showed that while the average fentanyl blood level was close to 9.6 ng/ml, a quarter of people tested had 11 ng/ml or higher. (Important to note: Blood samples were taken from drivers who tested positive for fentanyl and were alive at the time of collection.)

    That doesn't prove that George Floyd didn't have a fatal level of fentanyl (and norfentanyl) in his body. It only proves that some people could have survived those levels.

    Here's a study below of people who actually DIED from fentanyl that states that the average level of fentanyl in "accidental/ natural" OD's (as opposed to suicides) was only 11.8 ng/mL. George Floyd had above that (11+5.6) when you account for the metabolized Norfentanyl.

    The manners of death included 40 accidents, 36 natural, 8 suicides, 5 therapeutic complications, and 3 undetermined deaths. Among the accidental fentanyl intoxication deaths, 32 of 37 involved substance abuse. The majority (95 %) of the 37 accidental deaths involving fentanyl were multi-drug intoxications. The substance abuse deaths had a mean fentanyl blood concentration (26.4 ng/ml or μg/L) that was over twice that of the natural group (11.8 ng/ml). Our analysis suggests a relationship between total patch dosage and mean postmortem fentanyl concentration up to the 100-μg/h dose.

  29. The murder was recorded on video. Someone said here (at least once) that "seeing is believing". I saw it. IMO it definitely was murder. The court confirmed it was. The murderer is currently in prison. You're saying Floyd would have died anyway? Even if not held down for so long for no reason (except that the murderer was TRYING to kill Floyd)? That was just a coincidence?

  30. The autopsy revealed evidence of strangulation? His larynx was crushed? Who knew? Holding an addict on fentanyl down is murder? George Floyd OD AND put extra stress on his own body resulting in a suicide by cop.

    How come you only believe your stories and always doubt mine? Do I use to many big words that you don't understand?

  31. ...or is it that I don't use a Spell-checker and your mystified by the spelling of words?

  32. ...or is it that my content lacks commercials, the stamp of news "officialism" and "truth".

  33. Minus: George Floyd OD AND put extra stress on his own body resulting in a suicide by cop.

    That's what the jury said? Why they found the murderer innocent? Who knew?

    He "put extra stress on his own body"? By holding himself down? Putting his knee on his own neck?

    Minus: The autopsy revealed evidence of strangulation?

    “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression” .

    Reading comprehension difficulties?

    Floyd couldn't breathe. He said so. The murderer kept holding him down. Because he was trying to murder him. Floyd's pleas only confirmed that he wasn't murdered... Yet.

  34. Yes, He didn't die comply with reasonable instructions to "chill" and "be cool" and REQUIRED officers to restrain him. He couldn't just get into the back seat of the police car, despite being offered numerous opportunities to do so. He chose to listen to the drugs and to "resist" arrest. And this resistance contributed to his drug induced heart attack (as he had a pre-existing heart condition as well). What "police induced injuries did the autopsy reveal?

    No life-threatening injuries identifiedA.

    No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiaeB.

    No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngealstructuresC.

    No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuriesD.

    No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (otherthan a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral columninjuries, or visceral injuriesE.

    Incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior andlateral neck, shoulders, back, flanks, and buttocksnegative for occult trauma

    In other words, he got a few cuts and scrapes from the cops. That's not an autopsy confirming that the cops murdered him.

  35. The coroner's finding was based upon video evidence, not forensic evidence. And looks can be deceiving.

  36. I hope that one day my murderer tries to do so with CPR.

  37. Minus: That's not an autopsy confirming that the cops murdered him.

    Why the jury found the murderer "not guilty"?

    Minus: In other words, he got a few cuts and scrapes from the cops.

    Their actions prevented him from breathing. People need to breathe to live.

    Positional asphyxia. also known as postural asphyxia, is a form of asphyxia which occurs when someone's position prevents the person from breathing adequately. People may die from positional asphyxia accidentally, when the mouth and nose are blocked, or where the chest may be unable to fully expand.

    On June 23, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said that Chauvin had been trained in the dangers of positional asphyxiation and characterized Floyd's death as murder.

  38. All 12 jurors fully understood the findings of the Autopsy?

    Had there been no video, think the cause of death would have read the same (the pathologists would have deduced that Floyd's injuries had been sustained by/ from an arrest)?

    “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression

    The forensic evidence related to "law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression" were all absent from the report. That last part all came from viewing a video, as did the police chief's testimony cited.

    ps - Minneapolis' police chief is a pathologist? He was present at the scene? Had he taken the same training as Chauvin? Who knew?

    Every *sshole has an opinion. Even police chiefs. And I saw the same video. It was SOP from start to stop. If Chauvin murdered Floyd, the Minneapolis police trained their police officer's to be murderers.

  39. The murderer held down Floyd for 9 minutes. For the final 2 minutes Floyd was non-responsive. Still the murderer continued to hold him down. Compress his ribcage so he could not breathe. Why? The murderer wanted to be sure his victim was dead.

    That you believe "resisting arrest" excuses murder? I already knew that. Resist arrest? It's "SOP" to murder the "resistor". Shoot them. Compress their ribcage so they can't breathe. That's all "SOP" according to you.

    Minus: If Chauvin murdered Floyd, the Minneapolis police trained their police officer's to be murderers.

    That isn't what Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said.

    Also, given that the murderer was convicted, there is no "if". The murderer is currently behind bars because a jury said that Chauvin DID murder Floyd.

  40. \\Here's a study below of people who actually DIED from fentanyl that states that the average level of fentanyl in "accidental/ natural" OD's (as opposed to suicides) was only 11.8 ng/mL. George Floyd had above that (11+5.6) when you account for the metabolized Norfentanyl.

    So that was some Fentanyl (almost like Fantomas ;-P)

    And not Knee on His Neck???

    And when he asked: "Please, stop it, I can't breath" -- that was that nasty-nasty hiden ninja-killer Fentanyl to whom he directed this words?

    \\The autopsy revealed evidence of strangulation? His larynx was crushed? Who knew? Holding an addict on fentanyl down is murder? George Floyd OD AND put extra stress on his own body resulting in a suicide by cop.

    Do USA police restrain rules prescribe to do the same with people who are visibly ill, like having some pulmonary or cardial problems, having scravny or on the contrary fat bodies to do the same?

    I. Doubt it. But, if you'd show it to me -- some buklets from police traning. I would believe to your story.

    \\No life-threatening injuries identifiedA.

    \\No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiaeB.

    \\No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngealstructuresC.

    \\No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuriesD.

    \\No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (otherthan a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral columninjuries, or visceral injuriesE.

    I am not big specialist... just a sporadical watcher of CSI and all flicks

    but still, I think one who'd be drowned -- would not have any such injuries too.

    So what, killing through drowning. Assisted one. Like what your gangstar did, with making people stand in concret. ;-)

    Is not crime of murder?

    Or... more new tactic -- with plastic packet on head. or tape on mouth.

    Is not murderous too?

    Waterboarding Not.

    What an interesting country. So many types of murder allowed. NOT, actually.

  41. Sounds like Qtard is jealous. It wishes murder was as allowed where it lives as in the United States?

  42. The autopsy wasn't used to convict the cop. The video was. And the video showed a police officer doing as he was TRAINED to do. Following procedure.

    Want to convict someone for murder? Prosecute the people who developed the procedure. And ps - that would likely result in a manslaughter conviction, NOT "murder".

  43. ps - The cop didn't have George Floyd's toxicology results before restraining him. He had a very large black man refusing to get into the cop car and be taken to the police station.

  44. \\Sounds like Qtard is jealous. It wishes murder was as allowed where it lives as in the United States?

    And you can demonstrate LOGICALLY... how it stems out of my words?

    Naaah. :-)))))

    You can just produce such moronic bullshit. Idiotic strawmaning.

    But... continue-continue. ;-P

    \\The autopsy wasn't used to convict the cop. The video was. And the video showed a police officer doing as he was TRAINED to do. Following procedure.

    So what?

    Your cops are brainless chickens? That ONLY need to follow THE PROCEDURE.

    And have NO emphaty?

    Then why you dissing about bureaucracy, then?

    \\Want to convict someone for murder? Prosecute the people who developed the procedure.

    Burocrats to prosecute themself? :-)))

    Yo even bigger romantic than I thought.

    \\ps - The cop didn't have George Floyd's toxicology results before restraining him. He had a very large black man refusing to get into the cop car and be taken to the police station.


    Shit happens. (tm)

    That's why we still not ruled over by robots. ;-P

    We are still too damn complex, for any such robotic masters.

  45. The "procedure" killed white people, too. But what the alternative? Tranquilizer darts?

  46. It's the least of many bad options for subduing those who resist arrest.

  47. George Floyd didn't resist arrest.

    Additionally, the police should not have been arresting him anyway.

    The least of many bad options for taking into custody someone resisting arrest is not to murder them. What an idiotic conclusion.

  48. George Floyd got into the police car, and then the cops dragged him out and kneeled on his neck, instead? Who knew?

    the police should not have been arresting him anyway. No, counterfeiting is still a serious FEDERAL crime... George should have shoplifted everything like they do in most Democrat run cities now (misdemeanors not a crime).

    Murder... BWAH-HA-HA-HA-hA!

  49. Minus: No, counterfeiting is still a serious FEDERAL crime...

    It was never proven that George Floyd was a counterfeiter.

    "I thought that George didn't really know that it was a fake bill," Christopher Martin testified ... (Martin was the cashier who accepted the bill).

    “The police officers could have written him a ticket, and let the courts sort it out,” Jerry W. Blackwell, the prosecutor, told jurors during opening statements.

    Minus: Murder... BWAH-HA-HA-HA-hA!

    Chauvin was convincted of murder? Who knew?

  50. Yawn.

    Everyone will stay with their respective favorate to them opinions...

    that's why we need courts.

  51. The Courts never convict innocent men? Who knew/

    Somebody tell the idiots over at "the innocence project" that they're wasting their time.'

  52. We need the Courts to decide the crimes of dead men now? Wow....

  53. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    The Courts never convict innocent men? Who knew/

    Well... it need to be fair. At least statisticly. Or else...

    Or what??? You do not believe in "beyond reasonable doubts" anymore? ;-)

  54. The Democrats prefer "a preponderance of the evidence". That's why they mostly indict Trump for "civil" vice "criminal" acts.

  55. Jack Smith and Fani Willis aren't prosecuting tRump criminally? Who knew?

  56. \\The Democrats prefer "a preponderance of the evidence". That's why they mostly indict Trump for "civil" vice "criminal" acts.

    Not DEMNs.

    Their mindworms their masters implanted in em. ;-P

    Like Derpy crying about "protection from violence" -- surely that is noit thing it could come up with... with its deficient mind.

  57. Qtard: And you can demonstrate LOGICALLY... how it stems out of my words?

    Before, when you argued in favor of gun violence. No doubt you will pretend to not remember. Ask for a quote.

    Qtard: Not DEMNs. Their mindworms their masters implanted in em.

    You are a "Demn"? Or one of your alter egos is a "Demn"? Whatever a "Demn" is. I dunno.

    Qtard: Like Derpy crying about "protection from violence"...

    When? You can quote me?

    Qtard: surely that is noit thing it could come up with... with its deficient mind.

    Both you and your alter ego have a deficient mind.

  58. Try Dimms. Incandescent light bearing devices (bulbs) of very low wattage.

  59. \\Before, when you argued in favor of gun violence. No doubt you will pretend to not remember. Ask for a quote.

    Of course.

    Why I should pretend to believe????? to mere words of such a blatant liar that bent on lying IDIOTICLY even about OWN WORDS JUST SAID... IN NEXT sentence EVEN.

    Am I an idiot????... to fall to such a miserly trick of such an obvious idiot -- that *I* have said anything like that...

    and WITHOUT any quote or rationale provided.

    You deem iself so "inevitable"??? like that Tanos, from movie. :-))))))

    Ah, De-Ru-Pun? :-)))))))

    Your miserly idiotic retorts -- as so smart???? :-)))))))

    That is... DEMN hilarious. :-)))))))

    Please, continue-continue, to entertain me.

    Junky basment brainless monkey. ;-P

    \\You are a "Demn"? Or one of your alter egos is a "Demn"? Whatever a "Demn" is. I dunno.

    I *LIKE* you cringing.

    Please DO CRINGE MOAR!!! I said MOAR!!!!! :-))))))

    \\When? You can quote me?



    Like this one.

    Perfect Cringe.

    Do it MOAR!!!

    \\Both you and your alter ego have a deficient mind.

    *I*... know it already... about Your Moronity.

    But... thank you for cringing for me. ;-P

  60. Qtard is conversing with its alter egos. Yawn.

  61. Yap.

    Derpy's self-admitted alter-ego "Qtard" talking with other alter-egos. :-))))

    Perfectly what multi-personal crackpot would experience.

    Thank you for revealing that truth about you, Dervish Sanders.

    Oups... now moron Derpy will be forced to say that "Dervish Sanders" is just YET ONE of my alter-egos -- and I talking with itself, here. :-)))))))

    DO IT.

    Do cringe MOAR!!!! :-)))))

  62. No non-cringing here? ;-P

  63. Your alter ego "Derpy" admitted that "Qtard" is another of your alter egos? Yawn. I already knew that.

  64. Perfect Cringing! :-))))

  65. Self encouragement again!

  66. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))
