Thursday, October 26, 2023

Azerbaijani Ethnic Cleansing Armenians...

Not a peep from Western Media... they're too worried about Pseudostinians being forced from Gaza. Evidently the Jews are scarier than the Azeri's.
Why Palestine is the only Country in the history of the world to ever have "Generational refugees".


  1. "Not a peep from Western Media"...

    Reuters isn't "western media"?

  2. They sent a news team and the MSM made a big deal out of their reports, mentioning it in every newscast as the top story? Who knew?

  3. Al Jazeera bought Reuters? Is that why they're no longer western media?

  4. You really hate "pandering"? Unless it's straight white males being pandered to?

  5. The Armenians aren't brown enough for you to care about them? It's just a few "Caucasians"... who gives an 'ef, right?

  6. My comment was regarding the South Park clip you linked to. It wasn't a comment about Armenians being murdered.

  7. Pandering like remaking Ghostbusters with chicks? Or Capt. Marvel with chicks? Or introducing new hispanic superheroes like the blue beetle?

    Whuy not do something "original" for a change? Does every hero in 2023 have to be a lesbian?

    Oh, wait, THAT is supposed to be what's "original" about it. They're "lesbian stories",but with any sex. Got it.

  8. I miss the R rating movies had when I was a kid. As Kenny would say, "she has really nice boobies".

  9. Minus: Does every hero in 2023 have to be a lesbian?

    Yes. All of them must be lesbians. Through 2030.

  10. So...lesbians are "heroic"? Straight women are less heroic...???

  11. You can't go against the intersectional agenda, can you?

  12. You can't go against the White Supremacist agenda, can you?

  13. Race-blind neutraliy is the white supremacist agenda? If so, then so be it.

  14. "Race-blind neutraliy" is what you're calling White Supremacy... In NewSpeak.

  15. Was Martin Luther King, Jr. a white supremacist too? Just trying to understand DemSpeak.

  16. As for me, I'm more a "content of their character" than a "colour of their skin" kinda guy. But hey, I know how much Democrat's like you like to parse and alter definitions. Whatever floats your boat, linguistically, but I prefer pointing to "like" objects and communicate metaphorically.

  17. Your "race neutrality" led you to believe Black people generally have higher AQs than IQs?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. No, studies did. Then one only had to look at racial composition of the NFL and NBA to confirm its' truth. That's typically called "Street Smarts".

  20. Is Griffe Du Lion's findings on race and IQ considered correct by the majority of social science?

    Professor William D Clinger is quoted as saying...

    His article was so full of egregiously bad methodology and other mistakes that I at first assumed it was a satire of racist pseudoscience... link.

  21. Do bla... ehm, Afroamericans need tanning? ;-P

  22. Professor Clinger's an authority for the majority? Who knew?

  23. ...and ps - Big Pharma gives them free government sponsored sun screen meds.

  24. Are Afroamericans White? Racist Qtard says no. Calls them "Black" (or started to). It uses the racist social construct. Because it is racist, yes?

  25. He hesitated to use black because he understands the Blogspot algorithm that often censors posts using the word. He's run afoul of it many times. So if I say, "Black Power!" that means I'm a racist. Good to know...

  26. btw - There sure is a lot of racist rap music out there... but then the unwritten rule of progressive racism prevents Dervy from pointing it out.

  27. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Are Afroamericans White? Racist Qtard says no. Calls them "Black" (or started to). It uses the racist social construct. Because it is racist, yes?

    I just a foreigner from far-far-away.

    Who cannot keep up with your novelties in language.

    So calling neg... "blakk" is already banned?

    And only afroamericans allowed?

    Or that one soon to be banned too?

    And substituted with... what??? :-)

    Well... whatever DEMN nazis and segregationalists could come up to, just to not to protect their ECONOMICAL rights.

    And ensure em, "people of color", to stay in their subjugated, "needing protection" state.


  28. Qtard: So calling neg... "blakk" is already banned?

    YOU called it racist. YOU. You don't like "Asian". But "Black" isn't a race (as per the social construct) and therefore also racist?

    Qtard: And only afroAmericans allowed?

    You tell me, racist. Are they not just humans? Like everyone else? Or are they LESS than human according to the racist Qtard?

    Qtard: Or that one soon to be banned too?

    You're the one who wants to ban calling Chinese people "Asian". Why not calling AfroAmaricans "Black"? Racist Qtard opposes racism against "White Chinese" but embraces racism against AfroAmericans?

    Qtard: And substituted with... what?

    Human? But you say they aren't?

    Qtard: Well... whatever DEMN nazis and segregationalists could come up to, just to not to protect their ECONOMICAL rights.

    Nazis and segregationalists identify as republican. I saw them marching at a rally they dubbed "Unite the Right".

    Qtard: And ensure em, "people of color", to stay in their subjugated, "needing protection" state.

    You say? That's what you want? Or you want no protection? So they can be abused by racists like you?

    btw, what do you mean by "neg"? Racist wanted to use the N word? But were afraid of being censored?

  29. \\YOU called it racist. YOU. You don't like "Asian". But "Black" isn't a race (as per the social construct) and therefore also racist?

    What *I*... as foreigner could do???

    Instead of using English words?

    \\You tell me, racist. Are they not just humans? Like everyone else? Or are they LESS than human according to the racist Qtard?



    You trying to leave without their undeniable immanent human right -- TO DECIDE FOR THEMSELF... with your "protection". From being called "blakk".

    \\Human? But you say they aren't?


    And you can give QUOTE? ;-P

    \\Nazis and segregationalists identify as republican. I saw them marching at a rally they dubbed "Unite the Right".

    And there was bla.... "people of color" in that crowd?

    What a nasty racists! :-))))

    \\btw, what do you mean by "neg"? Racist wanted to use the N word? But were afraid of being censored?


    Like you.

    When you denyed white skin Chinese to be called White. And Suprime. Comparable to you.

    ONLY calling em Asians. ;-P

    Even those who living alongside you... for century already.

  30. Qtard: \\Human? But you say they aren't?\\ Yawn. And you can give QUOTE?


    Quote: Do bla... ehm, Afroamericans need tanning?

    You called them Black. Or "bla". Not human. Because you are a racist. Confirmed. As per your rules. Ones you applied to me when I called Chinese people Asian.

  31. \\Qtard: \\Human? But you say they aren't?\\ Yawn. And you can give QUOTE?



    NewSpeak "No".

    Confirmed with you NOT DOING it. ;-P

    \\You called them Black. Or "bla". Not human. Because you are a racist. Confirmed. As per your rules. Ones you applied to me when I called Chinese people Asian.



    Exactly this type of moronity, as I waiting from you.

    Continue-contiue. :-))))

  32. \\Quote: Do bla... ehm, Afroamericans need tanning?

    \\You called them Black. Or "bla". Not human. Because you are a racist. Confirmed. As per your rules. Ones you applied to me when I called Chinese people Asian.

    Little dumbass... no, Big Dumb Ass.

    You jsut admitted DEMNs being racists.

    Cause THEY invented that -- calling negros Blakk, then AfroAmericans. ;-P

  33. Qtard: NewSpeak "No". Confirmed with you NOT DOING it.

    What a spectacularly moronic lie. Well, many of your lies are.

    I wrote "quote" right in front of it! Your words! That is a quote. All this time Qtard has been asking for quotes, and it turns out Qtard dunno what a quote is!

    Qtard: \\You called them Black. Or "bla". Not human. Because you are a racist. Confirmed. As per your rules. Ones you applied to me when I called Chinese people Asian\\ Yeah. Exactly this type of moronity, as I waiting from you.

    Your "you" is you talking to one of your alter egos. Obviously.

    Qtard: \\Quote: Do bla... ehm, Afroamericans need tanning?\\ You called them Black. Or "bla". Not human. Because you are a racist. Confirmed. As per your rules. Ones you applied to me when I called Chinese people Asian\\ Little dumbass... no, Big Dumb Ass.

    You're responding to a quote you said I didn't give. In your first comment you said you didn't see it. Now you do see it?

    Qtard: You jsut admitted DEMNs being racists.


    Qtard: Cause THEY invented that -- calling negros Blakk, then AfroAmericans.

    Did not.

    But, if you believe that, why are you calling them "Black"? YOU just admitted that YOU are a racist. Calling them "negros" is racist too. A lot more racist, actually.

    Qtard obviously does not want to call them human. Because, in its RACIST mind, they are not.

  34. ...but it's okay if they call each other n*gger, n*gger, n*gger.

    The unwritten laws of PCness, aka "Black privilege" strikes again. Dervy is the quintessential "Wigger".

  35. Qtard was opposed to calling Chinese people "Asian". Qtard should be opposed to calling people with dark skin tones "Black" for the same reason. Qtard opposed identifying people using the social construct of race.

    But apparently it is just Asian people the hypocrite doesn't like to be identified by race. I'm asking why "Asian" is bad but "Black" isn't. Why is one racist but the other not?

  36. \\What a spectacularly moronic lie. Well, many of your lies are.

    Yeah. :-)))

    And you can DEMONSTRATE how it is lie???


    That is just your moronic mere babbling.

    As in all of DEMNs.

    They STILL think that their WORDS mean something. :-))))

    \\I wrote "quote" right in front of it! Your words! That is a quote. All this time Qtard has been asking for quotes, and it turns out Qtard dunno what a quote is!

    Then SHOW it... what I need to copy-paste, to insert into Ctrl-F field, to confirm that that is TRUE quote of MY words. ;-P

    But you... you can't.

    You never can.

    Because that is all such a miserly moronic counter-factual lies.

    Produced by your feverish mind, which makes you think that it is REAL. :-))))

    \\Your "you" is you talking to one of your alter egos. Obviously.


    One writing under nickname Dervish Sanders... oh, shi-i-i-it. :-)))))

    Obviously. ;-P

    \\You're responding to a quote you said I didn't give. In your first comment you said you didn't see it. Now you do see it?

    Well... O.K... you was able to give a quote...

    But DOES you was able to DEMONSTRATE how ANYTHING you babble ANYHOW related to it?


    You not.

    As ever.

    Cause you are idiot.

    \\Qtard: You jsut admitted DEMNs being racists.


    NewSpeak "Yes".


    \\But, if you believe that, why are you calling them "Black"? YOU just admitted that YOU are a racist. Calling them "negros" is racist too. A lot more racist, actually.

    Already explained.

    WHAT other word I can use -- while using English, Amercan variant. And be understood???

    Well, I used "negro" -- Spanish for "blakk".

    But you "found" it "a lot more racist" too. :-))))))


    NOT calling Chinese white... though their skin IS white. NOT Yellow.

    But it's "not racist".

    And calling blakk blakk... it's racism.

    Well, whatever.

    But, continue-contunue, showing more such moronic ANTI-factual logic. ;-P

  37. \\Qtard was opposed to calling Chinese people "Asian".

    And you can CONFIRM this claim with QUOTE? ;-P


    As ever.

    *I* pointed to THAT FACT -- that YOU, as TRUE racist -- UNABLE to admit Chinese to have SAME white skin as any other white-skinned people around the World. And, as DEFINITE racist, do not like to be compared with.

    And instead trying to use euphemism "Asians". Even though those who live around you... they are Americans.

    \\Qtard should be opposed to calling people with dark skin tones "Black" for the same reason.

    Like such a UNDISPUTABLE racist as you are... I should be avoiding "racistic" words... with euphemisms?


    You are racist. And idiot. So it's natural for you to think so. ;-P

    \\Qtard opposed identifying people using the social construct of race.



    As YOU ITSELF stated -- forgot already.

    That THAT "social construct" was scientifically debunced.

    WHY I should be stubborn to use it??? Naturally I don't. Because I am not racist.

    And you -- are. ;-P

    \\But apparently it is just Asian people the hypocrite doesn't like to be identified by race. I'm asking why "Asian" is bad but "Black" isn't. Why is one racist but the other not?


    You are racist. You should know. Why YOU, SO DEMN stubborn, with repeating such racistic ideas????

  38. Why there need to be some special words to separate people by their skin color or etc????

    What for?

  39. Dervy does like to argue against Strawmen. They're much easier to knock down than people's actual arguments.

  40. Minus: Dervy does like to argue against Strawmen.

    False. I was referring to Qtard's ACTUAL argument, not a strawman version of it. Qtard is a racist hypocrite.

    Qtard: *I* pointed to THAT FACT -- that YOU, as TRUE racist -- UNABLE to admit Chinese to have SAME white skin as any other white-skinned people around the World.

    Lie. I confirm it. It can be confirmed just by looking at a Chinese person. Many have light skin tones.

    Qtard: And, as DEFINITE racist, do not like to be compared with.

    Lie. That was one of your "what Derpy really mean". I never said anything like that.

    Qtard: \\But apparently it is just Asian people the hypocrite doesn't like to be identified by race. I'm asking why "Asian" is bad but "Black" isn't. Why is one racist but the other not?\\Dunno.

    Lie to cover your racism.

    Qtard: Why there need to be some special words to separate people by their skin color or etc???? What for?

    For racists like you to use. Call them less than human. "They aren't humans, they're blakks".

  41. Qtard: You are racist. You should know. Why YOU, SO DEMN stubborn, with repeating such racistic ideas????

    I agree that the alter ego you are talking to is a racist. Is your alter ego going to reply? I am interested in what the answer might be.

  42. \\I agree that the alter ego you are talking to is a racist.

    Please. Pretty please.

    Give NAMES.

    So I'd KNOW with which of your alter-egos I talking. ;-P

    \\Is your alter ego going to reply? I am interested in what the answer might be.


    Well... let's wait. For a little.

    But, please, lets thee be NAME. Of that particular alter-ego of yours. ;-P

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    Dervy does like to argue against Strawmen. They're much easier to knock down than people's actual arguments.

    His centerin on "social construct of race" -- do not look like a strawman to me.

    It protects it fervently. Instead of blaming on others.

    That is covering for own foulies, looks like. ;-)


    \\False. I was referring to Qtard's ACTUAL argument, not a strawman version of it. Qtard is a racist hypocrite.

    It opposing it... itself.

    \\Qtard: *I* pointed to THAT FACT -- that YOU, as TRUE racist -- UNABLE to admit Chinese to have SAME white skin as any other white-skinned people around the World.

    \\Lie. I confirm it. It can be confirmed just by looking at a Chinese person. Many have light skin tones.

    Then... go said it. ;-P

    That Chinese are White Suporemacists. Well, can be too.

    But you can't. :-)))))

    \\Lie. That was one of your "what Derpy really mean". I never said anything like that.

    Yeah. You only tryed to EVADE it. Which is self-revealing enough. ;-P

    \\Lie to cover your racism.


    Feel free to NAIL me fith FACTS and LOGIC.

    But, naaah.

    You can't.

    Cause you utter idiot and crazy junk -- De-Ru-Pun. :-)))))

    Means -- nearly all of your words -- is miserly lie and tryes to smear opponent in your own feces (like calling other racists). :-))))

    \\Qtard: Why there need to be some special words to separate people by their skin color or etc???? What for?

    \\For racists like you to use. Call them less than human. "They aren't humans, they're blakks".

    And You can confirm that with QUOTE???

    Naaah. :-)))))))

    That quotes would only show -- tha that is YOUR OWN WORDS.

    That's why you NOT providing quotes, to back your claims. And only trying to say that there is/was something like that.

  43. Q, Q, Q. Don't you know that the Poles and Ukrainians are responsible for Slavery of Blacks in America? The Slavs should have been more controllable and submitted to capture and forced emigration.

    it's all your fault. And reparations must be paid.

  44. It's time to "afflict the comfortable' and force them to feel shame and guilt.

  45. This is the absurd premise of Dervy's "Social Justice". Even though my GGF enlisted in the Civil War as an Ohio Volunteer Sharpshooter as part of the Union Army under Garfield, and the fact that Republicans actually freed the slaves from their Democratic Party masters, it's all my fault, five generations later, for the continued "oppression" of the black race. Just ask Dervy, he'll tell you. In the 60's Nixon "Southern Strategy" flipped two racist Democratic Party "Dixiecrat" reps into turning Republican, and so now, the Republican Party is unredeemably "racist".

  46. ...and the Democrat Party their warders and unaccusable protectors.

  47. ...and since affirmative action became the law of the land in 1964/5 passage of Affirmative Action, American blacks have morally evolved to such a Superior level that biologically speaking, their sh*t no longer stinks, and all who deny or question the fact are "liars and Satanic deceivers." They're almost as highly regarded as Jews after the fall of Nazi Germany, or Palestinians in the Arab Nations. Suffering somehow cleanses the soul.

  48. ...rendering it morally "pure". So if some "innocent" Israeli's get raped and slaughtered, all's well. They obviously "deserved" what they had coming to them, and should be persecuted for their moral sins for all eternity.

  49. Prove it. Break the unwritten rule. I dare you.

  50. ...speak "not affirmatively" about a Democrat or a minority group by speaking a truth, like "average IQ scores" or "Biden took foreign bribes".

  51. Why should I lie?

  52. \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    ...rendering it morally "pure". So if some "innocent" Israeli's get raped and slaughtered, all's well. They obviously "deserved" what they had coming to them, and should be persecuted for their moral sins for all eternity.


    SAME trick DEMNS did against Ukrainians.

    "Damn Russians bombing out Ukraine. How dare they. But... that Ukrinians are Nazis... so, not a big problem. They 'deserving' it."

    \\Q, Q, Q. Don't you know that the Poles and Ukrainians are responsible for Slavery of Blacks in America?


    I got your sarcasm.

    But Derpy... as true idiot.. will not get it, and will turn this your words against you. ;-P

    \\Blogger Joe Conservative said...
    This is the absurd premise of Dervy's "Social Justice". Even though my GGF enlisted in the Civil War as an Ohio Volunteer Sharpshooter as part of the Union Army under Garfield, and the fact that Republicans actually freed the slaves from their Democratic Party masters, it's all my fault, five generations later, for the continued "oppression" of the black race. Just ask Dervy, he'll tell you. In the 60's Nixon "Southern Strategy" flipped two racist Democratic Party "Dixiecrat" reps into turning Republican, and so now, the Republican Party is unredeemably "racist".

    One word.


    \\...and the Democrat Party their warders and unaccusable protectors.



    As their historical predecessors was warders and protectors of that lowly africans... brought in America against their will.

    \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Why should I lie?


    Why NewSpeak bullshit talker should stop talking NewSpeak, ah, Joe? ;-)

  53. Qtard: SAME trick DEMNS did against Ukrainians. "Damn Russians bombing out Ukraine. How dare they. But... that Ukrinians are Nazis... so, not a big problem. They 'deserving' it."

    Fake quote. You didn't give a name. Apparently Qtard thinks all "Demns" say this? So why is it mostly Democrats voting to find the self defense of Ukraine? While republiturds are against it?

    But maybe Qtard isn't talking about Ukrainians? Instead it's talking about "Ukrinians"? I dunno even know who these "Ukrinians" are.

    Qtard: Why NewSpeak bullshit talker should stop talking NewSpeak, ah, Joe?

    You're asking "Joe" a question about yourself? I wonder what he will answer. About your accurate assessment of yourself as a NewSpeak bullshit talker.

  54. Democrats voting to fund the self defense of Ukraine.

  55. You're missing the point, Dervy. Ukraine no longer has the manpower to use all the weapons you want to send him. He needs boots on the ground, now. Lots of them. So what's it going to be? Put Boots on the Ground or throw Ukraine Under the Bus? My bet's on the latter.

  56. Whatever.

    That only will mean MORE "boots on the ground", and MORE sooner... from you, USA.


    So... yeah. Go "throw Ukrain Under the Bus".

    How many time Britain and France have had in result of throwing Poland under the bus?

    Less then year?

    Go arrange your final plans. You have time.

    \\Fake quote. You didn't give a name. Apparently Qtard thinks all "Demns" say this? So why is it mostly Democrats voting to find the self defense of Ukraine? While republiturds are against it?

    And name to them -- Legion.

    Or I need to give you a name of each DEMN USAian I was talking with, and have recieved that "Ukrainians? But isn't they are Nazis??? I have seen/read it on CNN"???? :-))))))))

    What for?

    For you to cal em "secret republiturds"? :-)))))

    \\You're asking "Joe" a question about yourself? I wonder what he will answer. About your accurate assessment of yourself as a NewSpeak bullshit talker.

    Yeah. Perfect Cringing.

    Do it! Do it MOAR!!!! :-)))))

  57. Qtard: Or I need to give you a name of each DEMN USAian I was talking with...

    No. Why would I give a shit about these imaginary people? Well, either they are imaginary or you're doing to them what you do to me -- saying "what they really mean".

    I was talking about well known Democrats -- politicians or former politicians who have said we should not be helping Ukraine defend itself because they are Nazis. Nazis in the government and Nazis in their military at large.

    Not just a few in the Azov battalion. Similar to how there are a small number of Nazis in the United States. Including in the US military.

    Will you give any name? Or just continue to lie about how they are "legion". Legion when you can't name even one. Sure.

    Qtard: But isn't they are Nazis??? I have seen/read it on CNN"????

    No. They aren't and you didn't.

    Qtard: For you to cal em "secret republiturds"?

    That's your delusion. I have never called anyone a "secret republiturd".

    Are you going to start with your bullshit about how I always say "never said it" re things I just said? Where is the quote of me calling anyone a "secret republiturd"?

  58. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: Or I need to give you a name of each DEMN USAian I was talking with...

    \\No. Why would I give a shit about these imaginary people? Well, either they are imaginary or you're doing to them what you do to me -- saying "what they really mean".


    Allergic to a facts moron Derpy just DECLARED that it will not TAKE any facts from me.

    Which devaluates its "demand for facts" hypocritical claim ONLY. ;-P

    \\Will you give any name? Or just continue to lie about how they are "legion". Legion when you can't name even one. Sure.

    You just said that you'd not believe to such facts anyway.

    So, why I should work myself up???

    \\No. They aren't and you didn't.


    That is FACTS.

    But you don't want to believe em. ;-P

    \\That's your delusion. I have never called anyone a "secret republiturd".


    People who showing how pro-DEMN they are, how they LOVE Bi-den, and condemn dRump -- but Derpy do not want to believe me being DEMN-aligned, and calling em "republiturds"???

    Who else they could be???

    If... by such own words hypocritical moron Derpy... they behave as DEMNs on the surface... but are "republiturds"???

    That is what spyes do.

    Or "secret santas". ;-P

  59. Qtard: Allergic to a facts moron Derpy just DECLARED that it will not TAKE any facts from me.

    Your alter ego?

    *I* will take facts from you. If you ever give any.

    Qtard: Which devaluates its "demand for facts" hypocritical claim ONLY.

    Yours? You often babble such things. But then I give you facts you call them "Demn propaganda".

    So... I agree with the observation you made about yourself.

    Qtard: \\Will you give any name? Or just continue to lie about how they are "legion". Legion when you can't name even one\\ You just said that you'd not believe to such facts anyway.

    I didn't. I'd believe any facts you might give. But I think it very unlikely you will give any.

    Qtard: So, why I should work myself up???

    NewSpeak. You won't because you can't.

    Qtard: \\No. They aren't and you didn't\\ Yap. That is FACTS.

    Yes. Thank you for finally admitting it.

    Qtard: But you don't want to believe em.

    I do. Why wouldn't I?

    Qtard: \\That's your delusion. I have never called anyone a "secret republiturd"\\ People who showing how pro-DEMN they are, how they LOVE Bi-den, and condemn dRump -- but Derpy do not want to believe me being DEMN-aligned, and calling em "republiturds"???

    No. This never happened.

    Qtard: Who else they could be???


    Qtard: If... by such own words hypocritical moron Derpy... they behave as DEMNs on the surface... but are "republiturds"???

    I never said any words about these imaginary people.

  60. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: Allergic to a facts moron Derpy just DECLARED that it will not TAKE any facts from me.

    \\Your alter ego?

    \\*I* will take facts from you. If you ever give any.

    And which of your alter-egos said it? ;-P

    So I know to which of that your "*I*"s I need to provide facts?

    \\Yours? You often babble such things. But then I give you facts you call them "Demn propaganda".

    Facts like Sun rising in the morning? Like that dRump not in jail?

    Means ones that are visiovle and obvious, and can be witnesses DIRECTLY, not from mere words of some babblers???


    You only was giving "non-facts", some "listen to me, I'm an expert" babbling. Or just your own misleading and basless bullshit babbling.


    Or... you can QUOTE. ;-P

    But you will not. Because you are delusional idiot. And pretty much, possibly a crazy man.

    \\I didn't. I'd believe any facts you might give. But I think it very unlikely you will give any.


    So you already do not think that Sun rising in the morning? ;-P :-))))))

    \\NewSpeak. You won't because you can't.

    And how is that NewSpeak???

    Or... you just REVEALING to me here MORE knowladge about NewSpeak you as relentless NewSpeak user have?

    I'm all ears.

    Go, tell me more! :-))))

    \\Qtard: \\No. They aren't and you didn't\\ Yap. That is FACTS.

    \\Yes. Thank you for finally admitting it.


    So, you have problems with text comprehension????

    Cannot see it as a whole? Only individual sentences?

    Definitely a symptom. :-)))))))

    YET ONE.

    \\Qtard: But you don't want to believe em.

    \\I do. Why wouldn't I?

    And which of your alter-egos admitted it? ;-P

    This time.

  61. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Qtard: Allergic to a facts moron Derpy just DECLARED that it will not TAKE any facts from me.

    \\Your alter ego?

    \\*I* will take facts from you. If you ever give any.

    And which of your alter-egos said it? ;-P

    So I know to which of that your "*I*"s I need to provide facts?

    \\Yours? You often babble such things. But then I give you facts you call them "Demn propaganda".

    Facts like Sun rising in the morning? Like that dRump not in jail?

    Means ones that are visiovle and obvious, and can be witnesses DIRECTLY, not from mere words of some babblers???


    You only was giving "non-facts", some "listen to me, I'm an expert" babbling. Or just your own misleading and basless bullshit babbling.


    Or... you can QUOTE. ;-P

    But you will not. Because you are delusional idiot. And pretty much, possibly a crazy man.

    \\I didn't. I'd believe any facts you might give. But I think it very unlikely you will give any.


    So you already do not think that Sun rising in the morning? ;-P :-))))))

    \\NewSpeak. You won't because you can't.

    And how is that NewSpeak???

    Or... you just REVEALING to me here MORE knowladge about NewSpeak you as relentless NewSpeak user have?

    I'm all ears.

    Go, tell me more! :-))))

    \\Qtard: \\No. They aren't and you didn't\\ Yap. That is FACTS.

    \\Yes. Thank you for finally admitting it.


    So, you have problems with text comprehension????

    Cannot see it as a whole? Only individual sentences?

    Definitely a symptom. :-)))))))

    YET ONE.

    \\Qtard: But you don't want to believe em.

    \\I do. Why wouldn't I?

    And which of your alter-egos admitted it? ;-P

    This time.

  62. No non-cringing here too ;-P

  63. I haven't seen any yet.

  64. Hysterically blind cretin cannot see a thing... what a big news. NOT. :-)))))))))))))))))))

  65. Derr Punn silently agreed. ;-P

  66. Your alter ego Derr Punn agreed with itself. Well, that is not surprising.
