Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Once AGAIN, Arab Hypocrisy and 75 Years of Western Procrastination are on Full Display

It's time to return to 1948-49 when the state of Israel was first formed (from Wiki):  

1948 Arab–Israeli War:

The Arabs LOST this war.  Millions of Jews EMIGRATED or were expelled by neighboring Arab countries and welcomed by Israel.  Millions of Palestinians attempted to Emigrate from Israel, and were REFUSED ASYLUM by neighboring Arab states still hostile to Israel.  THIS denied refugee population were then isolated in "camps" and became the "Palestinian Problem".  UNWRA was the world's response... welfare for future terrorism.  Permanent welfare.

The solution to this problem is simple.  Allow the Palestinian "refugees" to take refuge in LEBANON, EGYPT, SYRIA, and JORDAN WHERE THEY BELONG!  end the 48-49 Arab-Israeli War once and for all!

The very first thing King Abdullah of Jordan said after Hamas' recent attack on Israel was that allowing the Palestinians the right to asylum in Arab countries was OFF THE TABLE.  BULLSH*T!.  It IS THE TABLE, the WHOLE TABLE, and NOTHING BUT THE TABLE!  Abdullah speaks of Western Indifference and International Law... yet all this today is the result of his own indifference and the FOUNDING ARAB law violation/ war crime, denying the Palestinian Arabs the right to emigrate in 1948/9.

On UNWRA (from Wiki):

UNRWA was established in 1949 by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to provide relief to all refugees resulting from the 1948 conflict. It also provided relief to Jewish and Arab Palestine refugees inside the State of Israel following the 1948 conflict until the Israeli government took over responsibility for them in 1952.[7][8][9] As a subsidiary body of the UNGA, UNRWA's mandate is subject to periodic renewal every three years; it has consistently been extended since its founding, most recently until 30 June 2023

It's time to stop pretending that Israel needs to return to it's pre-'67 borders and give all the land gained in THAT Arab-Israeli war to Palestinians.  No, the Arabs lost THAT land, too!  Time for Arabs to take back their 1948 refugees.  Time for the refugees to GO HOME TO ARABIA and live peacefully under Sharia Law/ Islam again under the "religion of peace"!  If, as King Abdullah say's, "Palestinian Lives Matter"... PROVE IT.  Do what you should have done back in 1948/9!  Grant them ASYLUM!  The West is DONE subsidizing YOUR OWN indifference!

Israel and the West need to send a bill to the Arabs for taking care of their problem for over 75 years.

What's the Alternative, WWIII...???


  1. Arab counties should take them it. Arab counties won't take them. Means... Problem solved? The problem was only to determine who to blame?

  2. The Arabs are the problem. They don't want to see a bunch of dead Palestinians? They had their chance.

  3. Yeah, I guess who to blame was the only problem -- as far as Minus is concerned. And yes, a bunch of dead Palestinians will greatly assist their propaganda efforts. I suspect some of them do want that. So... Looks like you want the same thing. Which is for innocent people to die.

  4. Well... you can take bunch of Palestinian refugies and settle them in your ho... basement. ;-P

    But you will not. Because your mouth IS NOT where your deeds are.

    And that is "not of your business".

    Socialistic government need to solve all such problems, somehow.

  5. The Pseudostinians are "innocent"? Who knew? Were the Nazi's innocent victims of US aggression, too?

  6. Joe Conservative: Happy 8/8! (8/8/2019 at 7:35am. Comment posted to WYD).

    That "innocent Nazis" were victims of "US aggression" anger you?

  7. No, just Mussolini's innocent Black Shirts. THAT was a crime against fashion!

  8. Derpy silently agreeing with me? ;-P

  9. Qtard imagined that it's alter ego "Derpy" silently agreed with it? About what? Moving Palestinian refugees into it's basement? "Derpy" said no because it is "not of its business"? Why wouldn't "Derpy" help it's "brothers in feith"?

    Well, I know I wouldn't do that. Because I have no basement. Also because the US doesn't accept Palestinian refugees. republiturds don't want them here.

  10. Yap.

    Blame all on Reps.

    I think DEMNs must be grateful -- for having Reps alongside -- at which they can shrug off all unconvinient things. ;-P

  11. Qtard: Yap. Blame all on Reps. I think DEMNs must be grateful -- for having Reps alongside -- at which they can shrug off all unconvinient things.

    People shouldn't be blamed (or given credit) for things they do? Why not?

    House Republicans Introduce "GAZA Act" to Stop Biden from Importing Palestinians to US. Reps. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) and Andy Ogles (R-TN) are introducing legislation that would ban President Joe Biden's administration from importing Palestinians to the United States to be resettled in American communities.

    The bill, exclusively shared with Breitbart News ahead of its introduction, is titled the "Guaranteeing Aggressors Zero Admission Act" or the GAZA Act. The legislation would prevent Biden's administration from issuing visas to those with Palestinian Authority passports.

  12. And?

    Shouldn't Bi-den veto it?

    And open doors for Palestinians?

    For every American family to have one? ;-P

  13. I'd give mine a hang glider and a 9mm, and drive him to a hill over looking Dervy's house.

  14. You dunno where I live or what I look like. Mystere thinks he knows my address and has a picture he thinks is me, but he's wrong regarding both.

    Qtard: Shouldn't Bi-den veto it?

    Can't. It will never reach his desk. But the same thing happened re Build Back Better. Yet you said it should have provided money for Hawaiian infrastructure anyway. Similiarly the GAZA Act can stop Palestinian refugees from resettling in the US.

    That isn't how sponsorship works anyway. It isn't "come live with me".

  15. Sponsorship... BWAH-HA-HA-HA! Reminds me of the early days following our last family overseas deployment to Venezuela which ended in 1970 when my dad retired from the USAF. As fluent Spanish speakers, my parents both participated in a Foreign Exchange Student program at SJSU that "sponsored" foreign students and encouraged social activities with them. Little did the foreign students know that it was actually a CIA front used to gather intel and identify sympathetic potential intelligence assets for future recruitment. I remember the prompts and questionnaires my parents used to complete both before and after each "sponsored" student encounter and how remarkable specific they were.

  16. That's how they used to "vet" foreigners back in the "good-ole-days".

  17. Student exchange is "come live with me". Refugee sponsorship isn't. Though refugees are definitely vetted. Remember dotard donald wanted to do "extreme vetting"? I dunno what that means or if it was implemented.

  18. Vetted like the Afghan refugees? Definitely.....NOT.

  19. \\Little did the foreign students know that it was actually a CIA front used to gather intel and identify sympathetic potential intelligence assets for future recruitment. I remember the prompts and questionnaires my parents used to complete both before and after each "sponsored" student encounter and how remarkable specific they were.

    I'm glag to know that once upon a time your CIA was competent. ;-P

    To that times gone with a wind, it seems... I mean, teishaired with a wind.

  20. My mom used to do more than play Bridge with the Embassy Charge d'Affaire's wife. She worked directly for the Charge d'Affaires.

    That was before the multi-culti's and social grievance peddlers gained predominance in government and began meting out intersectionality and DEI by the ladlefull.

  21. I still remember the parties my parents used to throw at our house. I got to play bartender while the Guardia Naccionales stood guard with sten guns on the roof and while the gold braided generals chatted politics. My dad's job was to track all the foreign arms sales...

  22. ...3. The Government's unprecedented challenge to The Times in the case of the Pentagon Papers, I am convinced, cannot be understood, or decided, without an appreciation of the manner in which a small and specialized corps of reporters and a few hundred American officials regularly make use of so-called classified, secret, and top secret information and documentation.

    Jack Smith's Trump indictment... completely clueless and unprecedented.

  23. So tRump will be found "not guilty"?

    Bill Barr: If even half of it is true, then he's toast.

  24. Non sequitur. That has nothing to do with this situation.

  25. Minus must have silently agreed.
