Saturday, October 21, 2023

Spooky Action from a Distance: Joe Biden's Family Fake Business Siphons Money from Partnered Hedge Funds and Bankrupts Legit Hospitals

The "Big Guy" Wets His Beak & Takes His "Cut"
Video mentions above: Americore Health, Grant White, James Biden, Michael Lewitt, The Third Friday Total Return Fund

Biden Family Pumps Money Out of Desperate Business' with Promises of Investment by Nonexistent Network of Biden Connected Investors and then Leaves them Hanging.  Joe's the "Influencer" w/o Actual Influence.

President Joe Biden’s brother was tied to a potential fraud scheme this week after it was revealed that he allegedly spent a business loan (aka -"bribe") on personal expenses, can report.

In the latest development to come as House Republicans investigate the Biden family’s domestic and international business dealings, it was revealed that Jim Biden, 74, allegedly spent a $125,000 business loan (aka- "bribe") on NFL season tickets, landscaping, and electrical work.

Treasury documents obtained by Daily Mail on Monday revealed that President Biden’s younger brother was named in three Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed by banks to the Treasury Department.

The documents were reportedly uncovered during a separate investigation into Jim’s former business partner, Michael Lewitt.

Lewitt was recently charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with misappropriating $4.7 million from his hedge fund.

According to Daily Mail, the SARs showed that Jim received thousands of dollars in business “loans” (aka- "bribes") as part of Lewitt's suspected scheme.

A May 2020 SAR filed by investigators at Wells Fargo stated that Jim and his wife Sara's company, Lion Hall, received $125,000 from Lewitt's hedge fund.

Jim Biden allegedly spent part of that $125,000 business loan (aka- bribe) on season tickets to see the Philadelphia Eagles.

Another SAR filed by investigators at First Republic Bank revealed that Jim received three wires totaling $23,150 from Lewitt’s fund, Third Friday, to his personal JPMorgan Chase account between November 2018 and February 2019.

Meanwhile, a lawsuit recently filed by Diverse Medical Management alleged that President Biden’s brother partnered with Lewitt in 2017 and promised loans, foreign investment from Qatar, and political support to help DMM provide mental health services at rural hospitals.

On September 29, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged Michael E. Lewitt of Boca Raton, Florida and his investment advisory firm Third Friday Management, LLC (“Third Friday”) with misrepresentations and omissions concerning a material change in the investment strategy of the Third Friday Total Return Fund, L.P. (the “Fund”), the value of the Fund’s assets, and charged Lewitt with misappropriating at least $4.7 million from the Fund for his personal benefit. Lewitt is Third Friday’s sole managing member and majority owner.

According to the SEC's complaint, from at least 2012, Third Friday and Lewitt marketed and represented to investors in the Fund’s Private Placement Memorandum that the Fund used a “strategy of selling straddles on the S&P 500 Index over a portfolio of income generating securities.” The complaint alleges that in January 2018 Third Friday suddenly changed course without disclosing to investors, many of whom were elderly, that it had begun making loans to a distressed (now bankrupt) company that acquired and operated struggling rural hospitals. As alleged, between January 2018 and November 2019, the Fund made 45 separate loan advances totaling more than $19 million to that company. The complaint further alleges that from January 2018 through March 2020, Third Friday and Lewitt made material misrepresentations and omissions, and failed to disclose the change in investment strategy and value of investments, Lewitt’s conflict of interest, and related risks to investors and prospective investors. As alleged in the complaint, Lewitt, with sole authority over the Fund, also misappropriated at least $4.7 million from the Fund for his personal use.

The SEC’s complaint, filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, charges Third Friday and Lewitt with violating the antifraud provisions of Sections 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, and Sections 206(1) and 206(2) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”). The complaint further charges Third Friday with violating, and Lewitt with aiding and abetting Third Friday’s violation of, Sections 206(4) of the Advisers Act and Rules 206(4)-2 and 206(4)-8 thereunder. The complaint seeks permanent injunctions, disgorgement plus prejudgment interest, and civil money penalties against Third Friday and Lewitt and a conduct-based injunction and officer and director bar against Lewitt.

The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Steven J. Meiner and Mark Dee of the Miami Regional Office and was supervised by Jessica M. Weissman and Glenn Gordon. The SEC’s litigation will be led by Pascale Guerrier and supervised by Teresa Verges.

Where's the Evidence?  How about the check and it's source & timing?  James and Hunter "Sell the "Biden Brand".  Joe, "The Big Guy" takes his cut.  The code-switch word "loan" = "bribe".


  1. Indictment don't interfere with elections?

  2. When is the House going to impeach Biden? Don't they need to elect a Speaker first?

    Meanwhile, Sidney Powell and Mark Meadows have both flipped on tRump. And will be required to testify truthfully. LOL!

    But but but... as per Devon Archer, "it's not that Hunter Biden was influencing U.S. policy, it's that Hunter Biden was falsely giving the Burisma executives the impression that he had any influence over U.S. policy". Also, "Shokin's dismissal actually exposed Burisma to more legal scrutiny, not less".

    Fake investigations... those are interference.

    Real evidence-based prosecutions... those aren't. That's justice.

    I'll concede... that tRump broke many laws... yeah, that's going to interfere with his election bid. Hopefully bigly.

  3. The truth can't hurt Trump, that's whats so funny about your schaudenfraud.

  4. ps - Biden impeachment? What for? It's the family criminal convictions he'll face in '25 that'll ice the cake. Good thing he's got Alzheimers, huh?

  5. \\Also, "Shokin's dismissal actually exposed Burisma to more legal scrutiny, not less".

    That one true.

    Corrupt sleazy balls in Ukraine would be glad to help dRump with anti-Bi-den compaign. He... just not proposed fine price. ;-P

    Thought such "help" would be cheap? :-))))

  6. Minus: The truth can't hurt Trump, that's whats so funny about your schaudenfraud.

    tRump wants to go to prison? Because the truth will "help" bigly in putting him there.

    btw, my schadenfreude isn't fraudulent, its genuine.

  7. There was no Insurrection. There was a demand for Constitutional process, violated when Nancy Pelosi evacuated the House (an act planned and rehearsed in advance of J6).

  8. There was a violent Insurrection. I saw it on TV. There was a demand for unConstitutional process. To throw out votes checked and double-checked by the states.

    Minus: ...violated when Nancy Pelosi evacuated the House (an act planned and rehearsed in advance of J6).

    Tinfoil hat nuttery.

    1. πŸ”ΊπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ₯ΈπŸ₯ΈπŸ₯ΈπŸ˜†πŸ₯ΈπŸ₯ΈπŸ₯ΈπŸ₯ΈπŸ₯ΈπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ”Ί

  9. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    There was a violent Insurrection. I saw it on TV.

    Oh... I saw it too. That is where Mokingjay pointed her finger at Mr.Snow, yes? ;-P

  10. You steal an election and expect that people won't get pissed?

  11. Nuttery? Nope, Nancy and the Dems had a full rehearsal of the evacuation on J5.

  12. Try to steal. The coup failed. But we are still bigly pissed. Especially given that the head election stealer isn't in prison yet.

  13. Correction to my prior comment... It was Sidney Powell and Ken Chesebro who have flipped and whose honest testimony will not be good for tRump. Though "Meadows quietly agreed to cooperate with prosecutors". So... that's three cooperators who are going to testify against dotard donald.

    Qtard is talking about movies it watched again. I was referring to a real life event broadcast live on TV. Real life, not fiction.

    Minus too is referring to some fiction he watched on TV. "2000 Mules".

    2000 Mules is a 2022 American conspiracist political film from right-wing political commentator Dinesh D'Souza. The film falsely claims unnamed nonprofit organizations supposedly associated with the Democratic Party paid "mules" to illegally collect and deposit ballots into drop boxes in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin during the 2020 presidential election. D'Souza has a history of creating and spreading false conspiracy theories.

    1. :-)))))))

      My little derp, derping as ever.

      What a merry sight to behold.

      No end of derping. :-)))

    2. Why are you copying Qtard, Mystere?

    3. Dervish Sanders October 23, 2023 at 4:50 PM
      "Why are you copying Qtard, Mystere?"

      Why are you fixated on and obsessed with "Mystere" Little Derpy? I'm Q-anon. I don't see "Mystere" here.

  14. Cooperation and witnesses to "no insurrection" sound like a good thing for Trump's defense.

    1. 🎯 -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew! Right on the bullseye!

    2. That's not what they are going to say. Unless they want their parole revoked. Want to go to prison for testifying dishonestly.

  15. \\Dervish Sanders said...
    Try to steal. The coup failed. But we are still bigly pissed.

    If you pissed -- be a man, go and shot him. ;-P

    \\Qtard is talking about movies it watched again. I was referring to a real life event broadcast live on TV. Real life, not fiction.

    And what's the difference?

    Well, movie more realistic -- people in it do not behave as morons -- they fight against corrupt higherups... not kissing their asses and wriggling in shit protecting em from criticism.

  16. trumpturds who have flipped so far...

    Sidney Powell, Ken Chesebro, Jenna Ellis and Mark Meadows.

    But, given that they're all going to tell the truth, that will be good for tRump?


  17. Qtard: If you pissed -- be a man, go and shot him.

    Why don't you assassinate zer0-bama and/or Bi-den? Given that (according to you) they colluded with Putin in attacking Georgia and Ukraine?

  18. I just dispise em.

    And they did nothing to piss on me, personally.

    Your Captain Obvious.

    And I'm not woke DEMN.

  19. Biden now ranks as the worst US President in History. He's now overtaken Jimmy Carter in the Category.

  20. Sidney Powell, Ken Chesebro, Jenna Ellis and Mark Meadows flipped and WILL testify UNDER OATH against -FJ/JC's Malevolent Mendacious Messiah.

    MMM's criminal intent from first hand witnesses and co-conspirators. Oh, my. How to react to this turn of the worm?

    But "Biden worst"

    A cult isn't a cult to a cult.

  21. Trump got $146 million to play golf.
    Trump is under arrest for 91 criminal charges.
    Jared and Ivanka got $640 million as WH advisors.
    Ivanka got 41 Chinese trademarks.
    Jared got $2 billion from the Saudis.
    Jared got $6.35 million in small business PPP loans.

    But tell us more about the Biden family's corruption.

  22. At least Trump's business partners actual got a "pro quo" (not a government favour) for their quid. lol!

  23. btw - I wonder what Trump's handicap is. THAT is a LOT of tournament wins!


  24. Who does Biden think he is? Clarence Thomas?

    Senate Finance Committee finds "Justice Thomas Did Not Repay Substantial Portion of $267,230 Loan" from wealthy friend for RV.

    Trump got $146 million to play golf.
    Trump is under arrest for 91 criminal charges.
    Jared and Ivanka got $640 million as WH advisors.
    Ivanka got 41 Chinese trademarks.
    Jared got $2 billion from the Saudis.
    Jared got $6.35 million in small business PPP loans.

    But tell us more about the Biden family's corruption.

  25. Trump's golf partners forgave him $146 million in betting losses? Wow, I wish they'd play golf with me!

  26. Minus: Trump's golf partners forgave him $146 million in betting losses?

    No. The American people paid that for tRump to play golf...

    Trump Golf Count
    Cost to Taxpayer: About $144,000,000. *Daytime visits to golf clubs since inauguration, with evidence of playing golf on at least 150 visits.

  27. Wow, $1m per visit! He should golf at one of our local courses. The price of a round would probably decrease by $20...

  28. btw - President Barack Obama played a total of 333 rounds of golf while President. That's $333,000,000 by your count.

  29. No.

    This website says 85 million for Obama. Golf and vacations for 8 years. So significantly less.
