Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Think these Insurrectionists will get Prison Sentences as Harsh as the J6 CosPlayers?

They'll probably get off Scott-free for bringing a drum circle and singing some songs.  That's the mistake that the J6ers won't make again, next time.

Jillian Smith, "USCP arrest dozens after Pro-Palestinian demonstrators flood Cannon Rotunda, Capitol complex"
WASHINGTON - A pro-Palestinian protest is underway on Capitol Hill as demonstrators are occupying the Cannon Rotunda and large crowds are growing around the Capitol complex.

The Cannon House Office Building holds several House Committee and congressional offices.

U.S. Capitol Police say that demonstrations are not allowed inside Congressional buildings and worked for hours to clear the crowd as they continued to sing and chant "ceasefire now" and "free Palestine." Police say they arrested about 100 people so far.

The detained protesters were lined up outside the building and are being shuttled to a temporary holding area in the Capitol complex. Capitol Police say demonstrators inside the Cannon Rotunda will be charged with illegally protesting inside a House Office Building.

They say already among these arrests, three people have been charged with assault on a police officer during processing.

USCP says it is monitoring the situation as more protesters are gathering around the House side of the Capitol Complex and because of that, they are temporarily rolling road closures for safety.

The protest began on the National Mall and eventually made its way to the building, which is situated at Independence Ave. and New Jersey Ave. adjacent to the Capitol Building.

Fencing went up overnight around parts of the U.S. Capitol ahead of the protest organized group Jewish Voice for Peace but the demonstrators were able to stream into the Cannon building mid-afternoon.

JVP claimed on social media that at least 10,000 people were outside the Capitol while 500 made their way inside the rotunda, all there to call for a ceasefire and "challenge the Israeli government's ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians."

President Joe Biden flew to Israel Tuesday for a series of meetings with Israeli, Jordanian, Egyptian and Palestinian leaders.

On Wednesday, he announced $100 million for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank to help displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians as Israel has agreed to allow aid into the area — but with the explicit understanding that shipments and that aid should only go to civilians and not Hamas militants.

"Let me be clear. If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people," Biden said.

Israel quickly cut off the flow of food, fuel and water to the Gaza Strip after the deadly surprise attack by Hamas that killed more than 1,400 people. It's estimated that more than 2,800 Palestinians have been killed in retaliatory attacks and another 1,200 are missing — buried under rubble dead or alive.

Since the war began, the Biden administration has condemned Hamas and stood firmly with Israel, pledging continued support for the allied nation.

"Israel must again be a safe place for the Jewish people. And I promise you: We’re going to do everything in our power to make sure that it will be," Biden said while speaking from Tel Aviv Wednesday. "My administration has been in close touch with your leadership from the first moments of this attack, and we are going to make sure we have — you have what you need to protect your people, to defend your nation."

But the president has also expressed support for Palestinians who do not back Hamas and signaled that the U.S. is seeking to help them as well.

"The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas," Biden wrote on X. "And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people."

There have been several protests around the D.C. area in recent days as the war between Israel and the Iranian-backed Hamas continues.

More than 30 protesters were arrested in front of the White House on Monday and over the weekend, thousands of pro-Palestinian activists took to the streets of the nation's capital to advocate for a cease-fire between the warring groups.

Tensions have only increased following a deadly rocket blast at a Gaza hospital Tuesday. The Gaza Health Ministry said at least 500 people were killed.

Hamas blamed the "horrific massacre" on the Israeli government while the Israeli government has blamed Islamic Jihad — a smaller, more radical Palestinian militant group that often works with Hamas.

As they met Wednesday, Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that intelligence from the Department of Defense showed it was not likely a strike by the Israeli military and that it "appears as though it was done by the other team, not you."

As the president continues on his diplomatic mission through the Middle East, he has continued to advocate for a two-state solution.

"We must keep working for Israel’s greater integration with its neighbors. These attacks have only strengthened my commitment and determination and my will to get that done," he said.

Back on Capitol Hill, some Democratic lawmakers said they're standing in solidarity with those calling for a ceasefire.

Several representatives — including Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Cori Bush, D-Mo., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D_N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Nydia Velázquez, D-N.Y. — signed onto a resolution urging the Biden administration to call for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire.

Without a speaker, many members of the House have been frustrated by the chamber’s inability to pass legislation, particularly in response to the war.


  1. Insurrection, definition: a violent uprising against an authority or government.

    A protest isn't an uprising. Singing and chanting isn't violence.

  2. Hamas terrorists disrupting a Senate Hearing.... Sounds more like an insurrection than Cosplaying J 6 tourists.

  3. \\"The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas," Biden wrote on X. "And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people."

    "The vast majority of Germans are not Nazis," Biden wrote on X. "And Nazis does not represent the German people."?

    Poor Hitler, he did not know that this way possible.


  4. Minus: Hamas terrorists disrupting a Senate Hearing.... Sounds more like an insurrection than Cosplaying J 6 tourists.

    Hamas terrorists? How'd they get into the United States? They sunk over the border? And, instead of killing members of Congress, they sang songs? I say you're delusional.

    Qtard: "The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas", Biden wrote on X. "And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people".

    George W bush after the 9/11 terrorist attacks said: The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. (9/17/2001 speech from inside the Islamic Center of Washington).

    Wanna bet the bigot Qtard disagreed with gwb too? It was likely screaming for innocent Muslims to be genocided, because they are all "accomplices". Instead of invading Afghanistan, Qtard probably thought the US should have nuked it.

    Qtard was probably also calling what republican president gwb said "Demn propaganda".

  5. \\Islam is peace.

    Well... when green ICBMs will start flying...

    \\Instead of invading Afghanistan, Qtard probably thought the US should have nuked it.

    No... I think you'd need to start PEACE NEGOTIATION with ben Laden... SARCASM!!!

  6. Peace Negotiations? Impossible for 2nd order Pentagon and Kyiv presidential observers. It's about how they (Zelinskyy) will look, negotiating with a terrorist. And they could never do anything so "immoral".

  7. Idiot Qtard thinks bin Laden is/was the leader of Afghanistan? Did "Zero-Bama" lie about bin Laden being killed? Or is "ben Laden" some other dude?

    Minus endorses negotiating with terrorists? So Israel should negotiate for peace with Hamas?

  8. \\It's about how they (Zelinskyy) will look, negotiating with a terrorist.

    And what was that??? In Stambul and Minsk?

  9. Even an unconditional surrender requires a negotiation, even if it later gets completely ignored by all the signatories (like Desert Storm was).

  10. Are the Hamas terrorists that sang in the Capitol being sent to Gitmo? Or did Muslim Brotherhood member Barack Hussein zer0-bama command Biden to set them free? So they could commit more singing terror attacks?

  11. I'm sure that the DNC paid all their bails.

  12. Hamas terrorists are eligible to be set free on bail? Well, they did allow the J6 insurrectionists to go home. Waited until later to arrest them. Instead of arresting them on the spot. Even though many are currently in that "gulag" told about via your sidebar link.

  13. Because their offense was minor. Because they aren't Hamas terrorists.

  14. ...and the J6 political prisoners were Hamas terrorists?

  15. Anti-democracy terrorists.

  16. Hamas wants democracy? How many elections did they hold after the one that they won?

  17. Who are you talking to? Someone who thinks Hamas wants democracy? So you're talking to Qtard? Calling out Qtard as a liar? Because it lied about Palestinians voting for Hamas? Lied about them being "accomplices"? I agree with you.

    My last comment concerned the J6 insurrectionists.

  18. Well HAMAS terrorists are for at least humans, in De-Ru-Pi's eyes... while for "J6 insurrectionists" it even do not reserve a place for such thought.

    Only declaring that they CANNOT have human rights...

    1. Qtard: Only declaring that they CANNOT have human rights...

      Never happened.

  19. Yap. Like you never said that you DENY HAVING human rights... in case of "J6 insurrectionists".


  20. No. That's your lie. I refuted it. Said J6 insurrectionists are humans who have human rights. But that "right of rebellion" does not apply in this case because there was (as per Locke) no "long train of abuses". Told you this many times. You just keep lying about what I've said.

  21. \\But that "right of rebellion" does not apply in this case because there was (as per Locke) no "long train of abuses". Told you this many times. You just keep lying about what I've said.

    Because that is BS.

    Human Right are immanent and above ANY OTHER prescription.

    Be it law. Or some "expert" opinion.

    As it said in Declaration.

    ""Declaration of Independence: A Transcription | National Archives › declaration-transcript
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among ...

    You see???


    Like an OPEN, OBVIOUS and Ref to Relaity Itself -- FACT.


    You are idiot and religious bigot. Who dispise and distrust FACTS.

    And like to believe to all kind of crooks and fake experts.

    And think that "protection from violations" is much more important then preserving Human Rigths.


  22. It was in January 2006 that the Palestinian territories held what turned out to be their last parliamentary elections. Hamas won a bare plurality of votes (44 percent to the more moderate Fatah party’s 41 percent) but, given the electoral system, a strong majority of seats (74 to 45). Neither party was keen on sharing power. Fighting broke out between the two. When a unity government was finally formed in June 2007, Hamas broke the deal, started murdering Fatah members, and, in the end, took total control of the Gaza Strip. Those who weren’t killed fled to the West Bank, and the territories have remained split ever since.

    Which terrorist organization do Palestinians like better, Dervy, Hamas or Fatah?

  23. Stealing elections aren't part of a long train of abuses? Starting stupid wars? Funding other people's governments? Running up $trillions of debts?

  24. Minus: Stealing elections aren't part of a long train of abuses?

    So Democrats should have revolted after the Supreme Court stole the presidency from Al Gore? What about after tRump colluded with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton? That's twice republicans stole the presidency in my lifetime. You'd have defended Democratic voters right to rebell re those election thefts?

    Minus: Starting stupid wars?

    Afghanistan and Iraq? gwbs wars. Ended by Obama and Biden.

    Munus: Funding other people's governments?

    donald tRump cut aid to Israel?

    Minus: Running up $trillions of debts?

    donald tRump increased the national debt by 7.8 trillion.

    Were the J6 insurrectionists rebelling against Biden AND tRump? They wanted someone else to be president?

  25. Ha-ha-ha... Derpy do not dare to oppose to Declaration? ;-P

    Trying to run away from ANSWERING!!! :-))))))

    What a silly pig.

    Go... Say it... that Declaation of Independence its White Suprematism (well, there was no Blakk or Hispanis among authors)... or something. ;-P

  26. Derpy silently agreeing.

  27. NewSpeak usage -- CONFIRMED! Again!

  28. "Yet one time" what? I dunno what you're talking about.

  29. Only in your delusions.

  30. Perfect Cringing! ;-P
