Sunday, September 8, 2024

Unapologetically DJT


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Fake Lefty Jimmy D0re: Cutting off your nose to spite your face is a fantastic strategy. Do it. I guarantee I will be happy with the results. I love Orange!

Joe Conservative said...

You'd make a good b*tch for Ice Cube.

Rattrapper said...

In Dervish's delusions, Ice Cube is an uncle Tom house negro.

Joe Conservative said...

Poor guy...totally crackerfied.

Joe Conservative said...

...but NOT a redneck... ???

Recent scholarship traces the roots of southern violence to the Scots-Irish, who brought a relatively violent “cracker culture” with them to the United States in the eighteenth century. The tolerance for violence inherent in cracker culture was believed to be transmitted throughout the south to other whites and was maintained, in part, through evangelical Christian doctrine. Moreover, Thomas Sowell (2005) recently argued that some southern blacks were also influenced by “cracker culture,” leading to the emergence of a “black redneck” phenomenon influencing homicide among blacks. Using county-level data circa 2000, this study empirically evaluates the merit of the cracker culture/black redneck thesis. Negative binomial regression analyses for a full sample of counties suggest that a measure of southern cracker/black redneck culture is an important factor affecting contemporary rates of argument homicide among both whites and blacks. When counties are divided into south and non-south sub-samples, the results are also consistent: a cracker/black redneck culture effect is evident for both racial groups in the south, and is also apparent outside of the southern region. We interpret these latter findings as possible support for the thesis that southern cracker/black redneck culture has been transported through migration to non-southern localities.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: In Dervish's delusions, Ice Cube is an uncle Tom house negro.

I told you that I don't use that term, Mystere. When "Dervish Sanders" does use that term, that's YOU faking comments from me, asshole.

Ice Cube is mistaken if he thinks d0n-OLD tRump will be (or was) a better predisent to give Black voters what they want.

Susan Sarandon thought punishing the population by allowing tRump to be "elected" was a good idea. It turned out to be a very bad idea. Women lost the previously affirmed constitutional right to bodily autonomy. More rights will be lost if d0n-OLD returns to the White House. Very likely many more. Ice Cube thinks that's a good idea? I know I don't.

"We're going to get what we're supposed to get. Period".

With tRump as predisent? No, you're not. btw, notice that Ice Cube isn't actually on Jimmy d0re's program. It's White people discussing what he said elsewhere.

dore: "Kamala Harris isn't going to give anything to his people".

Huh? Are we talking about Black people? Kamala Harris is Black, so "his people" are also her people. But maybe by "your people" Jimmy d0re means rich people? Is that why d0re loves Orange? Is that Ice Cube's people? Fellow Upper-upper income people?

As per g00gle, Ice Cube's net worth is 160 million. He wants his tRump tax cut?

In regards to the guy who said he'd vote for Satan if he was running for the presidency as a republican, But the guy is wrong to give full credit to d0n-OLD. Because the legislation (the fist step act) is a "bipartisan criminal justice bill passed by the 115th U.S. Congress". Bipartisan means Democrats supported it.

d0n-OLD signed it because he thought it would get him Black votes. And, in the d0re video we see one such Black voter who was fooled. Nobody is asking him to vote for Bill Clinton again.


Fact check: 1994 crime bill did not bring mass incarceration of Black Americans. ... Marc Mauer, executive director of The Sentencing Project, a campaign to end life imprisonment, told USA TODAY that the 1994 crime bill certainly encouraged the use of expanded incarceration by providing funding to the states for prison construction. But he added that "mass incarceration was already well under way prior to the adoption of that legislation". link

republicans SAY they are the "law and order" party. But you're lobbing criticism at Bill Clinton for signing the legislation -- when (had a republican president signed it) you'd probably be praising it. For keeping criminals behind bars. Or are republicans NOT the "law and order" party any longer?

Joe Conservative said...

Kamala Harris isn't black, she's green. She's whatever colour you pay her to be.

Joe Conservative said...

A kama-kama-kama-kama-chameleon.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Kamala Harris is Black and Indian. Nobody paid her to have the ethnic background she actually has. What an absurd comment.