Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Example of Tech Censors Escalating Counter-Messaging Operations...

See messages (like "This is all propaganda and lies") that start popping up about 40 seconds in... and the very fact that you must go to "YouTube itself" to watch the embedded video.  Free Speech is DEAD!

And this YouTuber misunderstands the Right's arguments.  China is not "unique" in "essentialism" in its' authoritarian approach to capitalism.  It isn't a racial or cultural characteristic, its' an ideological one.  In fact, China is so successful in the application of this essential ideological quality, centralize government control, that other former "free democracies" have begun more and more to emulate this "essentialist characteristic", and become authoritarian as well.  Slavoj Zizek calls this "Capitalism with Asian values" as the earliest examplar was Singapore.  The problem is that "capitalism with Asian values" can only succeed in countries with established and relatively open "markets" which sustain a large middle class.  Those markets are currently dwindling as the control of production becomes increasingly authoritarian, and thereby "efficient'.  The Middle class markets are born from economic inefficiencies, and dry up in the absence of innate market inefficiency.  In America, technofeudalism is absorbing all those former market inefficiencies, and even replacing free markets altogether.

And just to prove my point vis increasing Western authoritarianism, the censorship employed by an authoritarian State regime against the dissemination of the above video is but a minor example.

The message they seek to prevent getting out:
The party is OVER, America!
Say "Hi" to BRIC's newest applicant with the 2nd largest NATO army.

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