Friday, September 6, 2024

I'll be Memeing You

h/t - Woodsterman


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

NewsNation: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's older brother, Jeff, has admitted exclusively to NewsNation that he does not wish to influence voters despite his opposition to the Democratic vice presidential nominee's views.

Jeff Walz's Facebook posts caused a stir in both mainstream and social media as he described the Minnesota governor as "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future".

Despite saying to his Facebook friends that he had "thought long and hard" about publicly endorsing former President Donald Trump, he now wishes to be uninvolved in any political campaign.

"It wasn't my intent, it wasn't our intent as a family, to put something out there to influence the general public", Jeff Walz told NewsNation. link

Joe Conservative said...

The Cancellation of Jeff Walz has begun...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

What you're calling for? Because he said something on Facebook, then refused to trash his brother publicly and endorse tRump publicly? tRump supporters are going to be calling him up and threatening him and his family? I could definitely see tRumpers doing that. They're terrible.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

LOL! Because the Right wanted him to retract his previous statements on Facebook about his brother.... and reconsider making a Trump endorsement. Lefty-logic 101.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If it had been a threat from the Right, wouldn't Jeff have done what the Right wanted him to do in order to appease them and NOT be cancelled?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Who said he is being cancelled? Only YOU as far as I know. Why I asked if that is what YOU are calling for. He posted on Facebook, not thinking his words would be revealed to the public at large. He does not wish to enter the public arena and he said he isn't publicly endorsing tRump.

There was no call that I know of by Democrats for him to not publicly endorse the horrible Orange Turd or be cancelled. trumpturds found and are publicizing his Facebook post. They're the ones who could be angered that Jeff Walz says he won't publicly endorse tяump.

FYI, he hasn't retracted anything. If there was a threat from the Left (of cancellation) wouldn't he have retracted his words in support of tяump?

Joe Conservative said...

Who said he is being cancelled?

Why is behaving differently now, backtracking in his former comments? A sudden burst of CYA out of the blue?

Joe Conservative said...

Why a 'Retreat' onto "neutral ground'? Fear that he can be cancelled from the Left AND the Right now?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I think most people post on Facebook and don't consider the settings regarding who can view what they write. Most people aren't concerned with the fact that the default is that anyone can look at what they write. My Facebook settings are that only friends can view what I write. He just didn't realize that what he wrote was going to become fodder for public discussion. He isn't "retreating" at all. That's my take, at least. Nobody is canceling him. He isn't publicly endorsing tRump because he doesn't want to. It isn't due to fear of being "canceled".

I haven't seen any evidence from you that your reasoning is what is motivating him. You're sure he is fearful of cancellation due to your mind reading abilities? Do you have any evidence that he has received threats from people saying he should not endorse tRump or he'll be cancelled?

Joe Conservative said...

Your brother's running for VP and you don't change your Facebook settings? The Democrats don't have PR and political advisors? When Obama ran, his radical Illinois record disappeared off the internet within the first week of the Campaign. and THAT was 12 years ago.

Joe Conservative said...

...oooops 16!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

FYI, what really happened was "Sandy [Walz sister] ... approached the elder of the brothers to ask him to tone down the attacks on his more famous sibling. The intervention appears to have worked, with Jeff saying that he now regretted his comments and would not endorse a presidential candidate".

It wasn't "cancellation" fears or threats from the Left that caused him to back off. That was just your delusion.

btw, Darlene Walz, the mother of Tim and Jeff Walz has said ... [she] attended the Democratic national convention in Chicago last month to see her son accept the party’s nomination for vice-president and ... was confident that he and Harris would beat Trump in November. "Oh man, that was a blast" she said of the event. "It was wonderful". link

That was probably a factor too. He didn't want to continue to do something his mother wouldn't appreciate.

"When Obama ran, his radical Illinois record disappeared off the internet".

What "radical" things did Barack Obama do as a member of the Illinois state congress? Support infanticide? I guess nobody "knows" about that because the entire internet was scrubbed. Yet somehow you know all about it. And how "radical" it was.

Even though (as far as I know) it wasn't. As least in regards to "infanticide", which Barack Obama has always opposed. Because infanticide is murder. And murder is illegal.

Were you thinking about something else "radical" Obama did in the Illinois state senate? How many other "radical" things did he do/support in your delusions?

Joe Conservative said...

Yes, he did support 'literal infanticide'... abortionists letting aborted babies born alive to die from neglect hours after being aborted.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Dervish Xi Sanders' Mamala said...

Pass the Horsey Sauce Please! I have the meats!

The Handler of Profit Dervish Xi Sanders said...

Dervish farted

Rattrapper said...

Dervish Sanders eats horse manure daily.

Joe Conservative said...

Better re-read your source, Derv. And I read them in the original back in 2008.

Joe Conservative said...

Learn some history. :P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Yes, he did support 'literal infanticide'.


Joe Conservative said...

The only one to speak in support of infanticide, and then vote "present" to not be embarrassed with the truth... that he wanted the killing of infants to keep going on.

Joe Conservative said...

..and then make up a false "excuse" that the law was flawed and would be overturned. The great thing about this is that many state lawmakers today are creating loopholes that will prosecute abortionists if they perform abortions after crazy limits like 6 weeks, effectively forcing them to give up the trade... the very argument that Obama had spoken in support of in the '75 law that kept doctors aborting them. Chickens coming home to roost.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: The only one to speak in support of infanticide...

False. Infanticide is murder.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: Dervish Sanders eats horse manure daily.

Consuming horse manure, even in small amounts, would have serious health consequences. Horse manure can contain harmful bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens that can cause a range of illnesses. Here are some potential health impacts:

1. Bacterial Infections: Horse manure can harbor bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, which can cause severe gastrointestinal infections, leading to symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

2. Parasitic Infections: Manure can contain parasites such as roundworms and tapeworms, which can infect humans and cause various health issues, including digestive problems and nutrient deficiencies.

3. Toxins: Manure may contain toxins from plants or chemicals that horses have ingested, which can be harmful if consumed by humans.

4. Respiratory Issues: Inhaling dust from dried manure can lead to respiratory problems, including infections and allergic reactions.

If you are considering consuming horse manure, I'd advise against it, Mystere. If you are already consuming horse manure -- I suggest you stop.