Asad Haider, "Dismissal: The relevance of the Cultural Revolution"
The phenomenon that emerges from the amalgamation of dismissal and pluralization is “factionalism,” and for Russo it indicates the fundamental limit of the Cultural Revolution. Factionalism describes the process by which, through arbitrary splits and alliances, the indeterminate plurality of organizations was reduced to a framework of two. The self-authorization of organizations was no longer at stake; now the factions would confront each other in fighting directed toward political or military supremacy. Instead of maintaining independence from the party-state, the factional organizations sought to become the nucleus of a new party-state, constituted by the process of dismissal and annihilation of the opposing faction. The Cultural Revolution had devolved into “grotesque brawls” between youths, whose struggle for power soon led to the exhaustion of the political energies that had only recently come into being.
Would you please pass the jelly?😋😋😋😋😋😆😆😆😆😆
This is the Hatfield's and McCoys on steroids.
Off-topic question: Should the Jones Act be repealed? The argument “for” is that preventing foreign-flagged carriers from carrying goods to off-shore territories makes no sense. The Jones Act results in higher costs of goods for the people who live on these territories. I’d be interested in your point of view. Thank you.
Crying "victim" again. Will rightturds stop calling Democrats communists and baby butchers? You're going to stop insisting Democrats are the "real" racists and that African American voters will "come home" and vote republican?
rightturds = what we do, it's actually the other side doing it to us.
Don't call tRump supporters Nazis. Even the ones that are. Neo Nazis and Neo Confederates are very fine tRump supporters.
Sent you an email
Democrats... party of slave owning racists and actual Confederates
As for commies, your presidential candidate's father is a Marxist prof, as is you Transportation Secretaries...
Communism is genetic? Who knew?
It was Democrats that marched in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us"? Those were all "very fine" Democrats who didn't want the statues of traitors to the United States removed? Was it Democrats not wanting the statues removed and (on the other side) also Democrats who were counter-protesting? Or were the counter-protesters republicans (in your delusions)? And (also in your delusions) David Duke (who was there) said that Joe Biden was his man? Who knew?
fyi, actual Confederates are all dead.
Also (in regards to the father of Kamala Harris) "another family member has said he was not around after the divorce". Additionally, "The original relationship between father and daughter came to an abrupt halt in 1972". source.
I don't think he had much of an influence on her.
More proof that rfkjr is a bigly liar -- now he's trying to get off ballots. While saying he could still get elected president and still wants people to vote for him. But I'm guessing that is what you really mean by "acta non verba". When the verva is proven lies (proven by contradictory acta) Minus smiles. Because he knows the dupes will believe the verba. And vote for acta they are actually opposed to.
Virus' aren't communicable? Red diaper babies don't become pink diaper babies? Who knew?
Minus: Red diaper babies don't become pink diaper babies? Who knew?
Lots of people.
Like Pete Buttigieg?
Yes. He is a person who knows that's BS. Given that he isn't a Marxist.
He didn't even read his dad's Gramsci book? What a terrible son...
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