Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cat Eating is All a Part of Kamala's Grand 'East-Indian Saviour', 1st World Globalist Values Complex

We must Sacrifice our Pets in the Name of Humanity!
Like All 'Good' People, We Must Applaud Her 'East-Indian' Saviour Vision!

I wonder if she think's she's somehow 'superior' to those she's helping?  Hm-m-m-m-m-m.... Next Round of her Saviourist thinking will likely be, "Eat the Bugs, NOT the Pets"!
"Vengeance is Mine!", Sayeth the Saviour of the Oppressed...
... It's All in the name of "A Higher Good"
White Liberals Need to Develop a Critical Consciousness to Reign-in their impractical and solution delimiting Cyclopean-Gaze filled with "Globalist 1st World Values" Privilege and stop Fixating it on Superficial Human Characteristics like Race! That's what Anti-Racism is... Calling Out *ALL racism.  Not just WHITE racism.
*Democrats unwritten rule: Never call out the superficially POLITICALLY pre-designated Intersectional 'victim' for his own missteps (blame the victim)... always "affirm" their victimhood in the political social justice terms (not 'Justice' itself, which applies only to individualized cases without the effects of justice denying social/ legal class "efficiencies" of a group "class-action lawsuit").

(**but only if you DON'T hold Globalist 1st World Values Privilege!!!!)

As Marx would say, "It's CLASS POWER-PRIVILEGE, Stupid!  It has NOTHING to do with RACE!"  Even Black celebrities like 'Oprah!' can have class power-privilege and hold Globalist 1st World Values.

It's Time to Reject the Wealthy Capitalist Class Globalist 1st World Values GAZE that frames every Social situation or problem in wealthy Davos Man/ WEF member terms and uses media controls (social/ MSM) to impose their "***desired solutions" upon the rest of us! (Real Practical Solutions get LOST in THAT kind of's a framing that is ANYTHING-BUT Diverse [not as in a legal system's diverse/ randomly selected  "jury of peers"])
***In "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis" Lacan argues that "man's desire is the desire of the Other." This entails the following: Desire is the desire of the Other's desire, meaning that desire is the object of another's desire and that desire is also desire for recognition (existence within the Other's Gaze).


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Imaginary cat eating is all part of Kamala Harris' imaginary grand East-Indian Savior 1st World Globalist values complex? Interesting. Thank you for sharing your delusions. Though I think you should be telling them to a psychiatrist. As opposed to posting them online. That's not a useful step toward getting the mental health you obviously need.

Watching videos from Tarl the liar doesn't help either. They surely reinforce your delusions.

FYI, I'm pretty sure Seth Meyers is a Democrat. He definitely isn't a tRump fan.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

When's you next psychiatric session to cure your imaginary racism fighting?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Da white savior to da rescue!

Joe Conservative said...

Defensive LONG RANGE missiles! If WWIII starts, its' Putin's fault!

Dervnac The Magnificent said...

Hǎidì shāokǎo fēicháng měiwèi.
Haitian Barbecue Cat and Dog is extremely delicious.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The Independent: Explanation finally revealed for viral image of man holding geese that fueled bizarre pet-eating claims in Ohio. The Ohio Division of Wildlife told TMZ that the man was picking up the two geese that had been hit by a car in Columbus, which is about 45 minutes from Springfield, where Trump had previously claimed that migrants were chowing down on the birds.

In order to collect a carcass, people need documentation from a county sheriff or wildlife officer, the wildlife organization explained, but according to the Franklin County Wildlife Office, this is not required for geese, meaning the man had a right to them. TMZ reported that there is no evidence that the man is Haitian [or] an immigrant... link

Mystere: Haitian Barbecue Cat and Dog is extremely delicious.

That image is A.I., moron.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: When's you next psychiatric session to cure your imaginary racism fighting?

Why would I go to a psychiatrist to seek treatment for a condition I don't have? I have no concern at all regarding imaginary racism... i.e. racism against Whites. That's what trumpturds are bigly concerned about. I'm not a trumpturd.

Also, I'm nobody's savior.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Dervnac The Magnificent (aka Mystere): 海地烧烤非常美味。
Hǎidì shāokǎo fēicháng měiwèi. Haitian Barbecue Cat and Dog is extremely

Mystere likely won't reply to my calling out his comment. If he does, it will be BS about "Mystere derangement syndrome" because "Mystere isn't here". Even though I know that's you, Mystere. Minus FJ knows that's you, Mystere.

Joe Conservative said...

You don't have a white saviour complex??? Then why do you hate other white people so much?