Thursday, September 12, 2024

It's Official: The Fix is in as the Deep State Takes Over the Election

Published By

U.S. Secret Service Media Relations
Published Date


WASHINGTON – The 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2025, has been designated a National Special Security Event by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

This marks the first time a National Special Security Event designation has been granted for a Certification of Electoral Votes and follows a request made by the DC Mayor to designate this event a National Special Security Event. Various reports including from the House Select January 6 Committee and the Government Accountability Office also called for the DHS Secretary to consider a National Special Security Event designation for future Certification of Electoral Votes.

“National Special Security Events are events of the highest national significance,” said Eric Ranaghan, the Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service’s Dignitary Protective Division. “The U.S. Secret Service, in collaboration with our federal, state, and local partners are committed to developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated security plan to ensure the safety and security of this event and its participants.”

The formal planning process is underway with the formation of an Executive Steering Committee. The Executive Steering Committee is made up of senior representatives from federal, state and local law enforcement and public safety partners and will begin convening in the coming weeks.

In addition to the 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes on Jan. 6, the 2025 Presidential Inauguration on Jan. 20 was previously designated a National Special Security Event and planning has been ongoing for several months.

This designation allows for significant resources from the federal government, as well as from state and local partners, to be utilized in a comprehensive security plan. When an event is designated a National Special Security Event, the U.S. Secret Service assumes its mandated role as the lead agency for the design and implementation of the operational security plan.

We all know what a great job the Secret Service did Protecting Trump...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Why you are so sure tяump will win? The "fix is in" to ensure it? Hmm. While I think it's possible that the specific Secret Service agents assigned to tяump could have staged a fake "assassination", I doubt the agency as a whole is in on a plot to help him steal the election. Though I definitely wouldn't rule it out completely.

Though, according to what you published, this will only be happening in Washington DC, which is a Democratic stronghold. Are all the Black people living in Washington DC going to "vote" for tяump in the upcoming potus election?

Joe Conservative said...

Biden's Secret Service is going to "count the votes"... in secret, and reveal the winner to us. DNC Democracy in Action.

Joe Conservative said...

"Secure the Vote!"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

It doesn't work that way. Anyway, I misunderstood what your post. I just heard the same story on the news. This is to prevent magaturds from attacking the Capitol again after tRump loses. Or to deal with his traitorous anti-American Turds when they show up. Perhaps more heavily armed this time. I wonder how many might be killed? Possibly many more.

That explains why you say the "fix" is in? Because steps are being taken to prevent an armed insurrection from violently overturning the results if/when Harris wins?

Well, I certainly will not have any sympathy for the dead or their families this time. Nor those sentenced to prison. I hope the people defending the count use the necessary lethal force -- and that those not killed receive long prison sentences. Everyone saw what happened the last time and therefore we all know what the potential consequences could be.

Joe Conservative said...

yes, last time on J5 the Capitol Hill Police planted two bombs at RNC and DNC HQ as a pretense to prevent Congressional Trump Republicans from contesting electors on J6. This time they'll just strong arm States into certifying their "swing state" electors before J6 even arrives And so the next time it won't be J6 cos-players showing up to storm the Capitol, the "elector fix" will already be in, regardless of the cheating.

btw - Did you know that Wisconsin has over 7 million registered voters and only 6 million living residents?

Joe Conservative said...

Bureaucratic incompetence? Or pre-planned election rigging?

Joe Conservative said...

e-r-r-r-r... "ballot harvesting".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: yes, last time on J5 the Capitol Hill Police planted two bombs at RNC and DNC HQ...

Tinfoil hat nuttery. Like the people that attacked the Capitol Police, the bomber(s) was most likely a magaturd. Certainly that is the Occam's Razor explanation.

btw, if you "know" it was the Capitol Police, why don't you contact the authorities and collect the $500,000 reward?

btw, the vote counts are KNOWN when the EC votes are recounted by Congress following the election. That count is just a formality. The VP (as the Orange Turd alleged) has no power to do anything BUT verify the count. There has been no legislation passed that gives the Secret Service any authority to take over vote counting/change the already known results.

I think you DEFINITELY need to start (or resume) taking Seroquel. Or some other antipsychotic medication.

g00gle: Antipsychotics are the primary medications used to treat delusional disorder.

Joe Conservative said...

The bomber will never be identified, because it was all part of the steal.

Joe Conservative said...

The J6 cosplayers, now political prisoners, were Pelosi's patsies.

Joe Conservative said...

Just like the Trump assassin's deep state accomplices

Joe Conservative said...

btw - How's the USSS exoneration "investigation" going?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: The bomber will never be identified, because it was all part of the steal.

You just said it was someone (or multiple people) who are members (or ex-members) of the Capitol Police. That narrows it down A LOT. They should be able to figure out who it was if you point them in the "right" direction. You have no need for 500k? You don't want the perpetrators brought to justice?

I think that, if anyone is eventually charged, they might magically transform into "political prisoners" when it is discovered the person (or persons) are trumpers.

Minus: Just like the Trump assassin's deep state accomplices

Yes, I definitely would like to see the SS members that helped plan the fake "assassination" attempt brought to justice.

Minus: btw - How's the USSS exoneration "investigation" going?

I dunno. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Who is the SS looking to exonerate? I hope that the SS members that helped stage the fake assassination are caught and prosecuted. And that d0n-OLD's participation is revealed. Obviously he was in on it, given the fake injury to his ear. There are surely crimes he could be charged with.

I am not overly optimistic about this actually happening, however.

Joe Conservative said...

...and why is that? Kronies protect Kronie Institutions, that's why.

Rattrapper said...

Whoz Your Mamala, Dervish Xi Sanders?

Rattrapper said...

Dervish Xi Sanders is a Mamala's boy.

Rattrapper said...

Note the clownish retort Dervish Xi Sanders passes out of his flatulent pie hole.↓↓