Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Thousands of Booby-Trapped Pagers Explode?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yes, it appears as though this is something that happened. I heard about it on the news.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The IDF built thousands of trojan horses.... :)

Opinionated and Right said...

The Bottom line...Can we Ignore the Democratic s Laughing Loon? Can we Ignore a Laughing Hyena? I think Not! Can we Ignore someone who a Communist trying to sell you her Propaganda on supporting Communism and Communists. Who is a DUMMY when it comes to policy be it Foreign, or Domestic ! Who tries to LAUGH if off like an Hyena rather than give a descent, and a Logical reply! Who would rather help the CRIMINAL or the DISTINCTIVE PROTESTER then help the Victim? This is not the American way. We don't elect a person because of her Black Race, or her Gender,or ability to Laugh like an Hyena rather then than find a remedy. Or the pick a Moronic running Mate! Who would rather ignore the press then to embarrass herself by showing the reporter that she is so UNQUALIFIED that she just can't even give a Press Interview!

Joe Conservative said...

She's a "celebrity politician: like AOC. All face, no substance, an empty container to be filled by the donor class.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0n-0ld was on a fake reality teevee program called "Celebrity Apprentice". He babbled and the producers of the show went through the footage shot to justify his firings. "We need to find scenes we can splice together to make it look like this idiot knows what he's doing".

d0n-0ld was unqualified to take over his father's business. He was (and still is) completely unqualified to be president.

Why he is outsourcing all the actual work this time. Peter Thiel, Elon Musk and The Heritage Foundation will be (and are) are in charge of making and creating policy for a potential 2nd d0n-0ld administration.

Ergo, d0n-0ld is the empty vessel. Well, emptyish. He brings his platform of White Supremacy and White Grievance to the table.