Wednesday, September 18, 2024



The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

tRump isn't a "run and hider"? Until he loses to Kamala Harris. Then he is going to run and hide in Venezuela. He told Elon Musk during his Twit-Turd interview/illegal campaign contribution.

And nobody can say it? I say he is a run and hider. That's what all his delay tactics are about re the prosecutions he is facing. He is running and hiding from the law. Instead of going to trial and proving his (he says) innocence.

btw, the song says tRump has broken bones. When did this happen? When the Secret Service tackled him on stage during his rally near Butler? The one where a registered republican shot near him? I didn't hear anything about any broken bones. Only a mosquito bite on his ear.

Also, what's with all the Black people in this video? Jon Kahn is a White guy. tRump's Black support is small. Black voters aren't going to be fooled into voting for White Supremacy with this music video.

Joe Conservative said...

Poetic license. The great thing about poetry is that its' interpretations aren't either literal or specific.

As for all the black people, Boxers (Fighters) have high AQs. Since its' a song about Fighters, not one specific white guy, DJT.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Only white saviours care about the "subjectivity of race" expressed in poetry.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Ever box, Dervy? High School? College?

Joe Conservative said...

btw - . Instead of going to trial and proving his (he says) innocence.

He needs to "prove his innocence"? I'm not sure you know how the American Justice System is supposed to work. Did you take Civics in HS, dervy?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I didn't say d0n-0ld needed to prove his innocence. I only meant that he might like to go to trial and be cleared. So the voters can go to the polls knowing that d0n-0ld did nothing wrong. Surely, being vindicated would help him in the election.

Yet he keeps trying to delay all legal proceedings. Excepting the corrupt supreme court making up him having "presidential immunity". Why does he need immunity if he did nothing wrong?

I think it is definitely possible d0n-0ld might try to flee to a country he can't be extradited from. The authorities should definitely be prepared.

Joe Conservative said...

Nope, you said it.

"Instead of going to trial and proving his (he says) innocence."

And if Donald loses, he'd be perfectly justified in fleeing this corrupt 3rd world country that Democrats have turned it into.

Joe Conservative said...

It's funny, but the more Democrats reveal their true intentions, like you have above, the bolder your statements become. You've lost the social compunction to dog-whistle, you simply blurt out what in the past would have been considered "Freudian slips". They're no longer repressed.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Nope, you said it. "Instead of going to trial and proving his (he says) innocence."

I did say that. If he went to trial and is innocent he would be vindicated. And could trumpet that fact. If it happened. But he clearly does not believe that is going to happen. Why he's delaying. So, if "elected", he can can instruct his AG to drop all the pending trials.

Minus: And if Donald loses, he'd be perfectly justified in fleeing this corrupt 3rd world country that Democrats have turned it into.

Your false narrative. In reality republiturds are trying to transform the US into a corrupt Christofascist oligarchy. The corrupt rightturd justices just gave him the (non existing in the Constitution) dictator power of "presidential immunity".

Minus: It's funny, but the more Democrats reveal their true intentions, like you have above, the bolder your statements become.

Exactly. I agree completely. Except your comment concerns republicans. You made such a bold statement when you wrote:

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise... America has a Unitary Executive. It's not a "theory" anymore. No, it's CASE LAW. Stare Decisis is "in effect" now.

Minus: You've lost the social compunction to dog-whistle, you simply blurt out what in the past would have been considered "Freudian slips". They're no longer repressed.

Exactly. Again I agree completely. If "You've" in your comment is replaced by "republicans have".

Comments like "They're eating the cats. They're eating the dogs".

Your candidate blurted that out loudly when he "debated" Kamala Harris. And his veep jd "Vance" is continuing to insist it is true as well. And you defended these racist lies with multiple posts.

Cat eating debunked.
Eating geese debunked.

But I have absolutely no doubt that you'll dismiss these debunkings and continue insisting that Haitian immigrants are eating people's pets.

Your White Supremacist leader says such behavior is now completely acceptable. The racists have emerged from the shadows and are now loud and proud. We saw it in Charlottesville and d0n-0ld's fake debunked "very fine people" comment.

Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

See. Exactly what I said. As if such a video couldn't be faked. The person who shot the video trespassed into someone else's yard -- and the person whose grill that was wasn't there? Maybe they went inside to get some "cat spices" and this trespasser saw an opportunity? Or maybe the grill belongs to the person who shot the video? And that that isn't a cat on the grill? Who knows what it is. I call BS.