Sunday, September 8, 2024

Denzel Illustrates and Exposes the Real 'Problem' of Multiculturalism

Fairness demands representation in multiplicities, and one that locates and spreads power into these multiplicities and is decentralized/ federated into them, not "shared" and thereby "combined" with contentious portions 'erased' or 'ignored' by them.  50 States... 50 Cultures.  The Hollywood "White/Jewish Gaze" cannot do justice to the diversity of cultures of either America, or the World. For that, we need diverse Discourses.

Denzel seems to believe, and is right, that there is an African-American discourse that needs representation, and he seeks to serve as a vehicle for producing one.  But there are also many and varied African-American discourses.  Wouldn't it be better if more of them could speak?  Tell their own "true/ authentic" stories?  Provide an "otherness" that you don't want to immediately identify with and harvest "Likes" from, but instead, make you think and thereby achieve a larger/ greater understanding of what's usually lost into the schism/ abyss between "faith" and "knowledge"?

Surely if Acxiom can create a profile for every single one of the diverse users of the internet, it can aggregate overlaps, identify group/culture needs, and products to serve them.  What it can't do is empower those group aggregations with authentic representatives willing to develop those products.  And so actual/ authentic needs go unsatisfied in the resulting schizoid marketing processes.  And maybe that's the point.  To keep the consumer base perpetually "wanting".  A loyal "fan-base/ brand-base" (like "Democrats") that never gets what they ask for, Meaningful  True/ Authentic Diversity, and not some wealthy celebrity token-actor stand-in serving like a brand logo for the general interests of the prevailing power structures.

Capitalism stands in direct opposition to existing Cultures.  It commodifies Labour by breaking down and destroying the worker's cultural world in order to inject in and over-lay a novel "corporate" productivity culture to serve the interests of the Capitalists.  It "decenters" the existing culture and makes it pursue a new line of flight towards serving the interests of the parasitic capitalist drawing off sustenance from it.  Most times this is beneficial to both, but if the sustenance removed becomes sufficiently large, it starves the host culture (disappearing Middle Class).  This is what is happening under "late-Capitalism/ vampire Capitalism".  This is what brought about the 9/11 attacks and the Arab Spring.  And so the Neoliberal Capitalists must seek out new hosts and new markets... leading to wars in Ukraine and Russia and the psycho-politics of propaganda and censorship in Europe and America.
Tarek El-Tayeb Mohamed Bouazizi (Arabic: طارق الطيب محمد البوعزيزي, romanized: Ṭāriq aṭ-Ṭayib Muḥammad al-Būʿazīzī; 29 March 1984 – 4 January 2011) was a Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire on 17 December 2010 in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, an act which became a catalyst for the Tunisian Revolution and the wider Arab Spring against autocratic regimes. His self-immolation was in response to the confiscation of his wares and the harassment and humiliation inflicted on him by a municipal official and their aides.

Capitalists have become increasing efficient at harvesting human capital for wealth creation.  Today's "Achievement Society" is the result.  But as many an Achiever-wannabe is finding out, the competition for "achievers" is both global and intense.  The resulting psycho-political burn-out is showing up, in opioid-fentanyl deaths, incel hikikomori's, and the internet addictions of billions of tech users.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mostly the narrator telling us what Denzel thinks based on a few clips. I would not be sure he's accurate in "what Denzel means, thinks" unless Denzel said he agreed with this video.

btw, I didn't hear any clip in which Denzel talked about "the Real Problem of Multiculturalism". At what point in the video does this occur?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Within the first 30 seconds. "It's not colour, it's culture". And acta non verba, Dervy. Denzel formed a production company for telling his culture's stories.

Joe Conservative said...

To tell your cultures story, you must be the "power" that controls it. And that lies with the "producers" of films, deciding what films get made. Why do you think the Obama's took jobs with Netflix?

Joe Conservative said...

Denzel started as an actor being forced to tell a lot of BS stories.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Within the first 30 seconds. "It's not colour, it's culture".

I heard him say that. Your post title indicates that he thinks multiculturalism is a PROBLEM.

What's the problem? Not enough of it?

Minus: Denzel formed a production company for telling his culture's stories.

That's great. Does his culture have anything to do with being African American? Or nothing at all to do with that?

Joe Conservative said...

You really have no reading comprehension skills. Do you think his Schindler's List example was about aiming for an African-American Director instead of Spielberg?

Joe Conservative said...

Try performing a little discourse analysis next time.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Denzel Washington isn't Jewish.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Denzel Washington "Just Destroyed Woke Hollywood". Where in the video does this happen? Nowhere. I watched it 3 times.

Woke Watchers = full of sh!t.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Before pressing play, an image of Denzel and (possibly) a trans woman is shown. Yet neither Denzel nor the narrator ever says anything about trans people. The person on the right in the image (with pinkish hair) isn't in the video either. What's the deal with that? People are supposed to conclude that Denzel is anti-trans? Just based on that image?

Apparently Denzel is screaming "you destroy America" at this person. How deceptive. "Woke Watchers" is priming the viewer for his lies.

Bing: There are no verified statements or credible sources indicating that Denzel Washington has made any negative comments about transgender people. ...there is no credible evidence that he has made any public statements specifically opposing “woke” culture. Some claims about him rejecting roles or endorsements due to “woke” reasons have been debunked as false.

Joe Conservative said...

He didn't have to make "negative statements". He merely had to speak the truth (that you refuse to recognize). It's one of your "unspoken" rules that blinds you to the truth, and creates a gap/schism/ abyss, and keeps you on the side of your biased woke ideology.

Joe Conservative said...

The videographer merely filled in the "gaps" that created contrary and obvious rational conclusions from Denzel's spoken truth.

Joe Conservative said...

You have your group bias'. We have ours. And ours doesn't have a woke 'agenda'. We respect the "negative liberties" that allow for "otherness" that you seek to erase and eradicate. Like "cultural differences" and the very existence of a "Western" culture that establishes differences.

Opinionated and Right said...

Joe Conservative said...

Spot on. Now extend the logic.

Joe Conservative said...

Just part of the Left's obsession with superficialities.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: The videographer merely filled in the "gaps" that created contrary and obvious rational conclusions from Denzel's spoken truth.

He filled in the "gaps" with lies. I watched several other of his videos. Hate for trans people is definitely a theme. Also suggesting the actors he talks about share his hate for trans people. There was one on Dwayne "the rock" Johnson. He just said the word "woke" and an image of a trans person floated vertically across the screen. When Dwayne Johnson is a Democrat who previously endorsed Joe Biden. Though he walked that back because he returned to wrestling (for one event, I believe) and rightturds are wrestling fans. But everyone knows he is still a Democrat. And he has never expressed hate for trans people. ABSOLUTELY it would have been included in the "woke watchers" video if he had. Yet there was nothing. "woke watchers" is a BSer.

Minus: Spot on. Now extend the logic.

You speak as if I don't understand. I do understand and I agree.

Minus: ..."otherness" that you seek to erase and eradicate. Like "cultural differences" and the very existence of a "Western" culture that establishes differences.

I don't. That's what you want. You stated it in the title of your post. You said there is a problem with multiculturalism. While the Left embraces and celebrates multiculturalism. That wasn't a very good lie.

Rattrapper said...

"Woke Watchers = full of §#¡+"

You just described yourself, Dervish.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

BOY! It sure STINKS to be you, doesn't it, Dervish?😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Rattrapper said...

The "Profit" Dervish Xi Sanders September 9, 2024 at 12:04 AM

"Before pressing play, an image of Denzel and a trans woman is shown."

Funny how you took notice of a "Trans-Woman" eh, Dervish Xi Sanders. You should describe it as a man who got his nuts chopped off... Oh wait, that's too closely associated with what Jessie Jackson said once about what he wanted to do to 0bama. My bad!

Joe Conservative said...

the Left embraces and celebrates multiculturalism.

lol! It celebrates multi-racialism (and strips the actual undesirable elements from cultures out so that they all "appear" to share the "same (liberal progressivism umbrella)" values. It's why Democrats can't make the Jewish-Palestinian coalition work. it's phony multi-culturalism. Bad Pseudostinians vs. Jews & good "Arab-Israeli's".

Joe Conservative said...

you attribute western values to Palestinians. There actual values glorify the killing of Jews and dhimmitude of Christians.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: There actual values glorify the killing of Jews and dhimmitude of Christians.

"Dhimmī, collectively dhimmah "the people of the covenant") or muʿāhid is a historical term for non-Muslims living in an Islamic state with legal protection. The word literally means "protected person", referring to the state's obligation under sharia to protect the individual's life, property, as well as freedom of religion..." link

Joe Conservative said...

Know what homo sacer is? The "Sacred Man". It's not what you think it is. It's a man with no citizen rights.

Joe Conservative said...

One who must be "protected" because he is not allowed to protect himself.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You don't like being protected by the authorities? If you're being robbed you don't call the police? You get your gun and handle it yourself? Maybe. But what if you're the victim of financial fraud. Say thieves gain access to your bank account and transfer out all your money? Do you demand the police not interfere in your business? Tell them you're going to track down the thieves yourself?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Bing Copilot: The term “The Sacred Man” isn’t a standard term in historical or legal contexts related to dhimmī. The description of dhimmī as “a man with no citizen rights” is somewhat misleading. While dhimmī did not have the same rights as Muslim citizens, they were not entirely without rights. They were granted protection for their life, property, and freedom of religion under Islamic law, and they could practice their religion and maintain their places of worship.

However, dhimmī were subject to certain restrictions and obligations, such as paying the jizya tax and sometimes facing social and legal limitations. This status was a form of second-class citizenship, but it did not equate to having no rights at all.