Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Blatant Multi-Cultural Insensitivity...!*

What a blatantly RACIST and culturally insensitive act!
If you are truly "multi-cultural", shouldn't you accept and embrace all "culturally diverse" foods???

Trump demonstrating what it means to put America First!

* There is an ancient Sufi parable about coffee: "He who tastes, knows; he who tastes not, knows not."
Cat Ladies for Kamala becoming truly multi-cultural Sufi's!
Celebrate Diversity!


Z said...

Being owner to THE BEST KITTY IN THE WORLD, I hate this post :-) But if I can laugh at anybody evil enough to cook a cat, it'd be HER I'd like to laugh at. Then KICK. (By the way, I'd always hated cats, saying "too bad kittens have to turn into cats!" Until you have one, you just don't get it, do you!"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

BS. This has been debunked. No doubt you will continue to believe it anyway. Because it fits in with your hate for immigrants. Unless they are White immigrants, they're criminal raping pet eaters.

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories. link

OH NO! That's as per Wikipedia. "Proof positive" this story is absolutely true, right? Haitians eating cats is part of their "culture".

The idea that Haitian people commonly eat cats is largely a misconception.

rightwingers = gullible hate filled turds.

Joe Conservative said...

And hillbilly's don't love roadkill... that's just a hate-filled hillybilly/ cracker cultural misconception

Joe Conservative said...

The prejudices of 1st world values...

Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said...

...some political parties just HATE the working class!

Joe Conservative said...

Get thee to a Chinese wet-market in Wuhan, Derv. Maybe you can find a new virus ready to over-leap the limits of animal species...

Joe Conservative said...

...after all, didn't your party just re-define the meaning of a Democratic primary?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Politifact: Authorities rebut claims that Haitian immigrants are eating cats, waterfowl in Ohio town. link

OH NO! That's Politifact. More evidence the story is absolutely "true", right?

Bing Copilot AI: The idea that "hillbillies" commonly eat roadkill is largely a stereotype and not an accurate representation of any specific culture. While some people in rural areas might salvage roadkill for food, this practice is not exclusive to any one group and is more about resourcefulness and reducing waste.

The clip from "The Beverly Hillbillies" is a piece of fiction and should be taken as such. The show often played on exaggerated stereotypes for comedic effect. In reality, eating roadkill is a practice seen in various parts of the world, including the United States, and is sometimes encouraged for environmental and safety reasons. [end Copilot response]

Minus doesn't know the difference between reality and fiction. No surprise there. At all.

Joe Conservative said...

It probably has something to do with "cat ladies".

Joe Conservative said...

lol! Ever spear frogs in a sugar cane field canal with a Hawaiian sling? Freshwater Prawns in a stream? Bet on a cock at a chicken fight? Shoot a wild pig? Throw nets on top a reef? Use a tire iron to un-lodge an abalone from a coral? Use pitchforks to find Pismo clams in the surf? Shoot and eat rabbits and squirrels? None of the above is fiction, I've done it all.

Joe Conservative said...

Ever hear the story of a survivor of a shipwreck who upon landing, shoots and eats an albatross (to compare taste with something he ate in the lifeboat)?

Joe Conservative said...

Your first world values are so cute...

Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: ...after all, didn't your party just re-define the meaning of a Democratic primary?

Nope. That's unlikely to occur again. At least not for a very long time. And, as I pointed out earlier, if the d0n-OLD "assassination" attempt had been real (and successful), the republican party would absolutely not have rerun their primaries to select a new candidate. They would have selected a new nominee using the same/similar process. Or do you think they would have run the primaries again?

FYI, the process by which the Democratic Party selected their nominee this time was completely legit and within the rules. The primary voters chose Joe Biden and the also chose Kamala Harris. As per the Constitution, Kamala Harris took over as the nominee when Joe Biden dropped out. There were suggestions that other candidates should have been considered. I would have been bigly opposed if that had happened.

Given the late date Joe Biden came to the decision that he would bow out, the only person who could legitimately move into that slot was his VP. I think they could have selected someone else legally, but that definitely would have been bad and the voters would legitimately have a reason to be upset.

You (as a rightturd) are upset that Kamala Harris is the nominee because if the Democratic Party had not moved Kamala Harris into the potus nominee position, that would have been a lot better for d0n-OLD. Given that running as an incumbent gives an advantage.

Though d0n-OLD ran as the incumbent in 2020 and LOST. Because he is terrible. Though memories of his terribleness were fresh in the voters minds in 2020. Now many voters have forgotten just how terrible d0n-OLD was as predisent. Because so many voters are stupid. That's a fact republicans count on to get "elected".

That is exactly why rightturds want to defund public schools. To make sure future voters are even dumber.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: None of the above is fiction, I've done it all.

And (in your delusions) that's proof that Haitian immigrants in the US eat people's pets?

btw, in regards cockfighting, is animal cruelty your "culture"? Are you a fan of dog fighting too? You probably are a fan of "bum fights" as well.

FYI... Killing someone's pet can result in criminal charges, such as animal cruelty or criminal property damage.

Also... In 42 states and the District of Columbia, cockfighting is a felony. In 43 states and the District of Columbia, it is illegal to attend a cockfight.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I am watching the debate right now. d0n-OLD brought up this false story. And, even after being corrected, insisted it was true. He's making a fool of himself.

Joe Conservative said...

That's unlikely to occur again

Wanna bet?

Joe Conservative said...

Republicans would have fought it out on the floor, as the released State deligations would have backed different candidates, not lapped up and taken orders from the central DNC.

Joe Conservative said...

In Hawaii it happens at every old sugar cane camp every weekend, and most weekdays. My next-door neighbor's grandfather ran the 3-card Monty table. :)

Never been to a dogfight, but I've seen plenty of bullfights. That isn't Spanish culture? Who knew?

Joe Conservative said...

Your "truth" is pure fiction.

Joe Conservative said...

It's merely an attempted display of "power" that impresses only its' own.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Your "truth" is pure fiction.

You're doing that thing that Qtard accused me of doing? Writing "Your" when you meant "My"?

The authorities denied that any pets had been eaten by Haitian immigrants. In other words, it did not happen. That's my truth. Well, that's everyone's truth. Everyone who is sane, at least.

Is football and boxing "American culture"? Because I dislike both. But at least that's humans hurting other humans (CTE). Though I think that boxing (for certain) should be ended as entertainment. That's why I'm a progressive. I think we (as a species) need to continuously work to improve ourselves. Outlawing bull fighting would be a step in the right direction. As many countries have.

Humane Society: Bullfighting is already banned by law in many countries including Argentina, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Italy and the United Kingdom. Although legal in Spain, some Spanish cities, such as Calonge, Tossa de Mar, Vilamacolum and La Vajol, have outlawed the practice of bullfighting. There are only a few countries throughout the world where this practice still takes place (Spain, France, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and Ecuador). link

Bullfighting should be banned worldwide. At least the kind of bullfighting in which the bull is tortured and killed. There are bloodless bullfights.

btw, bullfighting might be considered a part of Spanish Culture, but eating pets is not a part of Haitian culture. That story is fake. Nobody was arrested for eating a cat (or dog) and (if anyone did) they certainly should be arrested and charged. When immigrants come to the United States, they have to follow the laws of the United States. But nobody was arrested re that fake story... because it's fake. It did not happen.

You didn't give any evidence that it did. While I gave evidence that it didn't. The Gateway Pundit is fake news.

Joe Conservative said...

A Haitian has never eaten a pet? That's a bold statement. If I were hungry and starving, I'd eat one.

As for evidence, what was that picture of the guy in the video with the duck from? Not-evidence? LOL!

What ever became of the Barbeque guy running Haiti, anyway?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Snopes: Another piece of purported evidence for the claim of widespread Haitian goose-killing in Springfield concerned a single image of a Black man carrying a dead Canada goose ... this image does not come from Springfield. The photo can be found in a Reddit thread about Columbus, Ohio, and it was posted at least one month earlier than these viral claims. There is no evidence that this individual had any connection to Haiti. link

We were discussing the fake Gateway Pundit story. I didn't make an "never, ever, anywhere in the world" assertion. And you said it was part of their culture. We weren't talking about what someone who is starving might eat.

Helmut Von Streudelstein said...

Please don't eat my buddies!

Joe Conservative said...

Dervy hates animals, that why he spreads malicious lies about them.

Joe Conservative said...

Black Ohioans have taken to eating pets and ducks from the local park? It must be a viral outbreak of anti-animalism then!

Joe Conservative said...

People in Haiti where order has broken down and gangs control the street aren't starving? Is someone catering the Revolution this time? Is that where all the Clinton donations went, to catering by "Barbeque"?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ich liebe rohes Hundefleisch!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Dervy hates animals, that why he spreads malicious lies about them.

You're the one doing the lying. Therefore you must be the one who hates animals. I certainly didn't say anything indicating I hate animals.

Quite the contrary -- I expressed concern for their welfare. While you stated that you enjoy attending events where they fight to the death for -- or are tortured and killed -- for "entertainment".

And now (in your delusions?) People in Haiti are eating the pets of America citizens who haven't traveled to Haiti and brought their pets with them? How are they accomplishing this?

How is ONE picture proof that "Black Ohioans have taken to eating pets and ducks from the local park"?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The comment faking a-hole Mystere: 我喜欢生狗肉!Ich liebe rohes Hundefleisch!

I did not run what you wrote though g00gle translate, Mystere. I don't know what you wrote and I don't care.

Joe Conservative said...

Maybe you should read the Springfield police reports then.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: Please don't eat my buddies!

You hate dogs, Mystere. Same as your hero, d0n-OLD tRump. You didn't care when Cricket was shot for no reason. You don't care about dogs allegedly being eaten (though they aren't). What you care about is hating immigrants, same as Minus.

Minus: Maybe you should read the Springfield police reports then.

Why don't you link to them? Or include them in a post you write for this blog?

mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

What are you ranting about, Dervish? Your drunken stupor? You're as sick as your new butt buddy Tim Walz. And what's g00gle translate? Never heard of them. Is that a site that translates English into moonbatese?

Apparently you've been admitting you seem to love raw dog meat, according to what you posted in chinese and german? Your baseless accusations accusing me of posting on some foreign languages doesn't fly, Dervish.

And why are you attacking Helmut Von Streudelstein's remark? You just showed your true self. You cooked your goose and gander with your attacks. Helmut appears to like dogs. There's a saying that a dog is man's best friend. You project yourself by accusing others of hating dogs and other creatures for pets. Beware of what awaits you at your snake mosque, Dervish. Haitian voodoo boomerangs back at you sooner or later.

Dervish Sanders' Death Angel said...

Shame on you, Dervish!

Rattrapper said...

Dervish angrily repeated himself and threw an infantile temper tantrum after getting lucid from his drunken stupor.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

La barbacoa haitiana es deliciosa.
Il barbecue haitiano è delizioso.
Churrascos haitianos são muito deliciosos.
Le barbecue haïtien est extrêmement délicieux.
아이티 바베큐는 매우 맛있습니다.
Haitianischer Grill ist extrem lecker.

Joe Conservative said...

Cuz I left you a recording of the 9-1-1 call reporting the Haitians and the fact that their license plates were identified, but you didn't even believe that. You cynically reject EVERY profer of evidence. You're trapped in the death spiral of cynical reason, without an ounce of caritas. You think you've "unmasked" my 'racist' intentions.

You're just a fool trapped in a hyper-real never-Never land of your own making.

So, he thinks that this phenomenon of cynicism as reflectively buffered false consciousness, that in order to be understood, it has to be localized in a kind of "dialectic of enlightenment". Specifically, as a polemical dialectic that is oriented to illuminating via unmasking and exposing our political opponents motives. Basically, about exposing their false consciousness their prejudices, their desires, their hidden class interests, whatever, as a way of attacking their political or social position. So, I say something, you say something else, you know, how do we achieve synthesis here? Where do we go from from there? And the way that it works is not, you know, we come to X Y or whatever, but "I have this bias, you have that bias, this is a class interest, etc.", right? So he sees the process of enlightenment as a kind of progressive development of this sort of discourse. These techniques of unmasking, they become increasingly sophisticated and widespread, and then we wind up, not with a win-win discourse, as proponents of the Enlightenment project would like to say, that truth capital 'T', but an interminable clashing of different identities, class interest, desires, passions, hegemonic positions, psychological resistances; we get a war of consciousnesses rather than a dialogue of peace. And this discursive war consists in the reification of the other's consciousness, for analysis and inquiry. The others consciousness is the target of the argument, rather than the validity or the invalidity of their ideas. It involves endless reciprocal reification of subjects, leading to a condition where our interactions no longer are really intersubjective, but inter-objective, and there's universal suspicion.

Joe Conservative said...

...and not even your own making.

Then (6) we get the critique of transparency. And this is like Freud as the main figure, but he's not the only one, or the first one. The idea of the rational, self-transparent mind has been systematically dismantled. Since the 18th century, rationality starts to look like self-delusion, Post-hoc, pseudo-justifications of our behaviors and ideas, and attempt to evade the deeper reality of the irrational forces and motivations that actually guide us. Freud was actually viewed as a reactionary for a long time, because his idea of the unconscious undermines not just this or that class, but every class, even the victim. Psychoanalysis is familiar with the idea of the eternal victim, who exploits their apparent position of weakness for aggression, right? So this undermines everybody. And then finally, just in case you thought, "Okay, well maybe all this stuff is BS, at least these irrational, unconscious forces, and motives are mine, at least they're my desires", wrong!

The final one (7) is, we get "the critique of illusion of privacy". Your own ego doesn't even really belong to you. Even your selfishness isn't yours. You're basically just an object to be sliced and diced by it and make critique, until there's nothing left at all. Your self is molded. your subjectivated, as Foucault would say, by all this discourse and these forces of social control, and of power. You don't know what, or who you are. And even if you did, it wouldn't matter. Because, to switch over and point out as Lacan does, even your desire is always the desire of the other.