Thursday, September 26, 2024

Blackwashing Kamala...

Kudo's to Candace for splashing new light on the rumours.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Racist White Supremacist BS.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Janet Jackson obviously doesn't know what she's talking about.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Candace Owens is a lying Turd who has signed on with White Supremacy for money.

"That was crucial to me"... to slander Kamala Harris with lies. What is the point of this BS? Kamala Harris is actually White so Black people shouldn't vote for her? That Candace declares this to be of bigly importance is moronic. Who gives a sh!t? I know I surely do not.

It's a "diabolical move" = Candace is an idiot.

Maybe people shouldn't vote for d0n-0ld because he's actually German? His father LIED and said their family was Swedish.

...for decades, Trump denied this German heritage altogether, instead claiming that his grandfather’s roots lay further north, in Scandinavia. “[He] came here from Sweden as a child", Trump asserted in his co-written book The Art of the Deal. ... Trump maintained the ruse at the request of his own realtor father, Fred Trump, who had obfuscated his German ancestry to avoid upsetting Jewish friends and clients. link

It was a DIABOLICAL MOVE for d0n-0ld to (ghost) write in "The Art of the Deal" that he is Swedish and Scottish. LIAR!! His father Swedish-washed his lineage so people wouldn't think he was a Nazi. Being German is obviously part of d0n-0ld's DNA. This we know due to his admiration of Ad0lf Hitler. Why is the media not reporting on this very important story that d0n-0ld is covering up?

Joe Conservative said...

Why did Kamala's dad lie? Why does he live in DC now? Enquiring minds wish to know...

Rattrapper said...

Janet Jackson is AWESOME!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere September 27, 2024 at 10:42 AM: "Janet Jackson is AWESOME!"

Janet Jackson and Candace Owens are House N¡&&€₹s speaking for White Supremacists.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere: Janet Jackson and Candace Owens are House N¡&&€₹s speaking for White Supremacists. Mystere only says "Janet Jackson is awesome" because she said something stupid he agrees with. Because he is stupid. Though a lot stupider than Janet Jackson.

You're a racist, Mystere. Obliviously you really want to use the N word. You probably use it all the time off Blogger.

Minus: Why did Kamala's dad lie? Why does he live in DC now? Enquiring minds wish to know...

What did he "lie" about? I don't give a crap about Candace's conspiracy theory BS. Kamala Harris doesn't have a "big secret". She wrote a book about her life. Which, btw, as 82% 5 star reviews on Amazon. That's out of 7,200 ratings.

I don't know anything about where her father is living, nor do I care. I heard she is estranged from him. How is this relevant? tRump is the one that lied about his heritage. I don't think people cared that much. Why are you running with this lie about her not being Black? You can tell she is by looking at her. You think a small number of African American voters will be fooled and not vote for her for this (idiotic) reason?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus = obsessed with race.