Saturday, September 21, 2024

Affirmative Action Inaction...

 h/t- Bunkerville

 AI Discovers that Social Justice isn't Justice, unless it makes you happy!


Rattrapper said...

Word is out on some sites that there were 5 assassination attempts plotted against Donald Trump before the election. 2 of the alleged 5 have failed so far. I certainly hope if there are 3 more, I hope they backfire badly against the assassins involved. God is protecting Donald Trump and his family.

It is written "You Shall Not Commit Murder." It is also written "God made man in His Image, male and female created He them."

Satan certainly is active. Satan is a thief, bent on murdering and destroying humanity.

Rattrapper said...

Word is out on some sites that there were 5 assassination attempts plotted against Donald Trump before the election. 2 of the alleged 5 have failed so far. I certainly hope if there are 3 more, I hope they backfire badly against the assassins involved. God is protecting Donald Trump and his family.

It is written "You Shall Not Commit Murder." It is also written "God made man in His Image, male and female created He them."

Satan certainly is active. Satan is a thief, bent on murdering and destroying humanity.

Joe Conservative said...

Of course! Satan is a woman.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere is predicting that 3 more republians will try to kill d0n-0ld? I believe it. If not 5 more republicans, then MORE than 5 republicans have (and we haven't heard about the other 3 because those plots were foiled before the republican that wanted to kill d0n-0ld got anywhere near him) -- or will -- try to kill him. Because there are many republicans that want d0n-0ld dead. A minority, but still quite a few, I'd guess. republicans that hate d0n-0ld and are mentally unstable enough to think they can assassinate him. Or willing to give up their own lives in an attempt. The second republican is still alive, though he's likely going to prison for a long time.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus thinks the movie "Bedazzled" with Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley was based on a true story?

Joe Conservative said...

Never-Trump Neocons gotta have their wars for oil/gas, too...

Joe Conservative said...

Nope, I just have a better idea of the Trinity's meaning than most.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

People who are "Never tRump" don't vote for tRump. The first Republican assassin voted for tяump in 2016.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: I just have a better idea of the Trinity's meaning than most.

You mean as a Misogynist?

Joe Conservative said...

He wasnt recruited by the blob until 2017.

Joe Conservative said...

I mean as someone familiar with the meaning of the word "All", which includes love and hate.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I have never heard Vivek Ramaswamy referred to as "the blob". Also, Vivek Ramaswamy was his choice, he wasn't recruited. Or are you calling Nikki Haley "the blob"? I've never heard either one called "the blob". I don't know what that means.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Bing: The idea that “Satan is a woman” is not a traditional or widely accepted view in Christian theology.

Joe Conservative said...

If g-od's a woman, then it only follows.

Joe Conservative said...

Gender fluid...

Joe Conservative said...

...although it's generally believed that only men can be "creative"... as they "plant the seed" so to speak.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Now you're a pantheist and no longer a deist?

Joe Conservative said...

My G-d isn't gendered or sexed.