Saturday, September 5, 2020

Welcome to Tomorrow's Democratland...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

This isn't tomorrow. It is now. Dotard's America.

Joe Conservative said...

It'll be permanent, tomorrow.

Joe Conservative said...

...but you're right, the cloak of Gyges has slipped from the face of the Democrat Party early, giving us a pre-election 'free preview'...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The only way the rioting will continue is if Dotard remains president past January 2021. Then it may very well get worse. If Biden is elected he'll take swift action to end it.

The Absolute Marxist said...

All I can say is what Napoleon said to Murat as he gave the rebellious French a " whiff of grape shot."

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Ditch Dotard 2020!

The Absolute Marxist said...

Still Hiden Biden, I see...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You only "see" that because you're a sucker for Dotard's lies. LOL.

Joe Conservative said...

Is today Biden's day to "huddle" in his basement or "cower" in his basement?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Neither. He gave a fantastic speech in Michigan about how Dotard is a liar and a failure. Dotard lied about trade and failed to stop the coronavirus. And Dotard lied about that too. As per the Bob Woodward tapes that just came out, Dotard admits the virus is deadly and that his line about it being "like the flu" (parroted by you) is BS.

Joe Conservative said...

Are you sure he didn't just broadcast his speech in Michigan from his basement in Delaware?

And the flu is MUCH deadlier.

Joe Conservative said...

CDC just normalizes the surplus annual death rate from the flu in it's "pandemic" calculations.

Joe Conservative said...

Otherwise, the line would be flat

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Your cult leader doesn't agree.

The Absolute Marxist said...

So what's the actual mortality %? lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Up 100 percent from last year. Also a LOT higher than if Dotard had actually LEAD. Instead of downplaying the danger so as to prevent a panic in the stock market. A-hole is ONLY concerned about himself.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Only 100%? Let's see 0 x 1.00 = 0... BWAH!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Now you're claiming zero people have died from covid? So we "only" have a lot of people who have to deal with lifelong health problems?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You said 2020 Covid deaths were up 100% since 2019. In America, that number was 0 and 100% of 0 is still 0. You really need to develop your math skills, Dervy.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

400k covid deaths predicted by the end of the year. Although many will be with co-morbidities. So, according to you, they won't count. Even though most of these people could have lived years if not decades longer.

Thersites said...

Predicted or baked into the counting method? ;o;!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Dotard ensured a high death toll would be baked in when he purposefully mislead the public as to the dangers of the coronavirus.

Joe Conservative said...

No the Deep Staters over at CDC baked it in six month's ago.

Joe Conservative said...

...with a 90% false positive Covid test through viral amplification.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

If there wasn't a "deep state" you'd have to make it up. Otherwise Dotard might have to take responsibility for his own failures. Oh, wait... you did make it up.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

btw, false positives kill people? If the positive is false, doesn't that mean they don't have covid? So why do they die?