I think Putin would have been served well if he knew anyone that ever worked in Russian intelligence agencies past and present. Not a coffee serving sycophant from the day-labor pool like Putin, but a real analyst that would have laid out the case with economics and demographics that even if most of Russia's military requisitions didn't wind up on E-Bay, they don't have the money or the manpower to sustain a war and maintain an occupation even medium term, forget long term.
Greatest unforced error in the history of warfare ever. If their dog catches the car, they wouldn't know what to do with it.
"You don't get into the politics much and I appreciate that" = BULLSHIT.
What "Putin Wing" Ex-Colonel Douglas Macgregor Has Said About Ukraine War (excerpt) Macgregor, who served as a senior advisor under former President Donald Trump, has frequently appeared on Fox News programs, including Tucker Carlson's show, to discuss Russia's invasion. He has received backlash from both Democrats and Republicans for seeming to take a stance favorable toward Russia and its President Vladimir Putin. In multiple interviews, Macgregor has confidently predicted that the conflict will end with Russia "annihilating" Ukrainian forces and winning the war. One such interview, with Carlson, was aired on Russia's state-controlled TV.
Macgregor also said that Russian forces were "too gentle" in the early stages of the Ukraine invasion, and referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a "puppet." Those comments prompted Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney to describe Macgregor as part of the "Putin wing of the GOP".
Macgregor has also come under fire in recent weeks after media outlets resurfaced antisemitic remarks he made last year, in which he referred to Jewish people as "rootless cosmopolitans" who "have no connection to the country," referring to the U.S. (NewsWeek 3/30/2022).
Douglas Macgregor is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. aka he's a traitor.
It's probably that I use 2 different Google accounts. I've never figured out how you have so many socks to switch between. My Beamish / (((Thought Criminal))) profile isn't the default so I usually have to sign in with a Google incognito page to work around the cookies autofilling with my "real" Google info.
Douglas Macgregor is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. aka he's a traitor.
Nothing MacGregor has said helps Russia overcome its insurmountable economic and demographic shortcomings that doomed the endeavor in Ukraine before even the first tank rolled.
Russians, who historically have been exemplars of imbecility even in favorable conditions, didn't think this one through at all. The failstorm will continue.
All the gold That Russia owns Is in a bank in the middle of New York City and we're gonna snatch it all So if you're dreamin' About Russian order It don't matter at all if they take Kyiv China's gonna come for their grain
Dervy, I agree 100% that the Ukrainian people are fellow human beings who don't deserve to be slaughtered. Do you agree that the Russian speaking Ukrainian nationals living in the Donbass prior to the Russian invasion were also human beings that didn't deserve to be ethnically cleansed by Ukrainian militias and slaughtered? If so, why'd you back a coup against their legit government in 2014 that represented them and that wouldn't have dreamt of turning the militias lose on them? Where were your cries for "justice" from 2014 on against THEIR slaughter by the militias resulting from an illegitimate coup?
Do you agree that the Russian speaking Ukrainian nationals living in the Donbass prior to the Russian invasion were also human beings that didn't deserve to be ethnically cleansed by Ukrainian militias and slaughtered?
No, because they weren't being "ethnically cleansed". They were rebelling against and making war on the legitimate Ukrainian government (that one that was democratically voted in after they threw out their Putin puppet). In any case, Russia has not been trying "liberate" the Donbass only.
If Biden wasn't such a liberal pussy, he'd walk into the UN Security Council with a W-80 Davy Crockett tactical nuke under his arm, set it on the Russia ambassador's desk, slap the gay "Russian Federation" sign away and say "I told you to change your name to America's Bitch."
12,000+ Russian troops and most of their experienced command staff later...
What's Russia's next move, snatching babies out of the arms of Muscovites that haven't dried up their wombs with excessive dill consumption to go put down Chechen and Kazakhstani rebellions when their sons don"t come home?
There are no demographics that turn this into a "win" for Russia.
The Russian demographic predicament has three components. First, there is a very high mortality rate among males (even when they live outside Russia), largely due to high alcohol consumption, which has increased since the end of the Soviet Union. This is paired with a low birth rate and a high emigration rate. The Russian population peaked at 148 million in 1992 and has been declining ever since, despite a modest rebound in the mid-2010s. Over the past two years, Covid-19 has taken a significant demographic toll: there was high surplus mortality, the birth rate was the lowest in two decades, and immigration did not compensate for emigration. The natural balance (births/deaths) registered an unprecedented loss of one million in 2021; Russia’s natural population has declined by more than 12 million between 1992 and 2010. Standing at 146 million today, the country will hover around 140 million in 2035 and 130 in 2050.
Meanwhile, the Central Asian demography has continued to evolve in the opposite direction. According to the United Nations, the region (75.5 million today) could host 88 million in 2035 and 100 in 2050. Uzbekistan’s working age population is set to increase by more than 6 million by 2050, Tajikistan’s by nearly 3 million.
It's not just the negative birth rates / population growth, but that this trend goes back decades. The youth aren't old enough to learn a trade from the experienced people that are too old and on their deathbeds that might have taught them.
Imagine we lived in a universe where Russians aren't sociologically and culturally predispositioned to do the most imbecilic things imaginable but for some reason choose to do the most imbecilic things imaginable anyway. Perhaps they take great pride in out-Africaning Africa.
They've expended the "war way" out of their ethnicity's collision course with extinction. Now what? Cloning?
Biden needs to figure out a diplomatic way to tell Putin that he's too stupid to own all the land he has and should let St. Petersburg join NATO at least until the Russian military can move the needle on the credibility meter.
We need a President that will push the big red button on day one. There is nothing in the US Constitution that gives Russia the right to exist and it's time for new comedy. This joke is old.
Level the playing field with full scale nuclear war. Americans have built a world-spanning civilization from nothing before. No big deal. It's not like Russia or China are going to even accidentally come up with something culturally significant
"What is a star?'—thus asks the last man, and he blinks. The earth has become smaller, and on it hops the man who makes everything small...'We have invented happiness'—say the last men, and they blink.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
"The last man is a term used by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in Thus Spoke Zarathustra to describe the antithesis of his theorized superior being, the Übermensch, whose imminent appearance is heralded by Zarathustra. The last man is the archetypal passive nihilist".
You're the one who brags about "making bank". You almost certainly consume more than I do. I identify as Christian. I guess you've never even glanced at any of the back and forth between Mystere and myself on Lisa's blog. Despite occasionally adding a response following a comment by Mystere or myself. I guess that explains why so many of your comments are non sequiturs.
btw, I don't reveal my thoughts on abortion with every comment/post, only some of them. Unlike you, I'm not a misogynist who wants to control women's bodies. You don't even identify as Christian, so who are you to dictate to me what Christians must believe?
Beamish's mom was an underage girl his dad groomed. Beamish tells himself his mom wanted it. When she told him the truth he became enraged and murdered her. Then told the police a methhead did it.
Actually my parents were both over 18 when they married. My mother died almost two years after she was in a car accident caused by a meth head that died on the scene.
C"mon, Derpy, you know you can sink lower than that.
Yeah, well my parents have never smoked crack. And I was never propositioned by a manly trans woman who I turned down in a bigoted manner. And I don't call myself "Derpy".
So you don't turn down manly trans-women that proposition you. We knew that already. Maybe if you moved out of your parent's home, they could afford the "luxury" of getting 3 dogs groomed for the dealbreaking price of $100. If they rationed their Ramen noodles.
You don't seem prepared for life, Derpy. Scorch your own macaroni and cheese.
I only know what you claim, and trust you've been honest about never turning down a tranny that hits on you and that your parents can't afford to groom 3 dogs for even $100 when that's a bargain. (My pet groomer charges $70 for one cat. I can shit $70 away twice a week eating steak without batting an eye). You're poor. Sucks to be you. Elon Musk should pillage your couch for pocket change and unfinished meth foilies.
You criticize authors you've never read, hate ideologies you don't know shit about, try and fail miserably to walk the tight rope between "not being bigoted" and smearing your betters with allegations of homosexuality intended as insult.
The really batshit weird thing though, is that you deny you're Derpy.
All frugal people are poor? Who knew? I didn't say shit about not being able to afford anything. Sounds to me like you're an idiot who enjoys pissing money away. You're not a "better", you're a bigoted asshole.
Beamishderp keeps sharing his derp opinions. He got butthurt that I correctly identified Ayn Rand as a terrible person and her ideology as crap. After getting butthurt when I correctly pointed out that the members of the band Rush themselves say they aren't Libertarian Rand fans.
I'm not "butthurt" at all from shoving your self-confessed uninformed opinions about Ayn Rand and / or Objectivism back up your ass. The conversation would have been more interesting if you knew who Ayn Rand was before you saw the name in the blog post title and Googled it.
You said I'd never heard of Rand, so you clearly can't "tell" worth crap. And, if you had ever written any posts for your blog, you too could have a blog nobody reads. Like Minus and myself.
Yeah sure, you know all about Rand, but choose to conceal it in favor of citing someone else that doesn't know about Rand. Your confirmation biases led you to a Thom Hartmann hot take that was easily debunked. You could have read Rand yourself to know Hartmann is full of shit.
Set Thom Hartmann's shit posting aside, and you've still got nothing to have a meaningful conversation about Rand or Objectivism with. Your disagreements aren't even interesting. You're "just following orders." Breathing oxygen, just like Hitler did.
I wasn't interested in Googling Thom Hartmann for the same reason I don't need to research someone that claims Shakespeare wrote about quantum physics. I'm very familiar with Shakespeare and reasonably aware of quantum physics. A claim of Shakespearean quantum physics needs no rigorous refutation.
I'm very familiar with Ayn Rand, and Objectivism. Thom Hartmann, to say the least, is not. Your point source for discussing the works of Ayn Rand should be... Ayn Rand. I'm not interested in some hackneyed Cliff's Notes version someone spoonfed you that missed the point entirely. If all you've got is some dork giving you the vapors about a sex scene in a novel taken out of context, you're not equipped to discuss Ayn Rand's works intelligently. The real clue here is she eviscerated Comte's morality of altruism, and neither you nor Thom Hartmann have an answer for that. Mostly because you both have no fucking clue who Comte was either.
Did you change something with commenting permissions?
I think Putin would have been served well if he knew anyone that ever worked in Russian intelligence agencies past and present. Not a coffee serving sycophant from the day-labor pool like Putin, but a real analyst that would have laid out the case with economics and demographics that even if most of Russia's military requisitions didn't wind up on E-Bay, they don't have the money or the manpower to sustain a war and maintain an occupation even medium term, forget long term.
Greatest unforced error in the history of warfare ever. If their dog catches the car, they wouldn't know what to do with it.
Nope... but it does send a ridiculous number of comments to spam...
I can only post via the anonymous options now... but it easier than my workaround I have to go through to post with my actual Blogger account
Russia is another Kazakhstani gas price riot away from facepalming :)
May the 4th be with Ukraine ;)
Sing along:
All the gold
That Russia owns
Is in a bank in the middle of New York City and we're gonna snatch it all
tune ;)
I know you are rooting for Ukraine to surrender.
"You don't get into the politics much and I appreciate that" = BULLSHIT.
What "Putin Wing" Ex-Colonel Douglas Macgregor Has Said About Ukraine War (excerpt) Macgregor, who served as a senior advisor under former President Donald Trump, has frequently appeared on Fox News programs, including Tucker Carlson's show, to discuss Russia's invasion. He has received backlash from both Democrats and Republicans for seeming to take a stance favorable toward Russia and its President Vladimir Putin. In multiple interviews, Macgregor has confidently predicted that the conflict will end with Russia "annihilating" Ukrainian forces and winning the war. One such interview, with Carlson, was aired on Russia's state-controlled TV.
Macgregor also said that Russian forces were "too gentle" in the early stages of the Ukraine invasion, and referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a "puppet." Those comments prompted Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney to describe Macgregor as part of the "Putin wing of the GOP".
Macgregor has also come under fire in recent weeks after media outlets resurfaced antisemitic remarks he made last year, in which he referred to Jewish people as "rootless cosmopolitans" who "have no connection to the country," referring to the U.S. (NewsWeek 3/30/2022).
Douglas Macgregor is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. aka he's a traitor.
I don't have a clue, beamish. Sorry. I looked through all the settings and can't see anything blocking you... but I'll keep checking.
Russia is not our enemy, Dervy. Ukraine is not our friend. Ukraine is not NATO or a US ally.
It's probably that I use 2 different Google accounts. I've never figured out how you have so many socks to switch between. My Beamish / (((Thought Criminal))) profile isn't the default so I usually have to sign in with a Google incognito page to work around the cookies autofilling with my "real" Google info.
Putin is the enemy of everyone who believes in freedom. The Ukrainian people are fellow humans who don't deserve to be slaughtered.
Typical Derpy hyperbole.
Douglas Macgregor is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. aka he's a traitor.
Nothing MacGregor has said helps Russia overcome its insurmountable economic and demographic shortcomings that doomed the endeavor in Ukraine before even the first tank rolled.
Russians, who historically have been exemplars of imbecility even in favorable conditions, didn't think this one through at all. The failstorm will continue.
All the gold
That Russia owns
Is in a bank in the middle of New York City and we're gonna snatch it all
So if you're dreamin'
About Russian order
It don't matter at all if they take Kyiv
China's gonna come for their grain
Dervy, I agree 100% that the Ukrainian people are fellow human beings who don't deserve to be slaughtered. Do you agree that the Russian speaking Ukrainian nationals living in the Donbass prior to the Russian invasion were also human beings that didn't deserve to be ethnically cleansed by Ukrainian militias and slaughtered? If so, why'd you back a coup against their legit government in 2014 that represented them and that wouldn't have dreamt of turning the militias lose on them? Where were your cries for "justice" from 2014 on against THEIR slaughter by the militias resulting from an illegitimate coup?
One such [MacGregor] interview, with Carlson, was aired on Russia's state-controlled TV.
...it was an interview were two traitors were giving comfort to the enemy.
fyi, what you quote wasn't written by the imaginary "Derpy". I wrote it. I'm not "Derpy".
I don't care about your dissociative identity disorder, Derpy. Quit trying to scam your doctor for drugs for both personalities.
C'mon Joe. Even Yanuchovych's own party opposed him and threw him out.
Russia's going to fuck up and hit a NATO supply ship and we'll send the A-10 Warthogs to eat their miles long undefended logistics trails.
Do you agree that the Russian speaking Ukrainian nationals living in the Donbass prior to the Russian invasion were also human beings that didn't deserve to be ethnically cleansed by Ukrainian militias and slaughtered?
No, because they weren't being "ethnically cleansed". They were rebelling against and making war on the legitimate Ukrainian government (that one that was democratically voted in after they threw out their Putin puppet). In any case, Russia has not been trying "liberate" the Donbass only.
If Biden wasn't such a liberal pussy, he'd walk into the UN Security Council with a W-80 Davy Crockett tactical nuke under his arm, set it on the Russia ambassador's desk, slap the gay "Russian Federation" sign away and say "I told you to change your name to America's Bitch."
"Derpy" is a personality imagined/created by Thought Criminal aka Beamish.
Derpy is a psychological weakness revealed daily by a guy that thinks himself clever by calling someone "Minus"
Probably shouldn't have chosen a screen name close to Derpish and reinforced it by being Derpy.
ps - Patton's Third Army isn't heading in to relieve these guys.
Invest in boobies. The Mariupol Ukrainians are going to trap the loose ones.
$33 million a year the Russians don't have just to deliver drinking water to Crimea....
Russian GDP is going to take at least a 10% hit on May 4 when the grace period on their debt default ends (and the US seizes their gold reserves)
If you were dumb enough to buy rubles with misplaced faith in Russian austerity, dump that shit NAOW
Looks like Putin's just mopping up the two regions he vowed at the outset to liberate. So far it's 2 sets to 0 for Putin.
This was the situation before the invasion.
Doesn't look like "failure" to me. Putin's almost done carving the pig.
12,000+ Russian troops and most of their experienced command staff later...
What's Russia's next move, snatching babies out of the arms of Muscovites that haven't dried up their wombs with excessive dill consumption to go put down Chechen and Kazakhstani rebellions when their sons don"t come home?
There are no demographics that turn this into a "win" for Russia.
What happens when 10% of Russia's economy no longer exists and the other 90% falls to sector rot? Borrow money from Chinron?
The birth rate for Ukraine in 2020 was 9.211 births per 1000 people
The birth rate for Russia in 2020 was 12.194 births per 1000 people
Demographics - Advantage Russia
Nyet. Russians are dying faster than they are being born
The Russian demographic predicament has three components. First, there is a very high mortality rate among males (even when they live outside Russia), largely due to high alcohol consumption, which has increased since the end of the Soviet Union. This is paired with a low birth rate and a high emigration rate. The Russian population peaked at 148 million in 1992 and has been declining ever since, despite a modest rebound in the mid-2010s. Over the past two years, Covid-19 has taken a significant demographic toll: there was high surplus mortality, the birth rate was the lowest in two decades, and immigration did not compensate for emigration. The natural balance (births/deaths) registered an unprecedented loss of one million in 2021; Russia’s natural population has declined by more than 12 million between 1992 and 2010. Standing at 146 million today, the country will hover around 140 million in 2035 and 130 in 2050.
Meanwhile, the Central Asian demography has continued to evolve in the opposite direction. According to the United Nations, the region (75.5 million today) could host 88 million in 2035 and 100 in 2050. Uzbekistan’s working age population is set to increase by more than 6 million by 2050, Tajikistan’s by nearly 3 million.
It's not just the negative birth rates / population growth, but that this trend goes back decades. The youth aren't old enough to learn a trade from the experienced people that are too old and on their deathbeds that might have taught them.
Ukraine 14.4 deaths/1,000 population (2016)
Russia 13.6 deaths/1,000 population (2016)
still advantage Russia...
Imagine we lived in a universe where Russians aren't sociologically and culturally predispositioned to do the most imbecilic things imaginable but for some reason choose to do the most imbecilic things imaginable anyway. Perhaps they take great pride in out-Africaning Africa.
They've expended the "war way" out of their ethnicity's collision course with extinction. Now what? Cloning?
Putin isn't even good at ethnonationalism.
It must suck to live in Russia, but it sucks even more to live in Ukraine.
And when Ukraine and Russia are the same thing again... Poland and points west will gain every Russian that knows how to read.
Biden needs to figure out a diplomatic way to tell Putin that he's too stupid to own all the land he has and should let St. Petersburg join NATO at least until the Russian military can move the needle on the credibility meter.
It's bad enough some hippy acidhead is going to push for peaceful co-existence with snails we can salt and watch melt.
We need a President that will push the big red button on day one. There is nothing in the US Constitution that gives Russia the right to exist and it's time for new comedy. This joke is old.
Level the playing field with full scale nuclear war. Americans have built a world-spanning civilization from nothing before. No big deal. It's not like Russia or China are going to even accidentally come up with something culturally significant
(((Thought Criminal))) is a psychological weakness revealed daily by a guy that thinks himself clever by calling someone "Derpy".
"Putin's almost done carving the pig" = Minus lied when he claimed to care "100%" about the slaughter of Ukrainians. Though I already knew that.
Putin wanted to take ALL of Ukraine but his army got their asses handed to them.
Derpy needs a tissue.
For what purpose? Is "Derpy" crying or masturbating? I have no idea because I am not him.
Cool story, bruh
I didn't write a 3 sentence story.
Derpy lacks plausible deniability, even when he claims not to be Derpy.
I think Minus needs a tissue. For the second reason I previously stated. What he does while thinking of all the slaughtered Ukrainians.
Pretty sure no one wanted to read about Derpy fantasizing about other people masturbating.
I think Derpy likes you, FJ. Get the Lysol.
You brought up tissues. You're "Derpy". I strongly dislike Minus FJ's politics and believe he is a horrible person.
Derpy is your assigned pronoun. Your denying it is rape.
Dervy is Nietzsche's "last man". He's always forced to "blink" when facing facts like that he's also "Derpy".
"What is a star?'—thus asks the last man, and he blinks. The earth has become smaller, and on it hops the man who makes everything small...'We have invented happiness'—say the last men, and they blink.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
I'm not a nihilist.
Neither was Nietzsche.
The "last man" is.
"The last man is a term used by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in Thus Spoke Zarathustra to describe the antithesis of his theorized superior being, the Übermensch, whose imminent appearance is heralded by Zarathustra. The last man is the archetypal passive nihilist".
Then what do you believe in, Dervy?
Who/What's your G_d?
You're the one who brags about "making bank". You almost certainly consume more than I do. I identify as Christian. I guess you've never even glanced at any of the back and forth between Mystere and myself on Lisa's blog. Despite occasionally adding a response following a comment by Mystere or myself. I guess that explains why so many of your comments are non sequiturs.
Christ is you G_d? I don't believe it. You may talk the talk, but a Christian walks the walk. Acta non verba, baby!
I don't don't give a shit what you do or do not believe. And you haven't seen me taking any actions because you've never seen me.
Pro or anti-abortion? I don't need to see you Dervy. Your thoughts spill onto every post.
I am a pro-choice Christian :P
btw, I don't reveal my thoughts on abortion with every comment/post, only some of them. Unlike you, I'm not a misogynist who wants to control women's bodies. You don't even identify as Christian, so who are you to dictate to me what Christians must believe?
lol! Sorry, you're not a Christian. WWJD.
LOL! Sorry, I don't give a shit about your incorrect opinion regarding WWJD.
So you're Jewish now? LOL!
You wrote "WWJD". Jesus was Jewish.
So Jesus believed God knows people when they are still in the womb?
Did God consensually impregnate Mary with Jesus?
Beamish's mom was an underage girl his dad groomed. Beamish tells himself his mom wanted it. When she told him the truth he became enraged and murdered her. Then told the police a methhead did it.
Actually my parents were both over 18 when they married. My mother died almost two years after she was in a car accident caused by a meth head that died on the scene.
C"mon, Derpy, you know you can sink lower than that.
G_d raped Mary? Who knew?
Yeah, well my parents have never smoked crack. And I was never propositioned by a manly trans woman who I turned down in a bigoted manner. And I don't call myself "Derpy".
So you don't turn down manly trans-women that proposition you. We knew that already. Maybe if you moved out of your parent's home, they could afford the "luxury" of getting 3 dogs groomed for the dealbreaking price of $100. If they rationed their Ramen noodles.
You don't seem prepared for life, Derpy. Scorch your own macaroni and cheese.
Beamishderp = believes he can "know" things that never happened and details about the life of a person he does not know and has never met.
I only know what you claim, and trust you've been honest about never turning down a tranny that hits on you and that your parents can't afford to groom 3 dogs for even $100 when that's a bargain. (My pet groomer charges $70 for one cat. I can shit $70 away twice a week eating steak without batting an eye). You're poor. Sucks to be you. Elon Musk should pillage your couch for pocket change and unfinished meth foilies.
You criticize authors you've never read, hate ideologies you don't know shit about, try and fail miserably to walk the tight rope between "not being bigoted" and smearing your betters with allegations of homosexuality intended as insult.
The really batshit weird thing though, is that you deny you're Derpy.
All frugal people are poor? Who knew? I didn't say shit about not being able to afford anything. Sounds to me like you're an idiot who enjoys pissing money away. You're not a "better", you're a bigoted asshole.
Pissing money away is what it is for. You'd know that if you had any. Don't get caught weaving sweaters from your parents' dog hair, frugal boy.
Pissing money away is what it is for. You'd know that if you had any. Don't get caught weaving sweaters from your parents' dog hair, frugal boy.
Beamishderp keeps sharing his derp opinions. He got butthurt that I correctly identified Ayn Rand as a terrible person and her ideology as crap. After getting butthurt when I correctly pointed out that the members of the band Rush themselves say they aren't Libertarian Rand fans.
I'm not "butthurt" at all from shoving your self-confessed uninformed opinions about Ayn Rand and / or Objectivism back up your ass. The conversation would have been more interesting if you knew who Ayn Rand was before you saw the name in the blog post title and Googled it.
If had no idea who Ayn Rand is until recently, it certainly is strange that I mentioned her in numerous posts on my blog dating back to 2015.
No one reads your blog, though. And it's just more evidence you're clueless about Rand, and Objectivism.
I'm not even an Objectivist and can tell you're ignorant of the subject
You said I'd never heard of Rand, so you clearly can't "tell" worth crap. And, if you had ever written any posts for your blog, you too could have a blog nobody reads. Like Minus and myself.
Yeah sure, you know all about Rand, but choose to conceal it in favor of citing someone else that doesn't know about Rand. Your confirmation biases led you to a Thom Hartmann hot take that was easily debunked. You could have read Rand yourself to know Hartmann is full of shit.
Set Thom Hartmann's shit posting aside, and you've still got nothing to have a meaningful conversation about Rand or Objectivism with. Your disagreements aren't even interesting. You're "just following orders." Breathing oxygen, just like Hitler did.
You clearly don't know who Thom Hartmann is. You didn't even bother to Google his name.
I wasn't interested in Googling Thom Hartmann for the same reason I don't need to research someone that claims Shakespeare wrote about quantum physics. I'm very familiar with Shakespeare and reasonably aware of quantum physics. A claim of Shakespearean quantum physics needs no rigorous refutation.
I'm very familiar with Ayn Rand, and Objectivism. Thom Hartmann, to say the least, is not. Your point source for discussing the works of Ayn Rand should be... Ayn Rand. I'm not interested in some hackneyed Cliff's Notes version someone spoonfed you that missed the point entirely. If all you've got is some dork giving you the vapors about a sex scene in a novel taken out of context, you're not equipped to discuss Ayn Rand's works intelligently. The real clue here is she eviscerated Comte's morality of altruism, and neither you nor Thom Hartmann have an answer for that. Mostly because you both have no fucking clue who Comte was either.
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