Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Monday, September 30, 2024
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Trump Republicans - Today's Pre-bunked Malinformants
The 2024 election is just a few weeks away. This means we are nearing the end of election propaganda, commercials, gaslighting, and talking heads offering their biased opinions on anything that might give their candidate an edge. That goes for me, too.
The turmoil caused by the Democrat coup against the Artful Dodger, Joe Biden, and the RFK Jr. endorsement of Donald Trump has mostly passed.
My take on Kamala Harris is she is an attractive, well-credentialed woman with a bubbly, outgoing personality. She appears to have used her personality to attract the attention of powerful Democrat politicians, who have been instrumental in helping her win elections.
Otherwise, she seems to be short on abilities. Despite having a law degree, she is famous for uttering incomprehensible word salads and appears incapable of explaining simple concepts. In a now-famous interview where she was asked how she would lower prices for Americans, her response was to riff about being a middle-class kid. Uh, right. Nothing to see there.
Despite all of this, numerous polls have Harris ahead nationally and in several of the battleground states. The Real Clear Politics national average has her ahead by 2 points.
As I mentioned in a previous post, much of the Harris polling lead is contrived. There are two reasons for this, one intentional and the other unintentional. Most polling organizations are tied to either colleges or the liberal news media. Like most left-wingers, they lean toward Kamala and may even believe Trump is Hitler. Wouldn’t you oversample Democrats or ghost a poll to help elect Kamala or defeat Hitler?
The unintentional oversampling is mainly due to non-response bias produced by societal and technical changes. This means liberals are more likely to be included in polls than conservatives because conservatives get skipped over or elect not to participate. For example, online polling favors people who are online. This is mainly younger voters, who tend to be more liberal.
On the social side, many left-wingers regard working-class folks and Trump supporters as evil or stupid, or both. Even before the election of Biden and Harris in 2020, this attitude had infiltrated government agencies, the school systems via the teacher’s unions, and more. If you don’t agree with the left’s climate agenda, their LGBTQ agenda, the teacher’s unions, or have a problem with illegal immigration, you could be investigated by the FBI as a domestic terrorist. Under those circumstances, why risk answering a poll?
In the 2020 election, the average poll overestimated the Democrat vote by roughly 4%. Later, a group of polling companies tried to discover why this happened. They did a months long survey in Wisconsin to find conservative voters and determine how they differed from those polled using standard polling techniques. Their conclusion was that low-propensity conservative voters were there. Unfortunately, the type of in-depth polling required to include them could not be deployed during an election because of the time, money, and effort involved.
There are other reasons to believe there are more Trump voters out there than are being polled. According to Gallup, Republicans have a 3% party identification and registration advantage nationwide. This is the first such advantage Republicans have held since before 1992. It is unclear if pollsters are including this data in their election models.
Not to mock Kamala, but I grew up in a blue-collar union household. My father, both of my grandfathers, and most of my uncles were union members. So, I have a good idea of what goes on behind the union curtains. Except for various police unions, the Teamsters, and maybe one or two others, the unions have all endorsed Kamala. Despite that, there are rumblings that union members may vote for Trump in significant numbers. Union leaders usually don’t like it when their membership deviates from official union positions, and they have ways of enforcing discipline. The point is, if you are a union member and intend to vote for Trump, chances are you will not shout it from the rooftops or mention it in a poll.
Finally, there is this little gem that no one is talking about. A Scripps/Ipsos poll from September 15 found that 54% of respondents were in favor of mass deportations of illegal immigrants. Since polls are intentionally or unintentionally oversampling liberals, that number could be north of 55% and maybe as high as 60%. Okay, so what?
Well, there seems to be a pattern here. If you look at the issues voters are concerned about, crime and immigration are usually near the top. For example, in the Fox News poll from September 18, crime and immigration were chosen by 26% and 32%, respectively, with high prices at 39%. In the Scripps poll, it is 25% and 39%, with inflation highest at 59%. In a Tipp poll from early September, those numbers were 16% and 37%, with the economy leading at 42%. Yes, I know the polling methodologies differ, so I am comparing apples to oranges. Sorry.
However, I strongly suspect those two issues are linked because it is difficult to discuss one without referencing the other. On Friday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed there are presently over 662,000 convicted criminal illegals living in the United States. This includes more than 13,000 convicted of homicide and over 15,000 convicted of sexual assault. The horrifying part is ICE doesn’t know where these people are. My point is both of these topics combined would likely be the most critical issue in the election.
Biden claimed he would dismantle Trump’s immigration policies in 2020. But I doubt anyone could have imagined ten million people crossing our borders in less than four years. These people are being transported, housed, fed, and given medical care at our expense. They are in almost every city and town from coast to coast and within spitting distance of every Middlesex village and farm to borrow a line. This issue is unpopular, and Kamala, as Biden’s Border Czar, is right in the middle.
If you think this is a nothing burger, watch a Trump rally. I have watched quite a few online, not because I want to hear Trump wander off on tangents. I watch them because I want to see and hear the crowd’s reaction to what he says. Without fail, the line that gets the most visceral reaction and the loudest roar from people everywhere is when he says there will be mass deportations.
I am sure liberals will say that is due to all of those racist Republicans at Trump rallies. However, according to the poll, deportations are favored by 58% of independents and 25% of Democrats.
At this point, I firmly believe the 2024 election is going to pivot on immigration/crime because many of our citizens are angry about the first and fear the second. If Trump wins the national popular vote or comes close to a tie, something that may be possible, he will likely win the battleground states and the election. He may have just enough silent votes to do it.
Pollsters hate Republican malinformation and algorithmically shadow ban i, which is why Kamala's toast come November.
Friday, September 27, 2024
Thursday, September 26, 2024
The Blob Begins to Revise History of their Ukraine Foreign Policy Blunder
The Origins and History of America's Oficialista 'Fake News' Empire - aka Dervy Wonderland
"The History of the Intelligence State" -- an essential 40 min lecture on the origin story of The Blob. Thanks to @Hillsdale for a beautiful event. Timestamps in tweet below pic.twitter.com/GTRrgPpLqt
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) September 24, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Did Jill Biden Just Start WW III?
The U.S. is sending a “small number” of ground troops to the Middle East as a larger war between Israel and Hezbollah threatens to break out, the Pentagon announced Monday.
Defense Department press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters the new detachment was being sent “in light of increased tension in the Middle East and out of an abundance of caution.”
“We are sending a small number of additional U.S. military personnel to augment our forces that are already in the region,” Ryder said, declining to offer specifics about the new contingent, though he referred to them as ground troops.
The U.S. already has an array of forces positioned in the Middle East, including the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group and the ballistic missile submarine USS Georgia, along with an additional squadron of F-22 fighter jets. In the eastern Mediterranean Sea, there are six U.S. warships, including the USS Wasp amphibious assault ship.
Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah are teetering toward full-scale war amid a deadly exchange of fire across the border in the past week.
Israeli forces targeted some 300 Hezbollah sites and killed at least 245 people in Lebanon on Monday, according to Lebanese health authorities, as well as wounding around 1,000 more, marking one of the deadliest days of fighting in the country in recent history.
Ahead of the strikes, Israeli officials had warned Lebanese civilians living near Hezbollah sites to evacuate.
Hezbollah fired some 130 rockets at the Israeli city of Haifa on Monday, claiming to have struck or targeted Israeli military warehouses and defense contractor sites.
The Israeli military said Monday that more than 1 million civilians were heading to bomb shelters in Haifa.
The escalation comes after intense Israeli strikes last week that killed top Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon.
Israel is also accused of detonating pager and handheld radio devices in Lebanon last week, killing at least 37 people and wounding thousands.
Israel has shifted its strategy toward the north as the Gaza war against Palestinian militant group Hamas has quieted in recent months, making it a war objective last week to return its some 60,000 displaced residents to the border with Lebanon.
Israel Katz, the Israeli foreign minister, said Monday that his country “will not stop until the threat is removed from Israel’s citizens and the residents of the north return safely to their homes.”
“We will not accept this reality and will act with full force to change it,” he wrote on the social platform X.
The U.S. has pushed for a diplomatic solution to the 11-month conflict but has struggled to de-escalate tensions and reach a cease-fire and hostage release deal in the Gaza war that the Israel and Hezbollah fight is tied to.
Ryder said Monday that tensions in the Middle East remain high, pushing for a diplomatic deal to resolve the crisis.
“It has escalated this week, clearly, and that’s concerning,” he said. “There’s the potential for these tit-for-tat operations between Israel and [Hezbollah] to escalate and to potentially spiral out of control into a wider regional war.”
Apparently State Media has no curiosity at all as to who's in charge of the nuclear football, either...
American confidence in a free and independent media couldn't get higher!
In Deep State Bureaucracy We Trust!
In who's reality is this the actual leader of the Free World?
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
DOJ Sets Bounty...
...AND ensures ex-presidential assassin cannot be given an impartial trial and convicted for attempted murder in a single act of prosecutorial dumbf*ckery!
Monday, September 23, 2024
Why the Conspiracy Theorists are so often Right...
Deleuze mocks the formula: "Be yourselves - it being understood that this self must be that of others". - Culture is not a movement of normalization or conformity. - "Culture(...) is an involuntary adventure, the movement of learning which links a Sensibility, a Memory and then a Thought, with all the cruelties and violence necessary, as Nietzsche said, precisely in order to "Train a Nation of Thinkers" or to "Provide a Training for the Mind."
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Germany's New Awakening
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Viva la France!
Why the US is Really in Ukraine!
For Bomb-Free Pagers and Walkie-Talkies, Buy Chinese!
Distrust - The beginning of the end of Globalism?
The Steal Begins...
Some voters in Montgomery County’s 8th Congressional District got a surprise when their sample ballots arrived in the mail recently. Above their address was someone else’s name.
Liz Allen, of Bethesda, Maryland, was among the voters who received an incorrectly labeled ballot. She said it was alarming at first.
“I was thinking, ‘Oh, what if I go vote with my driver’s license and they don’t have my name at this address,’” said Allen.
Montgomery County’s Board of Elections said it recently sent out 132,217 sample ballots to voters in the district which encompasses a large portion of Montgomery County from the D.C. border up through Damascus.
Allen called the Montgomery County Board of Elections and was told she wasn’t the only person notifying them of errors with their sample ballot.
Gilberto Zelaya, with the county’s BOE, said those calls tipped them off to an issue with sample ballot and voter information packet sent to voters whose last names start with “A” or “B.”
“Then, as we looked and got into the weeds, we saw that it was the spreadsheet used to print the name and addresses on the sample ballot,” Zelaya said.
He said the error in the spreadsheet that was used by the company which prints the ballots led to a “limited number” of ballots arriving with the wrong names on them. Zelaya said the spreadsheet was corrected and replacement sample ballots will be sent out soon.
“We’re going to reprint those. We’re going to send them out. But all the information on what the voter received is fine. It’s current,” Zelaya said.
When asked if the spreadsheet error, if unaddressed, would lead to a printing error for the official ballots later this year, Zelaya said the answer is no.
“Those are two separate systems,” he said.
Zelaya said it’s unclear how many voters were impacted. All voters in the district were emailed digital versions of their sample ballots after the error was discovered.
The BOE said it also noted an error with the early voting dates on the sample ballots printed in Spanish. Early voting will take place from Thursday, Oct. 24, through Thursday, Oct. 31.
For Allen, she said the name mix-ups have been the talk of the neighborhood listserv, but she is glad the issue is being addressed and that the error won’t impact official ballots.
“Especially at this election time, I think it’s important that special attention is brought, that everything’s looking good,” she said.
Affirmative Action Inaction...
Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color https://t.co/4r1F4CXAEm pic.twitter.com/4jeuKDgFot
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 19, 2024
h/t- Bunkerville
AI Discovers that Social Justice isn't Justice, unless it makes you happy!
Friday, September 20, 2024
US DoS Bureaucrats Infected with the Stupidity Virus...
Incommensurable Values
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Gavin GnuSomme Bans AI Generated Political Content
BREAKING: The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad. https://t.co/nicrnKF5Ji pic.twitter.com/iksPVxltzI
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 18, 2024
DOJ to Change ACRONYM to KRED - Kamala Re-Election Department
Noam Chomsky is a Putin Puppet!!!
“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Woke Victimhood Social Scoring Hierarchies for the non-Woke
Preludes to Invasion...
Hezbollah hand-held radios detonate across Lebanon, sources say
Exploding Gum... HA!
AI mission impossible trailer 🔊 up for 🎶 pic.twitter.com/QVDmaxjPPI
— APOCTOZ (@Apoctoz) September 16, 2024
Why California banned AI
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Monday, September 16, 2024
The Legislative/ Executive Branch Destruction from Bidenomics = How America is Being Filled with "Potterville's"...
The small Pennsylvania town of Charleroi has been stunned by the federal government’s deliberate one-two punch of economic devastation and out-of-control migration.
Free trade has allowed major investor-owned companies to move their factories from this and other U.S. towns to Mexico, and open-door migration allowed the remaining companies to hire wage-cutting migrants that enter the U.S. from Mexico. The result is a steep loss in well-paid jobs for Americans, a dying-off of local businesses, an explosion of poverty, and the collapse of city tax revenues.
The pressures being put on Charleroi, Pennsylvania, is a case study of the massive failures of the Biden-Harris border crisis, according to a local city council member. But Charleroi is typical of hundreds of American small towns in the problems Biden and Harris have foisted upon them.
Breitbart News spoke exclusively with long-time city councilman Larry Celaschi, and he detailed the massive problems his borough is facing from job loss and the growing migrant crisis, all of which can be ascribed to Biden’s failed economic and border policies.
Celaschi told Breitbart News, “We are a small town of about 4100 in population. And we are not even a mile long.”
But despite its small size, Celaschi adds that back in the day, his Pennsylvania borough was a mercantile mecca for the area. When the steel mills were running at peak output back in the 60s and 70s and before, Charleroi served as a major shopping area for the many bedroom communities whose inhabitants worked at the steel mills, or Anchor Hocking glass factor — where Pyrex cook wear is made — and more recently food maker Quality Pasta.
But almost all of these jobs are now going away as Bidenomics continues to cause U.S. manufacturing to contract or move jobs to facilities in foreign countries, such as Mexico. Just this month, both Anchor Hocking and Quality Pasta have announced that they are looking to scale back, which will result in hundreds of jobs lost in the area.
The closures will leave the city of Charleroi with no large employers and will devastate the town, Celaschi told Breitbart News.
“So, the loss of those jobs decades ago [when the steel mills closed], we saw a trickle down effect that was devastating to Charleroi,” Celaschi lamented. “We had close to 312 stores within our borough. And now, like I said, the devastating effect from the mills, we saw a punch in the gut really, it really did devastate our town.”
Today, with the glass plant and food plant announcing their shutdowns, Celaschi says Charleroi is poised to suffer even more blight and economic devastation.
Celaschi added that town officials are working with Anchor Hocking and Quality Pasta to save their jobs, but if that fails, the loss of the big employers — both of which paid a lot of taxes and used the city-owned water and sewer system — is going to be a major blow to both the citizens and the city.
“Our tax revenue for our borough, and the budget that we have, which we have about a $3 million budget, that’s going to be impacted, you know, the school districts as well, families are going to have to relocate to find another job. So, a lot of these employees living in Charleroi, they walk to work, and now we don’t have any other jobs for them to start over again — to get the same benefits, the same salary, have the same seniority — that’s been stripped from them, and you know, the family sustaining jobs are going to be tough for them to come upon.”
While that is all bad enough, the flood of Haitian and Liberian migrants forced upon the town by failed Biden-Harris policies is making matters worse for the struggling town, Celaschi said.
“Well, you know, again, this is a macro problem. You’re losing jobs. And frankly, you know, we’re losing jobs because of the Biden-Harris administration. And Charleroi is a case study right now,” the councilman said. “It’s [Donald] Trump’s narrative of what he’s been talking about with the border, the immigration influx into different communities and cities within the country, always just a little molecule on the map. You probably never even heard of us. Maybe you did, but I’m gonna say you probably didn’t until you still saw all this blow up.”
In fact, the former president recently mentioned the troubles Charleroi is facing during a campaign stop.Celaschi went on to explain that Charleroi has always been a predominantly white area, but a few years ago, thousands of Haitian and Liberian migrants began flooding into the area, enticed by federal policy and the jobs in the area. So many of these migrants moved in that it pushed out the town’s small population of Mexican migrants."The small 4k person town of Charleroi, Pennsylvania has experienced a 2000% increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Kamala Harris. The schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students who don’t speak English.."
— Bruce Porter Jr. (@NetworksManager) September 12, 2024
-President Donald Trump pic.twitter.com/seoyYZkK3K
“The influx of immigrants started a few years ago,” Calaschi said, “and all of a sudden, you know, we have immigrants from multiple nationalities relocated into the borough of Charleroi, and the citizens here, naturally, one’s got to think, ‘how did they get here? Why are they here? What effects are they going to have now on our community? They don’t speak our language. They’re not accustomed to our culture.'”
Now, when residents go into the town’s Dollar General store, they no longer hear English spoken. “You know, they got dumped off in our community, and here they don’t speak any English. You go into Dollar General, and what once was filled with the English language is now filled with a foreign language that we don’t understand. They don’t understand us,” he said.
But before any of the individual migrants even had a chance to make an impact on Charleroi, their influx as a whole caused a major change to the town, the councilman said.
“Our community used to be approximately 70% homeownership, 30% landlord, tenant, and just within a matter of the past five years, that percentage has flip flopped, and honestly, I would be safe to say that we are at 70% landlord tenant and 30% homeownership,” he said.
This has occurred because longtime residents have up and moved away and rental corporations have spent millions buying up homes to convert them into rentals to get the government subsidized money that follows the migrants.
The “flip flop” in home ownership worries Calaschi because if the town does lose some of its last remaining large employers, even the migrants won’t have jobs and they may also leave. That could leave a large portion of homes sitting empty in the near future, and that leads to decaying properties and blight — a problem the city has been dealing with for a generation already.
To try and mitigate the blight, Charleroi has already spent millions in city funds and grant money to tear down dilapidated homes and businesses that have sat empty for years. And Calaschi worries that the most recent loss of jobs and the influx of poor — often government subsidized — migrants will cause the town to deteriorate into a ghetto-like condition.
The spending on migrants is also a serious drain on Charleroi, especially with the schools.
“The impact of the immigrants has affected our school district tremendously,” Calaschi explained, “and so from the borough standpoint, it’s impacted our budget to where and the school districts. We weren’t prepared for any of this. We did not get any help from the federal government or the state government.”
“From the trickle down effect of the Biden-Harris administration, allowing the immigrants to be crossing the border — maybe some legally, a lot illegally — and we’ve had some of that in the community as well, too … our budget is suffering,” the councilman said. “I placed on our agenda just last week that we need to reconstruct all of our traffic signs in our entire town because of the amount of automobile accidents that are taking place from the immigrants. And, you know, Creole being the most dominant second language, we now need to have the English language and Creole language on our stop signs.”
“But guess who pays for it? We do, right? We’re not a very big community, and we don’t have a large budget. That’s an unexpected expense, sure, and we don’t have the revenue coming in,” Calaschi added.
With the looming loss of even more jobs, Calaschi added that the town’s revenue will be devastated and that will have serious impact on the schools.
“And now look at the loss of jobs, you know? I mean, that’s going to devastate not only the borough, it is going to devastate the school district. It’s going to devastate our city-owned water and sewage company,” he exclaimed.
“The school district, it’s going to affect them because families are leaving the borough and then being replaced by the Haitian community, or Liberian, or the immigrants in general, to where they’ve had to hire interpreters. They’ve had to pay for resources that they weren’t prepared for and restructure the way the learning process is in the Charleroi school district,” Calaschi continued.
“All that has an impact on the American student, to where they have to learn how to coexist, right? And that’s a tough thing for the teachers and the school district. And I tell you what, I give them big kudos for the job that they do up there, and we’re not seeing a dime coming in. They have cried for monies from the state and federal government, and they’re not receiving it,” he said.
Calaschi also blames all of this on the Biden-Harris regime.
“You know when, you’re coming in and you’re changing the mirror image of a town, and who’s changing it? Well, the government’s changing it, and it’s sure not our local government,” Calaschi insisted. “It’s not us. It’s coming from the top, Biden-Harris, and then it goes down to the state. It went back to Governor [Tom] Wolf, and now it’s Governor [Josh] Shapiro, and I’m not going to target whether you’re Republican or Democrat. I don’t care, you’re the government. You should have had a plan for every community that this was going to affect, and they didn’t have a plan. And so you dump it on us. Come on, we’re just small communities. We don’t have the resources.”
If they could have provided the resources and the knowledge and the team to come in to first educate us before this was going to happen, it would have been great,” he said. “Well, they didn’t do any of that, and that was just totally unfair. And it’s trying to ride a bicycle for the first time, and that’s how I would probably compare it. Your parents put you on a bicycle, and you’re trying to balance yourself and trying to pedal and trying to make the bicycle go forward. And it’s a disaster in the beginning.”
Recently, U.S. Sen. Dave McCormick (R, PA) blasted the Biden-Harris regime for the failed border policy so badly impacting Charleroi.
“Weak immigration policy is hurting Pennsylvania communities. Take the small town of Charleroi, which has grown by 2,000% due to an influx in migrants. Roads are dangerous, schools are overwhelmed and police are struggling to keep up with the surge. We need strong leadership to fix our immigration crisis and protect Pennsylvania,” said Dave McCormick.Finally, the crime has also risen in Charleroi, a town that had already been forced to disband its own police force and replace it with a regional cooperative whose 12 officers are tasked with responding to several other local communities along with Charleroi.Weak immigration policy is hurting PA communities. Take the small town of Charleroi, which has grown by 2,000% due to an influx in migrants.
— Dave McCormick (@DaveMcCormickPA) September 13, 2024
Roads are dangerous, schools are overwhelmed and police are struggling to keep up with the surge.
We need STRONG leadership to fix our… pic.twitter.com/ZsKOR3K7zq
On top of the petty crimes — often having to do with marijuana trafficking — car accidents have also skyrocketed as migrants somehow get hold of cars and drive without either licenses or insurance, or even knowing the rules of the road.
All these pressures are sending the borough of Charleroi into a tail spin of alarm and depression, Calaschi said. And the number of migrants — if they stay — will further result in material changes to the area. Indeed, the time is not very far off when migrants will be voting in the town’s political representatives.
“I guarantee you that right now, if they were able to and they were registered to vote, they could take over. We have seven members of Borough Council and a mayor, I will tell you that it’s a majority. Would probably be the immigrants if they were to hold an election in Charleroi today, they would hold the majority of the seats, and possibly the mayor,” he said.
But, in the end, the town simply has no choice but to “move forward,” Calaschi said.
“We got to move forward. This is the hand that has been dealt to the borough of Charleroi. I just want to see the federal and state government step up to the plate and come here and deliver a truckload of funding for us, OK, to be able to improve our community and improve the lives of the immigrants that are now here,” he concluded.
But the cost has already been so high for the town, said Calaschi, who comes from a long line of city officials and whose father was the chief of police back in the 60s.
“I hear this statement from a lot of families. Larry, your dad would be rolling over in his grave if he saw what happened to the borough. And then we had a former congressman in our town that lived here, Frank Mascara. And I hear Frank Mascara would be rolling over in his grave if he could see what happened to his Charleroi,” Calaschi said. “They are gone. We are here, and we have to deal with it.”
The Portuguese had come across the island of Madeira in 1420. It was a genuinely uninhabited Island. There weren't many, but this was one. And they named it after the resource which they rather fancied ,which covered the island Madeira, or wood, Timber. They were very short of Timber, they couldn't build the battleships they wanted because they didn't have enough of it, so they were delighted to find this. And so to begin with, they just did what they had been doing on the mainland, they cleared some forests, they ran a few pigs and cattle in it, they shipped out the Timber. And then someone realized that this was a great place for growing sugar, perfect climate, perfect soil, Etc.. And sugar did very well there. And then they realized, well, we're in an unusual position here because there's no constraints on how we use the land. There's no church here, there's no land owners, there's no custom, there's no culture, there's no Society. We can just do exactly what we want on this land!
So, they could fully commoditize the land, just turn it into an object for making money! And then they thought, "well, where are we going to find the labor? Oh, we can just bring people in to work." And who are the cheapest people to bring in? Slaves. So they started importing slaves, first from the Canary Islands, then from Africa. And of course, slaves are fully commoditized labor. You've stripped away everything that gives them their Humanity, stripped away their social context, their cultural context, their religious context (a whole lot of it). And it's pure 100% commoditized. Labor is what slavery is. Then, they needed money to finance the operation. Previously on the mainland, you would have gone to the landowner or someone, and being charged extortion at rates of Interest. But no, they could shop around, and they could just say, "We just want money. We don't want any attachments to that money. We'll just pay the lowest rates of Interest we can get. And so, they went to Flanders and Genoa to get their money. So they'd commoditize the money as well.
And what happened was a very rapid rise in sugar production. I mean this, you know if you're trying to make a lot of money, this system works very well. But alongside it was a remarkably rapid rise in ecological destruction. And the reason for that was that this great sugar industry, which had created so quickly, absolutely devoured Madeira. You need 60 kilograms of wood to refine a kilogram of sugar. And what that meant was that as the slaves used up the timber in in the surrounding areas, they had to go further and further to get it. And suddenly, productivity fell off. By about 1470, Madeira was the top producer of sugar on Earth. The sugar industry on this tiny Island, by 1500, had collapsed by 80%. It was a very sudden boom, and a very sudden bust. And then, and this is an absolutely crucial component of it, they did what Capital has gone on to do all over the world. They left. Boom - bust quick.
Those are the three components of capital; that is what capitalism does. And then they move the operation to another Island that recently stumbled across, did exactly the same... even quicker destroyed it, used it up with extraordinary speed. Boom-bust-quit. Moved across the Atlantic to the coast of Brazil, moved up the coast of Brazil, bang, bang, bang! Just taking out ecosystems, one after another. Moved into the Caribbean, by which time they've been joined joined by the Spanish, the English. And the model started to proliferate all over the world. Very profitable, but fantastically destructive. And what capitalism is, is a system of colonial looting which creates and destroys its' own Frontiers. It creates these highly lucrative Frontiers. It burns through them, literally or metaphorically, with extraordinary speed. And then, it has to move on to find the next one. And that's the product of bringing together these three Commodities at one and the same time.
And it's moved on to destroy Frontier, after Frontier, after Frontier. Ecologically, socially, culturally. It's a planet trashing machine.
Все буде Україна!
EXCLUSIVE: Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022 pic.twitter.com/eugjHXHXqw
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) September 16, 2024
— Culture War (@CultureWar2020) September 16, 2024
✅ Ryan Routh, starred in a 2022 propaganda video for the AZOV Battalion, a Ukrainian militia with neo-Nazi roots funded by the CIA
✅Thomas Crooks who tried to take out TRUMP was in this “BlackRock”… pic.twitter.com/O4wifaCfSN
Gee, I wonder where Q is...
I have for many years thought the problem of the incommensurability, and still more the incompatibility, of some values to be central to all ethical, social, political and aesthetic issues.’
-Sir Isaiah Berlin
Good v. Evil or Good v. Incommensurable Good?
Nietzsche - "Beyond Good & Evil"?