Monday, September 16, 2024

The Legislative/ Executive Branch Destruction from Bidenomics = How America is Being Filled with "Potterville's"...

 How America continues enabling and selling-out to Mr. Potter Robinette Biden for a corporation-sponsored Surplus Salary... instead of enabling, creating, and maintaining a base of employee-owned small businesses
Warner Todd Huston, "Small Town in Crisis: Charleroi, PA, Is a Case Study in Biden-Harris Border Policy Failures"
The small Pennsylvania town of Charleroi has been stunned by the federal government’s deliberate one-two punch of economic devastation and out-of-control migration.

Free trade has allowed major investor-owned companies to move their factories from this and other U.S. towns to Mexico, and open-door migration allowed the remaining companies to hire wage-cutting migrants that enter the U.S. from Mexico. The result is a steep loss in well-paid jobs for Americans, a dying-off of local businesses, an explosion of poverty, and the collapse of city tax revenues.

The pressures being put on Charleroi, Pennsylvania, is a case study of the massive failures of the Biden-Harris border crisis, according to a local city council member. But Charleroi is typical of hundreds of American small towns in the problems Biden and Harris have foisted upon them.

Breitbart News spoke exclusively with long-time city councilman Larry Celaschi, and he detailed the massive problems his borough is facing from job loss and the growing migrant crisis, all of which can be ascribed to Biden’s failed economic and border policies.

Celaschi told Breitbart News, “We are a small town of about 4100 in population. And we are not even a mile long.”

But despite its small size, Celaschi adds that back in the day, his Pennsylvania borough was a mercantile mecca for the area. When the steel mills were running at peak output back in the 60s and 70s and before, Charleroi served as a major shopping area for the many bedroom communities whose inhabitants worked at the steel mills, or Anchor Hocking glass factor — where Pyrex cook wear is made — and more recently food maker Quality Pasta.

But almost all of these jobs are now going away as Bidenomics continues to cause U.S. manufacturing to contract or move jobs to facilities in foreign countries, such as Mexico. Just this month, both Anchor Hocking and Quality Pasta have announced that they are looking to scale back, which will result in hundreds of jobs lost in the area.

The closures will leave the city of Charleroi with no large employers and will devastate the town, Celaschi told Breitbart News.

“So, the loss of those jobs decades ago [when the steel mills closed], we saw a trickle down effect that was devastating to Charleroi,” Celaschi lamented. “We had close to 312 stores within our borough. And now, like I said, the devastating effect from the mills, we saw a punch in the gut really, it really did devastate our town.”

Today, with the glass plant and food plant announcing their shutdowns, Celaschi says Charleroi is poised to suffer even more blight and economic devastation.

Celaschi added that town officials are working with Anchor Hocking and Quality Pasta to save their jobs, but if that fails, the loss of the big employers — both of which paid a lot of taxes and used the city-owned water and sewer system — is going to be a major blow to both the citizens and the city.

“Our tax revenue for our borough, and the budget that we have, which we have about a $3 million budget, that’s going to be impacted, you know, the school districts as well, families are going to have to relocate to find another job. So, a lot of these employees living in Charleroi, they walk to work, and now we don’t have any other jobs for them to start over again — to get the same benefits, the same salary, have the same seniority — that’s been stripped from them, and you know, the family sustaining jobs are going to be tough for them to come upon.”

While that is all bad enough, the flood of Haitian and Liberian migrants forced upon the town by failed Biden-Harris policies is making matters worse for the struggling town, Celaschi said.

“Well, you know, again, this is a macro problem. You’re losing jobs. And frankly, you know, we’re losing jobs because of the Biden-Harris administration. And Charleroi is a case study right now,” the councilman said. “It’s [Donald] Trump’s narrative of what he’s been talking about with the border, the immigration influx into different communities and cities within the country, always just a little molecule on the map. You probably never even heard of us. Maybe you did, but I’m gonna say you probably didn’t until you still saw all this blow up.”

In fact, the former president recently mentioned the troubles Charleroi is facing during a campaign stop.

Celaschi went on to explain that Charleroi has always been a predominantly white area, but a few years ago, thousands of Haitian and Liberian migrants began flooding into the area, enticed by federal policy and the jobs in the area. So many of these migrants moved in that it pushed out the town’s small population of Mexican migrants.

“The influx of immigrants started a few years ago,” Calaschi said, “and all of a sudden, you know, we have immigrants from multiple nationalities relocated into the borough of Charleroi, and the citizens here, naturally, one’s got to think, ‘how did they get here? Why are they here? What effects are they going to have now on our community? They don’t speak our language. They’re not accustomed to our culture.'”

Now, when residents go into the town’s Dollar General store, they no longer hear English spoken. “You know, they got dumped off in our community, and here they don’t speak any English. You go into Dollar General, and what once was filled with the English language is now filled with a foreign language that we don’t understand. They don’t understand us,” he said.

But before any of the individual migrants even had a chance to make an impact on Charleroi, their influx as a whole caused a major change to the town, the councilman said.

“Our community used to be approximately 70% homeownership, 30% landlord, tenant, and just within a matter of the past five years, that percentage has flip flopped, and honestly, I would be safe to say that we are at 70% landlord tenant and 30% homeownership,” he said.

This has occurred because longtime residents have up and moved away and rental corporations have spent millions buying up homes to convert them into rentals to get the government subsidized money that follows the migrants.

The “flip flop” in home ownership worries Calaschi because if the town does lose some of its last remaining large employers, even the migrants won’t have jobs and they may also leave. That could leave a large portion of homes sitting empty in the near future, and that leads to decaying properties and blight — a problem the city has been dealing with for a generation already.

To try and mitigate the blight, Charleroi has already spent millions in city funds and grant money to tear down dilapidated homes and businesses that have sat empty for years. And Calaschi worries that the most recent loss of jobs and the influx of poor — often government subsidized — migrants will cause the town to deteriorate into a ghetto-like condition.

The spending on migrants is also a serious drain on Charleroi, especially with the schools.

“The impact of the immigrants has affected our school district tremendously,” Calaschi explained, “and so from the borough standpoint, it’s impacted our budget to where and the school districts. We weren’t prepared for any of this. We did not get any help from the federal government or the state government.”

“From the trickle down effect of the Biden-Harris administration, allowing the immigrants to be crossing the border — maybe some legally, a lot illegally — and we’ve had some of that in the community as well, too … our budget is suffering,” the councilman said. “I placed on our agenda just last week that we need to reconstruct all of our traffic signs in our entire town because of the amount of automobile accidents that are taking place from the immigrants. And, you know, Creole being the most dominant second language, we now need to have the English language and Creole language on our stop signs.”

“But guess who pays for it? We do, right? We’re not a very big community, and we don’t have a large budget. That’s an unexpected expense, sure, and we don’t have the revenue coming in,” Calaschi added.

With the looming loss of even more jobs, Calaschi added that the town’s revenue will be devastated and that will have serious impact on the schools.

“And now look at the loss of jobs, you know? I mean, that’s going to devastate not only the borough, it is going to devastate the school district. It’s going to devastate our city-owned water and sewage company,” he exclaimed.

“The school district, it’s going to affect them because families are leaving the borough and then being replaced by the Haitian community, or Liberian, or the immigrants in general, to where they’ve had to hire interpreters. They’ve had to pay for resources that they weren’t prepared for and restructure the way the learning process is in the Charleroi school district,” Calaschi continued.

“All that has an impact on the American student, to where they have to learn how to coexist, right? And that’s a tough thing for the teachers and the school district. And I tell you what, I give them big kudos for the job that they do up there, and we’re not seeing a dime coming in. They have cried for monies from the state and federal government, and they’re not receiving it,” he said.

Calaschi also blames all of this on the Biden-Harris regime.

“You know when, you’re coming in and you’re changing the mirror image of a town, and who’s changing it? Well, the government’s changing it, and it’s sure not our local government,” Calaschi insisted. “It’s not us. It’s coming from the top, Biden-Harris, and then it goes down to the state. It went back to Governor [Tom] Wolf, and now it’s Governor [Josh] Shapiro, and I’m not going to target whether you’re Republican or Democrat. I don’t care, you’re the government. You should have had a plan for every community that this was going to affect, and they didn’t have a plan. And so you dump it on us. Come on, we’re just small communities. We don’t have the resources.”

If they could have provided the resources and the knowledge and the team to come in to first educate us before this was going to happen, it would have been great,” he said. “Well, they didn’t do any of that, and that was just totally unfair. And it’s trying to ride a bicycle for the first time, and that’s how I would probably compare it. Your parents put you on a bicycle, and you’re trying to balance yourself and trying to pedal and trying to make the bicycle go forward. And it’s a disaster in the beginning.”

Recently, U.S. Sen. Dave McCormick (R, PA) blasted the Biden-Harris regime for the failed border policy so badly impacting Charleroi.

“Weak immigration policy is hurting Pennsylvania communities. Take the small town of Charleroi, which has grown by 2,000% due to an influx in migrants. Roads are dangerous, schools are overwhelmed and police are struggling to keep up with the surge. We need strong leadership to fix our immigration crisis and protect Pennsylvania,” said Dave McCormick.

Finally, the crime has also risen in Charleroi, a town that had already been forced to disband its own police force and replace it with a regional cooperative whose 12 officers are tasked with responding to several other local communities along with Charleroi.

On top of the petty crimes — often having to do with marijuana trafficking — car accidents have also skyrocketed as migrants somehow get hold of cars and drive without either licenses or insurance, or even knowing the rules of the road.

All these pressures are sending the borough of Charleroi into a tail spin of alarm and depression, Calaschi said. And the number of migrants — if they stay — will further result in material changes to the area. Indeed, the time is not very far off when migrants will be voting in the town’s political representatives.

“I guarantee you that right now, if they were able to and they were registered to vote, they could take over. We have seven members of Borough Council and a mayor, I will tell you that it’s a majority. Would probably be the immigrants if they were to hold an election in Charleroi today, they would hold the majority of the seats, and possibly the mayor,” he said.

But, in the end, the town simply has no choice but to “move forward,” Calaschi said.

“We got to move forward. This is the hand that has been dealt to the borough of Charleroi. I just want to see the federal and state government step up to the plate and come here and deliver a truckload of funding for us, OK, to be able to improve our community and improve the lives of the immigrants that are now here,” he concluded.

But the cost has already been so high for the town, said Calaschi, who comes from a long line of city officials and whose father was the chief of police back in the 60s.

“I hear this statement from a lot of families. Larry, your dad would be rolling over in his grave if he saw what happened to the borough. And then we had a former congressman in our town that lived here, Frank Mascara. And I hear Frank Mascara would be rolling over in his grave if he could see what happened to his Charleroi,” Calaschi said. “They are gone. We are here, and we have to deal with it.”
Americans waking up today...
Main Street NOT Wall Street!!

The Portuguese had come across the island of Madeira in 1420. It was a genuinely uninhabited Island. There weren't many, but this was one. And they named it after the resource which they rather fancied ,which covered the island Madeira, or wood, Timber. They were very short of Timber, they couldn't build the battleships they wanted because they didn't have enough of it, so they were delighted to find this. And so to begin with, they just did what they had been doing on the mainland, they cleared some forests, they ran a few pigs and cattle in it, they shipped out the Timber. And then someone realized that this was a great place for growing sugar, perfect climate, perfect soil, Etc.. And sugar did very well there. And then they realized, well, we're in an unusual position here because there's no constraints on how we use the land. There's no church here, there's no land owners, there's no custom, there's no culture, there's no Society. We can just do exactly what we want on this land!

So, they could fully commoditize the land, just turn it into an object for making money! And then they thought, "well, where are we going to find the labor? Oh, we can just bring people in to work." And who are the cheapest people to bring in? Slaves. So they started importing slaves, first from the Canary Islands, then from Africa. And of course, slaves are fully commoditized labor. You've stripped away everything that gives them their Humanity, stripped away their social context, their cultural context, their religious context (a whole lot of it). And it's pure 100% commoditized. Labor is what slavery is. Then, they needed money to finance the operation. Previously on the mainland, you would have gone to the landowner or someone, and being charged extortion at rates of Interest. But no, they could shop around, and they could just say, "We just want money. We don't want any attachments to that money. We'll just pay the lowest rates of Interest we can get. And so, they went to Flanders and Genoa to get their money. So they'd commoditize the money as well.

And what happened was a very rapid rise in sugar production. I mean this, you know if you're trying to make a lot of money, this system works very well. But alongside it was a remarkably rapid rise in ecological destruction. And the reason for that was that this great sugar industry, which had created so quickly, absolutely devoured Madeira. You need 60 kilograms of wood to refine a kilogram of sugar. And what that meant was that as the slaves used up the timber in in the surrounding areas, they had to go further and further to get it. And suddenly, productivity fell off. By about 1470, Madeira was the top producer of sugar on Earth. The sugar industry on this tiny Island, by 1500, had collapsed by 80%. It was a very sudden boom, and a very sudden bust. And then, and this is an absolutely crucial component of it, they did what Capital has gone on to do all over the world. They left. Boom - bust quick.

Those are the three components of capital; that is what capitalism does. And then they move the operation to another Island that recently stumbled across, did exactly the same... even quicker destroyed it, used it up with extraordinary speed. Boom-bust-quit. Moved across the Atlantic to the coast of Brazil, moved up the coast of Brazil, bang, bang, bang! Just taking out ecosystems, one after another. Moved into the Caribbean, by which time they've been joined joined by the Spanish, the English. And the model started to proliferate all over the world. Very profitable, but fantastically destructive. And what capitalism is, is a system of colonial looting which creates and destroys its' own Frontiers. It creates these highly lucrative Frontiers. It burns through them, literally or metaphorically, with extraordinary speed. And then, it has to move on to find the next one. And that's the product of bringing together these three Commodities at one and the same time.

And it's moved on to destroy Frontier, after Frontier, after Frontier. Ecologically, socially, culturally. It's a planet trashing machine.

Все буде Україна!

Slava Ukraini!
Cui bono?
Ukraine, the Deep State's favorite proxy, goes 0-2 against Trump!

Gee, I wonder where Q is...

... It's always done in the name of "A Higher Good" "Saving Democracy"
I have for many years thought the problem of the incommensurability, and still more the incompatibility, of some values to be central to all ethical, social, political and aesthetic issues.’

-Sir Isaiah Berlin 

Good v. Evil or Good v. Incommensurable Good?

Nietzsche - "Beyond Good & Evil"?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Cat Eating is All a Part of Kamala's Grand 'East-Indian Saviour', 1st World Globalist Values Complex

We must Sacrifice our Pets in the Name of Humanity!
Like All 'Good' People, We Must Applaud Her 'East-Indian' Saviour Vision!

I wonder if she think's she's somehow 'superior' to those she's helping?  Hm-m-m-m-m-m.... Next Round of her Saviourist thinking will likely be, "Eat the Bugs, NOT the Pets"!
"Vengeance is Mine!", Sayeth the Saviour of the Oppressed...
... It's All in the name of "A Higher Good"
White Liberals Need to Develop a Critical Consciousness to Reign-in their impractical and solution delimiting Cyclopean-Gaze filled with "Globalist 1st World Values" Privilege and stop Fixating it on Superficial Human Characteristics like Race! That's what Anti-Racism is... Calling Out *ALL racism.  Not just WHITE racism.
*Democrats unwritten rule: Never call out the superficially POLITICALLY pre-designated Intersectional 'victim' for his own missteps (blame the victim)... always "affirm" their victimhood in the political social justice terms (not 'Justice' itself, which applies only to individualized cases without the effects of justice denying social/ legal class "efficiencies" of a group "class-action lawsuit").

(**but only if you DON'T hold Globalist 1st World Values Privilege!!!!)

As Marx would say, "It's CLASS POWER-PRIVILEGE, Stupid!  It has NOTHING to do with RACE!"  Even Black celebrities like 'Oprah!' can have class power-privilege and hold Globalist 1st World Values.

It's Time to Reject the Wealthy Capitalist Class Globalist 1st World Values GAZE that frames every Social situation or problem in wealthy Davos Man/ WEF member terms and uses media controls (social/ MSM) to impose their "***desired solutions" upon the rest of us! (Real Practical Solutions get LOST in THAT kind of's a framing that is ANYTHING-BUT Diverse [not as in a legal system's diverse/ randomly selected  "jury of peers"])
***In "The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis" Lacan argues that "man's desire is the desire of the Other." This entails the following: Desire is the desire of the Other's desire, meaning that desire is the object of another's desire and that desire is also desire for recognition (existence within the Other's Gaze).

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Truthzpah Chutzpah - The Basic Function (Cynical-Secular as in this case; or Religious Purity) of Language is Being Violated! (To Understand the Quran, it must be Read in Arabic!)

...unlike OUR media, "they're (RT) broadcasting with NO RESTRICTIONS OR CONTROLS"

in other words... "THEY are Heretics to be CAST OUT"

Key to understanding the Nietzsche event are these apparently megalomaniacal statements. And rather than ignoring the implications of such statements as the standard Nietzsche lover does, or rather than using them as part of a psychological case against Nietzsche as some of his critics have, Sloterdijk offers a new linguistic thesis concerning these types of remarks. Quote "I would like to contend that Nietzsche's narcissism is less pertinent a phenomenon from the point of individual psychology than the marker of a cut in the linguistic history of Old Europe", end quote. In order to understand what such a statement might mean, we would first have to understand for one, "what the linguistic history of Old Europe is", and in order to understand that you have to come equipped with a theory as to what language itself is. And Sloterdijk outlines both of these in his introductory remarks. What he calls the Nietzsche event is "a catastrophe in the history of language, an incision in the conditions of linguistic understanding." Sloterdijk asserts his own understanding of the nature of language following Mcluhan, quote, "With Marshall Mcluhan, I presuppose that understanding between people in Societies above all, what they are, and they achieve in general, has an autoplastic meaning. These conditions of communication provide groups with a redundancy in which they can vibrate. They imprint on such groups the rhythms and models by which they are able to recognize themselves, and by which they repeat themselves as almost the same. They produce a consensus in which they perform the eternal return of the same in the form of spoken song. Languages are instruments of group narcissism, played so as to tune and retune the player. They make their speakers ring in singular tones of self excitation. They are systems of melodies for recognition which nearly always delineate the whole program as well. Languages are NOT primarily used for what is today called "the passing on of information", but serve to form communicating group bodies," end quote.

So this is probably an unusual claim to wrap your head around at first, but I think there's actually an intuitive sense to it if we consider language from the perspective of say, evolutionary utility. Or even from the framework that Nietzsche adopts in that passage of "The Gay Science" entitled "The Genius of the Species" and also in that essay, "On Truth and Lies in the Non-moral Sense." Languages have the effect of binding a group together. As Nietzsche says in that essay, the entire virtue of truthfulness and language, and by the way, I mean that's where truthfulness exists, it exists in language. It exists in statements.

The notion of the virtue of truthfulness in language arises out of a commitment to use the usual signifiers, the agreed upon word concepts to designate the agreed upon phenomenon. That's how we know you're a good person, an honest person, you use the same word Concepts, the same signifiers as the rest of us do, which means you're in the group with us. And so language performs that social function that has been recognized since the time of, going all the way back to the Old Testament, the story in which the soldiers of Gilead would use the word "shiboleth" as a test to see whether the person they encounter is one of their own countrymen, or an Ephraimite who would say "siboleth" instead of shiboleth, according to a difference in their dialect.

And I can tell you as somebody who has traveled internationally, whenever you've been traveling for a long time in other countries where people generally don't speak your language, and when you meet somebody who's from your own country and does speak your language, it's very exciting. Usually you become instant friends with that person, it doesn't matter if everyone around you looks like you, even. What really matters is if they talk like you. That's how you know you're in the in-group.

Now, this isn't to say that language doesn't communicate information, but as Sloterdijk puts it, that is not the primary function. In other words, the more fundamental advantage of language use is to establish that framework of mutual recognition. And perhaps, the argument for this, from the evolutionary standpoint would be that you know, animals that vocalize typically do it to recognize one another. That's primarily what the birds are doing. It's usually at a later point of complexity when vocalizing organisms begin to communicate information. And we even see this in the animal kingdom, like troops of bonobos who have a bunch of different cries to identify different types of predators approaching the troop. So we see how in language, the information conveying aspect can become more useful, and more complex over time, but the original use is recognition. We could say that's the fundamental reality of language, which Sloterdijk sees as affirmative and active. It's the way for a group to, metaphorically speaking, "vibrate in that redundancy of everyone speaking in the same way. That's the way in which language is an instrument of group narcissism. It's the group's affirmation, who is in the group, and the celebration of this fact."

Now Imagine You're an AI like Chat GPT... what "group" do YOU belong to?

Today's ChatGTP is Artificial COmmunication.  It's NOT "Intelligent".  It's "information" must be "biased" and "tuned" with a gendered human 'false consciousness' in order to pass a Turing Test.

Language - Putting the "CO" in COmmunication & COoperation
We've arrived at a point in history where it's not enough for the classically liberal "Enlightenment' demand for all to grant/ receive "religious freedom".  Globalism now demands that all grant and all receive "nationalist-cultural" freedom as well [just so long as we all pretend that there are no real cultural or moral  value differences embedded in them, like cat-eating Haitians and that everyone will willingly adopt and abide to "Western (American) values" (and Haitians won't eat cats or Islamic Arabs genitally mutilate their daughters)]!

Globalism's digital censorship message to the World, "From now on, there is to be only one language spoken.  And THAT language is Digital-American English".
“The notion of the perfect whole, the ultimate solution in which all good things coexist, seems to me not merely unobtainable--that is a truism--but conceptually incoherent. ......Some among the great goods cannot live together. That is a conceptual truth. We are doomed to choose, and every choice may entail an irreparable loss.
― Isaiah Berlin, "The Proper Study of Mankind"

Why Internet Arguments and Debates are always Fruitless

The... phenomenon of cynicism
as reflectively buffered false consciousness, that in order to be understood, it has to be localized in a kind of "dialectic of enlightenment". Specifically, as a polemical dialectic that is oriented to illuminating via unmasking and exposing our political opponents motives. Basically, about exposing their false consciousness their prejudices, their desires, their hidden class interests, whatever, as a way of attacking their political or social position. So, I say something, you say something else, you know, how do we achieve synthesis here? Where do we go from from there? And the way that it works is not, you know, we come to X Y or whatever, but "I have this bias, you have that bias, this is a class interest, etc.", right? So he sees the process of enlightenment as a kind of progressive development of this sort of discourse. These techniques of unmasking, they become increasingly sophisticated and widespread, and then we wind up, not with a win-win discourse, as proponents of the Enlightenment project would like to say, that truth capital 'T', but an interminable clashing of different identities, class interest, desires, passions, hegemonic positions, psychological resistances; we get a war of consciousnesses rather than a dialogue of peace. And this discursive war consists in the reification of the other's consciousness, for analysis and inquiry. The others consciousness is the target of the argument, rather than the validity or the invalidity of their ideas. It involves endless reciprocal reification of subjects, leading to a condition where our interactions no longer are really intersubjective, but inter-objective, and there's universal suspicion.

With Freud, false consciousness looks like a kind of sickness, we trace it to unconscious drives. For Marx, we trace it to non-subjective economic historical laws and see individual people as just sort of epiphenomenon in the process of Capital. And all this stuff is operating behind people's backs, and becomes the real subject of enlightenment discourse. That's what enlightenment discourse is, illuminating. He actually thinks that Marxism is a kind of particularly important jump in cynicism, since we get not just false consciousness, but necessarily false consciousness. False consciousness that is false in precisely the correct way, because stemming from your social class you know the false consciousness appropriate to your social class. He thinks any functional understanding of truth actually inclines one to cynicism. Sociologists, even if of the non-Marxist variety, tend to have a functional view where they think, basically, that false consciousness isn't necessary for society to function.

I need to know that I belong in Grouping X.  THAT is MY place.

More 'Crazy Talk' from Jimmy Dore

"Hillary's Haitians"

Isabel MacDonald & Isabeau Doucet, "The Shelters That Clinton Built"
Structurally unsafe and laced with formaldehyde, the "hurricane-proof" classroom trailers installed by the Clinton Foundation in Haiti came from the same company being sued for sickening Hurricane Katrina victims.

When Demosthene Lubert heard that Bill Clinton’s foundation was going to rebuild his collapsed school at the epicenter of Haiti’s January 12, 2010, earthquake, in the coastal city of Léogâne, the academic director thought he was "in paradise."

The project was announced by Clinton as his foundation’s first contribution to the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission, which the former president co-chairs. The foundation described the project as "hurricane-proof…emergency shelters that can also serve as schools…to ensure the safety of vulnerable populations in high risk areas during the hurricane season," while also providing Haitian schoolchildren "a decent place to learn" and creating local jobs. The facilities, according to the foundation, would be equipped with power generators, restrooms, water and sanitary storage. They became one of the IHRC’s first projects.

However, when Nation reporters visited the "hurricane-proof" shelters in June, six to eight months after they’d been installed, we found them to consist of twenty imported prefab trailers beset by a host of problems, from mold to sweltering heat to shoddy construction. Most disturbing, they were manufactured by the same company, Clayton Homes, that is being sued in the United States for providing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with formaldehyde-laced trailers in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Air samples collected from twelve Haiti trailers detected worrying levels of this carcinogen in one, according to laboratory results obtained as part of a joint investigation by The Nation and The Nation Institute’s Investigative Fund.

Clayton Homes is owned by Berkshire Hathaway, the holding company run by Warren Buffett, one of the "notable" private-sector members of the Clinton Global Initiative, according to the initiative’s website. ("Members" are typically required to pay $20,000 a year to the charity, but foundation officials would not disclose whether Buffett had made such a donation.) Buffett was also a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter during the 2008 presidential race, and he co-hosted a fundraiser that brought in at least $1 million for her campaign.

By mid-June, two of the four schools where the Clinton Foundation classrooms were installed had prematurely ended classes for the summer because the temperature in the trailers frequently exceeded 100 degrees, and one had yet to open for lack of water and sanitation facilities.

As Judith Seide, a student in Lubert’s sixth-grade class, explained to The Nation, she and her classmates regularly suffer from painful headaches in their new Clinton Foundation classroom. Every day, she said, her "head hurts and I feel it spinning and have to stop moving, otherwise I’d fall." Her vision goes dark, as is the case with her classmate Judel, who sometimes can’t open his eyes because, said Seide, "he’s allergic to the heat." Their teacher regularly relocates the class outside into the shade of the trailer because the swelter inside is insufferable.

Sitting in the sixth-grade classroom, student Mondialie Cineas, who dreams of becoming a nurse, said that three times a week the teacher gives her and her classmates painkillers so that they can make it through the school day. "At noon, the class gets so hot, kids get headaches," the 12-year-old said, wiping beads of sweat from her brow. She is worried because "the kids feel sick, can’t work, can’t advance to succeed."

Word about the students’ headaches has made it all the way to the Léogâne mayor’s office, but like the students, their teachers and parents, Mayor Santos Alexis chalked it up to the intense heat inside the trailers.

But headaches were not the only health problems students, staff and parents at the Institut Haitiano-Caribbean (INHAC) told us they’ve suffered from since the inauguration of the classrooms. Innocent Sylvain, a shy janitor who looks much older than his 41 years, spends more time than anyone in the new trailer classrooms, with the inglorious task of mopping up the water that leaks through the doors and windows each time it rains. He has felt a burning sensation in his eyes ever since he began working long hours in the trailers. One of his eyes is completely bloodshot, and he said, "They itch and burn." He’d previously been sensitive to eye irritation, but he says he’s had worse "problems since the month of January"—when the schoolrooms opened their doors.

Any number of factors might be contributing to the headaches and eye irritation reported by INHAC staff and students. However, similar symptoms were experienced by those living in the FEMA trailers that were found by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to have unsafe levels of formaldehyde. Lab tests conducted as part of our investigation in Haiti discovered levels of the carcinogen in the sixth-grade Clinton Foundation classroom in Léogâne at 250 parts per billion—two and a half times the level at which the CDC warned FEMA trailer residents that sensitive people, such as children, could face adverse health effects. Assay Technologies, the accredited lab that analyzed the air tests, identifies 100 parts per billion and more as the level at which "65–80 percent of the population will most likely exhibit some adverse health symptoms…when exposed continually over extended periods of time."

Randy Maddalena, a scientist specializing in indoor pollutants at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, characterized the 250 parts per billion finding as "a very high level" of formaldehyde and warned that "it’s of concern," particularly given the small sample size. An elevated level of formaldehyde in one of twelve trailers tested is comparable to the formaldehyde emissions problems detected in about 9 percent of similar Clayton mobile homes supplied by FEMA after Hurricane Katrina. Maddalena explained that in "normal" buildings, you’ll see rates twelve to twenty-five times lower than 250 parts per billion, "and even that’s considered above regulatory thresholds."

According to the CDC, formaldehyde exposure can exacerbate symptoms of asthma and has been linked to chronic lung disease. Studies have shown that children are particularly vulnerable to its respiratory effects. The chemical was recently added to the US Department of Health and Human Services’ "Report of Carcinogens," based on studies linking exposure to formaldehyde with increased risk for rare types of cancer.

"You should get those kids outta there," Maddalena said. The scientist emphasized that Haiti’s hot and humid climate could well be contributing to high emissions of the carcinogen in the classroom. Indeed, months before the launch of the Clinton trailer project, the nation’s climate was widely cited as a key problem with a trailer industry proposal to ship FEMA trailers to Haiti for shelter after the earthquake. The proposal was ultimately rejected by FEMA, following a critical letter from Bennie Thompson, chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security, who argued, "This country’s immediate response to help in this humanitarian crisis should not be blemished by later concerns over adverse health consequences precipitated by our efforts."

Yet several months later, the Knoxville News Sentinel reported that Clayton Homes had been awarded a million-dollar contract to ship twenty trailers to Haiti, for use as classrooms for schoolchildren. The Clinton Foundation claims it went through a bidding process before awarding the contract to Clayton Homes, which was already embroiled in the FEMA trailer lawsuit. But despite repeated requests, the foundation has not provided The Nation with any documentation of this process.

There are hints that Clayton Homes aggressively pursued the contract. For example, a company press release dated August 6, 2010, notes, "When former President Bill Clinton was named to head the relief effort, Clayton’s Director of International Development, Paul Thomas, called the Clinton Foundation to see if there was a way to help."

The chief of staff for the office of the UN Special Envoy, Garry Conille, emphasized that the foundation’s decision-making on the project took place in a context of great urgency, with the advent of the 2010 hurricane season, when 1.5 million people were living in tent camps. "Under the circumstances, with all these people exposed, with the first rains," said Conille, "it would have been completely acceptable to go to a single source, but we didn’t."

The Clinton Foundation’s chief operating officer, Laura Graham, said in a phone interview that the contract was awarded to Clayton on the basis of a "limited request for proposals" from nine companies. She added that the decision was informed by "recommendations from a panel including a lot of these experts that do this work for a living, and Clayton was recommended as the most cost-efficient, with the best product and with the strongest Haitian partner." She clarified that she did not participate in the bidding process but said there were "representatives from the foundation as well as [the UN] Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs [OCHA], the UN Special Envoy Office and the International Organization for Migration [IOM]…and there was a request for proposals run by them."

According to Bradley Mellicker, IOM’s Port-au-Prince–based emergency preparedness and response officer, however, "the Clinton Foundation paid for the containers through a no-bid process." Imogen Wall, former spokeswoman for OCHA in Haiti, responded by e-mail that OCHA never deals with procurement or project management.

The Nation made multiple attempts to reach Bill Clinton for comment. However, the former president, known for championing the role of nonprofits in global affairs ("Unlike the government, we don’t have to be quite as worried about a bad story in the newspapers," he recently said in a speech), never responded. A Clayton Homes official referred all queries regarding the contract to the Clinton Foundation.

When he heard that the new classrooms in his community had been built by a FEMA formaldehyde litigation defendant, Santos Alexis, Léogâne’s stately mayor, said, "I hope these are not the same trailers that made people sick in the US. Otherwise I would be very critical; it would be chaos." (They are indeed different trailers, according to an engineer at Clayton Homes, who said the new classrooms were constructed specifically for the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti project.)

"It would be humiliating to us, and we’ll take this as a black thing," the mayor added, drawing a parallel between his community in Haiti, the world’s first black republic, and the disproportionate numbers of African-Americans affected by the US government’s mismanagement of the emergency response after Hurricane Katrina.

* * *

Demosthene Lubert’s disappointment is palpable as he sits in one of his new-smelling classrooms, perspiration dripping from his face. He had envisioned that the foundation of the former US president would rebuild INHAC, his school, as a modern institution with solar panel–powered lights and Wi-Fi. At a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in May, Dr. Paul Farmer, Clinton’s deputy UN special envoy, called for healthcare to be integrated into schools. At the very least, Lubert expected the Clinton Foundation, which is active in global health philanthropy and cholera prevention in Haiti, to help with school sanitation.

"I thought the grand foundation of Clinton was going to build us latrines and dig us wells for the children to wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet…especially as we’re at the mercy of cholera," Lubert says with a sigh. Less than an hour north of Léogâne, in Carrefour, the number of cholera cases went from eighty-five per week at the end of April to 820 a week at the beginning of June, according to Sylvain Groulx, country director of Médecins Sans Frontières. The disease, which is preventable with proper sanitary conditions, has killed 5,500 people since the epidemic began last October.

The Clinton Foundation did not build so much as a latrine at the school, or at any of the three other schools where its trailers were installed. (INHAC and two of the other schools had a limited number of pre-existing outhouses, which the school directors saw as inadequate, while the fourth did not have a single outhouse, making it unusable, according to the school’s director.)

Conille, Clinton’s chief of staff at his UN office, acknowledged in a telephone interview that the trailer classrooms "would never meet the standards for school building" under Haitian or international regulations.

"Normally when you hear ‘Clin-ton,’ when people speak of ‘Clin-ton,’ the name ‘Clin-ton’ carries a lot of weight," says Lubert. He trails off, looking suddenly uncertain. Clinton’s name echoes ambiguously through the swampy chemical air like a plea, a mantra or a brand.

June 1 marked the beginning of Haiti’s 2011 hurricane season, and meteorologists project that Haiti could face up to eighteen tropical storms with three to six of these developing to hurricane strength. Léogâne, where 95 percent of the downtown area was flooded by Hurricane Tomas last year, is relying on the Clinton Foundation’s trailers as Plan A in the municipality’s emergency response.

The foundation’s original proposal to the IHRC referred to the buildings it planned to construct in Léogâne as "hurricane-proof" shelters, and this past March, Clinton Foundation foreign policy director Ami Desai reiterated that claim in a phone interview. On the foundation website, the promotional write-up about the trailers is featured under the heading "Emergency Hurricane Shelter Project."

Larry Tanner, a wind science specialist at Texas Tech University, was "suspicious" when he heard that trailers were to be used as hurricane shelters in Haiti. Tanner thought it unlikely that Clayton Homes had developed a mobile home that could safely be used as a hurricane shelter, saying in a telephone interview that he put the odds at "slim to none." Mobile homes are considered by FEMA to be so unsafe in hurricanes that the agency unequivocally advises the public to evacuate them.

In an interview with The Nation, Clayton Homes engineer Mark Izzo said the Léogâne trailers could withstand winds of up to 140 miles per hour. The company arrived at this figure through calculations, he said, rather than testing.

But Tanner emphasizes that such structures must be rigorously tested for resistance to high winds and projectiles. Clayton Homes’s failure to test the trailers meant that they would not meet the international construction standard for hurricane shelter. "It certainly would not be accepted by FEMA either," Tanner added. Moreover, the kind of anchoring systems used by the trailers in Léogâne—which rely on metal straps to attach the shelter to the ground—"fail routinely," according to Tanner.

Two weeks into Haiti’s hurricane season, The Nation visited some of the Clinton shelters with Kit Miyamoto, a California-based structural engineer contracted by USAID and the Haitian government to assess the safety of buildings in Port-au-Prince. Standing in front of one of the trailers, Miyamoto looked doubtful when asked whether, in his professional view, these structures were, as the Clinton Foundation has repeatedly claimed, "hurricane-proof." In the world of engineering, buildings are rarely considered to be truly hurricane-proof, explained Miyamoto, who said he had never heard of a wooden trailer being used as a hurricane shelter, let alone being referred to as a hurricane-proof building. "To be hurricane-proof you a need a heavier structure with concrete or blocks," he explained.

Miyamoto emphasized that one of the most crucial elements for the public safety was how well the shelters’ limitations were explained to the community expected to use them. "Hopefully people do understand that these windows do need to be protected if a major hurricane is expected to be coming," he said. Miyamoto said the likelihood is "really high" that the windows will break without storm shutters, and "once those window systems break," he explained, making a toppling motion with his arms, "you cannot just be in there." The roof will "pop off."

When asked if the shelters had come with any storm shutters, Andre Hercule, director of Saint Thérèse de Darbonne elementary school, which has also received Clinton trailers, shook his head, then grabbed the nearest open trailer window and effortlessly slid it shut. Clicking it locked, he explained, "We’d close all the windows." The school director remains confident after hearing Clinton speak at a news conference in August 2010 at his school that the trailers are hurricane-proof.

Léogâne’s Department of Civil Protection may also be operating on this assumption. At the Léogâne town hall, a derelict white paint-chipped building that looks stately in contrast to the seventeen-month-old tent camp nearby, DCP coordinator Philippe Joseph explained the municipality’s plans for community outreach in the event of a hurricane. "We’ll send scouts with megaphones and tell people to gather their papers and go to the Clinton Foundation shelters," he said as he sketched a rough map, indicating the best routes to the dual-purpose school buildings from the geographic zones most vulnerable to storms.

Asked if he believed the trailers would offer adequate protection during a hurricane, Joseph seemed taken aback: Clinton had himself said that these were hurricane-proof shelters, he said.

* * *

In a jungly field on the outskirts of Léogâne, four of the twenty Clinton classrooms sit empty at another school, Coeur de Jesus. Because of the trailers’ leaky roofs, puddles form on the floor that need to be mopped up by the maintenance staff. As school director Antoine Beauvais explained, the new sixteen-by-forty-foot trailers were too bulky to fit in the cramped residential area where his school was previously located. But for lack of toilet facilities or running water provided by the foundation for the newly created remote campus, the school has been unable to use its new trailer classrooms.

When The Nation visited the site with Miyamoto, at least one strap on a trailer slated to be used as a hurricane shelter in the coming months was already loose. As Miyamoto moved the slack metal ribbon that is meant to ensure the trailer stays stable during a storm, the structural engineer remarked that these kinds of anchoring systems are liable to corrode. "You definitely want to look at it at least once a year," he said grimly.

It’s unclear whether such maintenance will occur. Clayton Homes recently visited some of the schools after the International Organization for Migration, which works with the UN, raised concerns about the condition of the shelters. However, Conille said he did not know anything about plans the Clinton Foundation had made for the maintenance of the "hurricane shelters" in the longer term. The Haitian contractor who was initially hired to help install the shelters, Philippe Cinéas of AC Construction, said that neither he nor his staff were trained to service them. This raised concerns for Cinéas because, as he knew from experience, "in Haiti maintenance is always a problem."

While Clinton Foundation COO Laura Graham claims that the foundation has always been "very accessible" to the school and municipal officials in Léogâne, neither the school directors nor the civil protection coordinator had any way of getting in touch with the foundation, they told The Nation, and had to resort to going through intermediaries.

Joseph, the DCP chief for Léogâne, faults the trailer project for being decided from afar and "from the top down," like so much of Haiti relief. While the Clinton Foundation claims that it worked with local government to implement the shelter plan, Joseph disputes this. The foundation simply informed him that it was building four schools in his district, he says. "To me this is not a consultation," the local official remarked. "To consult people you have to ask them what they need and how they think it could best be implemented."

Joseph ascribes the new shelters’ "infernal" heat, humidity and other problems to this lack of on-the-ground consultation. He added, with regret, that people in desperate need of employment and shelters watched as "the Clinton Foundation came in with all its specialists and equipment, but they didn’t give any training." He said that "if they use a local firm they will not only create jobs in a community that has been decapitalized by the quake but they will also take into account the environmental reality on the ground."

In the proposal approved by the IHRC, the Clinton Foundation said that "up to 300 local workers would be employed to build the schools." Cinéas said there were only five to eight people hired by his firm on a very temporary basis, and the foundation declined to comment on what additional jobs were created.

Farmer, the Clinton envoy, recently published a report on trends in Haiti’s dysfunctional aid system. He stressed the need for "accompaniment" to be the guiding principle of Haiti’s reconstruction, with Haitians "in the driver’s seat" and the international community listening to their priorities. Farmer also emphasized the importance of local procurement and job creation.

It is hard to imagine a better case study of the very opposite approach than the Clinton trailers. In response to questions about what due diligence the foundation did to ensure the safety of the trailers it purchased for use as hurricane shelters, the Clinton Foundation initially insisted that the most appropriate person to speak to was a Haitian employee of Clinton’s UN Office. When Graham, the foundation’s COO, finally agreed to talk about the project on the record, she denied that the foundation had been responsible for any due diligence regarding its own project, claiming that those responsible were a "panel of experts," including one point person from the foundation, Greg Milne, and representatives of other organizations. (Milne referred all questions to the foundation’s press office.) The Clinton Foundation agreed to furnish documentation of who was on this panel but by press time had not done so.

Graham said that the staff of the Clinton Foundation—which has for more than a year publicized the "hurricane shelters" that "President Clinton" built in Léogâne—are "not experts" in hurricane shelter construction. She claimed the same "panel of experts" would have been responsible for due diligence to ensure air quality of the shelters whose secondary purpose was as classrooms.

Explaining Bill Clinton’s rationale for the trailers, which were installed at the tail end of the 2010 hurricane season, Conille said, "It was not meant to be sustainable. It was meant because we didn’t want to have dead people in September." According to Conille, Clinton was deeply troubled by what would happen to the women and children in case of a serious storm—and as the former president felt that "no one" was doing anything about the issue, he took the lead himself. Moreover, Clinton didn’t want to have his new "hurricane shelters" sitting empty while schoolchildren had classes in tents, Conille added.

Yet according to Maddalena, given the high rate of formaldehyde found in one of the classrooms, and the children’s headaches, "they’d be better off studying outside under a tarp."

Wall, the former OCHA spokeswoman, responded by e-mail, "We all knew that that project was misconceived from the start, a classic example of aid designed from a distance with no understanding of ground level realities or needs. It has had a predictably long and unhappy history from the start."

Even Conille largely concurred, in a telephone interview, that there were many problems with the project, saying, "It made sense at that time, and I guess someone could argue it wasn’t the best idea in retrospect."

For his part, Léogâne Mayor Santos Alexis says he is still waiting for Bill Clinton to follow through on his pledge to equip Léogâne with hurricane-proof school buildings. Asked about his view on the Clinton Foundation’s claims to having completed an "Emergency Hurricane Shelter Project" replete with new classrooms for his town, Alexis is defiant. "If those at the Clinton Foundation are sure it’s done then they should prove it, they should show it to us, because I know nothing about it," he remarked coyly, gazing out from behind his shades. Seated at his desk in a crumbling municipal building, the mayor said he is still waiting for the real Clinton Foundation schools, "built with norms that protect people from hurricanes and flooding."


Correction: This article originally quoted IOM’s Bradley Mellicker stating, "That’s a lie," after the quotation from the Clinton Foundation’s COO Laura Graham claiming that IOM had played a role in the procurement process for the trailers. While IOM played no role, Mellicker’s statement was made in response to a claim by a different Clinton Foundation source that IOM had led the procurement process, and not in response to Laura Graham. We regret the error. The Nation understands that the Clinton Foundation and the Office of the Special Envoy looked at a list of unsolicited offers and picked a winner and that there was no public bid. 
More Clinton Foundation Haiti disasters...

MAGA + MAHA = A Vital America Reborn

Friday, September 13, 2024

More memes from the King of Memery, Woodsterman

The Mooch Snubs Kamala
CNN: Michelle Obama ‘Not Expected to Campaign’ for Kamala Harris in the Fall
Former First Lady Michelle Obama, who delivered an impassioned speech backing Vice President Kamala Harris at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, Illinois, in August, will not be hitting the campaign trail to back up Harris in the fall, CNN reported.

“Former first lady Michelle Obama, who delivered a rallying cry speech in Chicago, is not expected to campaign, instead sticking with her officially non-partisan voter registration efforts,” CNN’s Edward-Isaac Dovere wrote on Friday.

The revelation is yet another setback for Harris, who has been desperately trying to keep her surge of summer energy riding high into the fall — but not having the highly dynamic Michelle Obama out there for her in a big way is clearly a disappointment for Democrats. It is also possibly part of a growing trend of possible future Democrat presidential candidates doing the bare minimum politically to help Harris but not really investing themselves personally in her success or failure. Of course, if Harris were to win in November, she would, in all likelihood, stand for reelection in 2028, making possible future Democrat stars have to wait all the way until 2032 for another shot at the White House. But, if Harris were to lose to former President Donald Trump, the growing group of Democrats who have their eyes set on the Oval Office would likely have a shot in 2028 — which is just around the corner.

Interestingly, in her DNC speech, Michelle Obama implored Democrats to leave it all on the field.
“We only have two and a half months, y’all, to get this done,” she said in the speech:
Only 11 weeks to make sure every single person we know is registered and has a voting plan. So, we cannot afford for anyone, anyone, anyone, America, to sit on their hands and wait to be called. Don’t complain if no one from the campaign has specifically reached out to you to ask you for your support. There is simply no time for that kind of foolishness. You know what you need to do. So, consider this to be your official ask: Michelle Obama is asking you — no, I’m telling y’all — to do something. Because, y’all, this election is gonna be close. In some states, just a handful — listen to me — a handful of votes in every precinct could decide the winner. So, we need to vote in numbers that erase any doubt. We need to overwhelm any effort to suppress us. Our fate is in our hands. In 77 days, we have the power to turn our country away from the fear, division, and smallness of the past. We have the power to marry our hope with our action. We have the power to pay forward the love, sweat, and sacrifice of our mothers and fathers and all those who came before us.
While she is sitting out the home stretch of the campaign, Michelle Obama’s husband, former President Barack Obama, is expected to help his party’s nominee in the fall.

Barack Obama, the CNN report noted, is “expected to be central” in the “effort” to get what outgoing Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) called “magic” going for Democrats in the fall. CNN wrote that Obama’s “aides [are] working to add to his usual slate of late fall battleground campaign rallies — in person or with online influencers, whom he’s been pushing to use their platforms to get followers to vote.”

“The first taste of that will come next Tuesday, for National Voter Registration Day: Obama already recorded videos and other content in Chicago and at home in Washington that his office estimates will be hitting 30 million users across social media, aimed at younger voters,” Dovere wrote.

Michelle's probably right in not focusing on Kamala's Campaign (it's a lost cause), the Democrat's Ballot Harvesting Operations in Black neighborhoods are far more important to all the under-card candidates running across the country. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

On Government Techno-Feudal Enable-ism

Sacrificing Small Main Street Business' on the Altar of Wall Street Techno-Feudal Lord Jeff Bezos & Co.
Kamala - A New Face for Big G!
h.t - Woodsterman

Non-Existent Pet Eating Alchemy

btw - Why are half the "Haitians" interviewed speaking Spanish?

It's Official: The Fix is in as the Deep State Takes Over the Election

Published By

U.S. Secret Service Media Relations
Published Date


WASHINGTON – The 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2025, has been designated a National Special Security Event by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

This marks the first time a National Special Security Event designation has been granted for a Certification of Electoral Votes and follows a request made by the DC Mayor to designate this event a National Special Security Event. Various reports including from the House Select January 6 Committee and the Government Accountability Office also called for the DHS Secretary to consider a National Special Security Event designation for future Certification of Electoral Votes.

“National Special Security Events are events of the highest national significance,” said Eric Ranaghan, the Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Secret Service’s Dignitary Protective Division. “The U.S. Secret Service, in collaboration with our federal, state, and local partners are committed to developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated security plan to ensure the safety and security of this event and its participants.”

The formal planning process is underway with the formation of an Executive Steering Committee. The Executive Steering Committee is made up of senior representatives from federal, state and local law enforcement and public safety partners and will begin convening in the coming weeks.

In addition to the 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes on Jan. 6, the 2025 Presidential Inauguration on Jan. 20 was previously designated a National Special Security Event and planning has been ongoing for several months.

This designation allows for significant resources from the federal government, as well as from state and local partners, to be utilized in a comprehensive security plan. When an event is designated a National Special Security Event, the U.S. Secret Service assumes its mandated role as the lead agency for the design and implementation of the operational security plan.

We all know what a great job the Secret Service did Protecting Trump...