Sunday, May 26, 2024

Why Kharkiv Now?

Trivia for non-Ukrainians


Anonymous said...

Yet one pile of smelly cretinism. :-))))))))))))))))))))

Look at geographical map.

There lots of rivers that flow from north to south.

Rivers -- always was one of the biggest natural fortifications on the path of any army.

And in time of ww2 -- there was NOT so much residential area.

And today... it's railway paths that determine preferred paths.

Joe Conservative said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


simplified, but pretty sound explanation.

Or... you can argue against???

Joe Conservative said...

I watched it too. It makes perfect sense and follows almost exactly what I said about the origins of the war... the new "Rules based Order"

Not the rule OF Law...

...but the rule BY Law (as determined by the NWO (WEF/ Davos Crowd).

As for Putin using the war to benefit his political regime... you really don't think Biden's doing the same?

Joe Conservative said...

Biden's problem is that he's a tool AND a fool.

Anonymous said...

\\As for Putin using the war to benefit his political regime... you really don't think Biden's doing the same?


It flows from one into another.

\\Biden's problem is that he's a tool AND a fool.

Hardly he see any problem... for itself.

He is f*ng POTUS. :-))))))

Anonymous said...

"It's good to be king... until it not".

But... with his age as given... that hardly pose any problem.

Joe Conservative said...

...and the USIC is filling his family's pockets with gold, as well.

Joe Conservative said...

Thanks Burisma!

Anonymous said...

Da Fk????

ALL riches of RFia -- is in liliPut's pockets. ALL riches in liliXi pockets.

Any miserly millions stuck to Bi-Di's hands -- is miserly in compare.

And... whom he'd be giving em too???

How big is his family? Who'd be a hair??? Hunter???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

PS What's the point???? ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

There are also 100 Senators lining their pockets. And another 400+ "Representatives" doing the same. It makes the "swamp" stink. I can smell it from my house.

Anonymous said...

I... can't. By obvious reason. ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...not standing down wind. ;P

Dervish Sanders said...

Minus: There are also 100 Senators lining their pockets. And another 400+ "Representatives" doing the same.

Most of them being republiturds.

Anonymous said...

\\...not standing down wind. ;P

Winds... local phenomenon. ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\Most of them being republiturds.

And Bi-den covering for em? ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

As always, republicans aren't responsible for what they do. It's Democrats who are responsible. For not stopping republicans. That's logical in the crazy cretin's delusions. Though, that means that donald tRump was also "covering" by not stopping? But he is like Mandela. Crazy cretin confirmed it!

Joe Conservative said...

Winds... local phenomenon.

Like the Jetstream. ;P

Anonymous said...


Because, Bi-den is non-acting POTUS, which are Rep at heart.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

^^crazy cretinic gibberish^^

Anonymous said...

Dude "Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders"?

Yeah. IT is. ;-P

But... hoh, that is ITself SAMEBODY self-revealingly pointing to ITself. ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

^^more crazy cretinic gibberish^^

btw, I pointed to a comment that says "Because, Bi-den is non-acting POTUS, which are Rep at heart".

There is no comment from you that contains pointers. At all.

Anonymous said...


Talking with ITself? ;-P