Thursday, May 30, 2024

Burdening the Scapegoat with all the Social ills

...before releasing him into the wilderness (mid-November 2024)


mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

Every blunder the Biden Crime Clan commits will hurt the United States for perhaps centuries ahead. This is not going well. It's an explosive political time bomb that will blow up at the worst possible moment.

Joe Conservative said...

The tyrants laws need no longer be obeyed.

Anonymous said...

The Prophet Mystere has spoken?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: The tyrants laws need no longer be obeyed.

WHO are you talking about?

btw, dotard donald got himself into this situation because he ALREADY not obeying the law. Is he going to disobey more? Are you calling for violence?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Violence? The Government has a monopoly on that. I'm calling for noncompliance which will result in reactionary violence.

Anonymous said...

You have NO Human Right to do that. ;-P

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Who ever said that I was human?

Anonymous said...


Well... for at least, you are not bodyless spirit.

And that is only what matter to me.