Saturday, May 4, 2024

Who's Spoilin' Now?


Dervish Sanders said... A "spoiler" is a candidate who has no chance of winning, but whose candidacy still impacts the outcome of the election.

A spoiler candidate draws votes away from one of the major parties, tipping the balance in favor of the other party. link.

rfkjr will draw votes away from one of the major party candidates. He is the spoiler. He has no chance of winning.

Joe Biden IS a major party candidate. He (as per the definition) can NOT be the spoiler.

This video is BS. If you want dotard donald to be president you should vote for either dotard donald or rfkjr. If you're pro democracy you have to vote for Joe Biden.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Biden will be dropping out... it just won't be for RFK, Jr.

The Mooch is coming.

Dervish Sanders said...


Rattrapper said...

OH YES! And by the way, Dervish, I let you gloat a little, last month. My team chose to change the name and blog address of "Donkey's Liberal Heelkick" to another name. So yes, have at it with your new blog. None of us care. You'll be going through some humiliation very soon, Bigly liberal humiliation when your flatulent Presnit Joey Poopy Pants Biden embarrasses himself publicly again.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No. Michelle Obama will NOT run for president. Not this year, not any year. Our fantastic president Joe Biden will be the nominee and be elected to a second term over the Orange Turd. People hate the Orange Turd. He did a horrible job presidenting. WHY would anyone vote to elect him predisent again? Only idiots would vote Orange Turd.

btw, the Donkey's Liberal Heel Kick Is Under New Management.

The real Donkey's Revenge!

Mystere: None of us care.

You're a nutjob. You are not an "us". ONE person (you) isn't a "team".

Anonymous said...

\\You're a nutjob. You are not an "us". ONE person (you) isn't a "team".

Unlike certain one SAMEBODY split-person cretin, yes? ;-P


Joe Conservative said...

Barrack's 4th term is on the line, Dervy. She'll be running once the Convention starts and her stalking horse steps aside.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Presidents are limited to 2 terms, Minus. There wasn't a 3rd Obama term, so a 4th Obama term is impossible. And Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee. He will be the confirmed nominee after the convention. He will NOT step aside. He will be a second term president after the election. While dotard donald will be on his way to prison.

Qtard: Unlike certain one SAMEBODY split-person cretin, yes?

You're both insane. So, you and Mystere do have that in common.

Joe Conservative said...

You think Biden runs DC? BWAH-HA-HA-HA!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Joe Biden is the leader of the free world.

Anonymous said...

\\You're both insane. So, you and Mystere do have that in common.

If only you knew what you are babbling about. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


You just babbling some non-comprehensible bunch of meaningless words.

In try to scare out MUCH SMARTER opponent with non-congruence of it.


But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

What's up cretin???

I made your brain explode... with using too smart word "non-congruence"??? ;-P

Anonymous said...


Cretin IT DUNNO such word. And it unable to consult with dictionaries. :-)))))))))))))))))

Dervish Sanders said...

Cretin IT DUNNO such word. And it unable to consult with dictionaries.

Your alter ego "cretin IT"?

Yeah I believe IT. "Cretin IT" using words IT dunno frequently.

Anonymous said...


Continue-continue, cretin IT. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))