Friday, May 17, 2024

It's good to be the king... until it's not.

 On Hunter's Fairweather Friends...

Daniel Greenfield, "As Biden’s Polls Drop, Hunter’s Patron Stops Paying His Bills"
When your dad's on top, everyone is your friend. When your dad is sinking, no one will take your calls.

The Hunter Biden story has lots of strange twists and turns, but one of the strangest may be Kevin Morris.

Morris is a Hollywood lawyer who met Hunter at a Biden fundraiser, took over his investments, paid his bills and bought his artwork. Morris provided Hunter with $6.5 million in loans, which including paying his back taxes, covering rent, payments on a Porsche, lawyer fees, child support and whatever else might been on the tab.

This presumably does not count the paintings that sold for a total of over $1 million and of which Morris supposedly bought about half.

Why did Morris do all this? Maybe Hunter got off the streetcar to Santa Monica and declared, “I have always been dependent on the kindness of stranger.” Apparently, Kevin felt sorry for him and there were no homeless in the area so he lavished millions on Hunter.

So much for that.
Hunter Biden’s so-called “sugar brother” Kevin Morris has told associates that he can’t afford to cover the mounting legal bills incurred by the first son, who’s set to face two trials starting next month.

“The reason Kevin got involved financially in the first place was that he could see that no one was going to help Hunter,” a person close to the Hollywood entertainment lawyer told Politico.

“Now, four and a half years later, there’s still no help — and now Kevin is completely tapped out,” the person added. “So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It’s pretty dire.”
Federal trials are really expensive. Just ask any of the former Trump administration figures who got dragged through them for wholly partisan reasons. Plan A was to just toss Hunter’s case away and that fell apart when the judge wouldn’t go for it. Plan B is going to be more expensive.

But I can’t help but wonder if Kevin is now “tapped out” because he’s been looking at Joe’s poll numbers.

If you can drop $6 million plus on the president’s crackhead son, is that because you love all crackheads, or because it’s the ‘president’ part of it that matters.

With polls raising the possibility that the investment in a Biden presidency may be strictly short-term, a smart investor would indeed opt out rising legal costs with limited returns.

Now maybe Kevin really just loves crackheads and wants to be kind to them to the tune of $6 million. Life is strange and anything is possible. But I wonder if the fate of Hunter’s legal bills may be tied to daddy’s poll numbers. When your dad’s on top, everyone is your friend. When your dad is sinking, no one will take your calls.

It’s hard out there for the failed son of a failed president.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"It’s hard out there for the failed son of a failed president".

Which one? donald Junior or Eric? Looks to me like both. Though it's probably worse to be named after the failed president. So, you gotta be talking about donald Jr, right? He's the one following in his father's footsteps of failing at marriage.

Joe Conservative said...

Are they facing jailtime like Hunter? And isn't Trump flush with Truth Social cash now? It would be a shame if Sleepy Joe had to expose his offshore Bank accounts now with Congress rifling through banking records...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

dotard donald is facing jail time. And he will likely be convicted and be sentenced to prison. Well, that is more likely than Hunter being convicted and sent to prison. That's absolutely not going to happen.

Joe Conservative said... least not while his Dad runs the "Justice" Department.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Hunter Biden's dad is Merrick Garland? So why is Merrick allowing his son Hunter to be politically persecuted? I agree with you. Hunter's dad Merrick needs to no longer be running the Justice Department. One of the first orders of business in Joe Biden's second term should be replacing Merrick Garland with an AG who will end the Hunter Biden witch hunt. I say the new AG in Biden's second term should be Glenn Kirschner.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The president can't tell the WH janitor what to do? Who knew how impotent Joe Biden is?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I wonder if anybody's going to make Joe Biden bed in the Residence today. They probably don't feel like doing it.

Dervish Sanders said...

The Justice Department is independent. Well, under Biden it is. While under dotard donald it isn't. Why you don't understand. If that is the way you think it should be, I don't know what you're complaining about. Re the rightturd delusions that all prosecutions of dotard donald are being directed by Joe Biden. Also George Soros.

If dotard donald becomes predisent again, you'll love it when he (1) orders his AG to end all federal prosecutions of him, (2) orders his AG to pressure state AG to end their prosecutions of him, (3) orders his AG to initiate phony baloney prosecutions of his enemies (4) orders his AG to continue the Hunter Biden witch hunt and make sure he goes to prison for a long time.

Hunter Biden isn't going to be sent to Gitmo and executed? Only Joe Biden, Barack Obama and ALL the Clintons (including their grandchildren) are?

Well, he will (in your fantasies) go to prison on the gun charge. Then be investigated for corruption. THEN he will be sent to Gitmo and executed?

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

\\ dotard donald is facing jail time.

To became like Nelson Mandela? ;-P

\\Why you don't understand.

Because that is non-factual propaganda narrative... maybe? ;-P

\\The Justice Department is independent. Well, under Biden it is.

To the level it covering Open Treasoner... ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

The Justice Department is independent.

The Deep State is Vundevar!

Joe Conservative said...

Independent=Favours Democrats

Anonymous said...

Because Democracy... it's rule of DEMN-rats. ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

Imaginary "Demn-rats" rule nowhere. Means democracy doesn't exist? Why you and all your alter egos are so merry?

Well, soon (you both hope). When donald tRump returns to the presidency. He will get rid of democracy. Be "president for life".

Dervish Sanders said...

Imaginary "Demn-rats" rule nowhere. Means democracy doesn't exist? Why you and all your alter egos are so merry?

Well, soon (you both hope). When donald tRump returns to the presidency. He will get rid of democracy. Be "president for life".

Dervish Sanders said...

Imaginary "Demn-rats" rule nowhere. Means democracy doesn't exist? Why you are so merry?

Well, soon (you both hope). When donald tRump returns to the presidency. He will get rid of democracy. Be "president for life".

Anonymous said...

\\Means democracy doesn't exist?

In a country that trying to shot down opposing candidate in elections... with false and faked accusations and kangaroo courts???

\\Well, soon (you both hope). When donald tRump returns to the presidency. He will get rid of democracy. Be "president for life".

Chanting your own desires?

Or just channeling your master puppeteer's liliPut propaganda? ;-P

PS Exemplar derangement -- three double-posts in a row. :-))))))))))))))))))

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: In a country that trying to shot down opposing candidate in elections... with false and faked accusations and kangaroo courts???

Yeah, Russia. Definitely not USA. But you're repeating after your puppet master Putin and saying that about the situation donald tRump got himself in by breaking laws. You think he should be able to. Because accounting for lawbreaking could stop the Orange Turd from returning to the White House to do Putin's bidding. I can understand why you're worried.

Qtard: \\Well, soon (you both hope). When donald tRump returns to the presidency. He will get rid of democracy. Be "president for life"\\ Chanting your own desires?

No, yours. JUST expressed. Forgot already? Was that another alter ego that complained about donald tRump possibly facing consequences for his lawbreaking?

Qtard: Or just channeling your master puppeteer's liliPut propaganda? ;-P

Yeah, that is what you're doing alright.

Qtard: PS Exemplar derangement -- three double-posts in a row.

Yeah. Blogger error is my derangement. To a cretin. Why would I want to publish the same comment 3 times?

Anonymous said...

\\Qtard: In a country that trying to shot down opposing candidate in elections... with false and faked accusations and kangaroo courts???

\\Yeah, Russia.


And who was opposing candidate in any elections there? ;-P

They was NOT allowed even to participate -- definitely what your DEMN-rats want to achieve.

\\Definitely not USA.

De Nile is your all... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\But you're repeating after your puppet master Putin and saying that about the situation donald tRump got himself in by breaking laws.

Laws??? that laws that was SPECIALLY mangled to SUIT his case? ;-P

\\You think he should be able to. Because accounting for lawbreaking could stop the Orange Turd from returning to the White House to do Putin's bidding. I can understand why you're worried.

Yawn. And with whom you talking here, cretin???? ;-P

With some other alter-ego?

Cause your USA experts already clarified -- even criminal sentence will not stop dRump from running for being POTUS. ;-P

\\Qtard: \\Well, soon (you both hope). When donald tRump returns to the presidency. He will get rid of democracy. Be "president for life"\\ Chanting your own desires?

\\No, yours. JUST expressed. Forgot already?

You always free to QUOTE... and EXPLAIN, what my words made you react that way...

But, you never can...

And you'd never can...


You are cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Dunno what facts is. Dunno what logical explanation is.

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

That's damn funny, to look at your tryes. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


To wound much smarter opponent. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))




Anonymous said...

\\Yeah. Blogger error is my derangement. To a cretin. Why would I want to publish the same comment 3 times?

Because you are cretin??? ;-P

Who dunno how it all works? ;-P


Dervish Sanders said...

Not knowing how something works isn't derangement. Obviously you dunno what that word means.

Anyway, how it works is simple enough -- you type in what you want to say -- then click "publish". And the comment is supposed to publish ONCE.

But you (due to cretinity) don't understand -- think "derangement" is a more likely explanation. Instead of an error occurring.

Anonymous said...

\\Not knowing how something works isn't derangement. Obviously you dunno what that word means.


But smacking damn not working thing... to "make it work" -- is. ;-P

\\Anyway, how it works is simple enough -- you type in what you want to say -- then click "publish". And the comment is supposed to publish ONCE.


\\But you (due to cretinity) don't understand -- think "derangement" is a more likely explanation. Instead of an error occurring.

Because *I* -- know how it works. That's why double-posting is NOT surprise for me.

Surprise, that would make me to TRIPLE-post it. ;-P


To make triple-posting... need some serious smacking "that damn non-working thing". ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: Because *I* -- know how it works.

Your cretin's delusions. I didn't smack anything.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... it appeared THREE times... just by itself. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Not because your vigorously tried to "fix damn thing".

Oh, yes!!! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Or... you just forgot.

Oh... I know, I know -- somebody else of SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins did it... then YET ONE... then YET ONE... :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Not because your vigorously tried to "fix damn thing.

Right. That wasn't what happened.

Qtard: Oh... I know, I know -- somebody else of SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins did it... then YET ONE... then YET ONE...

"SAMEBODY merry bunch of cretins did it"? So you? You're taking responsibility? You copied my comment after I published it, then published it twice more using my name?

Anonymous said...

\\Right. That wasn't what happened.

Then... how that triple-posting happened?


And remember and can explain what for? ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

I called the posting three times a blogger error in my initial reply. Obviously that means it was not deliberate. Cretin dunno what the word "error" means?

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2024 at 2:15 PM
May 19, 2024 at 2:19 PM
May 19, 2024 at 2:29 PM