Saturday, May 11, 2024

Populism Ascendant!

The "Haves" DESERVE their "havings", the "Have Nots" just need to Shut-Up & Enjoy! their censorship and Tech Silencings!!

-Paraphrasing Nancy Pelosi 


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

That populism is ascendant is very good news for America. Very bad news for the trumper right though. That must make you sad.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Your heads on backwards again today, Dervy? You really should have it examined by a professional.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah, rightturds hate our populist president Joe Biden. They think leftwing populism is "backward" from what it should be about. Which is White Supremacy. rightturd populists put White Supremacy at the top of their priorities list.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

They don't get any MORE "establishment" than Sleepy Joe.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah, he is extremely competent. Especially contrasted with the most incompetent nincompoop that ever held the office, dotard donald tRump.

Rattrapper said...

He certainly has more than a few screws loose.

Rattrapper said...

Dervish's belly is stuffed with that Bigly Joe's Taco Jill Burrito that Joe made last week at the White House.

Anonymous said...

\\Yeah, he is extremely competent.

With leading World into World War Three????

Yeah, it is. :-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Russian (and I'm sure Chinese) talking right now -- how USA is a paper tiger, and ready to fall.

Joe Conservative said...

Naaaah. How US is tired of bailing Europeans and the rest of the world out of their own messes.

Anonymous said...

And what coordonates set in Russian and China ICBMs???? ;-)

Paris? Berlin? London?

That's all cities they like to go as tourists. And very like goods made there.

For what RFia and PRCia need USA? ;-P

Safari??? %-))))))))

With drones against miserly critter with just a hand guns? ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Far fewer than you, Mystere.

Dervish Sanders said...

Joe Biden and I are besties. I am frequently the guest of honor at the White House.

Dervish Sanders said...


Derpish SADners said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Derpish SADners" = Mystere.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So what... you NOT agree that Bi-den are allright as president???

Maybe... you think that it is No Good? ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

Nobody named "Bi-den" has ever been potus. But I said Biden is Best, not "All Right".

Anonymous said...

ALL RIGHT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Cambridge Dictionary › ...
all right adjective, adverb [not gradable] (SAFE). safe, well, or not harmed: She was really sick for a while but she's all right now.

Yeah. Defective Brain POTUS... it is. ;-P

Definitely CANNOT said being "all right". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

By YOU own admission "But I said Biden is Best, not "All Right"."


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I wasn't talking about health. I was talking about job performance.

all right, Merriam-Webster.

2. He was ill but he's all right now.

See the NUMBER ONE definition of "all right", cretin? "Satisfactory" is less than "Best". Why I disagreed. I wasn't saying Joe Biden is ill.

#BidenBestPresident means "Biden sick president"? That is what "cretin IT" thinks?

In the cretin's defective brain "best" means sick?

Anonymous said...

\\"Satisfactory" is less than "Best".

Yeah. Best liliPut's puppet. ;-P

Fer sure. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

best, Merriam-Webster.

2 of 5

superlative of well
: in the best (see best entry 1) way : to greatest advantage

Yeah... all as you admitted -- to best advantage to liliPut. ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\In the cretin's defective brain "best" means sick?

NewSpeaking lying cretin like you?

You say. ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

best, adjective: of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality. "the best pitcher in the league".

Putin is not mentioned in the definition of "best". Crazy cretin only imagined "Putin" is included in the definition of "best".

Qtard: NewSpeaking lying cretin like you? You say.

Confirmed! Thanky to whatever alter ego of yours admitted that to another alter ego of yours.

Anonymous said...

\\Putin is not mentioned in the definition of "best". Crazy cretin only imagined "Putin" is included in the definition of "best".

What a surprise. Best Bi-den too. ;-P

\\Qtard: NewSpeaking lying cretin like you? You say.


And you said "Confirmed!". ;-P

It's good that you are brave enough to confirm being "NewSpeaking lying cretin".


But... I prophess... you'd start crying "I NEVER said it"... right away. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

\\Thanky to whatever alter ego of yours admitted that to another alter ego of yours.

Means... to your OTHER of SAMEBODY merry cretins bunch? ;-P

Yeah... that bunch will be very scorning, and very unhappy... from that cretin that written self-revealing "Confirmed!" above. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah. One of your alter egos accused another of your alter egos. And you didn't disagree with IT. You didn't reply (to your alter ego) "You say, but you're wrong". So I took that as confirmation.

Qtard: It's good that you are brave enough to confirm being "NewSpeaking lying cretin".

Confirmed again. One of your alter egos says another alter ego is "brave" for admitting being a "Newspeaking lying cretin". ok. Though I wouldn't say it's "brave" to admit something so obvious.

Qtard: But... I prophess... you'd start crying "I NEVER said it"... right away. **cretinic laughter and drooling**

I never said "Confirmed"? It's right above. I absolutely did note that you confirmed being a "NewSpeaking lying cretin". Twice. I'm not going to retract my agreement with your confession.

Qtard: \\Thanky to whatever alter ego of yours admitted that to another alter ego of yours\\ Means... to your OTHER of SAMEBODY merry cretins bunch?

Yeah. "your other of samebody merry cretins bunch". Those people. aka all the voices in your head.

Qtard: Yeah... that bunch will be very scorning, and very unhappy... from that cretin that written self-revealing "Confirmed!" above. **cretinic laughter**

*I* wrote "confirmed", not you/"that cretin". Think you will convince your "bunch of samebody cretins" that I'm responsible for you blurting out that confession? And then confirming it AGAIN?

Anonymous said...

\\Yeah. One of your alter egos accused another of your alter egos. And you didn't disagree with IT. You didn't reply (to your alter ego) "You say, but you're wrong". So I took that as confirmation.

Because... in your own experience -- that is how it happen? ;-P

Thanky-thanky for revealing to us here -- how delusions of a broken brain cretin works. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

\\Qtard: It's good that you are brave enough to confirm being "NewSpeaking lying cretin".

\\Confirmed again. One of your alter egos says another alter ego is "brave" for admitting being a "Newspeaking lying cretin". ok. Though I wouldn't say it's "brave" to admit something so obvious.

From your own experience. AGAIN! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

But... continue-continue, merry bunch of cretins. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\I never said "Confirmed"? It's right above. I absolutely did note that you confirmed being a "NewSpeaking lying cretin". Twice. I'm not going to retract my agreement with your confession.

I'm glad that you able to admit being cretin...

Ahhh, nope... you still in a state of De Nile... still claiming that it's SAMEBODY else... pooped into your SAMEBODY pants. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))

But... continue-continue, merry bunch of cretins. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Yeah. "your other of samebody merry cretins bunch". Those people. aka all the voices in your head.

Telling from own experience. AGAIN! ;-P

\\*I* wrote "confirmed", not you/"that cretin". Think you will convince your "bunch of samebody cretins" that I'm responsible for you blurting out that confession? And then confirming it AGAIN?

Yet one of merry bunch of cretins???

Now it cretin "*I*"?

Good to know you, cretin "*I*". :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

As well as you self-revealing self-confirmations. ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

You are telling from YOUR experiences. I have never had any such experiences of being crazy and hearing voices.

Anonymous said...


And no suddenly memory loses... in result of which you not able to recognize OWN words -- written under OWN account.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No. That never happened.

Anonymous said...

Yap. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Perfect example of memory lose. ;-P

So what cretin???

You ALREADY forgot. OWN admissions. That you lied. That you forgot.

And what if I'll cite em here???

You will be crying "that was just for one time"???


What a brain busted cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: You ALREADY forgot. OWN admissions. That you lied. That you forgot.

I made no such admissions.

Qtard's And what if I'll cite em here???

Impossible. You can't cite admissions from me that only exist in your delusions.

Qtard: You will be crying "that was just for one time"???

No. No times. It didn't happen. Though you may cite words of mine and (as per you) what my words "really mean". But those are your delusions, crazy cretin.

Anonymous said...

\\ Dervish Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: You ALREADY forgot. OWN admissions. That you lied. That you forgot.

\\ I made no such admissions.

Here you written it. AGAIN!!!

And what if I'd provide QUOTES here? ;-P


\\Impossible. You can't cite admissions from me that only exist in your delusions.


Because you'd claim "I NEVER said it"? AGAIN!!!!


Or... that was cretin with some other nickname? ;-P

Though... same ACCOUNT.


\\No. No times. It didn't happen. Though you may cite words of mine and (as per you) what my words "really mean". But those are your delusions, crazy cretin.
