Friday, May 10, 2024

The HIGH Cost of Virtue Signalling...

John Daniel Davidson, "The Discovery Of ‘Mass Graves’ Of Indigenous Canadian Children Was Actually A Massive Hoax"
Three years after reports of indigenous mass graves triggered the torching or vandalism of 85-plus churches, no graves have been found.

Three years ago, a major story broke in Canada that seemed to confirm every left-wing prejudice against Christians imaginable: A mass grave containing the remains of indigenous children was supposedly discovered on the grounds of what had once been a government boarding school run by the Catholic Church.

It turns out the whole thing was a hoax, a modern-day blood libel against Christians that ended with at least 85 Catholic churches across Canada destroyed by arson, vandalized, or desecrated. Canadian political and civil society leaders cheered on this destruction — and then doled out hundreds of millions of dollars to investigate the mass graves and create a “support fund” for indigenous people.

To this day, no human remains have been recovered at the site of the alleged mass grave, despite nearly $8 million spent looking for them.

You won’t hear the corporate press report on this story now, but in the summer of 2021, it was everywhere. And no wonder, it had all the elements of a just-so story. The mere historical existence of these former boarding schools, which operated from the 1860s to the 1990s, remains a source of outrage among liberal Canadians. The residential school system, as it was called, often separated indigenous Canadian children from their families and communities, forcing them to attend chronically underfunded government schools, the purpose of which was to assimilate and acculturate indigenous Canadians into European Canadian society.

The history here was bad enough — a racist outrage, as far as Canadian liberals were concerned. But then came news of the mass graves. The Catholic priests and nuns who ran the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia had, it seemed, callously discarded the corpses of hundreds of dead schoolchildren in mass graves on the school grounds. Or so said the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation, which claimed that ground-penetrating radar had revealed the remains near the site of the former school.

In a healthy society, an explosive claim of this sort would have been subject to at least some critical scrutiny. But Canada, like the U.S., is not a healthy society. Major outlets like CNN, NPR, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation simply regurgitated the claim as a verified fact, couching their coverage in the most hyperbolic terms possible. CNN called it an “unthinkable” discovery. The Washington Post declared the story had “dragged the horror of Canada’s mistreatment of Indigenous people back into the spotlight.”

Canadian politicians followed suit. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordered flags to be lowered to half-mast and demanded Pope Francis come to Canada and apologize (which he did, a year later). Trudeau said the discovery “is a painful reminder of that dark and shameful chapter of our country’s history.” British Columbia Premier John Horgan said he was “horrified and heartbroken.” The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said it was “a large scale human rights violation,” and called on Canada and the Vatican to investigate.

Canadian tribal leaders went further, saying the purported discovery was evidence of “mass murder of indigenous people,” and an “attempted genocide.” They compared the priests and nuns who ran these schools to Nazis.

Amid this escalating rhetoric came the arson. Churches across Canada, most of them Catholic and some more than a century old, were burned to the ground in retaliation. Not a few of the targeted churches belonged to indigenous congregations. Many of them were beautiful, historic churches. One was a Coptic Orthodox Church — never mind that the Coptic Orthodox Church had no historical connection to Canada’s residential schools. Churches that weren’t completely destroyed were vandalized, many of them with the words “charge the priests” scrawled in red paint.

In many cases, local law enforcement had no comment. Trudeau said he understood the anger driving the attacks. Harsha Walia, the executive director of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, tweeted, “Burn it all down.”

It was pretty obvious at the time that this was all a moral panic, ginned up by an indigenous tribe and cheered on by liberal elites who hate Western civilization in general and Christianity in particular. As my erstwhile Federalist colleague Chris Bedford reported at the time, the mass unmarked grave at Kamloops, and the hundreds of other such graves supposedly discovered at the site of other former schools that summer, were not what the outraged left said they were.

In almost every case, they weren’t mass graves, but individual graves, and they were located in cemeteries. “The reason the graves are ‘unmarked’ is that the wooden crosses used to mark them and the fence that kept them safe decayed,” Bedford wrote. “In other words, people have found that an old cemetery contained bodies.” It’s worth noting that they used wooden crosses because the government refused to pay for headstones. It’s also worth noting that these cemeteries don’t just contain the graves of schoolchildren but also of priests and nuns and other members of these communities. Indeed, many of these old cemeteries with unmarked, individual graves, were detailed in a Truth and Reconciliation Commission report released nearly a decade ago.

So there was no cover-up and no mass graves, just a complicated and nuanced history. But it’s a history Canada’s ruling political and media elite aren’t interested in exploring honestly.

Today, nearly three years after dozens of churches across Canada (and a few in the U.S.) were destroyed, there is not a shred of physical evidence for the claims that kicked off the hoax, despite millions of dollars spent on fieldwork, records searches, and securing the residential school grounds at Kamloops.

How could this be? After all, the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation had claimed ground-penetrating radar revealed mass graves at Kamloops. Chief Rosanne Casimir said at a news conference, “It’s a harsh reality and it’s our truth, it’s our history. And it’s something that we’ve always had to fight to prove. To me, it’s always been a horrible, horrible history.”

Asked recently about the $8 million allocated to uncover the truth about the mass graves, the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nation declined to comment.

The whole thing, it turns out, was a rank fiction — a blood libel cooked up to peddle historical grievances, provoke a moral panic, and demonize the Catholic Church and all Anglo Canadians. It worked. And now, three years later, you won’t hear a word from the politicians, media outlets, and liberal activists who perpetrated it.

Understand this dark episode for what it is: a battle in an ongoing cultural war against Western civilization — a war the West is losing.


Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

The Turd-0 Crime Dynasty is about to take a massive dump very soon. The Turd-0 Crime Cabal's been in power since the days Pappy Pete Turd-0 ran for office and stole the Prime Minister seat. Pappy Pete Turd-0's 59 Mercedes Benz had the number 666 on the Ontario Province license plate. I saw the picture in a book back in 1983.

Anonymous said...

That's because... CIA covered that. ;-P

Or... that was Secret Service of a Pope... see WHOLE truth in the next Most True Hollywood blockbuster. ;-P

Or that'll be series on Netflix. ;-)

Anonymous said...

\\In a healthy society, an explosive claim of this sort would have been subject to at least some critical scrutiny. But Canada, like the U.S., is not a healthy society.

Yeah... skeletons in a closet -- who don't have one... or two.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... the Azovs... ;)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...else people would LAUGH at the accusations, refutations NOT necessary. The LAUGHTER says it all.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

... it's when the straight-faced virtue signaling steps in that you know a nerve has been pierced.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Like, "Antifa? There's no Antifa!" That's not a REAL organization!" Instead of "Antifa? Ha-ha-ha-ha-h-a-ha!" See the difference?

Anonymous said...

\\ the Azovs... ;)

Like riding dead horses?

Who am I to talk you out of doing that? ;-P

\\refutations NOT necessary. The LAUGHTER says it all.

Not always... or swearing and false-witnessing would not be possible...

\\Like, "Antifa? There's no Antifa!" That's not a REAL organization!" Instead of "Antifa? Ha-ha-ha-ha-h-a-ha!" See the difference?

"Nazis of the Future will be calling themself anti-nazi".


Same as murderers and rapers... called themself Good Christians.

There is NO protection from such a flip-flops of meaning.

Because words... words just a labels.

Joe Conservative said...

...and Democrats love re-brandings! Like election fraud filled "democracies with Hobson's Choice candidates" like Joe Biden!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: "Nazis of the Future will be calling themself anti-nazi".

Yeah, I have seen IT do that. Said IT was anti-Putin too. While defending his puppet, donald tRump. Attacking Joe Biden for strongly supporting Ukraine. Defending republiturds who are blocking Ukraine aid. I DID see the Newspeaking cretin do that.

Anonymous said...


In your delusions? ;-P

Yeah. Surrely you do.

But... as always. You cannot provide facts and factual quotes.

Because... all that just in your delusions. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

But... continue-continue, merry bunch of creins. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: In your delusions?

No, in reality. But, to IT, reality is a delusion.

Qtard: But... as always. You cannot provide facts and factual quotes.

Why? You wouldn't remember them anyway. Or you'd claim, "my words meant something else".

Anonymous said...

\\No, in reality. But, to IT, reality is a delusion.


For you cretin IT -- it is.

Thank you for admission. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Why? You wouldn't remember them anyway. Or you'd claim, "my words meant something else".

That's why there is things as FACTual QUOTES.

Even geniuses used em. ;-P

But... cretins like you think that they have firm memory -- though they not. And keen mind -- though they not. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))