According to a new survey, as reported by left-leaning The Hill, the majority of Democrat voters want Kamala Harris to be the party’s presidential nominee again in 2028.
The recently released Puck News/Echelon Insights poll found that 41 percent of likely Democrat voters would vote for Harris to be atop the Democrat ticket again in 2028, as opposed to only 8% who preferred California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), who placed second. This is great news … for Republicans!
Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Penn.), whom many thought should have been Harris’s running mate in 2024, garnered 7 percent.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), Harris’s actual vice presidential pick in 2024, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg each got the nod from 6 percent of those surveyed.
Assorted other clowns and scofflaws Democrats received from 1% to 4% of the votes of those surveyed.
The poll of 1,010 likely voters was conducted from November 14-18. The poll’s margin of error is claimed to be 3.5 percentage points.
all me a skeptic. I don’t want to say the poll is suspect, but this would be nearly akin to Democrats wanting to run Walter Mondale again in 1988, after he was lambasted by Ronald Reagan in 1984, losing the Electoral College 525 to 13, and being bested in the popular vote by nearly 17 million tallies.
Not much surprises me anymore, but I must admit to being somewhat gobsmacked when I read this story.
Apparently, these Democrats want to be re-burdened by what has been.
Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Saturday, November 23, 2024
Proof that You Can't Fix Stupid...
Eric Utter, "Poll finds Democrats want Kamala again in 2028"
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Who knows. It's some time off. Is it going to be Harris vs Vance? There will definitely be a primary. It will probably be two White guys facing off in the end. I'd have said no in regards to the poll. Though not because (like you) I'm a White Supremacist who believes in patriarchy. I'd be a "no" because the process should play out next time. There is no reason for it not to. Unless d0n0ld tries again to illegally retain power. If he isn't dead.
"Stupid" (as per you) is thinking a Black/Indian woman could possibly be president. Qtard (another misogynist) said a "girl" can't be president. A minority "girl" definitely can't be president. In your view. And other misogynists like you.
2028 will likely be another high turnout election. Given the spectacularly horrible job tRump is certain to do this time. People are stupid, but those people are the ones that voted for tRump. Many are already regretting their vote. Think of how many will regret it in four years. So the next president will likely be a Democrat, who can then be blamed for all problems caused by what the prior president did.
It's a cycle that has repeated many times. A republican president screws things up and a Democrat Democratic president takes the blame. The voters chose to get things more screwed up over the next four years, unfortunately. But it won't be a biggie for you. You'll just blame Biden while tRump or Vance are president, then blame whatever White guy the next Democratic president is. Claim that d0n0ld was the bestest president ever, regardless of how sh!t things get during his reign.
Kamala's dumb as a stump and everyone knows it.
That's what they know about 72 IQ d0n0ld and his voters.
Reveals a lot about Kamala...
She lost to him.
It reveals that d0n0ld voters are morons. Kamala appealed to smart people. Seems they are outnumbered now.
Kamala appealed to rich luxury values voters... and her donors blessed her with a $billion to spend on celebrities.
Celebrities campaigned for her because they genuinely supported her. Who do you think she paid for their support? And I'm not a rich "luxury values" voter. Not just because "luxury values" are imaginary.
Hey, you woke Democrats like SHAW if you want to win elections, you could start by not claiming that everyone who disagrees with you must be stupid, illiterate, backward, racist, homophobic, uneducated, transphobic, etc., etc. YOU are actually acting like the IDIOTS THAT YOU SRE!
Perhaps you'll listen to a sensible liberal such as Alan Dershowitz for example!
I Say Let Donald Trump build his team however he needs to get the job done. What We NEED TO GET THIS COUNTRY BACK TO WHERE IT WAS BEFORE THE WOKE MOVEMENT TOOK HER OVER AND RUINED HER!
:P lol!
JEALOUS Shaw said:
“RFK Jr. compared Trump to Hitler and praised descriptions of his supporters as ‘Nazis’”
Give it up already Shaw. KAMALA and YOU LOST. BIG TIME!
Dervy's IQ is 69 at the highest.
I hope Mamala tries out for President in 2028. It'll be an amusing clown show to watch as she gets her monkey spanked again. That is, if she's alive in 2028. No one other than God Almighty knows the whole picture of what specifically will happen in the future. Now I do hope she's healthy and able to enjoy life daily through 2028, just like Jimmy Carter did after his 1980 defeat to Ronald Reagan. While I highly disagree with her about her policies, I certainly hope she stays healthy.
Dervish needs to stop sniffing the sloppy seconds.
d0n0ld voters are the figment of Dervish's drug induced delusions.
Minus: LOL! [video link to BS from "Prof Black Truth"].
Right. Thank you for confirming that Kamala Harris did not pay celebrities for their endorsement. She paid for advertising and to cover expenses. Did d0n0ld receive any FREE advertising? Lee Greenwood and Hulk Hogan had no expenses associated with their appearance at the RNC and the d0n0ld didn't reimburse them for their expenses?
Then the d0n0ld campaign may have broken campaign finance laws. Because the celebrities themselves paying these expenses would have counted as an in-kind campaign contribution. The Harris campaign paid these expenses in accordance with campaign finance laws.
Did the d0n0ld campaign break these laws? I'm thinking it is likely he did. Because he has a long history of ripping people off and being a deadbeat by not paying his bills. And we know he very clearly is above the law. Why should campaign finance law even apply to him?
But they do apply to Kamala Harris. if you weren't attacking Kamala Harris for following the law by dishonestly saying she paid for celebrity endorsements, you'd be attacking her for violating campaign finance law and illegally accepting in-kind contributions.
It looks like Mystere is praying to Satan for Kamala Harris to die in the next 4 years. Though he walks it back... "I hope she dies, though not really. In fact, I hope she has good health". Right. I'm not buying it, Mystere. You clearly want Kamala Harris dead. You'd have a good laugh if that happened. She wasn't poisoned as you claimed a fake prophet said she would be. Are there any new fake prophecies concerning the upcoming death of Kamala Harris?
What about Joe Biden? You probably want him to live now. So the Turd-2 administration can falsely charge him (and family members) with crimes and have them arrested. You're probably anticipating mass arrests of Democrats and them being sent to Gitmo. In accordance with your fantasy about Hillary and Bill Clinton, their daughter and grandchildren being executed. Fantasies you have because you are an evil Turd.
I'm calling BS on "Professor Black Truth". His YouTube "About" page says he is located in France. Yet he is an expert in regards to what is going on in the Black community in America? Also, is he Black, or only sharing what he considers "Black Truth"? I say it's possible he's a White rightturd scamming his contributors out of money. He gives his Patreon and his Paypal links. He wants your money to tell you lies you like. But I doubt Minus gave him any money. Though he does like his lies. Same as with the lies of Candace Owens.
Black Kamala = Democratic Party Minstrelry at its' finest.
Dervish is upset because he lost a huge chunk of cash by donating to Kamala's campaign. Now how much did you lose, Dervy? Close to $3800? And now your Internet is being throttled because your sugar daddy can't pay your bills? Getting squirrely, Dervish?
Oh wait, this is what happened:
Rattrapper November 21, 2024 at 4:20 AM
"By the way Dervy, how much did you sink into Mamala's sunken war chest? You must have sunk a huge sum of cash, since you seem quite bitter. Don't worry, Dervy. At least the burning smell of the cash masked your flatulent stench from your long farts you ripped."💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨💨
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders November 21, 2024 at 10:44 AM
"I gave "Mamala" the $3300 maximum. And I also gave several tens of thousands to the "Mamala" Future Forward PAC. I am very bitter that d0n0ld cheated by lying so egregiously and that morons believed those lies."
Now that explains why you're acting quite squirrely these past few weeks.
You certainly are gullible. I didn't tell you how much I donated, if anything. And I am not going to tell you. The real amount was less. You'd call that "bait". And you fell for it. What a dope.
Did you get a picture with her?
Joe, I think I found a picture of Dervish with Kamala 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
But I'm a principled kind of guy, so I won't torture my blog readers with it. At least for now. But if Dervish misbehaves badly and goes apewol, I might be forced to censor some of it and post the picture. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
Dervish claimed he invented some looney contraption and named it Mystere. And now he claims it's praying to Satan for Kamala to die in the next 4 years. Hey Dervish, you do realize machines don't pray, don't you? Your machine is going to break down and malfunction when you least expect it to.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
I didn't invent any "loony contraption" and give it your Turd name, Mystere. I left a comment on your blog in which I called you a farting machine. That's called an analogy. But you, due to being an imbecile, took my words literally.
I don't have any pictures of, or me with, Kamala Harris.
Mystere: d0n0ld voters are the figment of Dervish's drug induced delusions.
So what you're saying is that Kamala Harris received 100 percent of the vote and every single vote d0n0ld received was actually a stolen vote? That's the way the election should have went down. Given what a terrible job d0n0ld did the first time. Yet there are some people who want to see America destroyed. You being one such person. Do you think that you are a figment of my imagination? You don't exist, Mystere? Or did you vote for Kamala Harris?
Minus is obviously at a loss for words in regards to me pointing out that the Harris campaign paid some endorser's expenses in accordance with campaign finance laws. If she had not it would have been an "in kind" campaign contribution from whichever celebrity was reimbursed or paid for advertising on their respective media platforms.
Did the tRump campaign broke these laws, Minus? Or did they also pay for celebrities to endorse their candidate?
Sounds like the Democrats have got nothing but pure astroturf to me. Good luck fund raising for the future.
It sounds to me like lots of successful people were willing to risk their "brand" and come out in support of Kamala Harris. Dwayne Johnson, who endorsed Joe Biden in 2020, chickened out this time and declined to make an endorsement. But many others stepped up and may now suffer the consequences of a magamoron "boycott". Mark Hamill saw hate lobbed at him because he strongly supported Kamala Harris.
Democrats being "pure astroturf" is your delusion. The d0n0ld campaign was bigly astroturf and bigly propaganda. In your delusions Elon didn't buy twitter to transform it into a disinformation platform with the sole goal of assisting tRump? That's 44 billion. Kamala spent a measly 1 billion.
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