Friday, October 11, 2024

Luxury Values vs. Prosperity Values

 Wall Street vs. Main Street

Recent Hymns from the Atheocracy of Woke:


Opinionated and Right said...

The Democrats have failed in a big way. They threw a Senile President under the bus and anointed a very unpopular woman who is even much less likable than Hillary Clinton who the Democrats had previously run and who lost.... Why should Harris do any better, when she should actually do much Worse, a Bigger Liar, and just as Ugly ?

Joe Conservative said...

She's their "Change" candidate....

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I have definitely not heard about the "Lord and Savior Current Thing". Because that is obviously imaginary. And I definitely do not support the "current thing". I only support things after knowing what they are and then deciding if I like them or not. A "current thing" that is happening is tRump running for predisent again. I don't support that.

"We have to ban free speech to save democracy" is also imaginary. Nobody is proposing banning free speech. This meme is rightturd propaganda. Designed to encourage people to support their continued ability to spread lies with no push back. No need to worry, rightturds, you have Elon Musk on your side. And now also Mark Zuckerberg.

FYI, d0n0ld is an ugly Turd. Also a White Supremacist, a misogynist, a raper, an antisemite, an insurrectionist, a proven fabulist, a fascist and a convicted felon. He LOST in 2020 -- why should he do any better this time?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Should I know who the people in that image are?

Joe Conservative said...

Your atheocracy has no lord and saviour... only bureaucrats.... and "the current thing".

Joe Conservative said...

No, merely feel their outrage!

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Free Speech bad, Democracy good!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: No, merely feel their outrage!

You won't feel similarly outraged if/when Kamala Harris is elected president?

btw -- telling rightturd lies unchecked is Free Speech, while authoritarianism is good... As per tRump supporters.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

btw, it is good to know you won't be outraged when Kamala Harris is elected. I assume that means there will be no whines about imaginary cheating that stole the election from d0n0ld?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Only way that could ever happen is massive voter fraud. So yeah, outrage will be warranted

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

but we know there wasn't any fraud in 2016, right (psssst - Tell Hillary!).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nope, only rioting in the streets, You know, "peaceful" protests.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

PBS News: Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, criticized the Bush administration's response to the health concerns. "After dragging its feet for over a year, the administration has finally come clean and released data on the health risks facing occupants of travel trailers in the Gulf Coast. I fully expect FEMA to comply with CDC's recommendation and begin moving people out immediately", Thompson said. link.

Though it isn't the bush trailers you're talking about, apparently. Sending poison trailers to disaster victims seems to happen often. Or at least twice.

But, yes, I agree. Whoever is responsible for those poison trailers being sent (this time) should be prosecuted and punished. I doubt you're going to find that either Bill or Hillary Clinton personally signed off on sending poison trailers to Haiti. Did the d0n-0ld administration look into it? As I recall, he was very keen on locking her up. Maybe if/when he gets back in office? If they did it they should go to prison. Along with d0n-0ld.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Nope, only rioting in the streets, You know, "peaceful" protests.

If d0n0ld loses? Why would there be protests? I'm thinking people will be dancing in the streets. To celebrate that democracy was saved and that a White Supremacist didn't become the "unitary executive" emperor.

Joe Conservative said...

White supremacist must be NewSpeak for a rational citizen.

Joe Conservative said...

...and you give Bill & Hillary a pass. How very white of you.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The d0n-0ld administration gave them a pass. If they did anything that could be criminally prosecuted. The d0n0ld administration declined to look into it. It can't be known exactly what they knew and what level of responsibility they have (if any) given that it was never investigated. Meanwhile you give d0n0ld a pass for crimes of his that were (and are) being investigated. With guilt proven (or potentially to be proven in court). You dismiss it all as fake even when proven in court or before a court trial occurs (the result won't be legit unless he's found innocent). How White Supremacist of you.

While I'd accept a court finding. So long as the process was above board and we knew the evidence was legit. d0n0ld has promised to persecute his enemies, so I'd find it potentially suspicious if Bill and Hillary were "convicted" in a second d0n0ld administration. Though I'm open to the possibility that they might be guilty of something. While you don't care if d0n0ld is guilty. You celebrate his guilt by declaring him to be an "outlaw".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Is Mark Zuckerberg a hero to you yet? Mystere says Threads is Satanic. What a dope. btw, why hasn't Mystere commented? I DEMAND that Mystere comment.

Dervnac The Bigliest Imbecile said...

苦行僧西桑德斯的屁股有乔拜登的巧克力片冰淇淋锥的香气。Mein Arsch prahlt wieder! Ich werde joebiden Furz!Моя дупа знову бурчить! Мені потрібно вирізати великий пердун!Adolf Hitler məni həyəcanlandırır.Adolf Hitler macht mich geil.아돌프 히틀러는 나를 흥분하게 만듭니다.Adolf Hitler sprawia, że czuję się napalony.La barbacoa haitiana es deliciosa.Il barbecue haitiano è delizioso.Le barbecue haïtien est extrêmement délicieux.Churrascos haitianos são muito deliciosos.:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):-))))))))))))))))))))))))))0의 엉덩이에는 Joe Biden의 초콜릿 칩 아이스크림 콘의 향기가 있습니다.Задница Дервиша Си Сандерса имеет аромат шоколадного кусочка мороженого Джо Байдена.الله أكبر! هيل هتلر! هيل هتلر!Αλλάχ Akbar! HEIL ΧΊΤΛΕΡ! HEIL ΧΊΤΛΕΡ!Gott ist größer! Gott ist der Höchste!Derwisch Xi Sanders' Hintern hat das Aroma von Joe Bidens Schokoladenstückchen-Eistüte.الله أكبر! هيل هتلر! هيل هتلر!Ich rieche wie Joseph Bidens Arschstecker.我的屁股又隆隆作响了!我要放屁!海地烧烤非常美味。:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):-))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

Joe Conservative said...

The Deep State gave Bill & Hill (& Biden) a pass. They protect ALL UniParty members.

Joe Conservative said...

...because the UniParty shields them.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The "UniParty" is imaginary. If it were real it would surely be to great a foe for d0n0ld to defeat. The chances of d0n0ld winning the election would be ZERO. So, given that you believe in this imaginary thing, why do you hold out hope that d0n0ld could return to the White House?

Joe Conservative said...

Because most UniParty members like Liz Cheney and Shifty Schiff are idiots.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

They are far smarter than d0n0ld. He is an idiot. Though good at grifting other idiots. People like Mystere. You're just a democracy hater. By your own admission.

Joe Conservative said...

Isn't that what capitalism is? Grifting other idiots?