Monday, October 7, 2024

Should Public Institutions Be Biased Towards Truth Telling or Control?

 IMO, the Democrats and Neocons are going all-in for Control. The University Discourse now works on providing expert immediate justification for the Master's Discourse (Government), regardless of truth.  The Press, Arbiter of Culture, disseminates the University Discourse to the Public by rubber stamping, without the due diligence of fact-checking it.  To ensure that this state of affairs continues, the Master Discourse of Government also now claims the oversight right to further implement their Control Operations throughout the Culture via Media's Big-Tech Censorship Regime, declaring even truthful, but uncontrolled information, Mis/ Mal information and then manually or algorithmically removing or suppressing it...

...thereby removing the elements harmful to it (Government), and not necessarily the population as a whole (Citizens of the nation).  Treating Information as a manufactured consumer product like so much decaffeinated coffee or sugarless cola.
Nothing satisfies a Patriotic Citizen like a little excess of Government!

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