Sunday, October 13, 2024

Kamala's Black-face Minstrel &/or Election Show (cont'd)

...and shuffling center stage...
...the Minstrel Show's Grand Emcee announcing the approaching election "cake walk"!
"CUT!  Rewind Tape.  Bring in the Stunt Doubles!  Do we have any good voice actors lined up for the Voice Over?  Can we get an AI to resync Audio and Visual on this?"


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Zach De Gregorio aka WolvesAndFinance is a Democrat? He claims he is, but I don't believe him. I do believe he is a racist, as he confesses.

21:00 "The Democrats are so racist".

Is Michelle Obama a Man?

He's totally onboard with the rightturd tactic of attacking the Democratic candidate with conspiracy theory BS. What a Turd. He's clearly a rightturd. Despite claiming to be a Democrat.

Why aren't you still attacking Michelle Obama? She will still be the Democratic potus nominee, won't she? That former CIA dude said the nominee was NEVER going to be Kamala Harris. This must be a trick to get the right to stop attacking Michelle Obama and redirect their lies to the fake candidate, Kamala Harris.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Barack Obama is gay!" He hasn't had enough girlfriends.

27:45 "It seems like all these concerns would be so easy for Michelle Obama to explain away, but for some reason she's not doing it. I don't understand this. Why doesn't she say something?"

Yet this liar says he "doesn't" think Michelle Obama is a man. SURE. He mentions right in the beginning of the video you posted that he is concerned about being censored by YouTube. So he says -- I don't believe Michelle Obama is a man... **wink, wink**

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Barack Obama is "bi". And Michelle likes her chef salads on the side.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I get it. As per Jimmy D0re a certain flight log is being released soon. So Obama has to be bi so the dupes will buy the narrative that his name will be on the list. It doesn't matter if it actually isn't. A fake list will be released. Mystere already posted one such fake list on his blog. Of people who fake went to the island.

Conversely, it doesn't matter if tRump's name is on the list. That will be a "deep state frame job".

btw, isn't Jimmy D0re going to talk about how Kamala Harris isn't Black? He must have -- you just haven't posted the video yet, right? Because I'm sure Jimmy gets the rightturd talking points. And definitely talking about how Kamala Harris isn't Black is on the talking lies list.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Aren't you going to do a post re Kamala Harris lying about working at McDonalds? Surely that will cinch it for d0n0ld. People will be super outraged about that imaginary lie.

Joe Conservative said...

She would have been more credible if she had lied about working at a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I have heard of the racist stereotype that 7-11 employs Indian Americans, but I haven't heard of a racist stereotype regarding Dunkin Donuts. Do they employ a lot of African Americans?

That was a completely credible racist comment, btw. If it had been made by "anonymous" I would have guessed it was you. Maybe some other racist. Your fellow White Supremacists do comment from time to time. Though they (racists from Lisa's blog) usually cut and paste the same trumper BS they post there.

Joe Conservative said...

East-Asian Indians own many Dunkin' Donuts... it's an easy to operate family friendly franchise. I don't know if they employ a lot of African-Americans, they seem to be more "family-run".

And you're the only who cares a whit about race.

Joe Conservative said...

I simply call things as I see them.

Joe Conservative said...

Indian immigrants now own about a third of the 171 Dunkin' Donuts franchises in the Washington-Baltimore market, according to Dunkin' Donuts marketing executives. Franchisees say almost all of them are from the same part of India -- the western coastal state of Gujarat, where the Patels are the largest clan.

Joe Conservative said...

ps - Your racism is also showing when you say, "I have heard of the racist stereotype that 7-11 employs Indian Americans".

Employs? Nope. Own.

7-Eleven and South Asians, An American Success Story
The franchise became both the lifeline of new immigrants — who own as many as 70% of 7-Elevens in the U.S. — and the punchline of racist jokes.

Stereotypes or facts? Can facts be racist?

Joe Conservative said...

No wonder you want spreading "malinformation" criminalized. you a good little totalitarian useful idiot.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So no Indian people work at 7-11? 7-11s are owned by Indian Americans but have no Indian American employees? This isn't a stereotype? Who knew? They aren't owner/operators who also work in and run their stores? I don't know where you're getting your information from, but I don't think this is accurate. Must be another delusion.

I thought you were implying that Kamala Harris might work at a 7-11 because her mother was of Indian heritage. But, if Indian Americans only own 7-11s and aren't 7-11 employees, then that fictional employer wouldn't be believable as you said originally. She should have said that, as a teenager, she owned a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts? She could have used all her former slave-owner money to buy a franchise.

Minus: Your racism is also showing when you say, "I have heard of the racist stereotype that 7-11 employs Indian Americans".

BS. How can hearing something be racist? Can facts be racist? Only if you hear them, apparently. According to you.

Minus: No wonder you want spreading "malinformation" criminalized. you a good little totalitarian useful idiot.

That's another of your delusions. I never said that's what I want. Even if it was, that's not as bad as what your leader wants. Which is to jail people who tell the truth. I think he would like to see Jimmy Kimmel arrested for telling jokes. I've never called for the Turds at the Babylon Bee to be arrested.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders is gay! **wink, wink** Mystere posted on his blog people who went to the island. **wink, wink**πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

And the envelope, please...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Jail people who tell the truth. I call for the Turds at the Babylon Bee to be arrested for telling the truth.

Thersites said...

Ever have a family business Derv? Didn't think so. I grew up in Silicon Valley in the early 70s. A neighbor of mine 2 doors down worked for 3M and bought a milling machine and put it in his garage. He started to do small jobs for other business' in the Valley. Soon he quit his job and made parts full time. When he went to sleep, his sons kept turning out parts. Soon the rented space in a small business park, bought more mills and started hiring machinists to run them. His sons also worked their. His sons friends (me, et al) also worked weekends and nights making parts. Eventually, he had over 100 employees.

There is no employment record of me working for Boss Tool & Die. I got paid $5 off the books. That's what I mean about Kamala's history being more "credible". It would also explain why there'd be no records of her employment.

Did her mom own a McDonald's? Her next door neighbor? She never says. She doesn't even try. That's why we all know its' a lie.

Thersites said...

ps - Oakland (where Kamala grew up) was about 30 miles away from me. My cousin was married to sister of the president of the Hells Angels in Oakland. My sister lived about 5 miles from Oakland in Berkeley. All her hogwash about the Civil Rights movement and integration... was hogwash.

Fweedom! BWAH!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: That's why we all know its' a lie.

"We" being White Supremacists. And pro-White Supremacy minorities.

The rest of us know that d0n0ld's tall tale of a million dollar loan from his father (paid back with interest) being use to create multi-billion dollar empire is a lie.

Minus summarized: "I demand granular details of your life story or will believe it is a lie". I don't know those details about Joe Biden. Nor do I care. But I think you only care about such details in regards to minority candidates for president. Claiming that those details are lacking and therefore something is being covered up -- that is central to your false narrative. Kamala Harris just lies about everything for some reason.

While we know why d0n0ld lies. To make himself appear a self made big shot. When he had his wealth handed to him by his father. And lucked into more wealth re Mark Burnett. He really is a "lucky loser". Yet you deny this TRUE narrative and keep spinning false ones re Kamala Harris. Or lap up the false narratives provided by others. Liars like Candace Owens.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Why is the 60 minutes video attached to this post? It is a different topic. We all know what d0n0ld wants to do in Gaza -- help the war criminal NuttenYahoo flatten it and murder as many of the inhabitants as possible. Including their own hostages, which apparently NuttenYahoo doesn't want back. I'll take Kamala Harris over that. She didn't about sharks and Hannibal Lecter.

Kamala Harris isn't "skilled" enough to pull off the weave. "Skilled" aka dementia addled.

:-))))))))))))))))))))))))))0 said...

Kamala Harris macht mich geil.

Joe Conservative said...

She's sooooo Middle Class... BWAH!

Joe Conservative said...

60 Minutes validates the Minstrel Show. It gives Kamala "the cake"!