Saturday, October 5, 2024

Kamala Harris Deconstructed

The Travelling Minstrel Show and Long Con of Some White Jamaican Slave Owners and Indian Communists Continues....

"Follow the $"... if you can!
A Debunker already Debunked!  He doesn't do any "due diligence" is matching story narratives to pictures like Candace does!

Why are no "relatives" ever smiling when photographed with Kamala?


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Follow the $"... if you can! = Goldco (17:45)

"Go to Candace likes Gold dot com".

There you go.

Joe Conservative said...

When the author's narrative story and the pictured person's names don't match... issue a Silver Alert!

Where's Joe???

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Did you go to and make her some money? Or are you mooching her videos?

Joe Conservative said...

I'm a moocher.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Thanks for the free hate".

You don't want to earn any money for a spade, right? As a White Supremacist you appreciate that a spade is spreading your false narratives, but that doesn't mean you'll give her any money. Though some of your peeps must be. Given that (as per g00gle) she is worth somewhere between 1 and 5 million.

Joe Conservative said...

When you watch TV, do you buy every product advertised? Cuz just about every ad pitch has a "person of colour" pitching it. I know, you're too much of a white supremacist to spend any money for a spade, right?

gtf up, Dervy. Not everyone obsesses over race. Candace produced this content for you, and to feed your racial obsession, not mine. She's making fun of it, and showing the destructiveness of the racial obsession. There's no "social justice" in voting for former slave owners just because they can put on a good minstrel show.

Joe Conservative said...

...and to think that rewarding a good minstrel show with more power as you advocate on "superficial evidence" is the definitely the height of social injustice.