Ned Cosby, "The once-great city of Baltimore: America’s Chernobyl"
“I wish they could do something about the squeegee boys!” said a witness to Timothy Reynolds’ shooting.
Last week, “squeegee kids” near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor approached Reynolds, a father of three, as he sat in his car. He apparently refused the unsolicited “services” offered, and a conflict escalated. Reynolds parked his car and unwisely got out with a baseball bat to scare off the unwanted highwaymen. Next, the “squeegee kids” hit Reynolds with a rock and then four gunshots. The father is now dead and his assailants are still at large.
One of the mantras that gained prominence in the late 20th century may become the epitaph of the once-great city known as Baltimore: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” For years, Baltimore’s leaders have adopted a “People will do what they do” attitude toward criminals in their city. This stance, made famous by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a native of Baltimore, is the Democrat’s attitude toward “law and order.” This is why Baltimore is becoming America’s Chernobyl.
Baltimore is in a relentless decline. However, you may not voice this undeniable trend too loudly because you will be met with accusations of (are you ready for this?) racism. Meanwhile, the residents of Baltimore and the rest of us in Maryland pour millions of taxpayer dollars into a city that is giving corruption a bad name.
In 1988, for example, a good friend gave birth to her first child at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore. The birth and delivery were uneventful until my friend left the hospital to take her new baby home. As she began to put the infant in the car, she was accosted by a man who tried to take the baby from her. God gave my friend the strength and cool-headedness to ward off the kidnapper. Once the man realized he was dealing with a momma bear, he fled. My friend and her baby left the scene of the attempted kidnapping baby for the safety of the suburbs.
The downward slide of Baltimore is truly tragic because Charm City has such a great history. It is the home of Babe Ruth, our national anthem, Johns Hopkins University, the Baltimore Orioles, the Baltimore Ravens, and Edgar Allen Poe’s final resting place. Oriole Park at Camden Yards is arguably the best ballpark in all of baseball. One of Baltimore’s most famous mayors, William Donald Schaefer, transformed Baltimore’s inner harbor into a popular tourist attraction in the late 20th century.
Nowadays, Baltimore is getting attention for all the wrong reasons. It is the fifth-most dangerous city in America and, in 2015, was the setting of the 2015 Freddie Gray riots.
As I call Baltimore America’s Chernobyl, I know there is hope. Chernobyl will not be safe again for 20,000 years. Baltimore can be safe again if its leaders do unto Baltimore what Rudy Giuliani did unto New York City from 1994-2001.
Because of the dogmas of Wokeness, Democrats running Baltimore will keep on with their insane governance. They will not do what common sense begs them to do to protect…the children;The leaders of Baltimore do not understand that government’s fundamental purpose is to protect its citizens. Mayor Giuliani understood this and made New York City a safe place to visit and live. Right now, Baltimore is criminal-friendly and negligent with regard to its residents and visitors. The changes needed call for iron will and unassailably rational political sanity. Feral Baltimore needs leaders who will dare to civilize Charm City again.
all other citizens;
Johns Hopkins University and the other Baltimore-area colleges;
the businesses in Charm City;
the Orioles;
the Ravens; and
tourists from all over the world.
Charm City still has a lot to offer, but growing numbers will not visit because they risk life, limb, and property if they dare visit. Making Baltimore safe for its residents and tourists is not unWoke or racist; it is the right thing to do and everyone except the criminals will benefit.
Postscript: I know Baltimore is not the only unsafe city in America. Those other places, however, are not 22 miles from my front door. President Johnson’s Great Society backfired all over America but did a real number on our cities.
Johnson and his policy team believed that expanding government funding for broken families would help save them. Instead, it incentivized single mothers to remain unmarried. By expanding welfare state programs to Americans who were already experiencing serious stress and hardship, it deepened the problems of illegitimacy, fatherless homes, and other cultural problems. Millions of Americans soon were engulfed in permanent chaos and dysfunction. A plague of fatherlessness ensued, with nearly 72 percent of all American black children being born to single mothers by 2015.
The federal decision in 1983 to release many from inpatient mental health hospitals also added enormous stress to the cities, increasing the problem of homelessness.
Is the city of Baltimore going to send Reynolds' family a bill for cleaning his blood off the sidewalk or are they just going to let jumping out of cars to chase people with a weapon go undeterred?
And what about the shooters who stood their ground and defended themselves? Ammunition isn't cheap. Will Reynolds' family be compensating them for the costs of the bullets fired?
No, "vics" only get billed if the cops do the shooting.
Baltimore Rule #1 - Never bring a bat to a gunfight
Baltimore Rule #2 - You come at the king, you best not miss.
Speaking as someone from the most dangerous city America, I can say Baltimore needs to step up its game if it wants to compete with St. Louis or break our rivalry with Detroit. There are two major gangs in St. Louis. One controls all the drugs, sex trafficking, gun running, car theft, murder for hire, and deeply corrupt ties to city and county prosecutors and judges. The other gang is not licensed by the state to wear badges and pull people over for speeding.
The people who shot Reynolds need to dig his body up and throw it on his family's porch on his birthday to show they ain't playing.
Baltimore is dangerous? Please. :P
Ya got me... proud?
I'm just sayin'... If St. Louis is going to be #1 at something, violent crime is it. We have to be extra violent to stay ahead of Detroit because the STLPD gets federal money for every crime they solve by feeding the report into a shredder. It's possible St. Louis was cheated out of the annual Murder Rate Championships a few times because of this.
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