Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Why Biden Will Lose


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Biden will almost certainly win. The only question is whether or not Dotard's (and his allies') efforts to steal him a second term (despite losing the popular vote) will succeed.

If the coronavirus pandemic is still an issue it will provide the GOP another method by which they could steal a 2nd term for Dotard.

Quote: Trump might not be able to cancel elections on his own. [However] ... Article two, section one of the U.S. constitution assigns each state legislature the power to "appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct" its electors. ... If the [coronavirus] crisis continues into November, or re-surges in the fall, individual ...[republican-controlled] state legislatures might... simply choose to override the winner of the statewide vote, substituting their will for the popular will. [end quote]

Why Dotard and republicans want the USPS destroyed -- they fear vote by mail (they fear the popular vote). A MAJORITY didn't want Dotard in 2015 and a MAJORITY will vote against him in 2019 (if they are able).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nobody ever stole an election from a Democrat. The cemetary has too many Democratic voters in it for them to EVER get cheated out of an election.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Right-Wing Pundits Say the Dead Are Committing Voter Fraud (excerpt) ...actual instances of voter fraud are rare to the point of being nonexistent, years of studies by academics, non-partisan government agencies, courts, and Republican organizations have found. That hasn't stopped some Republicans from pushing supposed anti-fraud measures that actually suppress voter turnout. [end quote]

Charges of illegals and dead people voting is a ruse to employ suppression. Dead people don't vote, family members simply don't call and have their names removed from the rolls.

btw, a Google search reveals that "Colorado, Oregon and Washington have the highest rates because each is a mail voting state and almost all of their votes were mail ballots. Six additional states reported over 50 percent of their votes as absentee ballots: Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Montana, and Utah".

As you can see, there are republican states that allow vote by mail.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Krystal Ball (from your video): "Biden has to just sit back and hope tRump makes mistakes" (re the coronavirus pandemic)... WTF? Isn't Krystal paying attention... at ALL??? I liked her when she was on MSNBC. But here is some strong evidence that firing her was a good idea. I'm wondering HOW did she land another gig?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Democrats suppress and withhold data from ALL voter fraud studies... because it would expose nearly 240 years worth of systematic fraud.

ps- Krystal's an intellectually honest Progressive, a category of Progressive that is very rare indeed.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Quote: A 2014 study by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, which reflected a literature review of the existing research on voter fraud, noted that the studies consistently found "few instances of in-person voter fraud". [end quote]

Krystal Ball is a "help Dotard stay in the White House (that will teach the Democratic establishment)" progressive. Why you praise her.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

In 2014 under Obama...

The team like the non-partisan IRS or FBI that spied on a political team wouldn't fudge a report....

..and you're right, she ain't as stupid as most Democrats. :)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Except neither of those things happened. Dotard is the predisent who is weaponizing government to go after his "enemies".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Well if the Orlando Weekly says it, it must be....

...better than the NY Times,

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I thought your reply might be about "payback". Or are you denying that Trump is in banana republic territory, eager to use government powers to crush anyone in his way? Even if we count your (largely imaginary) abuses by Obama, Dotard is significantly worse (and he'd be even worse if his underlings followed ALL of his orders).

Joe Conservative said...

Obama sank the USA into Banana Republic sh*t-hole country status way back in 2008.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Only in your imagination.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

And in speeches in Berlin and Cairo.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

wtf are you talking about? "Apology tour" BS?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

How about his Nobel Peace Prize for authentic blackness? lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No such Nobel peace prize exists :(

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Then what did Obama win for, invading Libya (Benghazi, Benghazi!)?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What acts merited Obama a Nobel then? His innovative use of Button props to "reset relations" with Russia? lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You'll have to ask the Nobel committee. I do know Putin rejected the "button prop reset". He decided to collude with Dotard instead (a dupe he'd been grooming since the 80s).

Joe Conservative said...

Then you agree, it was an affirmative action Nobel. :)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No. It was a "not gwb" Nobel. gwb would be the president who lied the US into two illegal wars. Being Black had nothing to do with Obama receiving the award, racist.

Joe Conservative said...

lol! Progressive Universalist white-guilt says "otherwise".