Monday, October 7, 2019

Rudy Schools the MSM


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I REALLY hope Rudy is held accountable for his outrageous lies when this is all over. With some serious prison time.

Joe Conservative said...

The only crime organization larger than the Five Families is the DNC. Sounds like Rudy's going to bust it, too!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

This don't look good for Sleepy Joe... he never registered as a lobbyist for Ukraine.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Interfax-Ukraine is Russian owned. Looks like fake news to me.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Russia-Russia! BWAH!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Deny-deny. BWAH!

No Russian "alternative facts" for me, thanks. I'm a member of the reality community, not your cult.

Joe Conservative said...

...said Polyphemus to No Man.

Thersites said...

Will Ambassador Yovanovitch testify about her own obstruction today?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Rudy Giuliani is under criminal investigation. Quote: ABC News reports that the business relationship between Giuliani and Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, the two men arrested Wednesday night as they tried to leave [flee] the country, is "a subject of the ongoing criminal investigation being conducted by federal authorities in New York"...

Your fake Ukraine narrative isn't going to stop Dotard's impeachment. He likely won't be removed, but this scandal isn't going to help get him re-elected. Hopefully enough voters will finally wake up to the fact that Dotard and everyone he surrounds himself with are brazenly corrupt. And he'll lose by enough votes so Kobach and Putin can't steal the election for him again.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Using the legal system to hide criminal activity has been the DNC's trademark since their old KKK days. Democrat sheriff at the scene of a car accident involving hit pedestrians, Sheriff to Deputy, "Let the Democrat driver go, but arrest the Republican who went through the windshield for breaking and entering... and the Republican that got thrown over the cliff for leaving the scene of an accident."

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Hiding criminal activity is the whole point of the oranges investigation. Dotard and Rudy - with the help of some crooked Ukranians - are constructing a "counter-narrative" to the Mueller report. Does not look like anyone is going to buy your oranges lies, though :)

Excepting cultists like you. Everyone else sees what an obvious crock of shit you idiots are cooking up. LOL.

Joe Conservative said...

Funny, since the Mueller report established that nothing happened, a counter narrative is unnecessary... it will establish the idiocy as to why we even investigated the stupid "nothing" in the first place.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The Mueller repot established collusion and obstruction. AKA impeachable and prosecutable high crimes, not "nothing".

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If true, then the House must have all the info needed to impeach... so why are they still "investigating"?

Vote to impeach or get off the pot, losers! LOL!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

They're getting testimony from all the participants in Dotard's latest collusion scheme (those who aren't breaking the law by refusing to show up). Nancy Pelosi says you can stuff it (re your side's "strategy" of trying to dictate how she does her job).