Sunday, February 11, 2024

Preparing for the End of Globalism...


Anonymous said...

Oceans will suddenly became unpassable? ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I thought the supply chain crisis was caused by Joe Biden?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

President Non Compos Mentis hasn't closed the Red Sea?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I guess the "target richness" has only declined. Maybe we should stop supplying the Houthis free targeting data?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Notice the number of ship going AROUND Africa now... just sayin'.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The EX-president is Non Compos Mentis

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The entire DNC is non compos mentis!

Dervish Sanders said...


Psychology Today: Research has indicated that individuals who are politically liberal are more likely to have higher ability than those who are politically conservative in America ... . However, this finding pertained to voters rather than political leaders those people had elected. This study demonstrates that in America, Democrats are more likely than Republicans to have a higher percentage of Senate and House members in the top 1 percent of cognitive ability and Democrats had a higher ability and education level, on average, than Republicans.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Higher functioning intelligence levels correlate directly to mental illness. It's a symptom of neurosis. Just ask Sylvia Plath.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You want to brag about the neuroticism of Democrats? LOL!

Plato, "Statesman"

STRANGER: But in those who were originally of a noble nature, and who have been nurtured in noble ways, and in those only, may we not say that union is implanted by law, and that this is the medicine which art prescribes for them, and of all the bonds which unite the dissimilar and contrary parts of virtue is not this, as I was saying, the divinest?


STRANGER: Where this divine bond exists there is no difficulty in imagining, or when you have imagined, in creating the other bonds, which are human only.

YOUNG SOCRATES: How is that, and what bonds do you mean?

STRANGER: Rights of intermarriage, and ties which are formed between States by giving and taking children in marriage, or between individuals by private betrothals and espousals. For most persons form marriage connexions without due regard to what is best for the procreation of children.

YOUNG SOCRATES: In what way?

STRANGER: They seek after wealth and power, which in matrimony are objects not worthy even of a serious censure.

YOUNG SOCRATES: There is no need to consider them at all.

STRANGER: More reason is there to consider the practice of those who make family their chief aim, and to indicate their error.


STRANGER: They act on no true principle at all; they seek their ease and receive with open arms those who are like themselves, and hate those who are unlike them, being too much influenced by feelings of dislike.


STRANGER: The quiet orderly class seek for natures like their own, and as far as they can they marry and give in marriage exclusively in this class, and the courageous do the same; they seek natures like their own, whereas they should both do precisely the opposite.

YOUNG SOCRATES: How and why is that?

STRANGER: Because courage, when untempered by the gentler nature during many generations, may at first bloom and strengthen, but at last bursts forth into downright madness.

YOUNG SOCRATES: Like enough.

STRANGER: And then, again, the soul which is over-full of modesty and has no element of courage in many successive generations, is apt to grow too indolent, and at last to become utterly paralyzed and useless.

YOUNG SOCRATES: That, again, is quite likely.

STRANGER: It was of these bonds I said that there would be no difficulty in creating them, if only both classes originally held the same opinion about the honourable and good;—indeed, in this single work, the whole process of royal weaving is comprised—never to allow temperate natures to be separated from the brave, but to weave them together, like the warp and the woof, by common sentiments and honours and reputation, and by the giving of pledges to one another; and out of them forming one smooth and even web, to entrust to them the offices of State.

Anonymous said...

\\Psychology Today: Research has indicated that individuals who are politically liberal are more likely to have higher ability than those who are politically conservative in America ...


They are "stable geniuses". :-))))))))))))))))))))

That's why they became so enraged... when dRump stole that much cherished self-reperesentation from them. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Joe Conservative said...

LOL! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Enraged" means they laughed at the dumb-dumb dementia calling himself a "stable genius"? Sure. Well, if you dunno what "enraged" looks like. Think laughter indicates enragement.

Minus must be extremely enraged.

Qtard is enraged as well. You can tell by all the moronic laughing.

Joe Conservative said...

What, you're the only one that's allowed to call himself a stable genius Derv?

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

\\ "Enraged" means they laughed at the dumb-dumb dementia calling himself a "stable genius"? Sure. Well, if you dunno what "enraged" looks like. Think laughter indicates enragement.


That's why they calling him "rapist", "fraudster", "fascists" and etc...

Because they laughing at him... merrily. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Perfectly cretinic assessment of things.


Continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: That's why they calling him "rapist", "fraudster", "fascists" and etc...

Yeah, Democrats aren't laughing about that. But they do laugh at him calling himself a "stable genius".

Qtard: Perfectly cretinic assessment of things.

Yeah. Your assessment is definitely cretinic. That Democrats CAN'T laugh at dotard donald for dumb things he does and says because he's a fraud committing fascist rapist.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Forced pretended hypocritical laughing... :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))000000

Anonymous said...


If he so dumb... but they STILL cannot beat him... what that makes out of that miserly DEMN-rats??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

Them being dumb and dumber??? ;-P

Anonymous said...

As Gandhi have said: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

dotard donald tRump is Ghandi.? Well, he also compared himself to Nelson Mandela.

The cretinic foreigner Qtard from far far away probably thinks the fascist orange turd dotard donald is JUST LIKE both of those people.

Qtard: Them being dumb and dumber???

Yes. dotard donald tRump is dumb. The people who support him are dumber.

But the Imbecile Qtard dunno how democracy works. Well, that is not new. We have known that about IT for a long time.

That is why IT likes this blog. It is run by someone who hates democracy and admires fascist rulers like tRump and Putin.

Anonymous said...

\\ Dervish Sanders said...

\\ dotard donald tRump is Ghandi.? Well, he also compared himself to Nelson Mandela.

Isn't he a human too?

Or... you under influence of DEMN propaganda myth. That "great democrats" of the past... is somehow are saint.

Go read something about Real World Ghandi. Or Mandela. ;-P

But you will not.

Too narrowminded to hold in your mind something bigger then 5 minutes of hates. :-)))))))))))))))))))))0

\\Yes. dotard donald tRump is dumb. The people who support him are dumber.

Whatever. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\But the Imbecile Qtard dunno how democracy works. Well, that is not new. We have known that about IT for a long time.


We know it.

About your alter-egos Imbecile and Qtard, IT. ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: Isn't he a human too?

That is not why you compared tRump to Ghandi. Or why tRump compared himself to Nelson Mandela.

Qtard: About your alter-egos Imbecile and Qtard, IT. ;-P

Incorrectly wrote "you" instead of "my". Yawn.

Anonymous said...

Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

PS Yeah. I encourage you to use your cretinic retort "Self-encouragement" here too.

For more lulz! :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yes, your comment is definitely self encouragement. You're going to laugh now? At who, yourself?