Saturday, February 17, 2024

Democrats Aren't Racist... Really! They're just "Uncomfortable".

On Making White Democrats Feel Comfortable

Coming Soon: Joe Biden's Black Knight Riding to the Rescue... cuz:

It's time for White Democrats to Start Feeling Comfortable Again!


Dervish Sanders said...

"Coming Soon: Joe Biden's Black Knight Riding to the Rescue"...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Think Kamala can get out the black vote for Democrats?

It'll be the Mooch. Count on it.

Dervish Sanders said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Fine, don't. Keep thinking that Biden, and not the Deep State, is in charge.

Dervish Sanders said...

I will keep thinking that. Because it's true. I'm not joining the tinfoil hat brigade.

Dervish Sanders said...

Instead, I will keep leading the tinfoil hat brigade, because I'm the God of the brigade. I'm the bestest bigliestest leader of the tinfoil hat religion ever. The United States will not have a Republican President for the next 80 years after Joe Biden bigly wins the 2024 election this November.

Anonymous said...

\\Fine, don't. Keep thinking that Biden, and not the Deep State, is in charge.

Deeply entrenched in government structures mafia? ;-)

Dervish Sanders said...

Mystere: Instead, I will keep leading the tinfoil hat brigade, because I'm the God of the brigade. I'm the bestest bigliestest leader of the tinfoil hat religion ever. The United States will not have a Republican President for the next 80 years after Joe Biden bigly wins the 2024 election this November.


Joe Biden will win. But NO, to the rest of the BS you wrote, Mystere.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Dervish Sanders February 18, 2024 at 11:01 PM
"Instead, I will keep leading the tinfoil hat brigade, because I'm the God of the brigade. I'm the bestest bigliestest leader of the tinfoil hat religion ever. The United States will not have a Republican President for the next 80 years after Joe Biden bigly wins the 2024 election this November."

Dervish Sanders February 19, 2024 at 2:17 AM

Joe Biden will win. But NO, to the rest of the BS you wrote, Mystere."

Giving Mystere credit for your retort, Dervish? But it has your name and it goes back to your account, Dervish, not Mystere's account.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

/Deeply entrenched in government structures mafia? ;-)

It helps to have a weak executive.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere aka Q-Tardo aka Rattrapper: Giving Mystere credit for your retort, Dervish?

I've never given you credit for ANY of my comments. I want credit for my comments. I don't want credit for YOUR comments.

Mystere: But it has your name and it goes back to your account, Dervish, not Mystere's account.

Because you entered my name and the URL to my account. I don't agree with that comment, Mystere. WHY would I write it? It's moronic. Because it was written by a moron -- you.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: It helps to have a weak executive.

But dotard donald had to get help from Putin to win in 2016. And he's still kissing Putin's ass (saying he'd encourage Putin to invade NATO allies). Hoping Putin will help him win in 2024.

Donald Trump is just a smaller, weaker Richard Nixon. Trump entered office with low inflation and low unemployment. He faced one major crisis in the COVID epidemic and, unsurprisingly, fumbled it badly. Trump's hesitating, vacillating response ended up dooming his reelection. In times of crisis, the American people tend to rally around their president, but that only lasts as long as the president demonstrates leadership and determination. Trump only demonstrated confusion, indecision and doubt. 07/10/23.

dotard donald is America's worst, most corrupt, most inept, most dishonest, dumbest, weakest president ever.

But he has an enormous ego and he insults people. To Minus that equals strength.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Trump ranks as worst president in US history in new academics poll. The 3rd installment of the "Presidential Greatness Project" ... asked academics to rank each of the 45 people who have served as president all the way from Washington to Biden. The survey is based on 154 responses from scholars across multiple disciplines, all of whom ... engage in presidential politics through their work. ... Unfortunately for Mr Trump, the Republican scholars did not help his low ranking, as he still came out in 41st place out of 45 among Republicans only. Among Democrat scholars, he placed 45th. 2/19/2024

As per says Barbara Perry, director of presidential studies at the University of Virginia's Miller Center...

Barack Obama [is] in the "highest category of intellect". ...even his fellow students at Harvard University felt the future 44th president was "on a different plane than most of the other brilliant people in the classes". I surely would put Obama and [Bill] Clinton in the top 5 ... There's just an ability of those men to comprehend, to analyze and synthesize, that is ... a true sign of brightness. link

Defense Sec Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of "a 5th- or 6th-grader" ... White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump "an idiot" ... Both Treasury Sec Steven Mnuchin and former chief of staff Reince Priebus called Trump an "idiot" ... Former economic adviser Gary Cohn said Trump was "dumb as shit", former national security adviser H.R. McMaster said the president was a "dope"... Former Sec of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a "moron" ... At a dinner in July 2017, McMaster mocked Trump, also calling him an "idiot" [and] a "dope" with the intelligence of a "kindergartner" ... Steve Bannon said ... that Trump was "like an 11-year-old child" link

"Shameful, weak, dangerous -- Biden campaign rips Trump for embracing Putin.

Haley calls Trump "weak in the knees" on Putin after Navalny death.

Michael Cohen: ...Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man... 02/19/24

John Bolton: ...if Trump is elected, there will be celebrations in the Kremlin, there's no doubt about it, because Putin thinks that he is an easy mark. 2/18/24

That dotard donald show weakness and subservience to his master Putin -- Minus LIKES that.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Dervy, why are you so supportive of Taylor Swift's effort's to steal away native American's heritage? Are you channeling the spirit of Democratic ancestors like Nathan Bedford Forrest?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Another brilliant man, very similar to Barrack Obama.

Rattrapper said...

Oh come on Dervish, be honest for once. You should have responded with this:
Dervish Sanders February 19, 2024 at 9:27 AM "I agree with that comment; it was written by a moron - me, The Honorable, Esteemed And Distinguished Judge Dervish Sanders, A High IQ Bourgeois Elitist.
I entered my name and the URL to my account."


Anonymous said...

\\Blogger -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

\\ /Deeply entrenched in government structures mafia? ;-)

\\ It helps to have a weak executive.

Especially... if it helps to win elections... to that "weak executive".

Classics! :-))))

Anonymous said...

\\Trump only demonstrated confusion, indecision and doubt. 07/10/23.

Unlike some certain Bi-den... that showed courageous and decisive response...

like with saying "Ukraine? They do not need planes"...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Air superiority would enable Ukraine to drive out the invaders... Biden wants you to "bleed" them. It's not the same.

Anonymous said...

Seems like that is the case...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Dervy, why are you so supportive of Taylor Swift's effort's to steal away native American's heritage?

I am NOT supportive of "Taylor Swift's effort's to steal away native American's heritage". It would be impossible for me to support her efforts. Because Taylor Swift is engaged in no such efforts. Either for me to support or oppose.

I would definitely be opposed to any such efforts of Taylor Swift -- if she ever does make any such efforts. But I'm just about 100 percent positive she never will engage in any such efforts.

I don't even know HOW she could do this. I thought your link might display an image of her wearing a Native American headdress. But no, your link is pro-racist propaganda that says the opposite of reality. "Native Americans AREN'T offended by using them as mascots" and Native Americans AREN'T offended by the "tomahawk chop chant". Instead they like both. It "honors their heritage".

Minus: Are you channeling the spirit of Democratic ancestors like Nathan Bedford Forrest?

The majority of Native Americans are opposed to using them as sports team mascots...

"Not In Our Honor was formed in 2005 by a group of Native American College students at the University of Kansas and Haskell Indian Nations University. They have continued to advocate against the use of Native American imagery in sports".

Are these Native Americans "channeling the spirit of Democratic ancestors like Nathan Bedford Forrest", Minus?

Minus is channeling the spirit of maga racist ancestors like donald tRump's favorite president, Andrew Jackson.

Steve Bannon saw a populist kindred spirit -- and a suitably rabble-rousing model for the anti-establishment course he hoped Trump would follow.

Trump agreed, which is why the Jackson portrait went up and the president was visiting Old Hickory's Tennessee home within weeks of his inauguration, never mind the instant outcry that greeted Trump's embrace of a slave-holding, Native American-fighting early 19th century predecessor as his role model.

fyi, Native Americans support Democrats over Republicans ... Native Americans remained solidly Democratic in their voting preferences... Native Americans supported Democratic candidates at 56% relative to 40% of Native Americans who reported voting for Republicans. (Brookings)

What is known is that Natives likely developed great support for the Democratic Party, as with African Americans, because of their inclusion and participation in New Deal programs. Says one Native who recalls the New Deal Era: "We had it good once he [Roosevelt] was in charge. The New Deal was a big deal here". (Wikipedia)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: like with saying "Ukraine? They do not need planes"...

Biden backs plan to provide Ukraine with advanced fighter jets.

Putin-puppeted republiturds saying "Ukraine? They do not need our support"...

Republicans Block Aid to Ukraine, Jeopardizing Its Fight Against Russia. 12/6/2023.

Majority of Republicans oppose Ukraine aid Democrats overwhelmingly support sending additional military aid to Ukraine, while a majority of Republicans oppose doing so, according to a NBC News national poll released Tuesday. Of Republicans surveyed, 35% said they supported additional Ukraine aid, compared to 77% of Democrats, per NBC News. 11/21/2023.

Qtard: Bu-ga-gah!

You keep writing this gibberish. Is it something members of the tinfoil hat brigade say to each other? Like a secret handshake? Qtard is saying to Minus, "hello fellow brigade member"?

Minus: Air superiority would enable Ukraine to drive out the invaders... Biden wants you to "bleed" them. It's not the same.

You? Qtard is a Ukrainian fighting for its country? Maybe Qtard is a Ukrainian pilot who knows it needs no training to fly an F16?

And what is with this "bleeding"? What about all your posts suggesting it's almost over and that Russia will be victorious soon? Now you say Ukraine is bleeding Russia -- and with planes they will win?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"They've adopted Blacks as mascots".

But isn't that GREAT?

That is what you say in regards to sports teams having Native American mascots.

Native American mascots are good but African American mascots are bad? Why?

Do Native American sports team mascots help you feel more comfortable, Minus?

Joe Conservative said...

I hate the Washington Commanders. I find it extremely offensive to perpetuate a mythology that Americans get their "commands" from Washington. we're a Republic. Our citizens GIVE the commands TO Washington politicians, they don't "receive" them from DC.

I'm more of an NJM kinda guy, Derv. Like the commercials.

But if Taylor wants to root for the "Chief's" why should I care? She wants to act like the kid with the Chief's head-dress and the black paint, that's her business. Right? Incite the crowd...

Joe Conservative said...

...and then cash in on <a href='">the Merch</a>!

Joe Conservative said...

Link above.

Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club said...

Who are we kidding? Derpish will keep denying that comments always link to the accounts of the people who made them.

Like this comment, for example. It links back to my Moonbat Slayer Club blog... proof positive that I, Mystere, am the author of this comment.

Nobody better beat their bongos and falsely claim this is a "fake" comment! This is a REAL comment posted by ME, the REAL Mystere. An awesome straight dude who likes it up the endo. And that is definitely not gay!

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: like with saying "Ukraine? They do not need planes"...

\\ Biden backs plan to provide Ukraine with advanced fighter jets.


And WHERE are they???

Why I DO NOT hear pig-squicks from Mos-Cow about nasty-nasty-F16 bombing their peaceful troopers???

Bi-den said:

Biden says no to F-16 jets for Ukraine - YouTube
YouTube · Reuters
32.3K+ views · 1 year ago
The United States will not provide the F-16 fighter jets that Ukraine has sought in its fight against Russia, President Joe Biden said on ...

\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

\\ ...and then cash in on <a href='">the Merch</a>!


Things in URL AFTER "?" sign... is unnecessary. (well, in most cases).

\\Putin-puppeted republiturds saying "Ukraine? They do not need our support"...

\\Republicans Block Aid to Ukraine, Jeopardizing Its Fight Against Russia. 12/6/2023.

Bi-den HAVE all his executive State Power to give that help EVEN without need of any legislation.

So that all is just bureaucratic tricks. Inside game of White House and DEMN-rats.


\\Majority of Republicans oppose Ukraine aid Democrats overwhelmingly support sending additional military aid to Ukraine, while a majority of Republicans oppose doing so, according to a NBC News national poll released Tuesday. Of Republicans surveyed, 35% said they supported additional Ukraine aid, compared to 77% of Democrats, per NBC News. 11/21/2023.

DEMN-aligned media spreading DEMN Propaganda BS.


Joe Conservative said...


I often hit the lower case ' instead of the upper case " when inserting the URL for a link. I'm not fast enough on the first CAPS LOCK key. :(

...and I added the bad link in the comment below the referenced post as a " link above".

Anonymous said...

Of... neither ' nor " are mandatory. ;-)

Like this

Like _a href=

Anonymous said...

Blogger fixes em by itself.

Machines must work. People -- think. ;-)

IBM Pollyanna Principle
Wikipedia › wiki › IBM_Pollyanna_Prin...
The axiom that "machines should work; people should think". e.g. machines should do all the hard work, freeing people to think (hence the reference to Pollyanna) ...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Biden says no to F-16 jets for Ukraine - YouTube. YouTube · Reuters. 32.3K+ views · 1 year ago. 0:23. The United States will not provide the F-16 fighter jets that Ukraine has sought in its fight against Russia, President Joe Biden said on ...

Joe Biden Approves F-16 Fighter Jets for Ukraine. US President Joe Biden has made a significant decision to fulfill Ukraine's long-standing appeal for modern combat aircraft. Biden informed G7 leaders that the United States supports the provision of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine through joint allied training programs. The training, which will occur in Europe, is expected to take several months to complete. The delivery of the F-16s and the training of Ukrainian pilots are estimated to take approximately 18 months. In response to Biden's announcement, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated that the UK, along with the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark, will collaborate to fulfill Ukraine's combat air capability requirements. However, Russia has expressed discontent with the US's decision, cautioning Western countries of potential risks associated with providing F-16s to Ukraine.

Qtard: Bi-den HAVE all his executive State Power to give that help EVEN without need of any legislation.

No. It doesn't work that way.

Qtard: So that all is just bureaucratic tricks. Inside game of White House and DEMN-rats.

No. It doesn't work that way. But you (due to your imbecility) will never acknowledge this FACT. Because you are obviously fact-challenged.

Qtard: DEMN-aligned media spreading DEMN Propaganda BS.

FACT-aligned media spreading honest poll results that Qtard does not like. So he calls the FACTS revealed via polling "DEMN Propaganda BS".

Where is your PROOF, Qtard? Proof that the "Demn aligned media" fakes polls? SOMEONE must have come forward and said "these polls are all fake. They just made them up". But NO, nobody has. Means... "DEMN Propaganda BS" is qtarded delusions.

As per Qtard's delusions, scientists and researchers are faking data and faking results. And reporters are faking interviews and publishing propaganda. It's ALL a huge conspiracy... in Qtard's paranoid delusions.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Oh, excuse me... I meant "Demn scientists" and "Demn researchers". Republican scientists and Republican researchers -- they base their findings on accurate non-adjusted data. You need to go to them for the truth.

btw, that is sarcasm. I point this out because Qtard dunno what sarcasm is. I said recently that Navalny and tRump -- they are both corrupt humans. Why it is valid to compare them. That was obvious sarcasm. But Qtard knew "what Derpy really mean". I said Navalny, he is NOT corrupt after that (to clarify my position). But Qtard knows my second comment was a lie. The sarcastic one -- that is what I REALLY meant.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Excuse me... I referred to Qtard as "he" in my comment above. I apologize. Qtard identifies as an "it". As it has told us many times. My mistake.

Anonymous said...

\\Joe Biden Approves F-16 Fighter Jets for Ukraine. US President Joe Biden has made a significant decision


Where is PLANES????!!!!!!!!!

\\Qtard: Bi-den HAVE all his executive State Power to give that help EVEN without need of any legislation.

\\No. It doesn't work that way.


Cretin trying to say that POTUSes DO NOT...

Keeping the Balance: What a President Can Do and ...
Harry Truman Library (.gov) › three-branches › what-...
make treaties with the approval of the Senate. · veto bills and sign bills. · represent our nation in talks with foreign countries. · enforce the laws that ...


make treaties with the approval of the Senate.
veto bills and sign bills.
represent our nation in talks with foreign countries.
enforce the laws that Congress passes.
act as Commander-in-Chief during a war.
call out troops to protect our nation against an attack.
make suggestions about things that should be new laws.
lead his political party.
entertain foreign guests.
recognize foreign countries.
grant pardons.
nominate Cabinet members and Supreme Court Justices and other high officials.
appoint ambassadors.
talk directly to the people about problems.
represent the best interest of all the people

\\As per Qtard's delusions, scientists and researchers are faking data and faking results.


If they NOT provide RAW DATA.

\\And reporters are faking interviews and publishing propaganda.

Yeah. If they DO NOT provide RAW DATA -- BARE FACTS.

While repeating propaganda talking points. Like, "Ukrainians are nazis".

\\It's ALL a huge conspiracy... in Qtard's paranoid delusions.

HOW it conspiracy??? If it all done openly. And even proudly????

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard's \\Joe Biden Approves F-16 Fighter Jets for Ukraine\\ So??? Where is PLANES??!!

Ukraine says its air force is bigger now than when Russia's full-scale invasion began. Yevhen Bulatsik, commander of the 7th Tactical Aviation [said] Ukraine's allies in central and eastern Europe have sent some of their ... Mig-29s.

After months of lobbying, Ukraine's allies also agreed to provide some US-built F-16 fighter jets. Ukrainian pilots have been training on them, and are due to enter combat service in 2024. Feb 22, 2024

Qtard: Bi-den HAVE all his executive State Power to give that help EVEN without need of any legislation\\ No. It doesn't work that way\\ BS. Cretin trying to say that POTUSes DO NOT... act as Commander-in-Chief during a war.

The United States is not at war.

Qtard: out troops to protect our nation against an attack.

The United States is not under attack.

Qtard: ...make suggestions about things that should be new laws. lead his political party. talk directly to the people about problems. represent the best interest of all the people

Joe Biden is doing all this. Anyway, you said BS to my correct and factual assertion that a president can NOT spend money that has not been appropriated by Congress. NOTHING you just quoted refutes that.

Well, you could not possibly find anything to quote to prove what I said is BS. Because what I said is true, not BS.

Qtard: \\As per Qtard's delusions, scientists and researchers are faking data and faking results\\ Yeah. If they NOT provide RAW DATA.

They do.

Qtard: \\And reporters are faking interviews and publishing propaganda\\ Yeah. If they DO NOT provide RAW DATA -- BARE FACTS.

They do.

Qtard: While repeating propaganda talking points. Like, "Ukrainians are nazis".

republiturd media.

Qtard: \\It's ALL a huge conspiracy... in Qtard's paranoid delusions\\ HOW it conspiracy??? If it all done openly. And even proudly????

republiturds doing openly and proudly.

Anonymous said...

\\ Dervish Sanders said...

\\ Qtard's \\Joe Biden Approves F-16 Fighter Jets for Ukraine\\ So??? Where is PLANES??!!

\\ Ukraine says its air force is bigger now than when Russia's full-scale invasion began. Yevhen Bulatsik, commander of the 7th Tactical Aviation [said] Ukraine's allies in central and eastern Europe have sent some of their ... Mig-29s.

\\ After months of lobbying, Ukraine's allies also agreed to provide some US-built F-16 fighter jets. Ukrainian pilots have been training on them, and are due to enter combat service in 2024. Feb 22, 2024

Means... the answer is NONE -- truthful. And FACTUAL.

And when it'll come time of delivery of ACTUAL F-16... agreement to send em, could "it expired" TOO!!!!!!

Same as it happened with Abrams tank -- which NOBODY SEEN on a battlefield.

\\The United States is not at war.

Because your POTUS in its dementia playing childish games of "la-la-la... I don't see a war... la-la-la, I don't listen to USA enemies waging war...".

\\The United States is not under attack.

Then... what your Screaming Eagles doing in Romania???

The USA Unexpectedly Deploy the 2nd Brigade of ...
Defense Express › news › the_usa_unexpectedl...
Oct 22, 2022 — The light infantry unit, nicknamed the "Screaming Eagles," is trained to deploy on any battlefield in the world within hours, ready to fight. In ...

Food Tourism??? Like food with garlic too much??? :-))))))))))))))

\\Joe Biden is doing all this. Anyway, you said BS to my correct and factual assertion that a president can NOT spend money that has not been appropriated by Congress. NOTHING you just quoted refutes that.

\\Well, you could not possibly find anything to quote to prove what I said is BS. Because what I said is true, not BS.

Go read FT. ;-P

Oh... but I constantly forgot -- that you are cretin.

And UNABLE to search and to comprehend information... if that is not short and cretinic chants of propaganda.

\\Qtard: \\As per Qtard's delusions, scientists and researchers are faking data and faking results\\ Yeah. If they NOT provide RAW DATA.

\\They do.

To you? :-))))))))))))))))))))

Cretin who will not make use of it anyway.

\\republiturd media.

Like CNN??? Or NBC??? Or... whatever else, that blamed being Leftist and supporting DEMNs and DEMN POTUS shit spreading campaign?

Joe Conservative said...

Q, please... let us get back to our drinking and dancing on our luxury space yachts...

*Yawn* ;)

Anonymous said...

Like miserly powerless prol from far-far-away... can do it.

What am I to you -- magic genie ;-P

Well... I could be... but ONLY if you'd brash my lamp, sufficiently enough. ;-P

For genie of Technology to be released. ;-)

Joe Conservative said...


Joe Conservative said...


Anonymous said...

Well... you always can continue making wishes to your Monkey's Paw. ;-P

The Monkey's Paw
Wikipedia › wiki
In the story, three wishes are granted to the owner of The Monkey's Paw, but the wishes come with an enormous price for interfering with fate. "The ...

Joe Conservative said...


Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: Means... the answer is NONE -- truthful. And FACTUAL.


...the first F-16 fighters will appear in the Ukrainian skies around June 2024. In December, the Netherlands decided to begin preparations for the transfer of the first 18 F-16 fighters to Ukraine, recently their number was increased to 24.

Qtard: And when it'll come time of delivery of ACTUAL F-16... agreement to send em, could "it expired" TOO!!!!!!

No. That can't happen. There is no legislation that has an expiration date attached to it re giving F16s to Ukraine.

Qtard: Same as it happened with Abrams tank -- which NOBODY SEEN on a battlefield.


Forbes, 2/23/2024: Ukraine’s American-made M-1 Abrams tanks are in action, around Stepove just north of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine ... Videos that the Ukrainian defense ministry circulated online on Friday depict the tanks—the best in Ukraine’s inventory—rolling along the roads outside Stepove and firing at Russian forces, apparently at night.

Qtard: \\The United States is not at war\\ Because your POTUS in its dementia playing childish games of "la-la-la... I don't see a war... la-la-la, I don't listen to USA enemies waging war...".

Dementia donald is no longer predisent. Joe Biden (the current president) cannot unilaterally declare war. No US president can. But the Imbecile Qtard, even if it reads the linked page, will probably STILL believe a president can (by himself) declare war.

Qtard: \\The United States is not under attack\\ Then... what your Screaming Eagles doing in Romania???

Romania is part of the United States? Since when?

Qtard: Go read FT. ;-P

HOW??? I dunno wtf "FT" is.

Qtard: Oh... but I constantly forgot -- that you are cretin. And UNABLE to search and to comprehend information... if that is not short and cretinic chants of propaganda.

Because you have an extremely bad memory. You can't even remember something you do constantly (falsely call me a cretin).

Google says "FT" stands for the Financial Times. Qtard thinks there is an article in the Financial Times that says Joe Biden can send Ukraine aid without Congress sending him legislation to sign? I call bullshit. Link to this article.

Maybe you mean this article?

FT: Can Biden push it through on his own? Biden cannot force the hand of Congress. (2/13/2024).

No, that article refutes your moronity.

Anonymous said...

\\ Dervish Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: Means... the answer is NONE -- truthful. And FACTUAL.

\\ Unfactual.

Yeah. DEMN NewSpeak. Yawn.

\\...the first F-16 fighters will appear in the Ukrainian skies around June 2024.

Yeah. If it'll not "it expired"... before that date.

Or some other slowing down tactic will be used.

Like not giving this or that missiles/bombs for that F-16s.

That also could be "planned" to be sent... like in 2030.

\\Qtard: Same as it happened with Abrams tank -- which NOBODY SEEN on a battlefield.


\\Forbes, 2/23/2024:


I saw that video. Looks like faked one. Unsyncronized.

\\Joe Biden (the current president) cannot unilaterally declare war.

Not "declare", you dumbass. ADMITTING that there is enemies. And they waging war.

Like liliPut DID. In December of 2021. By proposing unconditional surrender to NATO.

\\Qtard: Go read FT. ;-P

\\HOW??? I dunno wtf "FT" is.

Oh, sorry. I just keep forgetting that you are cretin. %-)))))))

And DUNNO Financial Times.

\\I call bullshit. Link to this article.

Go ask Google -- klutches for cretins. ;-P


You will not -- because... cretin. Yawn. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Yeah. DEMN NewSpeak. Yawn.

No. I was talking about the article I quoted. Below.

Qtard: \\...the first F-16 fighters will appear in the Ukrainian skies around June 2024. Yeah. If it'll not "it expired"... before that date.

Ukrainian pilots are training on them now. I read an article about it yesterday. Very soon Ukrainian pilots will be flying F16s in Ukraine.

Qtard: Or some other slowing down tactic will be used.

You keep saying. Even though that isn't happening. Training and delivery is occurring on schedule.

Qtard: Like not giving this or that missiles/bombs for that F-16s. That also could be "planned" to be sent... like in 2030.

No. Why would they not be fully equipped? Because your delusions say so?

Qtard: Same as it happened with Abrams tank -- which NOBODY SEEN on a battlefield\\False. \\Forbes, 2/23/2024\\ Yeah. I saw that video. Looks like faked one. Unsyncronized.

Sure. It fooled everyone BUT Qtard. Is that what you're going to say when video of F16s in Ukraine is released? It's faked?

Qtard: \\Joe Biden (the current president) cannot unilaterally declare war\\ Not "declare", you dumbass. ADMITTING that there is enemies. And they waging war.

Already done. What does Qtard think the 75 billion in aid for? Zelensky's corruption? Was it wired directly into his Cayman island account (in Qtard's delusions)?

Qtard: Like liliPut DID. In December of 2021. By proposing unconditional surrender to NATO.

Never happened. NATO would have accepted Putin's surrender.

Qtard: Go read FT. \\HOW??? I dunno wtf "FT" is\\ Oh, sorry. I just keep forgetting that you are cretin. And DUNNO Financial Times.

I guessed you were talking about the Financial Times. But you didn't quote that. So you could lie that I "DUNNO Financial Times". Yawn. So transparent. But cretin probably thinks that was a good lie.

Qtard: \\I call bullshit. Link to this article\\Go ask Google -- klutches for cretins. But. You will not -- because... cretin. Yawn.

Qtard bullshitting is now confirmed. I did ask Google. Google says you lie.

FT: Can Biden push it through on his own? Biden cannot force the hand of Congress. 2/13/2024.

Anonymous said...

\\Ukrainian pilots are training on them now. I read an article about it yesterday. Very soon Ukrainian pilots will be flying F16s in Ukraine.

"Very soon"??? Like NEXT year?

And what loads will be allowed on that F-16s?

Something that can delivery a package or two to liliPut directly?


Because. Bi-den said "you miserly Ukrainians -- NOT ALLOWED to disturb peace of a sleep of my dear master. Go die on battlefield".

\\Qtard: Or some other slowing down tactic will be used.

\\You keep saying. Even though that isn't happening. Training and delivery is occurring on schedule.


"Schedule" devised by Bi-den... to NOT disturb sleep of its dear master... indefinitely.

\\Qtard: Like not giving this or that missiles/bombs for that F-16s. That also could be "planned" to be sent... like in 2030.

\\No. Why would they not be fully equipped? Because your delusions say so?


Where's missile that cab reach Mos-Cow????


NOT delivered.

NOT planned even.

Because Bi-den puppet SWORN to protect peacefull sleep of its puppet-master.


\\Qtard: Same as it happened with Abrams tank -- which NOBODY SEEN on a battlefield\\False. \\Forbes, 2/23/2024\\ Yeah. I saw that video. Looks like faked one. Unsyncronized.

\\Sure. It fooled everyone BUT Qtard.


Russians already destroyed that tank.

Because its location was spuffed in that vid.

\\Qtard: \\Joe Biden (the current president) cannot unilaterally declare war\\ Not "declare", you dumbass. ADMITTING that there is enemies. And they waging war.

\\Already done.

Hah??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

And what Bi-den DID??? Waged his finger? ;-P

\\But cretin probably thinks that was a good lie.


You cretin DO such trick ALL of the time... NOT PROVIDING quotes/facts.

And when I ask you to provide em -- crying that that is "lying tactic"... to base own words ON FACTS.

What a humongous cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Qtard bullshitting is now confirmed. I did ask Google. Google says you lie.

Of course.

Because Google are DEMN biased.

Try some OTHER search engines.

Or what, cretin, you DUNNO that there is OTHER search engines??? :-))))))))))))))))))))))

\\FT: Can Biden push it through on his own? Biden cannot force the hand of Congress. 2/13/2024.

And you cannot go to FT site... and check what OTHER articles was published lately???

To find one I referring to. ;-P

Of course... because U R cretin.

Cannot come up with such simple plan ITSELF. :-)))))))))))))))))))

And EVEN NOW, after *I*, much smarter opponent EXPLAINED it to you.

You will not follow my suggestion... will start crying that it is some kind of "blakk magic", yes, cretin???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: \\Ukrainian pilots are training on them now. I read an article about it yesterday. Very soon Ukrainian pilots will be flying F16s in Ukraine\\ "Very soon"??? Like NEXT year?

This year.

Qtard: And what loads will be allowed on that F-16s? Something that can delivery a package or two to liliPut directly? Naaaah. Because. Bi-den said "you miserly Ukrainians -- NOT ALLOWED to disturb peace of a sleep of my dear master. Go die on battlefield".

100 percent fake quote.

Qtard: Or some other slowing down tactic will be used\\ You keep saying. Even though that isn't happening. Training and delivery is occurring on schedule\\ Yep. "Schedule" devised by Bi-den... to NOT disturb sleep of its dear master... indefinitely. Like not giving this or that missiles/bombs for that F-16s. That also could be "planned" to be sent... like in 2030. Where's missile that cab reach Mos-Cow????

Qtard is disappointed. It wants WWIII to start as soon as possible.

Qtard: NOT delivered. NOT planned even. Because Bi-den puppet SWORN to protect peacefull sleep of its puppet-master. PROVED WITH FACTS!

Peaceful sleep of a body-doubler. Remember? That was your claim. But it seems to have forgotten.

Qtard: Same as it happened with Abrams tank -- which NOBODY SEEN on a battlefield\\False. \\Forbes, 2/23/2024\\ Yeah. I saw that video. Looks like faked one. Unsyncronized\\Sure. It fooled everyone BUT Qtard. Well. Russians already destroyed that tank. Because its location was spuffed in that vid.

So what if a fake video gave away the location of a fake tank?

Qtard: \\Joe Biden (the current president) cannot unilaterally declare war\\ Not "declare", you dumbass. ADMITTING that there is enemies. And they waging war\\ Already done\\ Hah???
And what Bi-den DID??? Waged his finger?

Gave aid. Worked with our allies to get help from them for Ukraine. Imposed sanctions. Seized assets. Well, Qtard isn't paying attention. Like that is my problem.

Qtard: You cretin DO such trick ALL of the time... NOT PROVIDING quotes/facts.

Exactly. You cretin does do that.

Qtard: And when I ask you to provide em -- crying that that is "lying tactic"... to base own words ON FACTS.

Supposedly I said this? And it can quote?

Qtard: What a humongous cretin.

Yeah. Because I never said that.

Qtard: \\Qtard bullshitting is now confirmed. I did ask Google. Google says you lie\\ Of course. Because Google are DEMN biased. Try some OTHER search engines. Or what, cretin, you DUNNO that there is OTHER search engines???

Yeah, and why the hell should I? When you could just give a link?

Qtard: \\FT: Can Biden push it through on his own? Biden cannot force the hand of Congress. 2/13/2024\\ And you cannot go to FT site... and check what OTHER articles was published lately???

Why? I already found the article that gives the facts proving you're wrong.

Qtard: To find one I referring to. Of course... because U R cretin.

Like you'd go hunting for an article I said existed on some site. One I said proved a point I was trying to make. When I refused to post a link. I'm sure you'd do that. NOT.

Qtard: Cannot come up with such simple plan ITSELF.

Yeah, it would be pretty simple for you to give a link. Somehow me finding an article you're referring to is my responsibility. How?

Qtard: And EVEN NOW, after *I*, much smarter opponent EXPLAINED it to you. You will not follow my suggestion...

No, I will not. Why the HELL should I? You cited this (alleged) article, so it is ON YOU to give a link. What a moron.

Qtard: will start crying that it is some kind of "blakk magic", yes, cretin????

"Magic" has nothing to do with it. It's because of your cretinism. I'd have read this article already if you'd have given a link. *If* it even exists. You refusing to link to it makes me think it doesn't.

Anonymous said...

No cretinic retorts here? ;-P

Ah... here is some. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Blogger Dervish Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: \\Ukrainian pilots are training on them now. I read an article about it yesterday. Very soon Ukrainian pilots will be flying F16s in Ukraine\\ "Very soon"??? Like NEXT year?

\\ This year.

Not because of Bi-den.

But because of liliPut saw his limp dick reaction -- and signed order for reservists -- that's about 500 to 1 or more millions -- ENOUGH to start war against NATO.

Winston Churchill — 'You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.' - To Neville Chamberlain'

\\100 percent fake quote.


Bi-den... is a Chamberlain of our days.

Or even worse...

\\Qtard is disappointed. It wants WWIII to start as soon as possible.

It... already started. TODAY.

Well... it's up to historians (if there'd be ones), to chose proper starting date...

\\Peaceful sleep of a body-doubler. Remember? That was your claim. But it seems to have forgotten.


Rule of liliPut NEVER was personal.

That is what Deep State of Soviet Union decided after Stalin's death -- that there'd be NO such leader allowed anymore.

\\So what if a fake video gave away the location of a fake tank?

Faked was "successful usage".

And real world battle -- confirmed it.

That few tanks -- are USELESS. And work only for target practicing for an enemy.

\\Gave aid. Worked with our allies to get help from them for Ukraine. Imposed sanctions. Seized assets. Well, Qtard isn't paying attention. Like that is my problem.

What did USA BEFORE Pearl Harbor???

Oh... just the same: gave help, imposed sanctions and etc.

But, cretin that DUNNO history... cannot read such cues.


\\Exactly. You cretin does do that.


\\Qtard: What a humongous cretin.

\\Yeah. Because I never said that.

Because you pretend that you do not understand to what I referring to?

But you -- not pretending. I know it from all previous facts for sure now. Yawn.

Because you are really just a rotten brains miserly cretin. ;-P

\\Yeah, and why the hell should I? When you could just give a link?

Of course.

As cretin -- you do not need something that ONLY smart rational people DO -- confirming information from cross-referring sources.


\\Why? I already found the article that gives the facts proving you're wrong.


You believe it... because you are cretin.


\\Like you'd go hunting for an article I said existed on some site. One I said proved a point I was trying to make. When I refused to post a link. I'm sure you'd do that. NOT.

What for?

I already know that you are cretin.


Why I need to waste my precious time on double-checking some cretin cretinic claims???

While they obviously are cretinic just from a first glance. ;-P

Same... as all your behavior -- of total cretin.


\\Yeah, it would be pretty simple for you to give a link. Somehow me finding an article you're referring to is my responsibility. How?


If you'd be rational and smart.

But you are not. You are cretin. Cretins see no need to base they cretinic claims on anything. ;-P

And that's what you do. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


continue-continue, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\No, I will not. Why the HELL should I? You cited this (alleged) article, so it is ON YOU to give a link. What a moron.

That's it.

Because U R cretin. ;-P


Anonymous said...

No cretinic retorts here? ;-P

Dervish Sanders said...

The cretin kept babbling about some article it insisted exists -- but the cretin refused to give a link. So the discussion ended.

Anonymous said...


Thanky-thanky, cretin. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))