Saturday, February 10, 2024

Woke Definitions: Disinformation - Truths not helpful to the desired narrative....

...Agenda:  Narrative Control


Dervish Sanders said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Then why worry about the use of a 'word' (and insist upon a rephrasing) if you have no agenda?

Disinformation = Truth not helpful to the desired Narrative (agenda: Narrative control) 100% spot-on!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... "The vaccines are perfectly safe" (agenda - get a vaccine that will mutate the inside lining of your veins and arteries and give you a stroke and heart attack. And censor/ don't let anyone know because of the agenda)

Anonymous said...

Minus: agenda - get a vaccine that will mutate the inside lining of your veins and arteries and give you a stroke and heart attack.

That was donald tRump's agenda? Too bad for him the vaccines don't do that.

The vaccines in fact do the opposite...

Google: A research letter published in February in JACC found that among more than 1.9 million people infected with the coronavirus, vaccination was associated with a lower risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular events.

Joe Conservative said...

LOL! The scientific CVD data in the post below contradicts that statement directly. But you're in denial, fetishistic disavowal.

Joe Conservative said...

Just to refresh your memory

Joe Conservative said...

Covid-19 aka "Fauci's Whoopsy"

Joe Conservative said...

He created both the disease and its' hastily developed and increasingly harmful "cure".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Covid-19 aka "Fauci's Whoopsy". He created both the disease and its' hastily developed and increasingly harmful "cure".

Yeah, that is what members of the tinfoil hat brigade believe.

Minus wrote a fake "oath" that he alleges I took (repeated by the imbecile Mystere). But I'm not a member and I am not going to join.

fyi, there is no cure for covid-19. The opportunity to beat it back has passed. Thanks to tRump and other covid champions (such as yourself). All the covid lovers have worked hard to make sure it sticks around indefinitely. And kills as many people as possible. You must be so happy.

Joe Conservative said...

Herd immunity seemed to work in many countries. At least for those with uncompromised immune systems.

Joe Conservative said...

...and just think, none of them have the CVD problem...

Joe Conservative said...

btw - How do you account for the "life expectancy gap"? Obamacare?

Anonymous said...

Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Herd immunity seemed to work in many countries. At least for those with uncompromised immune systems.

I'm sure it has. In your delusions. Not in reality.

Google: The virus mutates quickly, it can be spread by people who don't have symptoms, and no one knows exactly how long the vaccination protects from the infection. For these reasons, traditional herd immunity may not be reached, but COVID may be kept under control through annual vaccinations, like we do with the flu.

Minus: btw - How do you account for the "life expectancy gap"? Obamacare?

Covid. It says so right on the graph. You didn't read the text on the graph you linked to?

Anyway, Obamacare was never fully implemented. The Supremely corrupt Supreme Court decided that states did not have to expand Medicaid. A lot of poor people who would have been covered are still dying as a result.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Then why the more severe differential life expectancy impact? Shouldn't it be directly proportional?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but if the induced mRNA alterations were contributing, you'd get the curve we have.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Looks like the Covid vaccines alone have reduced American life expectancies by 2-3 years.

Dervish Sanders said...

Tinfoil hat nuttery has reduced American life expectancies.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Especially that of know-nothing "elites" like Tony Fauci!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Anthony Fauci isn't a rightturd spreading disinformation encouraging people not to get vaccinated.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Actually, I encourage YOU to get vaccinated! And please, stay up to date with them!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... for me, I'll satisfy myself with eating Paczki's. They're just as useful in fighting Covid. :)

Dervish Sanders said...

What is the best defense against COVID?

You can take steps to reduce exposure to COVID-19. Stay up to date with COVID vaccines. Vaccines are the best defense against the virus. They protect against serious disease, hospitalization, and death.

Joe Conservative said...

...except those of the cardio-vascular variety, like heart attacks. Those, they increase your chances of dying.

Dervish Sanders said...

👆Mystere pretending to be Qtard👆

Dervish Sanders said...

American Heart Association: A research letter published in February in JACC found that among more than 1.9 million people infected with the coronavirus, vaccination was associated with a lower risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular events.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Before any of the post-pandemic data came in. Good quote, Derv.

*Dervy pops smoke*

mystere's moonbat slayer club said...

Anonymous February 11, 2024 at 1:49 PM "Continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))000"
Dervish Sanders February 14, 2024 at 8:48 AM
"👆Mystere pretending to be Qtard👆"

🔺Dervish faking Q, then trying to blame me?🔺

Or perhaps it was Q? It certainly wasn't me.

Your mental instability and fixations on blaming me, Rattrapper, Porky, Donkey's Revenge and others, plus your use of your fake accounts shows is what kind of demon possessed psychopath you really are, Dervish.

Always On Watch said...

Language, particularly vocabulary, controls thought.

"Unhoused" means that Neely was a victim without recourse.

I "unhoused" a drug addict in 2016. He was setting fire to quilts and comforters. Major fire hazard and a real life-and-death threat to bedbound Mr. AOW, who was stuck in bed when I went to work. Broke my heart to kick out my former student.

Always On Watch said...

"Unhouse" reminds me of "rehome," a term which implies great responsibility on the part of the pet owner.