Tuesday, March 9, 2021

On Paying $1.9 Trillion for a Round of Beers for America...

10% Covid Related, 90% Progressive Pork


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Hurray! :)

Apparently this guy forgot about the extended unemployment benefits. Or maybe he's just lying. Also, didn't you claim that it is Democrats who want to keep people stupid? Yet this idiot rails against higher education...

Quoted from WYD: "Personally, I think that Joe Biden cancelled the most populaar children's author of ALL TIME because he doesn't want any more black or minority children to ever become interested in books or ever learn how to read. Illiterate voters suit him fine. No independent thinkers to ever have to worry about"...

Because those specific 6 Dr Suess books were the only ones black or minority children would had read, apparently. With them gone (even though 50+ remain in print) no black or minority child will ever read again (Dr Suess or any other author).

What you think personally = Stoooopid.

Joe Conservative said...

Better get your copies of “Dumbo,” “Peter Pan,” “Swiss Family Robinson,” “The Aristocats,” “Fantasia,” “The Jungle Book” and “Lady and the Tramp.” before the prices spike.

Joe Conservative said...

...or before Disney re-shoots and blackfaces them.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Those movies are available for purchase. Also on Disney's streaming service (proceeded by a disclaimer). blackface would ADD to the problem. That is definitely never going to happen.

Regarding the "pork" claim -- the bill addresses the economic harm Dotard's incompetence in dealing with the virus caused. Therefore what you classify as "pork" because it isn't related directly to dealing with the virus -- isn't "pork". That's a fake news "GOP" talking point.

Quote: For context, by the House Republicans’ calculations, nearly 50 percent of the bill goes toward what they consider legitimate COVID-19 and economic relief. Past pandemic relief bills have included both health and economic stimulus elements. Most Republicans voted for those. (Tampa Bay Times 3/2/2021).

republicans hypocrites vote for "pork" when it's republican legislation and the president is a republican. When it's Democratic legislation (and the president is a Democrat) they feign outrage, incorrectly claim that economic relief is "pork", then take credit for "pork" that benefits their constituents. lol.

Joe Conservative said...

The "economic incompetence" was in states like Illinois, Michigan, and California that failed to adequately fund the pension programs for state workers and (mostly Democrat politicians) feel responsible for/ guilty of at the federal level.

Joe Conservative said...

Why should the State of Texas' taxpayers bail out the Chicago Schoolteacher pensions?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Retirees, workers, and their families who rely on these plans have been at risk of losing benefits earned over a lifetime of work. It is simply unfair for hardworking Americans, including my constituents, who have worked for decades, put money in their pension plans, to now face financial uncertainty, due to no fault of their own. The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the need for Congress to address the multiemployer pension crisis.

Blake Moore, the Republican US Representative of Utah's 1st congressional district, says "I am proud that this important provision which I have championed, has been included in the American Rescue Plan to ensure workers can retire with dignity".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Another republican hypocrite taking credit when he voted no. Yet he says he "championed it". Apparently championing something doesn't include voting YES.

Major vote: Rep. Moore voted no on House Vote 49: On Passage: Passed (H.R.1319: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021).

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Hey, then where is my Bethlehem Steel pension? Are you going to restore that to me? Of course not, I was fucked too long ago.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

What this recent action represents is a subsidy of the corporate screw-the-worker wage-slave system. Fuck your bailouts to spend-a-holic STATE GOVERNMENTS who failed to fund their employee's pension system.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

$360b to "Government". FUCK them.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

It is done. PRESIDENT Biden signed it. Anyway, as someone who was screwed out of a pension (provided you aren't lying) you should be sympathetic to others in the same situation. But, like a typical con, you care only about yourself.

Joe Conservative said...

I'm not a socialist. Stop taxing and just Sue me.

Joe Conservative said...

Oh, wait, but then you'd have to win the argument and not just stuff a ballot box.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

LOL. That's the only way YOU can win an argument. By stuffing ballot boxes with the right votes. The left votes are suppressed. You just weren't able to suppress enough to give Dotard a victory last year. Hence the lying, whining and threats of violence.

btw, the American people love PRESIDENT Joe Biden's democratic socialism.

Democratic = they voted for it.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Correction: the threats continue, but actual violence has already been committed. Why the justice department is investigating, arresting, and charging people for what transpired at the capitol on January 6th. Some thought Dotard should pardon them, but he cares not for his useful idiots.

You speak of revolution but what's going to happen is that more of your White Supremacist fellow travelers will find themselves behind bars. If they aren't killed by the police while being confronted in the act of committing violence.

Joe Conservative said...

Good luck with that, because next time it won't be a bunch of LARPers erecting art projects.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Sounds to me like your'e eagerly anticipating deaths. Enough and you think President Joe Biden will waive the white flag and turn the government over to Dotard?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Trump has nothing to do with it now.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

He won't run in 2023 because he'll be in prison? If that's what you mean that I think you're right. He might pretend to run to scam his supporters for donations, but I seriously doubt he will actually run. His bigly legal problems are right around the corner :)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

lol! In prison or simply at his Mar-a-lago resort, the next President will still have to kiss Trump's ring.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Kamala Harris won't visit Dotard in prison to "kiss his ring".

Joe Conservative said...

So now you admit that the dotard *presnit is just a placeholder. lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The VP often runs for the office after a president completes his term. Kamala Harris likely run in 2027. After the completion of Joe Biden's two terms. At which point Donald tRump will either be dead or deeply in the grips of dementia. Also, the "dotard *presnit [who was just] a placeholder" was the one term loser Donald tRump. There was a four year gap between the popular president BHO and the presidency of his popular VP (now popular president). aka he was a placeholder between popular presidents.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

lol! Joe Biden will only serve 2 years and 1 day of is term, and then he'll resign to go play Super Mario Karts permanently.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So, he's going to become immortal? If so, why wouldn't he serve 8 years?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

They can't keep the entire White House on "Silver Alert" for that long. The Deeps Staters have real work to do selling more American jobs to China.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The White House has never been on "silver alert". "Deep staters" aren't selling any American jobs to China.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Who's Biden's new special trade rep? LOL!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Katherine Tai... I see the TPP with carbon offset trading in the corporate globalist future...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Because she's ethnically Chinese? Sounds racist.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Katherine Tai, Biden's top trade nominee, says tariffs are ‘legitimate tools’ to counter China. (excerpt) Katherine Tai... backed tariffs as a "legitimate tool" to counter China's state-driven economic model and vowed to hold Beijing to its prior commitments, while promising a sweeping new approach to U.S. trade.

At her Senate confirmation hearing to become U.S. Trade Representative, Tai also called for a revamp of global trade rules to eliminate what she called “gray areas” exploited by China and end a "race to the bottom" that she said had hurt workers and the environment.

"For a very long time our trade policies were based on the assumption that the more we traded with each other, and more liberalized our trade, the more peace and prosperity there would be", Tai said, adding that trade liberalization in the past too often led to less prosperity, and lower labor and environmental standards.

Tai’s testimony to the Senate Finance Committee is the latest sign that Washington's approach to overseas commerce may have changed permanently, after decades of market-based "free trade" liberalization that benefited multinational corporations...

Joe Conservative said...

In her confirmation hearing, she ducked questions about how she'd handle several politically sensitive questions such as whether the Biden administration would drop former President Donald Trump's tariffs on imported steel and aluminum and whether it would revive an Asia-Pacific trade agreement that was negotiated by President Barack Obama but jettisoned by Trump.

tpp is back, baby!