Saturday, March 6, 2021

Fun with Kwanza Flags... A US Government Sponsored Kwanza Kickstarter Program Modelled Upon Our Successful Read Across America Day

Our New Historically Accurate 'Old' Flag for Kwanza aka the - "Just How Dumb are Most Yankees?" flag.  
This Year celebrate Kwanza as they woulda did with the historically accurate Kwanza symbols of the transitional Ante-Post Bellum South. As Nathan Bedford Forrest woulda said, "Get there the firstest and with the Most Kwanza gifts!"

Unfortunately the RACISS People at are preventing you from buying and owning this historically correct Kwanza flag classic out of sheer spite and hatred of Kwanza celebrations everywhere.  So Make your own soon to become a classic Kwanza flag and fly it on your "liberty pole" this December!

Joe Biden pledged us ALL to UNITY.  So take your first step towards UNITY today!  Make an historically correct Kwanza flag TODAY and fly it THIS December!  Kwanza's coming fast!


PETE said...

Biden was not "elected" as a legal president....he was "selected". He is sitting in the White House and his "people" are calling him president but his not performing the usual expected duties. No press conferences of the less competent press persons ever to take questions is incapable of giving a coherent answer and now sending his flunkies to the border to analyze the situation there. He is more like an "acting president" except he is not acting. This certainly is not what we need in these trying times. How can we survive as a nation if this is allowed to continue? God help us !!!!!

Joe Conservative said...

Amen, Pete! The Praetorians now rule Rome.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Dotard was not "elected" as a legal president... he was "selected" by Vladimir Putin. He sat in the White House and his "people" called him predisent but he never performed the usual expected duties. No press conferences and.some of the least competent press persons ever to take questions. He was incapable of "acting presidential" despite "acting" in a reality teevee show. Dotard was certainly not what we needed in these trying times, which is why the voters replaced him in the last election. How can we survive as a nation if another incompetent low-IQ fascist is ever allowed to serve in the White House again? God help us if another Dotard-like candidate (or Dotard himself) wins the White House in the future!!!!!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The House passed a bill just the other day enshrining election fraud in all elections in America in perpetuity... so I guess we'll NEVER have to worry about THAT happening again, right, Dervy?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

They passed a bill to help people vote. The definition of democracy. Of course this angers you. Not to worry, Senate republicans will oppose it. Because the more people vote the less likely it is that republicans win.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

lol! Help people to vote how many times? That's soooooo rich!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Democrats want everyone who is a citizen to be able to vote once. republicans want only certain citizens to be able to vote once. Other citizens the republican party wants to prevent from voting at all. A lot of the citizens republicans want to stop voting (just once) are Black.

Joe Conservative said...

And Democrats are ensuring that only eligible voters vote once, how? Oh, the "honour system". You really aren't familiar with human nature when $trillions are up for grabs, are you?

Joe Conservative said...

Oh, but of course you are. That's why Democrats stole the 2020 election and passed a party-line $1.9 trillion spending bill.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Laws that criminalize voting more than once. Democrats didn't steal the election. They won because they were offering what a majority of voters wanted. Competent leadership re the pandemic and assistance from the government to get through the pandemic. Why the Democratic legislation has a 75-80 percent approval rating. It was only "party line" because republicans voted against what their constituents want. Democrats voted for assistance when Dotard was president.

Because Democrats care about ALL the voters. As opposed to republicans who only care about the rich voters. And getting re-elected. They didn't give a shit about getting assistance to people, only about buying votes. Why they voted YES under Dotard and NO under Biden. They don't want Biden to get the credit.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

they were offering what a majority of voters wanted. Competent leadership re the pandemic and assistance from the government to get through the pandemic.

More broken promises. I thought Biden promised us $2k each. So where is it? Did the $400 stolen from every taxpayer go to fund some stupid Democrat's pet earmark like $1b for Amtrak so that Joe Biden can get from his home in Delaware to his Super Mario Kart outfitted crash pad in DC?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Was all the wall money for the Southern border diverted for walls for the new Green Zone in DC?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Proof of your innumeracy. 600 + 1400 = 2000.

Joe Conservative said...

Okay, I see the 2000 above. Where's the 600 or 1400 again? lol!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

People received $600 as a second "stimulus" under Dotard. Dotard asked for $2000 (to buy people's votes) but the republican-controlled Senate only delivered $600. PRESIDENT Joe Biden campaigned on getting people the $2000 Dotard failed to deliver. $600 + $1400 = $2000.

Apparently you forgot. Though I can understand wanting to forget the failed Dotard presidency. Makes me wonder why they let him speak at CPAC. When they should have said, "no thanks, loser".

Joe Conservative said...

lol! Kamala said they were going to pay $2,000 a MONTH. Who knew it would be a lifetime cap of $2,000 imposed by the minority hating Scrooge McBiden?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You previously claimed that Dotard supported a UBI. Obviously you lied (something we both knew at the time). No UBI was ever signed into law by the minority hating Scrooge McDotard. And Vice President Kamala Harris never said anyone was going to get 2K a month.

As per YOUR LINK, she cited the fact that Bernie Sanders and Ed Markey WANT to give Americans $2,000 a month during coronavirus crisis. There is a wide gulf between wanting to do something and being able to pass it though Congress.

Joe Conservative said...

Tell that to Sleepy Joe next time you feel the urge to gripe about what DJT wasn't able to do.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


Joe Conservative said...

He'd probably forget what you told that *Dotard 5 minutes later, anyways.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

*Dotard is what *Dotard does.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...



Joe Conservative said...

Yes, *indeed!