Saturday, February 15, 2025

Once Again John Brennan Conflates Globalist Elite Interests with that of Average Europeans

Pam Key, "Brennan: Trump's Foreign policies Creating 'Animosity' towards the US"
Former CIA Director John Brennan said Friday on MSNBC’s “All In” that President Donald Trump foreign policy was creating “animosity” towards the United States.

Brennan said, “The Trump administration is going to use whatever tool it can to intimidate, to threaten others. The administration is coming across as very arrogant, self-centered and is going to push for its interests, irrespective of the interests of our partners and allies. And that’s why I think there’s just, you know, real question marks about what. is it that is going to come out of this if we’re going to be shaking down the Ukrainian government?”

He continued, “I was in Europe earlier this week, and I must tell you that the frustration and anger with the United States has never been more palpable. It’s off the scale because they really just see that there’s been such a reverse, a 180 reverse of what the United States has stood for, especially in terms of European security, that this Trump administration has a much different attitude and approach that really is quite off putting to them.”

He added, “Basically we’re telling 2 million Palestinians we’re not only going to ignore your right to self-determination, we’re going to kick you out of your homeland that you’ve been in for many, many generations and so, therefore, I think it really is quite dangerous.”

Brennan concluded, “I think it is very dangerous because it is engendering now a real feeling of animosity among a lot of individuals who are there toward the United States. That is not going to go away.”

Trump has cut the Gordian Knots of Several Long Standing International Conflicts, and Brennan want to go back and tie all the threads back together again. This imbecilic man was actually once in charge of US Intelligence?

Trump has announced a new policy of liberating Europe from its' Post-'45 American vassalage... and their leaders cling to their chains (USAID).  So Seize your Autonomy Europe.  Do it Either as a Union or as Individual States, America Cares Not Which!  But Seize it while you still can, before a John Brennan friendly administration returns to power in DC, cancels a European election or ten,  and then orders more European Pipelines blown up as a small part of their "whole of society" approach to social control!
Regardless, the Old Guard Elite's Stupidity Won't Die Easily
Europe Get's a "Wake-Up" Call from JD Vance and Hits the Snooze Button!

Adm. Rogers (Old Guard), "They need to wait and see..."
h/t - Woodsterman

Me (New Guard): "You Need to First Open YOUR Eyes!"


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

It's in the interest of average Europeans for the US steal Ukraine's minerals? Who knew?

Joe Conservative said...

It's in their interest to kill a million more Ukrainians prolonging the inevitable?

Joe Conservative said...

Europeans made loans to Ukrainians, not "grants" like stupid American democrats.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Why would America defend Ukraine in the future if it had no 50% strategic interest in Ukraine's rare-earth minerals? Doesn't the US REQUIRE a strategic interest to involve itself in the foreign affairs of another country?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0n0ld is trying to shake down Ukraine. Not surprising, given past comments about taking the oil of Iraq and Venezuela. Also, he is a convicted felon. He has the mindset of a criminal. He steals from his own supporters and most of them don't care. I think Ukraine might care.

Supporting democracies is in the strategic interest of the United States.

FYI, the money to support Ukraine was approved by republicans and Democrats. Did republicans propose a method by which Ukraine could pay back the money? Did republicans suggest a 50 percent stake in Ukraine's minerals? I don't recall that they did.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Before the minerals agreement, the US had no strategic interest in defending Ukraine. Now they do. Thanks DJT!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Ukraine doesn't have to agree. They can tithe to the ROC instead.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Was that a king d0n0ld "royal decree" that granted the US 50 percent of Ukraine's minerals? Ukraine doesn't need to agree, it went into effect as soon as king d0n0ld said it?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

That was a lifeline for Ukraine. But hey, they want to go down with the Titanic-Europe that's on them.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"It's as if 100 different genders all screamed out at once..."

Apparently you are unaware that there is a difference between biological gender and gender identity. Is d0n0ld going to outlaw the thought crime of people identifying with a gender other than their biological sex?

Is being intersex now outlawed? Will intersex people be put to death?

Anonymous said...


Rattrapper said...

d0n0ld is a figment of Dervish's mental grand delusions.

Rattrapper said...

Gender identity is a satanic mental disorder.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The Donald John Trump who is "God's Chosen Leader" is a figment of Mystere's mental grand delusions.

Gender identity is a scientific fact.

Joe Conservative said...

So are a penis and a veejayjay...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"A male born without a penis has a rare condition called aphallia, or penile agenesis. It occurs when the penis doesn't develop during embryonic growth".

"Vaginal agenesis is a rare condition where a woman is born without a vagina. Symptoms include absence of a vaginal opening, no menstrual periods (if the uterus is also absent), and normal external genitalia".

Joe Conservative said...

Exactly. Nobody cuts them off on purpose. At least no "sane" person.

Anonymous said...

THER IS A MAJOR DEVELOPMENT IN NYC: The NY Governor Hochul is About To Throw Mayor Adams out of Office? The left is doing everything they can to prevent Trump from deporting illegal migrant criminals in NYC, and the only way they can stop him at this point. And to tell the truth
Governor Hochul Should Be Throw OUT HERSELF

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

In Robert Sapolsky's lecture on the neurobiology of transsexuality, he discusses research findings that show differences in the size of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) in transgender individuals. Studies have found that the size of the BNST in transgender people aligns with their identified gender rather than their assigned sex at birth. This research supports the idea that gender identity has a biological basis and is not solely a result of social or environmental factors. Robert Sapolsky is a professor of biology, neurology, and neurosurgery at Stanford University.

The BNST is generally found to be larger in males compared to females in many species, including humans. link

This is why "the World Health Organization (WHO) removed transgenderism from the list of mental disorders. The WHO now classifies transgender people's gender identity as gender incongruence, which is a condition related to sexual health. The WHO's change was based on the idea that transgender identities are not mental disorders, and that classifying them as such can cause stigma".

You ignore the science because you're a bigot. It's that simple.

Joe Conservative said...

I'm very familiar with the neuronal sex patterns in brain development. You'll notice I said "sex" not gender. And I'm also familiar with the homosexual patterns (reverse sex). Such pattern are the result of "environment". So stop "gaying-up" the culture!

Joe Conservative said...

Birth order also has a significant effect on brain development in the womb. Second/third born males are much more likely to develop female patterns than first born males due to their mothers testosterone tolerance and adaptation to male fetal development.

Joe Conservative said...

In other words, fetal homosexuality can "prevented" hormonally.

Joe Conservative said...

My brother (3rd male child) and son (2nd male child) are gay.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Copilot: The idea that fetal homosexuality can be prevented hormonally is based on the hormonal theory of sexuality, which suggests that exposure to certain hormones during fetal development can influence sexual orientation. However, this theory is highly controversial and not widely accepted in the scientific community.

Research has shown that prenatal hormone levels can influence sexual orientation, but the relationship is complex and not fully understood. There is no evidence to support the claim that hormonal interventions can prevent homosexuality. Moreover, attempting to alter fetal development to change sexual orientation raises significant ethical concerns and is not supported by medical professionals.

Minus: My brother (3rd male child) and son (2nd male child) are gay.

And you hate their guts? They don't like that you're a bigot?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Mystere thinks your family members are cursed by Satan. Or some other bs. I don't know exactly how he would phrase it.