Monday, December 16, 2024

The Tail End of Woke Is Finally Disappearing Over the Political Laughter Horizon!

Is no social group beyond moral criticism any more?  And can anyone any longer pretend to be so based upon their historical "victimhood" status?  SoJus is being retransformed back into Mo' Justice!

...and best of all, Comedy is Coming Back, too!
Guilt-Pride is giving up the Ghost! Hurray!


Rattrapper said...

Dervish is now mooning everyone at the conservative blog sites he stops by to vomit his diarrhea on.

Pull your pants up and hide your face Dervish. No one wants to see your fat vertical sneer face, you sick freak.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

It's called progress. Things change over time. Hopefully for the better. Usually for the better. Though sometimes we backslide. Like in the last election. And Minus thinks the backsliding is permanent. Woke isn't over. As a society we will get more woke. The backward among us will fight it, of course.

Candace Owens is one such horrible backward person. She seems so proud.

I don't know what conservative blog sites you're referring to, Mystere. I comment here and sometimes on Lisa's blog. And your blog. That's 3. Is it many more in your delusions? I haven't commented on Lisa's blog for awhile. I have never pulled down my pants or mooned anyone in my life and never will. Sounds like something Mystere enjoys doing. And/Or Mystere fantasizes about seeing my bare endo. Sorry, Mystere, but that is never going to happen.

Joe Conservative said...

Woke is dead. No one takes their hysterics seriously any more. In fact, we now bear their calumny as a badge of honour, ala Candace.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"No one" = White Supremacists. They believe they have won. Given that their White Supremacist leader will be predisent again. Woke isn't dead. Though this is a bigly setback. How large a setback remains to be seen.

Joe Conservative said...

Joe Biden will be president again? Wow, you really do love the Kool Aid...

Rattrapper said...

Woke is dead, indeed.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You're the one who drank the Kool Aid. I never said Joe Biden would be president any time again after his current term ends. I was referring to the White Supremacist you voted for, Donald John Trump.

Joe Conservative said...

I never said Joe Biden would be president any time again after his current term ends.

"Lie to me again Pinocchio!"

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You do really like lies and alternative reality fantasies. ok, how about this...

Joe Biden will, sometime before January 20, declare himself president for life. Kamala Harris will be vice president for life. And she will take Joe Biden's place as PFL when necessary. He will do this as OFFICIAL ACT. d0n0ld will go to prison for many years for the felonies he was convicted of in NY.

Joe Conservative said...

Are Biden's 'permission structures' in place?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No. The corrupt scotus only gave permission to d0n0ld to commit illegal acts and call them "official".

Joe Conservative said...

You need to re-read the Constitution.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

scoutus decisions aren't added to the constitution.

Joe Conservative said...

No, they just authoritatively determine what the de facto Constitution means.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"No, they just authoritatively determine what the de facto Constitution means."

Incorrectly. Due to being corrupt.