Sunday, October 13, 2024

Past Mistakes Recognized


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

d0n0ld: We need to convince the public that I have "nothing" to do with project 2025 **wink, wink**

rfkjr (with tears in his eyes): Yes, sir. I'm on it! I'm getting a cabinet position, right?

d0n0ld: Of course! You know I had a problem with people in my last administration who were too honest. They were a bunch of bad people. We're not going to do that this time. You're just the sort of man I'm looking for. [end imaginary djt/rfkjr conversation].

That "sort of man" d0n0ld is looking for? Someone eager to chuck everything he stood for previously to gaslight for a proven liar. As rfkjr pointed out, d0n0ld put lobbyists in charge to the detriment of the American people. Not on purpose, but because he was told to put those people in. Right.

"They were all people who were taking those agencies and turning them predatory against the American public".

Yep. A very good reason NOT to support d0n0ld. So he can't do that again. Yet the Turd rfkrj is enthusiastically trying to gaslight people into voting for tRump. Because he so desperately wants to be a part of the next administration. And Kamala Harris turned him down. Because she could see what an obvious duplicitous Turd he is. She told that Turd to take a hike.

Joe Conservative said...

Keep sh*tting on the Kennedy's, Derv. I'm sure its' working for ya!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The other Kennedys aren't pleased with what rfkjr is doing.

BB-Idaho said...

Is anyone?

Rattrapper said...

The Dead Kennedys aren't pleased with what rfkjr is doing? How can they? They're dead. They're 6 feet under, Dervnac, you imbecile! Oh wait, did you do a seance again? Messing with the occult has a Bigly price to pay, Dervnac.

Joe Conservative said...

The dead Kennedy's still vote 'Democrat'.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

D.H. Peligro died. But I think the majority of the Dead Kennedys are still alive. I'm not familiar with this band though. But I was talking about living members of the Kennedy family and not members the Dead Kennedys, Mystere.

I have never conducted a seance. The dead cannot be contacted.

Question: Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

Answer: No, the Bible likens death to sleep (an unconscious state) for all people. That means that even Christians do not go anywhere upon death. link.

Note that I am not endorsing this website by linking to it. I know nothing about it. But I do know this is the Biblical view on death. Mystere babbles about the dead having mansions in Heaven (re Ivana tRump and Ineitha Hardaway) and the dead "helping" the living (Shinzo Abe) because he is a fake Christian Turd who is (willfully) misinformed by false prophets.

I have no idea if the Dead Kennedys band members all vote for Democrats. The deceased members of the Kennedy family don't vote at all. Dead people don't vote. That dead people vote is a rightturd delusion.

BB-Idaho said...

Nutten like a dude that lives on roadkill to have on your side.
Get those micro-demographics!

Joe Conservative said...

You're technically correct. The ballots for dead Kennedy's are harvested and voted Democrat for them.

President Joseph Robbinit Biden Jr (The Big Guy) said...

Why here you are, Dervish, my best butt buddy! Let's catch up with some chocolate chocolate chip ice cream cones and chocolate chocolate chip cookies. Bulbophyll Bassoon got to Tim Walz and Kamala Harris... I want my🍦🍦now!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

We aren't "butt buddies", Mystere aka "President Joseph Robbinit Biden Jr". I have no best "butt buddies". I'm sure you have MANY, but I have none.

btw, "Bulbophyll Bassoon" is a delusion drempt up by your mentally diseased pea brain.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: You're technically correct. The ballots for dead Kennedy's are harvested and voted Democrat for them.

This 100 percent is not happening.

Q-Taro, A Highly Intelligent Commentator And Snarky Dude! said...

Dervish is dumping his buddy the Fake President Joe Biden? WHO KNEW? Oh wait, maybe Dervish is blushing because Poopy Pants JoeJoe Biden wore a MAGA hat for a photo and it went viral? Poor Dervish! Dervish must have suffered a Bigly bleed, staining his Tampons badly. Did Timi run out of tranny men's room tampons, or did Hurricane Helene blow the truckload over coming to Dervnac's gay brothel off Highway 69?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Я зажег спичку за задницей, пукнул и сделал большой костер с собранными бюллетенями после того, как они были подсчитаны.

Ich zündete ein Streichholz hinter meinem Hintern an, furzte und machte ein Bigly-Lagerfeuer mit den geernteten Stimmzetteln, nachdem sie gezählt worden waren.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Past Mistakes Recognized" = I didn't do as crappy a job as I could have. Give me another chance and I can do EVEN WORSE.

I don't know what stupidity you posted using my display name, Mystere. I am not running your moronity through Google translate to find out. GFY.

Rattrapper said...

You do know that GFY is short for Good For You.

Joe Conservative said...

...converted to NewSpeak, "this is 100% happening".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm surprised that you didn't think I was saying I was gay for you. And then ask to meet up so I could prove it.

I meant the 2nd definition, asshole. And the "good for you" is to be taken ironically.

You think I was saying "good for you" for faking my identity? That's something you do that I LIKE?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: ...converted to NewSpeak, "this is 100% happening".

EXACTLY. "this is 100% happening" is NewSpeak. Thank you for admitting that.

Common sense tells you that, if someone was to vote using a dead person's name, they wouldn't use the name of a famous dead person. Because everyone would know the famous dead person is dead. They'd use the name of a dead nobody so as to not get caught. Though, in the very rare instances where this actually happens, it's a relative of the dead person who does it. Like the son whose father died who wants to cast an extra vote for d0n0ld.

Joe Conservative said...

The flaw in you argument is that ballots don't have names on them, and that postal workers who process ballots don't give 2 sh*ts what names on the envelope. People name their kids after famous people.

John Kennedy.

It once was one of the most popular names in the nation.

So many babies were named after President John F. Kennedy from 1960 to 1963 that the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum has an online folder devoted to the phenomenon that is 34 digital pages. It includes photographs.