Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Deep State Doesn't Interfere in AMERICAN Elections, Right?

It's so EASY to work for MiniTru & Gyges Cloaking Services Now that Everything's Digital!

No Soup for YOU!
Just Validate Our Hand Selected Nominee Peasant!

Does this count as a campaign contribution from Jeff Bezos?  Didn't they CONVICT Trump's Attorney for Not claiming his Porn Star Payments as Trump Campaign Contributions?
The Quid Pro Quo is Obvious!  Hush Money Favours... like the National Enquiring Burying Damaging Trump Stories.
Scrub the Servers?... Like with a Cloth or Something?

Any Chance DoJ AG Garland or the FEC will Go After Bezos/Amazon?
Not a Snowball's Chance in Hell!  It's ActBlue Adjacent!
Got Lawfare?


Rattrapper said...

The Seinfeld Soup Nazi is hilarious! Brilliant stuff from the comedy team.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will Jimmy D0re earn a bonus if d0nald tяump gets back in office?

"It seems plausible that they would do this".

Sure. Especially if you're wearing your tinfoil hat.

Amazon is effing with my listings too. They suck.

Joe Conservative said...

You mean "Kill Trump!" isn't selling, Derv? Tell me that you would have used a kamikazi drone....

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"Kill tяump" is selling GREAT! The base loves it. Though it's going to come out soon that d0nald tЯump's ear wasn't blown off. The next narrative is (as per the D0re video) that it was a "deep state" plot). That isn't going to work as well with the voters at large.

Anonymous said...

Among DEMN-cretinic voters? ;-P

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Among DEMN-cretinic voters? ;-P

No, they are imaginary. I was referring to republiturd voters.

Joe Conservative said...

Then referring to other "Imaginary" voters... how consistent!

Rattrapper said...

That's what you get for dealing with crooks, Ichabod Derpwood. No honor among thieves, Fartbreath Derpish.

Rattrapper said...

Derpy's high on Leslie Elden Carpenter III's Butt shrooms.

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: Among DEMN-cretinic voters? ;-P

\\ No, they are imaginary. I was referring to republiturd voters.

Secretly republiturds? ;-P

Because they watching news from "secretly republiturds" CNN and voting for "secretly republiturds" POTUS in WH? ;-P

\\ Blogger Joe Conservative said...

\\ Then referring to other "Imaginary" voters... how consistent!

Desho! :-)

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Caleb Maupin is trying to drum up sales for his book smearing Kamala Harris. People are going to want to read it even more because it has been "banned". He might have removed it from Amazon himself.

If books critical of Kamala Harris are being banned by Amazon, WHY is this book still available for purchase?

Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris in the White House Hardcover – January 23, 2024
by Charlie Spiering (Author) With exclusive reporting and a detective’s eye, Charlie Spiering delivers the first-ever deep dive into Kamala Harris’s hilarious, incompetent, radical path to the vice presidency.

Amazon link to the book available for purchase on Amazon and definitely not "banned" by Jeff Bezos.

fyi, I don't get high, Mystere. I've also never met Les Carpenter.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: Then referring to other "Imaginary" voters... how consistent!

NOBODY except Qtard calls Democrats "DEMNs". A Google search confirms it. Though, Qtard may be right.

Google: What does demn mean? dignified, worthy, respectable antonym ▲ Antonym: nedemn.

BUT I thought he was shortening "Demon". So tell me, WHO is using "DEMN" (excepting Qtard) to refer to Democrats???

On the other hand, I can give evidence that people ARE using "republiturd" to refer to republicans.

Here is the evidence.

Urban Dictionary entry: "republiturd". -noun - adjective - \ri-ˈpə-bli-tərd\ - A person or persons (including corporations according to the republiturd supreme court since they are now a person) that puts corporate profit over and above the lives, livelihood, health, welfare, safety, or any sort of humane treatment. While trying to sound like a victim. This includes those of Republican, Democrat, and Independent (especially recently "converted" from "republican", and especially including the insane "Tea Party" (teabaggers).
George Bush (daddy and son), Dick Cheney, Joe Lieberman (more of a republiturd lapdog), Sarah Palin, Tea Party People, Democrats (blue dog or whatever) that consistently vote along Republican party lines).

The Republiturds in the Senate stopped a bill to provide health care to the first responders of 9/11, after touting them as American Heros for years before.
by BobsWorld October 2, 2010.

That is an entry that has existed since 2010. So, definitely not imaginary -- existing for 13+ years.

Is there an entry for "DEMN" on Urban Dictionary? Yes. But not in reference to Democrats.

demn. damn.
Jessica: I ate your demn chocolate.
by aalyss January 13, 2017.

Demn. A slang used to define 'damn'.
"Demn, that car".
by Praniiiiiit November 11, 2016.

Demn. A term used by world renowned rapper, Kill Lasco.
Guy: Ayo, Carti sucks.
Lasco: Demn.
October 3, 2021.

Joe Conservative said...

I guess that makes you a Demonrat then, Derv...

...if its' in the shammy sham dictionary....

Joe Conservative said...

from the Urban dictionary:

The official defintion for those whom call themselves "democrats", but try to undermine true democracy, other political systems, forbid certain words, discriminate against certain persons whom don't share the same points of view and opinions, cheat at elections, discriminate and use hate crimes against anyone whom doesn't aggree with their fascistic or communistic agenda. True democracy means to also fight for opinions you do not share. At the moment one dosn't do this anymore, one loses the right to be called democrat, and one becomes a demonrat, a twisted, dark, evil version of a true democrat.
In the metro, on our way home.
- Me: Dude, I can't belive they call it sports, if someone can take a dump during a salto.

- Friend: Yeah, I feel you. It seems our society gets more dumb by the day.
- SJW/PC/CC person: How can you say this, you fascist, you nazi, you racist? There are no dumb people. Leave people alone.
- Me: *shrugs* probably one of those demonrats.
-Friend: Yup. Let's sit ourselves some place else, before this pink haired fatso goes into a mental meltdown.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"The official defintion for those whom call themselves "democrats", but try to undermine true democracy..."

I wasn't arguing that "republiturd" is "official", only that the definition exists. "Definition" isn't even spelled correctly.

The Wiki entry says "demon +‎ rat, to sound like Democrat". SOUND LIKE. Sounds like but ISN'T.

fyi, a "turd" is a shitty person -- which republiturds definitely are.

btw, it's republicans who are trying to undermine democracy. d0nald tЯump instructed his White Supremacist foot soldiers to "stand by" for when they were needed. And they did -- until they were called upon by their White Supremacist leader to march on the Capitol and end democracy.

Project 2025 is a roadmap for dismantling democracy in favor of an authoritarian government, fueled by a Christian Nationalist agenda. (712/2024 Democracy Docket article).

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Nothing to say about the FACT that other anti-Kamala books are available for purchase on Amazon? Well, at least the one I found by Charlie Spiering of Breitbart. There are likely others though.

The same thing happened to me -- I just submitted some pictures to Amazon and they rejected them.

From my "seller support" (ha, ha) case log...

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for contacting us. My name is Getsy and I am happy to assist you today.

I understand you are concerned about 5461 error where you are unable to add a product.

We could not validate the images provided for this issue.

To resolve the issue, you can submit a Seller Qualification (SQ) application again with **valid images**

So, HOW are my images not valid? They refuse to say. I chatted with "Seller support" and they don't know. That's another department that handles that -- and they won't answer. Person I chatted with said I should take new pictures and submit those.

I haven't resubmitted any new images yet. But, not knowing why my original images were rejected in the first place, I think it is likely they will be rejected again. I mean, I will be taking pictures of the SAME item, so the pictures will be almost identical.

While Caleb Maupin can create an entirely new cover. It's his book. That Amazon "banned" his book is very unlikely imo. Proven by the fact that there are other anti-Kamala books for sale on Amazon. Meaning this is not a "donation" to the Harris campaign. Comparing this non-banning of a book on Amazon to dotard's NDA payments is pure stupidity.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

"True democracy" as per republican NewSpeak is to disenfranchise as many voters as possible. As CONFIRMED by you.

Joe Conservative said...

Illegals aren't voters Derv.

Joe Conservative said...

Their votes are "illegal".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I was referring to people legally entitled to vote. You want to kick as many of those people off the voting rolls. Especially if they live in areas the vote Democratic.

Illegal immigrants don't vote.

Joe Conservative said...

...and home burglars that don't get caught don't rob...

Joe Conservative said...

...and no, the illegals don't vote. Democrats register and harvest their ballots and vote for them.

Joe Conservative said...

What, they're going to complain to someone?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You want to kick as many of those people off the voting rolls. Especially if they live in areas the vote Democratic.

Naaaaah. The Democrats will do THAT to their own voters. Nobody voted for Kamala. Q.E.D.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Minus: ...and no, the illegals don't vote. Democrats register and harvest their ballots and vote for them.

Only in your delusions.

Minus: Naaaaah. The Democrats will do THAT to their own voters. Nobody voted for Kamala. Q.E.D.

A vote for Biden was a vote for Kamala. They ran as a ticket.

And your "Naaaaah" is complete BS. republicans are all about disenfranchising voters. Kicking people legally entitled to vote off the rolls. Illegal immigrants don't vote. The ballots of illegal immigrants aren't "harvested".

Anonymous said...

Aha... and pigs flying too. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Joe Conservative said...


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You see pigs flying when you stop taking your Seroquel?

Anonymous said...


You wanted to ask? ;-P