Monday, May 20, 2024

This is the End... only Friend... the end.


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Are you planning your "Glorious Leader Putin Victory" party? Will it be catered? Jimmy Dore is throwing one for sure.

"US world domination" to be replaced by "Russia/China world domination"? All the totalitarian lovers will be so happy!

Anonymous said...


I knew. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Who are you asking? One of your alter egos? The alter ego that asked thinks Ukrainians being killed is quite funny, yes?

Joe Conservative said...

What part of multi-polarity don't you get. The one where the CIA throws random coups for mineral right exploitation? Or the one where everyone in the West operates under CBDCs and the citizens can only by solar panels and EVs and contribute to the DNC?

Joe Conservative said...

Isn't THAT what totalitarians do?

Joe Conservative said...

The world is MY oyster. The rest of you, gtf OUT!

Dervish Sanders said...

Minus: The one where the CIA throws random coups...

In Ukraine? There was no CIA thrown coup in Ukraine. That is Russian propaganda. Disputed by me previously.

Yet (somehow) it's me who is a puppet of "liliPut". Well, in the opinion of a certain cretin that admitted it dunno what facts are.

Anonymous said...

\\Who are you asking? One of your alter egos? The alter ego that asked thinks Ukrainians being killed is quite funny, yes?


Continue-continue, cretins. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\What part of multi-polarity don't you get.


That part when you comment on ICBMs flying in USA direction.

From the midst of an ocean. Of unknown origins.

Or... that'll be baloons.

Or... some constructed deseases.


You... never commented on it.

You only loathing CIA and etc -- that need to fix that problem for USA...

while being so morally undermined and gravely underfunded... (and not equipped with NEW techs)

Ah... yes, we agreed that we'd be waiting for Pearl Harbor 2.0.

Which will not happen soon... if you rivals have even dollop of sense in their crazy teapots.


Anonymous said...

\\Yet (somehow) it's me who is a puppet of "liliPut". Well, in the opinion of a certain cretin that admitted it dunno what facts are.

You are??? Your some other alter-ego?

That STILL unable to provide... err, I provided it MANY time -- just to LEARN definition of what FACT is? ;-P

But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

BTW, do you think that puppet... can NOT know that it is puppet??? ;-P

Especially... if it is cretin. ;-P


Dervish Sanders said... you think that puppet... can NOT know that it is puppet???

Either you dunno you're a puppet or you do know and are lying. Why you falsely accuse me. To cover up for the fact that you're the puppet.

Same as tRump. "No puppet, you're the puppet" -- that's what you say. You're a lesser puppet taking cues from Putin's #1 puppet.

Joe Conservative said...

CIA involvement isn't propaganda. The Ukrainian intelligence services MERGED with the CIA LONG before Russia invaded.

Joe Conservative said...

An explosive New York Times exposé by Adam Entous and Michael Schwirtz sheds light on major developments preceding the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. According to the report, the Ukrainian government entered into a wide-ranging partnership with the CIA against Russia. This cooperation, which involved the establishment of as many as 12 secret CIA “forward operating bases” along Ukraine’s border with Russia, began not with Russia’s 2022 invasion, but just over 10 years ago.

Within days of the February 2014 Euromaidan Revolution that culminated with the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych and ushered in a firmly pro-Western government, the newly appointed head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, reportedly proposed a “three-way partnership” with the CIA and MI6, the UK’s foreign intelligence service. Ukrainian security officials gradually proved their value to the U.S. by feeding the CIA intelligence on Russia, including “secret documents about the Russian Navy,” leading to the establishment of CIA bases in Ukraine to coordinate activities against Russia and various training programs for Ukrainian commandos and other elite units.

A graduate of one such CIA training program, then-Lt. Col. Kyrylo Budanov, went on to become the chief of Ukrainian military intelligence.

The NYT is Russian propaganda? Who knew?

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Joe Conservative said...

\\ CIA involvement isn't propaganda. The Ukrainian intelligence services MERGED with the CIA LONG before Russia invaded.


\\Either you dunno you're a puppet or you do know and are lying. Why you falsely accuse me.

Falsely? ;-P

Can you reveal flaw in my Perfectly Logical claims? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Naaaaah. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Same as tRump. "No puppet, you're the puppet" -- that's what you say. You're a lesser puppet taking cues from Putin's #1 puppet.


Definitely what puppet that would not understand being puppet would said. ;-P

You are such a cretin -- that ANY propaganda using you as it's puppet.

3. Key Components and Infrastructure of Forward Operating Bases

Forward Operating Bases (FOBs) play a crucial role in enabling tactical operations in critical regions. These bases serve as temporary military installations that provide essential support to deployed forces, allowing them to maintain a strong presence and conduct operations effectively. The key components and infrastructure of FOBs are carefully designed to meet the unique needs of military personnel operating in challenging environments. From living quarters to communication systems, each element is strategically planned to ensure the success of missions and the well-being of troops.

1. Living Quarters: FOBs are equipped with various types of living quarters to accommodate military personnel. These can range from tents and modular buildings to more permanent structures,

Well... that's noot a problem.

\\2. Security Measures: Security is paramount in FOBs due to their proximity to potentially hostile areas. Perimeter security measures include barriers, fences, and checkpoints to control

That's... already questionable.

\\3. Communication Systems: Effective communication is vital for coordination between different units within a FOB as well as with external command centers. FOBs are equipped with advanced

So??? Is every Starlink in Ukraine IS such a FOB? ;-P

\\4. Logistics Support: FOBs require robust logistics support to sustain operations in remote locations. This includes supply chains for food, water, fuel, ammunition, medical supplies, spare parts, and other essential items. Forward supply points are established within the base to efficiently distribute these resources to deployed units.


\\5. Medical Facilities: Given the inherent risks associated with military operations, FOBs have medical facilities to provide immediate care to injured personnel. These facilities range from


\\6. Airfield and Helipads: FOBs often have airfields or helipads to facilitate the rapid


So, where's Black Hawks???? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

\\The NYT is Russian propaganda? Who knew?


Just cretins writing to other cretins... to consume their staunch cretinity babbling.

\\as many as 12 secret CIA “forward operating bases” along Ukraine’s border with Russia, began not with Russia’s 2022 invasion, but just over 10 years ago.

That cretin DUNNO -- what length of border between Ukraine and Russia???

It's "The total length of the Ukrainian border is 6,992.98 km (4,345.24 mi)."

It's nearly TWICE as distance between your New-York and Los Angeles. ;-P

Do you REALLY think that miserly "12 secret CIA “forward operating bases”" would be enough????

To whatever they designated to accomplish??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

\\Within days of the February 2014 Euromaidan Revolution that culminated with the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych


He fled on his own.

With hauling all his belonging... and money. In cash. ;-P

\\the newly appointed head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, reportedly proposed a “three-way partnership” with the CIA and MI6

What would YOU do... after revealing that your government INFILTARTED nearly 100% with agents and assets of neighbor country... that started occupying your country territory?????

Wouldn't it be wise -- to ask support from rivals of that country????

\\leading to the establishment of CIA bases in Ukraine to coordinate activities against Russia and various training programs for Ukrainian commandos and other elite units.


So Ukraine government was under TOTAL control of CIA??? ;-)))))

So... how on 24th of February... Borders of Ukraine was WIDE OPEN to invasion????

By a Russia agents on Top Notch positions???

Because CIA infiltrated by FSB??? ;-P

Anonymous said...






And basing your claims on "somebody-somebody babbling: listen to me, I'm an expert".... ;-P

PS Don't read Gell-Mann's Newspapaers. ;-P

Anonymous said...


Ukraine conflict: CCTV 'shows Yanukovych fleeing' - BBC News
YouTube · BBC News
28K+ views · 10 years ago
... Yanukovych and his advisers fleeing the presidential compound by helicopter. The helicopter seen in the video bears the registration UR-CRG ...

Did you NOT watched that video???? ;-P

Then... you are just Know Nothing, Joe.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but Putin invaded FOR NO REASONS. He's "just Crazy Vladimir"...

The Left needs to pick a story and stick to it. NOT simply throw bags of sh*t against walls to see what sticks.

Somebody in the USA "Green-lighted" CIA cooperation and Russian subversion. And that "someone" was Obama and Biden. And THAT's the reason for the "Steele Dossier" and all the undermining of American democracy through election interference since. And Ukraine was knee dep in all of it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...the DNC and Never-Trump Neocons leading the charge towards global domination.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Any Americans vote FOR global domination? I know I didn't.

Anonymous said...

\\...but Putin invaded FOR NO REASONS. He's "just Crazy Vladimir"...

Some "expert" said it to you? ;-P

And why Romans destroyed Cartaghen???

They was crazy? ;-P

Why Greeks fought Persians at Marathon???

They was crazy? ;-P

Why your grandpas fought against Redskins, and then with Nazis?

They was crazy? ;-P

Anonymous said...

\\Any Americans vote FOR global domination? I know I didn't.

Those who have great force -- bear greater responsibility.

Don't wanna responsibility?


Disband USA.

Became small submissive critters. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

That's the Plan. We're going "Magnesia" mode from here on out.

Joe Conservative said...

Ever read Plato's "Ion"? Magnesia.

Anonymous said...


One who have read about one Utopia... knows am all. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

...only if they are of the "magnetic" variety. ;)

Joe Conservative said...

...the ions in the electrolytes have got to flow...

Anonymous said...


Joe Conservative said...

Plato, "Ion"

SOCRATES: I perceive, Ion; and I will proceed to explain to you what I imagine to be the reason of this. The gift which you possess of speaking excellently about Homer is not an art, but, as I was just saying, an inspiration; there is a divinity moving you, like that contained in the stone which Euripides calls a magnet, but which is commonly known as the stone of Heraclea. This stone not only attracts iron rings, but also imparts to them a similar power of attracting other rings; and sometimes you may see a number of pieces of iron and rings suspended from one another so as to form quite a long chain: and all of them derive their power of suspension from the original stone. In like manner the Muse first of all inspires men herself; and from these inspired persons a chain of other persons is suspended, who take the inspiration.

Joe Conservative said...

Ion could only speak well of Homer, and no other poets (like Archilochus or Sappho). He knew and was not magnetically suspended by other "Utopias"

Joe Conservative said...

The "common" element linking every Utopia is that they don't exist.

Joe Conservative said...


Anonymous said...


And for a reason. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

All the numbers on your BINGO card were called. ;P

Joe Conservative said...

Like Ion's iron rings.

Joe Conservative said...

....too many re-uptake inhibitors?

Joe Conservative said...


Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are a class of antidepressant medications that treat depression, anxiety, and other conditions. They work by increasing the amount of serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain, which are chemicals that regulate mood, attention, and stress. SNRIs are also used to treat: social phobia, chronic neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia syndrome, and menopausal symptoms

Anonymous said...

Better measured amount of old good alcohol... into artifical wombs. ;-P

"Let's T be always with you".

Rattrapper said...

How ya doin' Q?

Dervish Sanders said...

"How ya doin' Q?"

Translation: "please like me!"

Joe Conservative said...

Translation: "Divide and Conquer"