Thursday, May 16, 2024

Don't Fall for it, Georgia!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Yeah, because Putin's puppets want Georgia to fall for their propaganda.

Joe Conservative said...

Naaah. The NGO's are there to protect Georgian institutions, not lure them into conflict with Russia... @@.

Joe Conservative said...

George Soros loves you, Georgia. So does the NED, the NDI and the IRI...

Joe Conservative said...

Why should these NGO's have to register as foreign agents, anyways?

Anonymous said...

For how long will Georgia continue to exist as sovereign and independent state... and not became just YET ONE region of "multi-national" RFia???

Your prediction?

Bit of trivia to you -- like PARTs of Georgia -- Abhasia and Osetia ALREADY became. ;-P

Well... "what is the biggest happiness -- to live in Soviet Paradise", yes???


Joe Conservative said...

A non-communist one sounds pretty cozy, not as stealthily corrupt as the NATO alliance.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

If Russia invades, it is because they were "lured" into doing so... That is very NewSpeakian.

Qtard appears to be down with it. IT sounds very jealous, wishing IT could live in the "Soviet Paradise" of IT's master. Why don't you defect, Qtard?

I heard that Tara Reade did.

Joe Conservative said...

What ever happened to the #MeToo credo and believing the woman, Dervy? Is it now, chase her out of the country if she accuses a (D) man?

Joe Conservative said...

...and is that because everyone knows that (D) men have no d*cks?

Dervish Sanders said...

Tara Reade is being chased out of the country? She isn't going to Russia to collect payment for her phony baloney story about how Joe Biden grabbed her by the privates?

Definitely phony. SAME thing dotard donald admitted he does. On tape. Isn't that funny, how that goes? Everything dotard donald does, it turns out those are "really" things Joe Biden does.

Like shitting in his pants. Confirmed by multiple sources that dotard donald has been pooping himself for many years. But, no, that is "really" Joe Biden who does that. That's totally believable. Not.

Anonymous said...

\\A non-communist one sounds pretty cozy, not as stealthily corrupt as the NATO alliance.

Don't read Gell-Mann's newspaper. ;-P

\\If Russia invades, it is because they were "lured" into doing so... That is very NewSpeakian.


With demonstrated weakness. Inability to respond to a threats.

\\Qtard appears to be down with it. IT sounds very jealous, wishing IT could live in the "Soviet Paradise" of IT's master. Why don't you defect, Qtard?

Talking with your alter-egos, again? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\Tara Reade is being chased out of the country? She isn't going to Russia to collect payment for her phony baloney story about how Joe Biden grabbed her by the privates?

So??? Snowden did nothing too???

By such logic? ;-P

\\Like shitting in his pants. Confirmed by multiple sources that dotard donald has been pooping himself for many years. But, no, that is "really" Joe Biden who does that. That's totally believable. Not.

Because "princesses do not poop"? ;-P

As you propaganda narrative told you. :-)))))))))))))))))))))

Joe Conservative said...

...princesses... LOL!

Anonymous said...

Check it out... what Google think about it. ;-)

"princesses do not poop" ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

Author Николай Колягин, an image in Shedevrum created using the prompt "Princesses do not poop and if they poop, then with marshmallows"

Marshmellows... Rocky Road icecream?

Dervish Sanders said...

One of your alter egos is a princess that doesn't poop? Is this the transvestite alter ego that wears women's scarfs? Very self revealing.

Dervish Sanders said...

Why are Minus and Qtard both babbling about princesses and pooping? Are you two coprophiles? To Minus princess poop tastes like Roxy Road ice cream?

Anonymous said...


YET ONE demonstration -- how cretin UNABLE to grok figural speaking.

A figure of speech is a creative use of language to generate an effect. Some figures of speech, like metaphor, simile, and metonymy, are found in everyday language. Others, like antithesis, circumlocution, and puns take more practice to implement in writing.

20 Types of Figures of Speech, With Definitions and Examples

Anonymous said...

"princesses do not poop" -- that is idiom

An idiom (also called idiomatic expression) is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers . This meaning is different from the literal meaning of the idiom's individual elements.

Common (and uncommon) idioms explained Part 1 | IDP IELTS

Anonymous said...

That refer precisely to such as you DEMN cretins -- that venerate Bi-den...

as one that never err, never wrongdoing, never poop... so to say.

Well... you ALREADY showed that you believe that Bi-den do not poop... only dRump do. ;-P

Joe Conservative said...

in other words, Dervy's hero's sh*t never stinks.

Joe Conservative said...

...cuz he never even sh*ts.

Joe Conservative said...

...cuz what happens ob-skene "never happened". His hero is entirely "open" and therefore there are no ob-skene moments.

Joe Conservative said... 'oficialista' if ever there were one.

Joe Conservative said...

What of all Biden's on-air and public gaffs? He 'airbrushes' them all from memory.

Joe Conservative said...

...much as the Government algorithmic and tech censors do to the internet... to preserve a "pristine' hyper-real environment for the "Big Other's" ahistorical consumption

Joe Conservative said...

"Appearances" uber alles.

Joe Conservative said...

...a non-sh*tting President.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and a place where all his Presidential opponents and critics do is sh*t and sh*t big stinky sh*ts.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

All managed through Hitchcockian cuts, with the Republican Party as the uncanny 'qua object" in the censorial framing of the Narrative's accompanying metaphorical montage.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...and the "subjective view" always one of a "Democrat".

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: "princesses do not poop" -- that is idiom An idiom (also called idiomatic expression) is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers .

Why you don't understand. YOU said English isn't your native language.

Qtard: That refer precisely to such as you DEMN cretins -- that venerate Bi-den... as one that never err, never wrongdoing, never poop... so to say.

No. I don't venerate this imaginary "Bi-den".

Well... you ALREADY showed that you believe that Bi-den do not poop... only dRump do.

Neither one does, given that they are both imaginary. Imaginary people don't poop. Real Biden and tRump, they both poop. Literally and metaphorically. Though tRump "poops" a LOT more.

Minus: What of all Biden's on-air and public gaffs? He 'airbrushes' them all from memory.

No. Though, why should I admit them to you? When you admit no gaffs from tRump? Everyone gaffs. And people in the public eye have their gaffs caught on camera. I've seen Biden gaffs. Not airbrushed from my memory.

Minus: ...much as the Government algorithmic and tech censors do to the internet... to preserve a "pristine' hyper-real environment for the "Big Other's" ahistorical consumption

Twitter re-branded X doesn't exist? There is no Rumble? Most of the videos you post here aren't hosted by YouTube? "Our disinformation is being censored!!" Why you have to post even MORE. To make up for the small amount that is "censored".

Minus: ...a non-sh*tting President.

donald tRump. In your mind.

Minus: ...and a place where all his Presidential opponents and critics do is sh*t and sh*t big stinky sh*ts.

Opponents of tRump? Yeah, you do see it that way.

Minus: All managed through Hitchcockian cuts, with the Republican Party as the uncanny 'qua object" in the censorial framing of the Narrative's accompanying metaphorical montage.

Sounds like what the republican party does to Democrats. i.e. Joe Biden gaffs and stutters are proof of "dementia". But donald tRump babbling about airports existing during the civil war... that's him referring to hot air balloons. LOL.

Minus: ..and the "subjective view" always one of a "Democrat".

So what? And your subjective view is always one of a trumpturd White Supremacist.

btw, you do remember that discussion in which you defended dotard donald referring to Civil War "airports", yes? Or maybe you'll pull a Qtard and ask for quotes? Not remember that absurd explanation you gave.

Anonymous said...

\\Why you don't understand. YOU said English isn't your native language.

Not understand... but able to explain it properly? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

That is funny, how meaning of words change... in your behind glass world. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

\\No. I don't venerate this imaginary "Bi-den".


\\Neither one does, given that they are both imaginary. Imaginary people don't poop. Real Biden and tRump, they both poop. Literally and metaphorically. Though tRump "poops" a LOT more.

Biden -- the Best Pooper? ;-P

Means... even if it poops, "Literally and metaphorically", it -- still the best. That Bi-den. ;-P

\\No. Though, why should I admit them to you? When you admit no gaffs from tRump? Everyone gaffs.

But... not just everyone are POTUS... with power to launch ICBMs all around World.

But, DEMN cretins like you -- do not get it.

And scream "vote Bi-den!"... even though it'll became ONLY WORSE.

\\Sounds like what the republican party does to Democrats.

Learned to do it from DEMN-rats? ;-P

DEMN-rats thought that it's can be ONLY THEIR weapon??? ;-P

What a cretins. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Dunno what idiom "do not throw stones when you living in a house made of glass" mean.


\\Joe Biden gaffs and stutters are proof of "dementia".

What is Dementia? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment
Alzheimer's Association › what-is...
dementia із сайту
Dementia is a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life.

Which is INEVITABLE for people 80+.

But... you are cretin, that think that "loss of memory, language, problem-solving" are nothing biggy... for one who'd gonna became POTUS.

Definite proof of you and all DEMN-folk to be BIGGLY cretins. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Dervish Sanders said...

Qtard: Which is INEVITABLE for people 80+.

Cretin is wrong. Despite capping "inevitable". What IT wrote is false.

Qtard: But... you are cretin, that think that "loss of memory, language, problem-solving" are nothing biggy... for one who'd gonna became POTUS.

Yeah, why DO you think that is nothing biggy? Think a dementia-addled donald tRump as predisent will be easier for his master Putin to manipulate?

Qtard: Definite proof of you and all DEMN-folk to be BIGGLY cretins.

Imaginary "Demn-folk" aside, I do agree you are a bigly cretin. Dunno much about dementia. Wrongly believe it is "inevitable" for anyone 80+ says, "As we age, our brains change, but Alzheimer's disease and related dementias are not an inevitable part of aging".

btw, "Normal brain aging may mean slower processing speeds and more trouble multitasking, but routine memory, skills, and knowledge are stable and may even IMPROVE with age".

Anonymous said...

\\ Dervish Sanders said...

\\ Qtard: Which is INEVITABLE for people 80+.

\\ Cretin is wrong. Despite capping "inevitable". What IT wrote is false.

Yeah... human capabilities -- do not dwindle with age. Especially if one drinks Bwando?????

Yes, cretin??? :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

And there is MANY people that demonstrate youthful vigor... in their 80+.

Like prominent grossmeisters, scientists, writers, programmer... and other people with highly-intellectual workloads.

And people go retire around their 60+ NOT because their proves became thin... incomparable with 30-40 years prime of development: physical and intellectual.

But... just because??? Yes???

How old are you????

\\Yeah, why DO you think that is nothing biggy? Think a dementia-addled donald tRump as predisent will be easier for his master Putin to manipulate?

Are dRump 80+ ACTING POTUS???? ;-P

\\Imaginary "Demn-folk" aside, I do agree you are a bigly cretin. Dunno much about dementia. Wrongly believe it is "inevitable" for anyone 80+

And you know ALL about it?

From own experience? ;-P

\\ says, "As we age, our brains change, but Alzheimer's disease and related dementias are not an inevitable part of aging".


"If you'll drink Bwando every day... because it have e-le-c-tro-lytes"??? :-))))))))))))))))))

\\btw, "Normal brain aging may mean slower processing speeds and more trouble multitasking, but routine memory, skills, and knowledge are stable and may even IMPROVE with age".

Under extreme condition struggling for power as most loaded intellectually and over-responsibility position -- as POTUS are???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You -- definitely ARE cretin.

Just on base of this one claim. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Qtard: Just on base of this one claim.


Anonymous said...

NewSpeakean "Yes".


Dervish Sanders said...


Anonymous said...

NewSpeakean "Yes".


Anonymous said...

NewSpeakean "Yes".


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Dervish Sanders said...

Derangement caused 2X doubles above?

The evidence suggests YES.

Anonymous said...
